I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 245: 222: Cause and effect

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"I finally know why the elder sisters don't recommend that we go to the toilet in the bathroom on the first floor. This ghost is really annoying."

   "Uuuuu...you came in by yourself, and it is annoying to abandon me. You always do this..."

   "Stop talking about her Lisa, she is already very sad."

"But I have never seen such a crying ghost. Do you still remember the ghost of my great-grandfather living in my house that I mentioned to you? Although he usually nags us juniors, he also Knowing when to speak and when not to speak, which is like this, we are now in the toilet."

   "Woo woo woo..."

   "Alright Lisa, stop talking about her."

   Lynn leaned back against the wall in front of the bathroom door, silently listening to the conversation between the two little girls inside.

Today is the early morning of September 2nd. Lynn was tortured by the cries of Myrtle in the bathroom last night. When the sky was still light in the morning, there were two first-year girls who seemed to be ready to go. Flying lessons, drop by the bathroom on the first floor to go to the toilet.

   He had to come out of the bathroom to avoid him, so as not to be called a perverted title.

   But he heard the conversation between the two little girls in the bathroom. It is estimated that after this time, they will never come to this bathroom on the first floor again.

Lynn leaned back against the wall, closed his eyes and squinted for a while. He didn't feel tired at all if he didn't sleep all night, but yesterday Myrtle was so noisy, she actually cried abruptly. Throughout the night, disturbing Lynn was upset, not only did he not rest, but was annoyed by the noise all night.

   "There is no light yet. Are you okay without Behird? Be careful of the steps."

   "Wait Lisa, I use magic, it's too dark here. The fluorescence flickers."

   "Oh! I remember you said that your parents are both Muggles? We have learned the magic wand lighting spell before we even have a spell lesson?"

   "It's not that great, not only me, but I think many freshmen in Ravenclaw seem to have learned it by themselves before the start of school."

   "Yes, after all, we are an academy known for wisdom, and there are many smart people."

   Two little girls from Ravenclaw came out of the bathroom while chatting. One of them was a pale little girl with long light blonde hair and a sick complexion holding a wand with a glowing top in her hand.

   "Our first class was flying lessons, which is awesome! I only played with toy brooms at home." Lisa excitedly said to Behird beside her.

   Behird did not respond to her companion's words. She held her glowing wand and stared at the adult male who didn't know when to lean against the wall and closed his eyes.

   "Luo, Professor Lockhart." She recognized the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor who had been introduced by the principal Professor Dumbledore at the opening dinner last night.

   Lynn heard the call and opened his eyes in surprise. He saw two little girls looking at him with strange faces, one of them was holding a glowing wand in his hand.

   The sufficient light source made his phantom spell invalid.

   Lynn whispered unlucky secretly in his heart, but fortunately, his current appearance is in Lockhart's appearance, it will undoubtedly be more troublesome if he uses his original appearance.

   He yawned and replied, "Hello."

   "Professor, why are you here?"

Lynn found an excuse to perfunctively: "Today I am going to take my first class after becoming a professor. I didn’t sleep well last night. I just leaned here to rest for a while. You go to class, I also have Something else."

   He didn't want to be in contact with these two girls for too long, lest the other one would meet him here.

   But when he turned around and was about to leave, the little girl named Behirard stopped him again, her appearance looked a little twisted.

   "Professor, I read some of the books you wrote before the start of school. I feel that you have a very unique view of dark magic creatures. Can you tell me what the nature of dark magic is?"

   Lynn's expression was stunned, he turned his head and looked carefully at this girl who looked a little shy, with her long pale blonde hair combed into two braids, her complexion became very strange.

"The essence of black magic is the evil thoughts of wizards when using magic. I do have something right now. If you want to know more specific, please come to the classroom and ask me in advance when I teach you next time." He was serious. After speaking to this little Ravenclaw girl, she turned her head and left in a hurry.

   Behirard’s companion Lisa tilted her head and looked at the back of Lynn leaving, and said puzzledly: "Professor Lockhart looks very busy."

Behirard looked like a diehard fan of Lockhart, the liar before. She explained to the idol: "He is the first time to be a professor. Of course he will be a bit busy on the first day. Let's go first, wait a minute. The next time I was in defense class, I continued to ask him questions."

   The two little girls turned and walked outside the castle.

   "Why do you ask the professor this question? The essence of black magic sounds very high and deep."

   "Because I am curious whether it is a bad person as long as I use black magic."


   Lynn didn't leave at all. He released the Phantom Charm again at a corner of the corridor today, hiding his figure.

   The invisibility effect achieved by the phantom body spell is indeed somewhat inconvenient. Even if Lynn practices this magic to be as proficient as his Shenfeng Wuying, it will also fail under the illumination of a strong light source.

He should purchase a cloak made of invisible beast fur from Diagon Alley before time travel. Although it doesn’t take long and it will expire after a while, it’s at least much stronger than the effect of the phantom spell. Moreover, the duration is not long, so I will buy a few of them and replace them.

   It's a pity that Linn can't buy things from Diagon Alley until now. When the time comes, the invisibility cloak is bought and I don't know who to send it to.

  The matter of invisibility is second. Of course the first-year girl from Ravenclaw, Lynn, still remembers.

   In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class a week later, the girl will come to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom in advance, and then continue to ask the other him this question.

   Lynn has never forgotten this. He thought that someone pretended to be him, or the memory of the real Lockhart had recovered and appeared in Hogwarts.

   As a result, I didn't expect that the person who answered her question was really himself, but only the self from the future.

   After re-using the phantom spell on himself, Lynn returned to the interior of the bathroom.

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He actually didn’t need to stay vigilant and notice if anyone came in. He asked Myrtle when he opened the entrance to the secret room three weeks later. Before that, she didn’t see anyone opening the secret room, which meant the person who sneaked into the secret room. People went in after Myrtle left the bathroom.

   So he only needs to pay special attention to the time when Myrtle is not in the bathroom.

   Lynn has been staying near the bathroom these days.

   When school just started, some freshmen girls would come to this bathroom on the first floor to go to the bathroom, but two days later, after the fame of Myrtle spread among the freshmen, no one came here.

   Lynn stayed inside and listened to Myrtle’s uninterrupted crying for almost twenty-four hours, and he got used to it after a long time.

   Even at night, he felt that Myrtle’s cry had a hypnotic effect.

   In a blink of an eye, another three days passed. On the evening of September 5th, Lynn was reading a magic book in a corner of the wall in the bathroom.

Of course he wouldn’t be bored to be in a daze every day. After the first day, Lynn mastered a little trick. He used the phantom spell on the cover of the magic book to hide its appearance, and then turned the cover of the book outward. The content faces me, so I can barely read the book.

   Lynn’s black magic is very strong, and few black wizards can match him, but he is still lacking in some normal spells.

   Of course, if he follows the normal third-grade learning schedule, the curse he will definitely has exceeded the outline.

  The object of Lynn's comparison is not the same age as his own grade, but the adult wizard.

For example, the magic he lacks most now is Phantom Migration. Ivanov showed him the potential of this instant spell in the battle of the Soviet Union. Phantom Migration not only allows wizards to make long-distance jumps more convenient, and use skilled magic power. After being strong enough to cast a spell silently, it can even achieve the effect of flashing in battle.

   However, phantom migration is forbidden in Hogwarts, and this kind of magic is very dangerous when you learn it. Improper use can easily cause the consequences of splitting. No one is watching, and Lynn does not dare to practice it by himself.

   In addition, there is a guardian **** curse. This curse is not a top-notch curse if it is only a combat power, but it specifically restrains dementors.

   When Sirius escapes from Azkaban next year, the Dementor moves into Hogwarts. This magic will be very useful.

   So Lynn plans to learn the patron saint curse within this year, and the magic book he is reading now is a related book borrowed from the library through the identity of a professor before time travel.

Lynn did not expect to learn this kind of high-end magic in a short while. Besides, the patron saint curse especially requires the user's emotions to be positive and healthy. He wondered if he could learn this curse if he used more black magic. .

   Think about it that even Snape can use someone who is darker than him. If you don't have any reason, you can't learn it.

   "Myrtle, Barrow, the Blood Man, is going to hold the 78th Ghost Council today. Are you going? If you want to, you can join me."

   A chubby, kind-looking ghost floated slowly into the bathroom.

   Lynn quietly closed the book in his hand, and recognized the ghost as a fat monk from Hochpatch College.

   Myrtle stopped crying, she choked and said, "Why didn't anyone notify me in advance?"

   The fat monk helplessly explained to her: "Maybe those people have forgotten, and am I here?"

No ghost is willing to come here to inform Myrtle. Not only is her reputation not so good among the little wizards, but the ghosts also don’t like her, because her emotions are so sensitive that she can cry at every turn. The fat monk also came to see her this time. Poor, by the way, explain that I really didn't hold a death banquet last time, instead of just not inviting her alone.

   Myrtle floated out of the bathroom compartment quietly, and she followed the fat monk and left here.

   "What are you going to discuss at this meeting?"

   "It's probably the same question. Whether or not to expel Pippi ghost from the ghost status? To be honest, I always thought that Pippi ghost should be given a chance."

   "Woo, Pippi is over, is it me the next person to be expelled? Or have you discussed this topic in private?"

"You think too much, we haven't discussed this matter, and my death party this year is really not held, but Sir Nicholas plans to host a death party, he will invite you then, or he should be this year Invite all the ghosts of Hogwarts."

   Lynn listened to their conversation and gradually faded away. Instead of taking the book out of his pocket, he shrank and hid himself deeper.

   Myrtle left the bathroom, which means that now is an opportunity to open the secret room.

   Lynn held his breath and waited quietly.

   It didn't take long for the outside to suddenly become a little noisy. Hearing the sound, there should be some little wizards who have finished their dinner and are ready to go back to the lounge.

   "You should be thankful that Professor Sprout has managed the beating willow." He heard Hermione's voice.

"Okay Hermione, Harry and I have already been scolded by my mother's yelling letter, you don't have to nag us about this thing~www.novel35.com~Professor McGonagall will have a way to punish us "Ron said.

   Harry was also praying: "I hope Professor McGonagall will not punish us to Filch, otherwise that would be too bad."

   The voices of the three of them also faded away, and then suddenly a dark figure ran from the corridor into the bathroom.

   Lynn was startled at first, and he became vigilant, but soon he turned around awkwardly, not looking at the person entering the bathroom.

   is a little girl who is urinating, as if she can't hold it back, she can't help but come to the toilet on the first floor.

   "Fortunately, Myrtle is not here." The little girl murmured fortunately, her voice was a bit familiar, and Lynn sounded like the little sister Ginny of the Weasley family.

   She left the bathroom after going to the toilet, showing no abnormalities.

   These are just insignificant episodes, time has been slowly passing by, and by 11 o'clock in the evening, Myrtle still didn't come back.

   This is normal for the ghosts. They don't need to sleep and rest. Night is the best time for them to spend time. Lynn's mental strain is now a bit slack.

   He closed his eyes and leaned gently against the wall, his breathing slowly became even as if he was asleep.

   Quietly in the bathroom, at this moment, a figure shrouded in darkness walked into the bathroom silently like a ghost.

   There was a gentle wind blowing, and Lynn suddenly opened his eyes!

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