I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 253: 228: Entrance at Hogwarts

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"You are looking for the old lady Rose Daniel?"

The teller at the front desk of the Owl Post Office looked up and down at Lynn in surprise. He seemed to be surprised that some people knew they had such a person here.

"Go inside, she lives next to the owl shed. If you are going to leave later, just walk through the back door. I will close the door after get off work soon."


Lynn nodded at him and walked towards the back of the post office.

The Owl Post Office, as its name suggests, is a post office that uses owls as couriers. One or two owls are definitely not enough when sending larger items, such as the lot that Rozier sent to Lynn in the second grade. Something, a dozen owls were hired.

So just like the owl shed at Hogwarts, there is also an owl shed behind this post office, and someone is specially hired to take care of these little guys. This person is the Daniel's mother-in-law that Lynn will find on this trip.

When Lynn came to the owl shed, he saw an elderly old witch feeding the owls.

She looks very big in her grade, with her waist hunched, a pair of reading glasses on her face, grey hair, a dirty dark blue robe, and a pointed hat with patches on her head.

The shed is as neatly organized as the Hogwarts owl shed, crowded but tidy and orderly. Most of the owls are not very quiet, because the night is when they should be active, but although they are screaming and making noise, But they all stood on the wooden shelf honestly, waiting for the old witch to distribute the small bugs to the trough in front of them.

The number of owls here is not necessarily less than that in Hogwarts, but the owl shed at Hogwarts has hundreds of house elves taking turns to take care of it, but here is only the old witch.

There was a large copper basin under her body, which was filled with a kind of maggot-like bugs. The old witch used her old wand about her age to lightly touch the copper basin. The insect was led by magic and flew into the trough in front of the owls.

A large swath of "maggots" was flying around under the black pressure, making Lynn couldn't help but feel a layer of goose bumps.

Granny Daniel had noticed Lynn who walked in, but she just glanced at him blankly, and didn't mean to communicate with Lynn in the slightest.

Lynn didn't feel embarrassed either. The more capable people were, the stranger their temper. Besides, Aberforth had reminded him before he came, unless he reported his name, otherwise the old witch would ignore him.

"Hello Granny Daniel, the owner of the pig's head bar asked me to come here to find you."

Granny Daniel's figure paused, she turned around and took a closer look at Lynn, and said in a hoarse and weird voice.

"What did that old guy ask you to do?"

"I want to find out some secrets about Hogsmeade. He said that you have been living in Hogsmeade and you should provide me with some help."

"Jie Jie Jie..." Granny Daniel laughed strangely, "You did not benefit him less, did you?"

Lynn scratched his brows and smiled dryly: "He took me a hundred gallons."

Granny Daniel sneered and shook her head, and walked into a wooden house next to the owl shed with her hands behind her back.

"Come in and sit down."

Lynn followed her and walked into the cabin. This cabin is similar to Hagrid’s cabin, but although there are many small things in the place, the whole is not cluttered. It can be seen that Granny Daniel’s usual hygiene habits are at least better than Aberforth's scruffy ghost is much better.

After Granny Daniel entered the room, she took off her robe and used the Descaling Curse, and then put on a dark green housekeeper's robe.

She sat on a large rocking chair, squinted danglingly, and pointed her finger at the teapot on the stove. The teapot flew over by herself and poured a cup of hot tea for Lynn and herself.

"The old guy opened his eyes when he saw the money, but a hundred Jin Jialong sold me a good price." Granny Daniel said while sipping the hot tea in the cup.

Lynn didn't speak, he was afraid that he would say that the hundred gallons were actually his money for the yard, and coming to her was just Aberforth's addition to him, and the old witch would chase him out on the spot.

"The secrets of Hogsmeade are so much gone, what do you want to know?"

"I heard that there is a treasure trove in Hogsmeade?"

Lynn didn’t explain what he wanted to find in the Pig’s Head Bar because he was afraid that the person who really took the basilisk was hidden in Hogsmeade. If he directly asked Hogsmeade if there are any legends about the treasures, I’m sure. Will stun the snake.

But now in front of Daniel's mother-in-law, he has no such worries. After all, it is the person introduced by Dumbledore's brother, and it is unlikely that he has anything to do with the basilisk.

"You want to come to Hogsmeade to hunt for treasure?" Granny Daniel chuckled. "Treasure land also has many meanings. Opening a candy store, Froome, hid a private money in the cellar without telling his wife. A treasure trove?"

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Lynn shook his head: "The treasure place I am looking for may not contain gold and silver treasures. It may have hidden treasures in the past, and the treasures may have been taken away later. This place must be concealed and sufficient. Very few people know where it is."

The place where the basilisk can be hidden is certainly not too small. The big snake is more than 20 feet long, which is six or seven meters long when converted, and it is huge in size. The average cellar really can't fit it.

"There are many conditions, so if Hogsmeade has this place and I know it, it should be very impressive." Granny Daniel recalled on the swaying chair, and she soon told a legend.

"In the past, before the goblins occupied Hogsmeade, the ugly guys built a lot of large cellars here. Some of these underground secret rooms were held as prisoners of war in the war of the goblin rebellion. The wizarding prisoners of war, and others were used to house the old, weak, sick and disabled among the fairies.

As for what the group of fairies value extremely, the various weapons they have created and the gold and silver treasures needed for war will naturally need such a cellar, because they have enough weapons and treasures, so this cellar should also be large enough. After the defeat, this place may not be discovered by the Ministry of Magic. The fairies are very united, especially when it comes to the treasure. They conceal the existence of this treasure house together. Then after the wizard and the fairies reconcile and re-establish trust, they will put the treasure house together. All the treasures in China moved to Gringotts, and proudly concealed this treasure place forever, and would never let anyone know about it. "

Lynn stared at Daniel's mother-in-law: "Then how did you know?"

"I? I don't know." Daniel said slowly, "What I just said is just my guess, but it is true that the goblins have built many large cellars in Hogsmeade. As for whether there is such a treasure place , You can treat it as a legend. Whether this legend is true or not depends on you to verify whether or not this place exists. I can't help you."

"Then where are the entrances to these cellars? I heard that there is a war criminal camp built by fairies in Hogsmeade. The owner of the Honey Duke Candy Shop moved to Hogsmeade for this, but they found it. Three generations have not found the entrance to this cellar."

"I can really give you some advice on this." Granny Daniel dangled the hot tea in the cup, "Hogsmeade has been turned aside by three generations of Froome but has not found the entrance to the cellar, then This entrance is not in Hogsmeade."

"Where can it be?"

"Apart from Hogsmeade, aren't there any other sorcerers gathering places suitable for hiding?"

Lynn's pupils suddenly shrank: "You mean the entrance is at Hogwarts?"

This is indeed possible. After all, the Basilisk was originally in the Hogwarts castle. If it wants to go to a new hiding place in Hogsmeade, it will inevitably be at risk of being seen by others. You can go directly from Hogwarts Castle to this place without such worries.

Granny Daniel shook her head: "This is not what I told you, it is your guess, and it has nothing to do with me."

Of course Lynn understood what she meant. She was now a middle-aged wizard. If she wanted to find the entrance to Hogwarts, she would definitely not be able to enter it in an open manner. If something went wrong, she didn't want to be implicated.

"Then if I enter Hogwarts and want to find this entrance, what advice can you give?"

"That old guy's face is only this big at best, and you're going to get out after you ask this question." Granny Daniel drank the tea in the cup and said mercilessly.

"This is my last question."

"The time when the goblins occupied Hogsmeade was in 1612, but as far as I can tell, they built the cellar much earlier than this time. At that time, they probably had not completely broken with the wizard. The entrance wanted to be built to Hogsmeade. Gewarts, someone in the castle must know."

Lynn frowned: "But after so many years, anyone who knew at that time must have died early."

"Can't a dead person speak?"

Lynn was obviously not a stupid person, and he immediately understood what Daniel's mother-in-law meant.

"You mean, the ghost in Hogwarts!"

"The two oldest ghosts in Hogwarts are from Slytherin and Ravenclaw. The **** jazz has a cold personality. He won't talk to you about any past events~www.novel35.com~ but the one who lives The lady in the Eagle's Nest is different."

Lin En stood up from the chair suddenly, and he thanked Granny Daniel seriously.

"Thank you for promoting Granny Daniel."

"After thanking you, let's go. People are getting older, so they should go to bed earlier and can't stay up late."

Lynn didn't bother her, and left here in a hurry.

The dim light illuminates the hut, and this small space is peaceful again.

Granny Daniel sat on the rocking chair, danglingly looked at the remaining tea dregs at the bottom of her teacup, and laughed inexplicably.

"The traveler of time, the future obscured by the fog, the head of the stars at Hogwarts, interesting, really interesting."

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