I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 285: 260: Accept the punishment! Lockhart

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Holding the camera in his arms, Xiao buried his head out of the classroom, calculating the time in his mind and felt that it was almost time for Lynn to come.

It didn’t take long before she saw Lynn stepping up the stairs to the fifth floor. He was also followed by a group of Ravenclaw’s fourth-grade little wizards, especially young girls. A group of people surrounded him. He was joking, wondering whether he was asking questions about learning or asking some other weird questions.

This has to be reported to Hermione.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mu immediately retracted his head back into the classroom and reported to George who was always ready: "Lockhart has appeared."

George suddenly refreshed, he took out the age-increasing bomb and suddenly jumped out of the classroom, and at the same time shouted: "Fred!"

At the same time, when he shouted, Fred also jumped out of the classroom behind Lynn, and they saw Lynn standing out among a group of girls.

There is no slightest fear of spreading to the Ravenclaw witches. If they really pity the jade, it would not be George and Fred. They almost moved their hands to Lynn’s head and threw the prank bomb in their hands. go out.

"Accept the punishment Lockhart!"

They shouted in unison, and the little wizard Ravenclaw around Lynn gave out a cry of exclamation.

And the two mischievous bombs that they got out of their hands also flew straight towards Lynn's face.

George and Fred didn't mean to stop after throwing the first one. They didn't even see if the bomb hit Lynn's face, and then threw the next one.

Of course Lynn didn't mean the slightest panic. In his eyes, the two bombs flying towards him were as slow as two hydrogen balloons.

He tilted his head slightly, and the big dung bomb flying from behind and the age-increasing bomb flying from the front passed by his left and right sides, without even touching his hair.

But less than a second after the two bombs intertwined with each other, like a magnet affected by magnetism, they stopped in mid-air against common sense of mechanics, and then flew over Linn again.

The second one that George and Fred threw each followed closely, and they slammed Lynn in the face again.

The Weasley twins’ grades in school are not very good, but their hands-on skills are very good. They seem to have inherited the talent of Arthur Weasley, but they only used this talent to make prank props. Above this gadget.

The reason why the dung bomb and the age-increasing bomb can be guided by the enemy can be seen by Lynn. George and the others have engraved the flying curse pattern on the bomb, which is the opposite of the flying curse. This thing is almost equivalent to half an alchemy item.

Alchemy is a very advanced knowledge in the magical world, even more difficult to learn than potions. Hogwarts has not offered relevant courses.

It is said that it was because they could not find a suitable teacher, and the wizards in the British magical world had no pursuit of alchemy, far not as strong as the alchemy atmosphere in Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

From this, we can see how powerful the Weasley brothers are in this regard. They have not been systematically studied at Hogwarts, and they are able to research a semi-finished alchemy item.

The flying curse is a spell with the opposite effect of the flying curse. It allows items to fly to a target you specify. It is part of the normal fourth-grade learning content, but the difficulty of attaching the effect of the spell to an item can be It's not ordinary.

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Just when the bombs staggered back and the two bombs thrown by the two Weasley brothers, a total of four bombs were about to hit Lynn's face, he kept his face and pointed his magic wand lightly. .

"The curse stops immediately."

Suddenly all the effects of the flying curse attached to the four bombs were erased.

The Universal Cracking Curse could not erase the magical effects attached to alchemy items at all, but the bombs made by the Weasley brothers are semi-finished products after all. The Flying Curse is not well integrated with the bombs, so it can only It's a half-dangling alchemy item, this will make Lynn's cracking curse have an effect.

When the flying curse on the bomb was eliminated, it was about to fall to the ground and it would also detonate. Lynn lightly waved his wand again. This time he did not pronounce the curse, and all the bombs were suspended quietly. Mid-air.

A perfect silent floating spell.

The little wizards of Ravenclaw around were stunned by Lynn's first-hand reaction.

Of course, George and Fred were not reconciled to their plan being resolved in this way. They didn’t believe in evil and kept taking out large dung bombs and age-increasing bombs from their pockets and threw them at Lynn, but they were all killed by Lynn without exception. A cracking curse and a suspension curse were caught.

Until all of their ten mischievous bombs were thrown out, none of them could penetrate within half a meter of Linn.

"Is this the punishment you gave me, Mr. Weasley?" Lynn leaned back against the classroom wall, smiled and turned to look at the dumbfounded George and Fred. "I think they might be more suitable for you." Some."

George and Fred had already noticed something wrong at this time, and Fred shouted: "Run!" The next moment, both he and George ran in opposite directions for their lives.

However, Lynn had already pronounced the spell.

"The bomb flies away."

The ten mischievous bombs hovering in front of him were like soldiers under command. They immediately divided into two camps and flew in the direction of George and Fred.

The speed of the bomb flying is like a tennis dunk dunked. Of course, George and Fred did not have the reaction speed of Lynn. They were hit in the back of the head by their respective bombs before they ran two meters forward.

Lynn’s distribution is very reasonable, UU reading www.uukanshu. They both hit two different bombs.

The effect of the big dung bomb was very significant, large stains exploded on them, and at the same time an unbearable stench filled the corridor.

The age-increasing bomb also had the effect it should have. George and Fred's hair became gray, and a large cluster of white beards appeared on their chins. Their heights did not change much, but their skins were old and unsatisfactory. Looks like his face is full of wrinkles and age spots, and he looks no different from a normal old man.

And Xiao Bu, who was hiding in the classroom by the side, held the camera in front of him, and the shutter sound "clicks" kept sounding, faithfully recording this scene.

It was just a few minutes before class. There were many little wizards gathered in the hallway. They all saw this scene, and many people were amused by the funny scene of the Weasley brothers.

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