I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 293: 268: Caught off guard 1 ration

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Lynn found Hermione in front of the Gryffindor lounge.

She was reprimanding Harry and Ron in a serious manner.

"Before you promised Nick to attend his death dinner tonight. Now that you have made a promise, you can’t repent. What should I do when I grow up? Besides, I also specially treated Lin for this matter. Eun yelled over."

Ron quietly put his mouth to Harry's ear: "I guess she doesn't want to miss this opportunity to get along with Lynn, not so much that she wants to go to some death dinner."

Harry nodded approvingly.

Hermione looked at them suspiciously: "What are you talking about?"

"No, we didn't say anything." Harry and Ron hurriedly denied. "We are just thinking that we really have to keep our promise and go to Nick's death dinner."

Lynn reminded Harry and the others: "Ghost food is not suitable for living people. If you don't want to go back to bed hungry at night, I suggest we go there quickly, so maybe we can catch up with the tail of the Halloween party, on the table. Maybe I can leave some pudding."

The four of them walked through the corridor where the auditorium was, and heard the loud singing from inside. It is said that Dumbledore specially invited a skeleton band from outside to celebrate this year's Halloween.

"It's fun to listen," Harry mumbled.

"If you think about it this way, they can only see a few skeletons singing, but we can see hundreds of ghosts dancing." Lynn comforted.

The place where Nick held his death banquet was in a huge underground classroom. Before they walked into the classroom, they heard the sound of a thousand nails scraping and scraping on a huge blackboard from a distance.

Ron's mouth trembled and said, "So this is their dance music?"

No one answered Ron's question because they had already walked into this underground classroom.

It was packed with hundreds of milky white, translucent figures, most of them wandering around the crowded dance floor, waltzing with the terrifying and trembling sound of thirty music saws, and playing music saws. The band was sitting on the stage covered with black cloth. A thousand candles were lit in a chandelier overhead, emitting midnight blue light. The breaths of Harry's three people formed a cloud of mist in front of him, as if walking into the cold storage room.

Only Lynn's complexion was normal, as if he hadn't been affected by the cold air here.

"You should wear thicker robes, or you might catch a cold if you stay here for a long time tonight."

Harry let out a cold breath: "It's really bad news that it's easy to catch a cold, but the good news is that more people have caught colds in the castle recently, and Madam Pomfrey has plenty of cold medicine."

Ron shook his head: "Forget it, that kind of medicine will make people's ears smoke after drinking, I don't want to perform the stunt of hair on fire (Weasley's hair color is dark red)."

Hermione stopped their conversation: "Don't talk about it, Nick is here."

Nick, who was almost headless, was covered with black velvet and spotted them from a distance, and then floated over.

"Oh, you are very welcome." His voice sounded very sad, "I'm glad you can bring your friends over to Harry."

Nick invited them in and motioned them to feel free, and he himself would entertain other guests from afar.

"He doesn't look happy at all?"

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"This is his death banquet and not a birthday banquet. The anniversary of the change from a living person to a dead person is certainly not a happy day."

"You pay attention, it's not good to talk about others behind your back."

When Harry and the three of them were talking quietly, they suddenly discovered that Lynn didn't know when they were separated.

They looked up and looked around, and not far away they saw him chatting happily with a ghost nun.

"...The church thought that my behavior was insulting to God, so they took me on the cross and burned me to death. At that time, I was frustrated because my lover betrayed me. So there was no resistance, so I let the fire engulf myself, and when I opened my eyes again, I had become a ghost." The ghost nun was enthusiastically telling Lynn about her death experience.

Lynn seemed to admire her thing very much, nodded and said, "It's an amazing way to die. Are you one of the few witches burned to death at that time?"

"Of course, how can adult wizards be afraid of Muggle flames? In history, there are less than ten witches burned to death by Muggle fire, and I am one of them." The nun's expression seemed to be very proud, and I don't know what she is proud of.

Ron said incredulously, "Why would he chat with a ghost with gusto?"

Harry also shrugged: "I always think that ghosts think differently from normal people, and people who can have a common topic with ghosts must think differently from us."

They forgot that Hermione was still next to them listening to them.

"Don't speak ill of Lynn behind your back!" She stared at the two Harry angrily, then dragged them away from here, "Lynn is doing business now, we better not disturb him."

"Where did she see that Lynn was doing business again?" Harry and Ron stared with small eyes.

"His smile is too ill-intentioned," Hermione said grimly. "When I was a kid, he would smile like this when he teased me."

Harry and Ron's faces were complicated, what was stuffed into them unexpectedly?


"Can you remember how it was when you became a ghost?" Lynn asked with a friendly and friendly face in Hermione's eyes, but asked with an ill-intentioned smile in Hermione's eyes.

"Feeling?" The nun recalled ~www.novel35.com~ I felt very painful when I was burned to death, and it was painful to be betrayed by my lover. Anyway, it was painful from the inside out, and then when I felt no pain. , As soon as I opened my eyes, I realized that I had become a ghost. "

Lin En pondered what she said, feeling that her description was very abstract.

"Why are you a living person so interested in ghosts?" The nun is not a fool, she heard Lynn's true purpose.

There is nothing embarrassing about Lynn being discovered. To tell the truth: "I just want to know if people can become ghosts if they die, where are the dead people who haven't become ghosts?"

The nun shook her head: "I can't tell why this is. If you really want to know more about the ghost, you can go and talk to the fat monk. He has been treating this no matter whether he was alive or after he died. Very interested. Sorry, I am going to dance."

After speaking, she turned and walked towards the dance floor.


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