I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 335: 308: Bear what you should bear

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Tom stared at the sky outside the window when he heard Lynn's words, and a moment later he turned his head to look at Lynn.

"Since the real Behild is already dead, are all the stories she told true?"

Lin En looked at him quietly.

"Why do you have to entangle the story of Behilder if it's true? Tom, don't you think that the mistake you made was just to make a girl's family ruined?"

"Do you know why Harry wants to stay at his aunt's house? Do you know why Neville is so timid? Do you know why Myrtle died in the first place? You know why Hagrid is staying now. Is it in Lin's hut? Do you really know what mistakes you made back then?"

Tom looked at Lynn blankly, looking at a loss, he mumbled.

"These are all related to me?"

"These are all caused by you. You killed Harry's parents because of a prophecy, turning him into an orphan without a father or mother.

Your subordinates tortured Neville's parents, Longbottom, and his wife with a heart-breaking curse. Neville's rigorous education from his grandmother made him what he is now.

You used to open the secret room to release the basilisk when you were still in school. Myrtle was just an innocent student, but you were instructed to kill her by the basilisk. The reason why Hagrid was dropped out of Hogwarts Because you put the blame for the murder on him, if it hadn't been for Dumbledore to take him in, maybe he would have starved to death on the street. "

Lynn counted Tom's guilt one by one, his tone was not harsh, but like a sledgehammer, every sentence hit Tom's body.

"These are only a small part of the wrong things you have done. The group of dark wizards you lead is rampant in the magical world. Every evil thing they have done has to be counted on your head, even if it is done. Now some of your former subordinates are still at large, not receiving the punishment they deserve.

Do you still think that your fault is very light? Do you think you should feel guilty only for Behilde? So Harry, Neville, Hagrid, and Myrtle, who would feel guilty for them, and who would they go to avenge them after undergoing this? "

Tom's face was transparent, and he sat in the corner weakly holding his knees.

Lynn is not talking. Tom himself needs some time to consider, and if he wants to return to a normal life, these are all he has to face, otherwise it is too unfair to those who have been hurt by Voldemort. .

Think about it, what would he do if Harry discovered that the successful resurrection of Tom was actually the enemy who killed his parents?

Unless Tom wants to become the once-dark lord again, otherwise all of these must be resolved by himself.

For the rest of the time, Lynn was thinking about what questions should be set for different grades in the final exam, so it was until the evening when Tom reopened his mouth.

"I will make up for the mistakes I have made. I don't expect them to forgive me for those who have been hurt by me, but I have to pay for it instead of hiding in that ball for the rest of my life."

Lynn put down the quill in his hand and turned to look at him.

"Have you figured it out clearly?"

Tom looked at him firmly.

"I want to make it clear, I want to become a normal person."

Lynn put away the parchment and quill on the table, smiled and nodded at him.

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"I'm very pleased that you can make such a decision. I will explain to Professor Dumbledore. Things that will allow you to regain your body will soon be prepared."

Tom looked at him.

"Is it resurrected in the same way as the ghost occupying Behird's body?"

"Of course it won’t be that way. Your condition is different from her. She is a ghost that is formed after death. You are not a dead person yet. So you will have your own body. What can be done specifically by Professor Dumbledore. There is one over there, I will let you know when it's ready."

Lynn left the office and went to the principal's office to inform Dumbledore of Tom's decision.

Lynn didn’t need to worry about Tom’s resurrection ceremony. Dumbledore said he would have a way, and Lynn’s top priority now is to prepare for the Hogwarts students’ defense against the Dark Arts exam.

Because most of the previous Defense Against the Dark Arts class professors basically did not have the ability to teach to the end of the semester as smoothly as Lynn, there is no precedent for what to test in this course for Lynn to refer to, and he can only decide by himself. .

But there is nothing to entangle. Other Hogwarts courses, similar to the final exams of the main courses such as the spell and transformation courses, all use a spell or transformation according to the requirements of the professor, considering the use of the little wizard. The situation is given a score.

If Lynn wanted to save trouble, of course, he could do the same, but after all, this was the first defense against the Dark Arts exam hosted by a defense against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts in the past ten years, and he didn't want to be so perfunctory.

The best way to detect such a lesson in Defense Against the Dark Arts is actual combat.

In the end, Lynn let the little wizards of the same grade group into groups~www.novel35.com~ in front of him in a pair of wizard duels, and then scored based on their performance, which is equivalent to another start in disguise. Duel club.

The response to the exam was pretty good. The students were all taking the actual test for the first time. Of course, they were very excited about this kind of thing.

After the exam, I entered the favorite period of Hogwarts wizards. There was no nagging from the professor and the troublesome schoolwork in the week before the results, and you could even forget about the final exam results that have not yet come out. After that, play a good game.

But Lynn didn't have such free time. He had to go out with Dumbledore about Tom's resurrection.

In Dumbledore's principal's room, Old Deng put on a robe for traveling, and stood in the middle of the room with Lynn.

"Who are we going to find?" Lynn asked curiously.

He originally thought that the only way to resurrect Tom was to resurrect Voldemort by the little dwarf in the original book, using the bones of his father, the flesh of his servants, and the blood of his enemies to make Tom reshape his body.

But now it seems that Dumbledore has another way.

He beckoned and summoned Fox, let him fall on his shoulder, and then grabbed Lynn's arm.

"Go to a friend of mine, you should know him too, or you are not unfamiliar with his name."

Dumbledore's friends, he knew him too.

Hearing Dumbledore's prompt, just when Lynn probably guessed who he was going to find him, Fox had already waved his wings and led them away from Hogwarts.

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