I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 347: 318: Azkaban

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The consciousness is very high and the thinking is very righteous.

Both Lynn and Dumbledore had nothing to say about Tom's remarks.

Since people themselves don't care about these, there is nothing to say.

This incident was revealed, and the next problem they had to face was the identity problem after Tom.

"I'll settle the matter of identity, but you have to decide where you live. You can choose to continue to live in Lynn's house, or I can open a separate dormitory for you in Hogwarts and live in it later. In Hogwarts."

Dumbledore looked at Tom and said.

Tom did not hesitate long before he made the decision.

"I think I will live in Hogwarts in the future. I have caused a lot of trouble to Lynn for more than a year, so I don't want to trouble them anymore."

Lynn waved his hand: "Nothing, if you are willing to continue to live in my house, Xiao Mu should be very happy."

Tom shook his head, and finally decided to stay at Hogwarts.

Lynn certainly has no regrets about this matter. These are Tom's own wishes, but Xiao Mu will probably be sad for a while. After all, she still dreams of having a sister like Tom every day.

The next thing has nothing to do with Lynn. Since Tom wants to stay in Hogwarts, Dumbledore will arrange the rest for her, so after staying in Hogwarts for a week, Lynn can finally go home.

Of course, the Hogwarts Express would no longer drive a separate train for him, and Lynn didn't need it either. He called Kira directly, and then took him and Xiaobu back home with Phantom Transfer.

As he said in the principal’s office, Xiao Mu was a little sad that Tom did not choose to come back with them. She had always planned to give Tom a new name with the same surname as her, and deceived her as her sister. .

But when she got home, her grief didn't last long before she was distracted by another incident.

Lynn's previous promise to buy her a game console was fulfilled, and within two days after returning home, he bought a brand new SuperFami (the second generation of the red and white console, released by Nintendo in 1990).

Because Xiaomai's grades in all subjects except the potions class are all O, Lynn didn't just buy her a game console but didn't buy a cassette to prevent her from playing. Instead, he bought a few classic games for her. Cassette, such as Super Mario Bros., Dragon Quest series and so on.

After all, the promises made to the children must be fulfilled. If you lose faith in these word games now, it is estimated that Xiao Bui will not believe what Lynn said to her in the future.

This summer is the most leisurely summer Lynn has spent since he went to school at Hogwarts.

He doesn't need to run around anymore, as long as he stays at home.

When it's okay, write a reply to Yelena, who is far away in Lan, and talk to Sister Rozier of Abros about the recent lives of the saints, and learn about the acquisition of British industry from Old John in Germany.

Of course, he spends most of his time at home writing a reform plan for Hogwarts for the next semester.

"Are you really not taking Xiaoying with us? My parents are very happy to let me invite you."

Lynn's study, Hermione has been here to persuade him all morning.

"Even if I promised you, Xiao Mu was the first one to be unwilling. Do you think she is still willing to go out at home every day."

Lynn filled a piece of parchment in his hand, and shrugged at Hermione after putting it away.

There was an angry cry from the living room that Mario had died again.

"Damn tortoise! ​​It's you again! It's you again! It's you again!"

Hermione shook her head full of black lines.

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"She can't stay at home and play games every day. She should go out and see the sun more often."

"Don't worry, she has limited time playing games every day. When I wake up in the morning, I will take her out for a morning jog."

Lynn had made up his mind that he would not travel to France with Hermione and his family. He was not completely out of nothing to do in the rest of the time. Sir Merlin had a second-level medal waiting for him to receive it.

"I've been in Hogwarts for a year. After a summer vacation, you can go out with your mom and dad at ease. If you have anything to do, don’t you still have the connection magic that I taught you? No matter how far away we are, we can still be in touch."

Seeing Lynn insisting, Hermione was not persuading her, she looked at Lynn's bookshelf and pulled out a daily prophet from it.

The front page photo of the newspaper is a picture of the Weasley family plus Harry's family, whose background is a pyramid.

"Did you read the news? Mr. Weasley won the Ministry of Magic award. The whole family and Harry took this trip to Egypt. On his birthday, I sent him a birthday present. , They should be able to learn a lot of Egyptian curses there."

Hermione said with a look of envy.

Lynn looked at her speechlessly, this girl really couldn't do without learning two words.

"It really surprised me that Mr. Weasley won the money and didn't save it, but took it directly for travel."

"It's probably been a long time since their family went out to play. Ron and their brother Bill was working in Egypt, so they also stopped by to visit him."

Lynn turned to look at the newspaper. The Weasleys and Harry looked at the camera and smiled happily.

It could be seen that Harry was happier living at Weasley's house than at his aunt's house, and Lynn also saw the rat spotted lying on Ron's shoulder.

The paw with a broken finger on its forelimb is very clear in the photo.

Most people don't pay attention to this mouse at all, but it is so conspicuous in the eyes of interested people.

Now that Weasley is still traveling to Egypt according to the original trajectory, Sirius, who is in prison in Azkaban, must have seen this newspaper.

If Linn didn't expect it, there would be an additional wanted order in the Daily Prophet in a short time.

Lin En squinted at Scattered eyes, and suddenly an immature plan came up in his mind.


In the cold North Sea, a towering black castle stands on a small island that looks very cold in the sea~www.novel35.com~Azkaban Castle is a frightening place in the magical world of Europe.

Here are the vicious wizards and criminals, with the most terrifying jailer in the world.

In the high castle, soulless monsters shrouded in black robes are wandering around. They stare coldly at the criminals in these prisons, ready to pounce on their "hope, pleasure" emotions to feed themselves. pause.

The ragged, yellow-faced criminals can only shiver in the corner of the prison, and everyone is full of despair and suffering.

Here, it seems that people die every minute and every second, and people go crazy every minute and every second.

And in the deepest room, a tall man with black hair, dark gray eyes, and a tall man was staring at a daily prophet.

Looking at the mouse with severed fingers, his throat let out a low roar like a bereaved dog.

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