I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 398: 365: Bankruptcy

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   On October 25th, the British Magic United Company held a general meeting of shareholders.

   All the 16 family shareholders who were semi-compulsory and semi-voluntarily joined at the beginning, except for Mrs. Rohr, who was found to be a spy in the middle, the other 15 people were all present.

   Compared to the dinner at the beginning of September, the expressions on everyone's faces at this meeting were not very good.

"Why is this happening? John! Our shop in Diagon Alley was still coming and going a month ago, but now I just went there before I came, and all the shops of the listed joint company are almost turning into haunted houses! "

   said angrily, and he looked very angry.

   Old John didn't speak, and Malfoy, who was sitting there, said with a gloomy face.

   "I kept getting news during this period, all about our joint company.

   First, it was revealed by the Daily Prophet that there was a defect in the broom we sold. After the store took it back, it was sold privately at a high price, and then the customer was told that the broom could only be refunded at the original price if the broom was not repaired.

  Who doesn't know what price the flying broom is up to now!

   The customer deliberately dragged them because they didn’t accept it. We didn’t start to issue a statement saying that there was no problem until they reported the matter.

  Is there a problem, don’t we shareholders see it!

   Isn’t there a moth in the company using a flying broom to engage in futures?

   The company's censorship system has been censored on dogs!

   There is also a shop selling magical materials. It was found that the slogan stated that 90% of our supplies came from Northern Ireland, rather than inferior materials produced in Great Britain.

   What is this for? Is this intended to split the British magical world?

   This propaganda slogan even alarmed the Ministry of Magic. The diagonal store was directly closed, and the wizards throughout Great Britain would boycott our joint company!

   The management of the entire company is in chaos, what do you managers do! "

Everything Malfoy said was the worst incident that happened in this month. There are many others, such as the bookstore secretly selling black magic books and being caught, the alchemy shop selling something wrong, and the customer Find the door to fight against the clerk and so on.

   It's enough for a company to produce similar things, but the joint company has recently accounted for all of them.

   Then there are shareholders.

  "Not only that, as we mentioned to you before, the momentum of the Lungarde company that made you watch out for this period of time has completely overwhelmed us, and almost all of our lost market share has been taken over by them.

   Even some employees who can't stand the 996 treatment are angry and turn to them. They are like jackals following behind to take advantage, constantly tearing meat from us. In this way, everyone will have to finish playing! "

   Shareholders spoke one after another, and they were indeed very anxious.

"You also accounted for half of the investment John! If this continues, each of us will lose money, but you will lose more! No one will have trouble with money. You must find a way to recover our losses and let that What Lunjiade Company is going to die!"

   After they had all finished speaking, the eyes of the shareholders turned to him, and Old John spoke lightly.

   "Everyone, why did this situation happen today? I think you should all know who should bear this responsibility."

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   "Who should bear the responsibility! The management and operation of the company are not always done by your team! As a result, you are now telling us who should bear the responsibility!"

   Someone seemed to be angry at Old John's words and said loudly.

   Old John looked at him expressionlessly, with the aura of the upper man who has been in charge of a company that controls half of the economic lifeline of the European magical world for many years, the shocking shareholder subconsciously avoided his gaze.

   "I know all the little things you do in private. Although the company's jurisdiction is still in my hands, you have always mixed sand in the end distribution store below.

All of the after-sales service of the light wheel flying broom over there will have such problems, because the people over there have been infiltrated by the Selwyn family for a long time, I just open one eye and close one eye to you without interfering That's it.

   There is also the slogan of the magic material shop, which is a business outsourced by the company to the Puwit family.

   All of these problems are your own responsibility, but now you have to challenge me with these things?

   Your cheeks are really thicker than dragon skin! "

   John didn't wrong them. On the surface, these pure-blooded people did their own deaths, but in fact, who is actually contributing to the flames in private, it is not for them.

   The families mentioned by name were silent. They were very cheerful just now, but now all of them have become dumb.

   "What we have to discuss now is not who should bear this responsibility, but to restore the situation, stop the company's losses, and then re-develop the business."

   Some shareholders acted as peacemakers, as if the people who just clamored that the responsibility was old John were not them at all.

  Old John leaned back in his chair, looked around at the crowd sitting here, and said frankly.

"Let’s be honest, everyone, now the company’s situation is at its worst. Just 10 minutes before the start of our meeting, more than half of the company’s management submitted a letter of resignation to me~www.novel35.com ~They are about to quit and go to Lungard. Now let's not say to save the situation. It is not easy to find someone to pour tea."

   All the shareholders were surprised by his words.

"Why is this so! Isn't the company's management the professional team you brought from your investment company! That's how the professional team is? They ran away before the company collapsed! The contract! The company signed the contract with them! They will lose money if they breach the contract!"

"We signed a temporary treaty with them. This is your previous decision. It is said that a loose contract can reduce the treatment and save labor costs. I just do what you say. As for the previous I said that they are all brought by me. The professional team...they are indeed very professional, otherwise Lunjiade will not want them."

   The shareholders were completely unable to sit still this time. They got up from their seats in excitement. Everyone was flushed with bloodshot eyes.

   "You have to find a way, John! Did we have a loss, but you are the one who lost the most! You hold half of the shares in your hand!"

   "I do have a way."

   Old John also stood up, waved his hand, and more than ten parchment papers flew in front of every shareholder.

   "Let’s file for bankruptcy."



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