I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 401: 368: Smoke it!

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   "No, no, I didn't betray the master. I just wanted to accumulate strength. I never believed that the master would be defeated." Malfoy stammered.

   He was scared.

   I'm afraid of course.

   All the Death Eaters who have followed Voldemort, none of them have not feared their masters from the bottom of their hearts.

   They all know that there is no room for betrayal in the eyes of the Dark Lord!

   "Since there is no betrayal, then you have to prove your loyalty to the Dark Lord!"


   Earth-shaking changes are taking place in the British magical world, but this has nothing to do with the students who are in class at Hogwarts.

   As Halloween arrived, the atmosphere in the castle became more and more cheerful, but Harry was not in a good mood.

   They are in the third grade this year. As long as they have the consent form signed by their parents, the third grade students can go out during Hogsmeade Week.

   Harry, he always wanted to go to that place.

   He could have gone, after all, his current guardian has become Ron's parents, Weasley and his wife, but after Mr. Weasley's careful consideration, he did not choose to sign Harry's consent form.

Because Sirius escaped from Azkaban, Mr. Weasley thought that there was no safer place in the world than Hogwarts. If Harry left Hogwarts’ protection, then he might Suffer danger.

   Although Harry was not very happy with the result, he finally accepted it.

   The Weasleys also promised Harry that as long as the magic world has news of Sirius being arrested and brought to justice, they will immediately send the signed consent form to Hogwarts.

   The first Hogsmeade week this semester happened to be the day before Halloween.

   Harry reluctantly waved goodbye to Ron and Hermione, he could only stay in the castle and chat with him in Professor Lupin's office.

   And Hermione did not go to Hogsmeade with Ron, because she had made an appointment with Lynn to go shopping in the town as early as a week.

   "Didn't you tell me last semester that there was nothing fun in Hogsmeade? Then why did you come out with me today?"

   Hogwarts little wizards were everywhere on the streets of the town, and Hermione and Lynn wandered around the streets and asked with joy.

   said they were hanging out. In fact, after leaving the castle, Lynn was leading the way, but Hermione's mind was not focused on where they were going now.

   Lynn pointed to the Honey Duke candy store where many people gathered in the distance, and said cheerfully.

   "I saw in the newspaper a few days ago that the new milk fudge recently released by Duke of Honey. Their advertisement was very good. I plan to come and see how it tastes."

  Although she had been accustomed to Lynn's incomprehensible manner, Hermione couldn't help making her face stinky, cursing in her heart that the dog couldn't spit out ivory.

"It looks like there are a lot of people, let's go, let's go over and line up, and if I sell out in a while, this trip will be for nothing." Lynn said while pulling Hermione's arm to Honey Duke Candy The shop trot all the way.

   Looking at his hand holding her wrist, Hermione's mood suddenly improved again.

   The mood of the little girl is like this, lightning and thunder and the sky are thousands of miles away, sometimes there are only a few seconds in between.

   Lynn and the others came earlier, and fortunately they were ranked higher.

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Several students in the line in front of them saw Lynn, and all of them gave way to let him buy first, and then they were sternly told by Lynn that no one is special, even if it’s Dumbledore today. After that, he had to line up, and these little wizards lined up in front of him with a wry smile.

   The new butterscotch tastes really good, even if Hermione felt it was too greasy, Lynn bought a large paper bag.

   Even if he likes to eat so many sweets, he will definitely not be able to finish it. Half of them are bought for Xiaomai.

   Of course Lynn would not give her all at once, only a little bit every week.

Why! Just hanging her deliberately, just playing!

   reported the candy in his hand, this time Lynn and Hermione walking on the street is the real stroll.

   No, it's not in the real sense, because he has been probing his head as if looking for something.

   Hogsmeade's sky, a black crow is also hovering in the air, and every position it touches has entered his field of vision.

   However, Hermione didn't notice Linn's abnormality, she was still chatting with Linn in a whisper.

"Professor Lupin is really good in class. I didn't say that he is better than you, but compared with the previous Professor Quirrell, his defense against the dark arts class is very interesting. Even Harry and Ron both always hated the class. Everyone is looking forward to the defense class."

"The prophecy class is not so good. I really don’t understand why Hogwarts set up the prophecy class. I’m not denying prophecy. I carefully searched all the relevant materials about prophecy in the library and only got One message-the ability to predict is almost impossible to be cultivated. Innate is innate, and the prophecy class that the school is currently taking is just a mess."

"Professor Snape's temper seems to be getting worse and worse. I know you have a good relationship with him, but I have to say that he is really not liked at all. Every time I give Gryffindor a potion lesson He didn't have any patience, Neville had been scolded and cryed many times by him."

   Lynn worked hard, listening to Hermione talking about the school, and at the same time she made her own discovery.

The crow above Hogsmeade fell down on the roof of a house, and stood there quietly staring at a **** dog lying dozing in the depths of the alley~www.novel35.com~Lynn brought it Hermione turned into the three broom bars, which made Hermione startled.

   "Are you hungry before noon?"

  Ms. Rosmerta, the owner of the Lynn Bar, ordered a steak that was well cooked, and then took Hermione out again with the bag.

   "This is not for me, I just saw a very interesting animal and want to feed it." Lin En narrowed his eyes and smiled.

   Hermione looked curious. She clearly remembered that the two of them walked all the way and saw nothing but the birds in the sky.

   But Lynn led her into a remote alley. In the shadow of the house, out of the sun, there was a **** dog lying all over.

   Hermione subconsciously hugged Lynn's arm as soon as she saw it.

   "This dog looks fierce."

   The **** dog also saw them, his eyes showed a fierce light, and at the same time he bared sharp canine teeth, and there was a dangerous low roar in his throat.

   Lynn didn't care at all, he directly put the steak in his hand on the ground.

   "Homeless dogs are like this. If he dares to attack you, I will smoke him with a steak."



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