I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 43: 43: Shenfeng Wuying

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   Lynn felt that his hamster seemed to have gained a lot of weight overnight.

   He stared at Xiao Mai all morning, and finally made sure that he was right, Xiao Mai was indeed fat like a ball now.

   Lynn checked all his snacks with a weird face, but found nothing missing. He had to interrogate the instigator.

   "Say! Did you run out last night to steal something from someone else's house?"

  Small·Ball·Buying hummingly lay in its nest, it was trying to digest the food in its stomach, and he didn't hear what Lynn was saying at all.

   Lynn stretched out his finger to poke his chubby belly, turned over in dissatisfaction, and continued to lie down in a different position.

   didn't ask what the result was, and Lynn didn't think he could ask what result from a hamster, put on a thick robe, and left the Slytherin lounge.

   There was a little snow on Christmas day. There were not a few little wizards in the school. Snow fell on the gray castle, giving people a sense of tranquility.

   Lynn was okay and wanted to walk around Hogwarts. When he passed Hagrid's cabin by the forbidden forest, he heard a familiar voice.

   "Remember to spread more hay in its den. You are close to the forbidden forest. It will be colder at night. This is one of the reasons why it is sick."

   Hagrid’s cabin, Professor Fox walked out of it, Hagrid followed him.

   "Thank you, Fox, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have found that Yaya was sick. He is my best friend, but I neglected him..."

   Hagrid’s voice seemed to blame himself, and Professor Fox patted his arm comfortingly.

   "It's not to blame you Hagrid, animals are different from humans after all, and you have done good enough with them."

   "This time I do have some inconvenience. After another week, Fox, I will go to the forbidden forest with you to find out if there is a red hat."

   Professor Fox put on the top hat and straightened the collar of the trench coat.

   "Thank you Hagrid, then we will see you next time."

   Hagrid sent him out of his small courtyard: "See you next time."

   Lynn did not hide himself, Professor Fox saw him as soon as he came out.

   "Merry Christmas, Lynn, why did you come here?"

   "Merry Christmas Professor, I just came out and strolled around bored."

   They walked back to the castle together.

   "I didn't mean to overhear your talk, but what is the red hat?" Lynn asked.

"The red hat is a kind of elves. It is an evil creature. They like blood. They may appear in places where there is bleeding. The red hat will hunt for human blood and immerse the red hat in a pool of blood to maintain its bright color. . These are the contents of the third grade, you will learn later."

Professor Fox explained: "I just need this kind of creature as a demonstration when I teach third grade, but they usually only appear in Northern Europe, and they are rare in the UK, but it is possible in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts. There were one or two hidden, so I came to Hagrid for help, wanting him to accompany me to look for them in the forbidden forest."

   Speaking of this, he told Lynn with a serious look.

   "The Forbidden Forest is the most dangerous place in Hogwarts. Even if I want to go in, I have to call Shanghai Ge. You must not sneak into the Forbidden Forest alone in the future."

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Lynn never thought about sneaking to the forbidden forest. He would go inside to die unless his brain was broken. Don’t see if the protagonist group regards the forbidden forest as their back garden in the future. En Ke didn't have the guts, he thought he didn't have the protagonist aura.

   "By the way, Professor, I have finished reading the "Cutting-edge Black Magic: Inquiry", what else to learn later?"

   If you didn't meet Professor Fox here, Lynn would also go to him in the afternoon. His black magic learning should enter a new stage.

   "Your progress is so fast." Professor Fox exclaimed.

   "I started to be in contact with the highest-end black magic at the age of eleven. I have never seen such a talent. However, I happened to be prepared in advance."

   He took Lynn to an empty Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, drew out his wand and aimed it at a wooden stake for demonstration.

"Actually, I have always been entangled in the question of which cutting-edge black magic I want to teach you. In the end, an old opponent of mine helped me solve this problem. For this I also paid a high price. Compared to the curse, the things paid are not at all a loss."

   said, he chanted a spell on the stake.

   "Shen Feng Wuying!"

   An invisible sharp blade splits the air, and instantly cuts across the stake!

   "Puff through."

   A dull voice sounded, and the stake was cut into two sections from the middle, and the cut was extremely smooth, as if it had been waxed.

"This black magic is the dean of your academy. Professor Snape invented it alone when he was in the fifth grade at Hogwarts. He is also a genius. He is extremely talented in potions and black magic, but he and I There have been some conflicts, and it is not easy for him to teach this spell. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Lynn's face is quite strange. Of course he knows the curse of Shenfeng Wuying. This is the proud work of the second period in the face of the wife. He also recorded it in his own potions book, along with similar ones. Create a black magic spell like fuchsia.

   Originally, Lynn wanted to look for it in the upper grade potions classroom when he had the opportunity. There was a high possibility that he could find it.

   But I didn't expect that Professor Fox had already traded this spell from Snape for him.

   Lynn was a little moved.

   From Hubert’s affairs, he saw that Professor Fox and Snape were not a petty feud, otherwise Snape would not fall into trouble like that at that time.

   So Professor Fox must have paid a lot to trade Shenfeng Wuying from him, and now he teaches this curse to himself for free.

  Yes, Professor Fox did not teach black magic in his investment in Lynn. Compared to the five hundred Jin Jialong, the teaching and guidance of magic is undoubtedly more valuable.

   In other words, Professor Fox is Lynn's guide on the magical path.

Kindness without saying thanks.

  Professor Fox puts a lot of effort into his teaching. After graduation, he will honor his promise to help the professor conduct his dark magic research.

   Although he still doesn't know even now, Professor Fox is studying the aspect of black magic.

   After starting the real cutting-edge black magic learning, Lynn's learning speed obviously slowed down.

   The specific reason is not because he encountered difficulties while learning magic, but because he has too little magic power now.

   is too little to support him to use a complete Shenfeng Wuying.

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