I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 432: 399: commune

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Genius remembers this site address in one second: [] The fastest update! No ads! By this time Dumbledore would normally have been asleep.

But today he seems to have some insomnia, still drinking tea in his office, looking at the files that he doesn't know what organization.

Of course it was insomnia in name, but in fact, Old Deng had colluded with Lynn before, knowing that he would bring Black over tonight.

It's just that Lynn didn't say that it was Black with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Dumbledore looked at Sirius with a swollen face like a pig's head in amazement, raised the tea in his hand and said nothing for a long time.

Lupin didn't follow him. He was still in the form of a werewolf. Even after drinking the wolf poison potion, he would stay in the cellar until the transformation was over before returning to the castle.

Ron and Hermione didn't follow them either. They couldn't follow to eat melons for the next thing, so they were driven back to the dormitory by Lynn and went back to bed obediently.

Only Lynn, Harry and Sirius came to Dumbledore's office.

Harry looked at Dumbledore's expression and thought he was shocked that Sirius appeared in front of them, so he quickly explained.

"Professor, Sirius was wronged. The real criminal is Peter..."

He told Dumbledore what happened tonight and the truth about what happened before, and finally added a sentence.

"...Lynn has verified with Veritaserum, Sirius did not lie, all this is true!"

Of course Dumbledore didn't mean to disbelieve, even if Harry didn't say it, Lynn had already been angry with him as early as the beginning of school.

"You can confirm Black's innocence, of course it is the best, but the Ministry of Magic is not as good as I am.

You won’t believe you if you don’t catch Peter directly to the Ministry of Magic, even the testimony obtained with Veritaserum, unless you can catch Peter and make him confess his guilt. "

Sirius frowned and said, "Peter no longer knows where he is hiding. It is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack to find him without a clue."

"So you'd better avoid the Ministry of Magic and find a place to live first. As for the future custody of Harry, wait until your wanted is cancelled and settle down."

Dumbledore gave Harry and Black their ideas.

It’s not difficult for Black to find a place to live. The Black family is a veritable pure-blooded nobleman in the wizarding world, and now there is only Sirius left in this family (Bella and Malfoy’s mother) Already married with her husband's surname, Tonks is a distant relative, but is related by blood).

No matter how much the Black family hated him at the time, and even drove him out of the house, the entire Black family’s business is still his.

Little is known about the ancestral home of the Black family, located at Grimmauld Place in London, England, where there will be no search by the Ministry of Magic or Dementors.

The only thing that made them difficult was the issue of Harry's custody.

Although Harry lives in Weasley's house very happily, in the final analysis, he is not Weasley, and the Weasleys only adopted him out of kindness, and he has no blood or nurturing relationship with him.

And whether or not Peter can be caught is not only about who Harry will live with in the future, but also about when they can get revenge and get rid of Sirius.

"As for Peter, I will figure out a solution for you, but I will definitely not make any progress for a while. The first thing you can do is wait for the result."

That's all Dumbledore said, and Harry and Sirius naturally had no other way.

After they left with Dumbledore, they left the principal's office, leaving Lynn still not leaving, and they seemed to be discussing something.

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In the corridor of the castle, Sirius asked Harry suspiciously, "Is that boy named Lynn your classmate?"

"He is one level older than me, a fourth-grade student."

Sirius's face is very strange: "A fourth-grade student, will predict? Transfiguration is so powerful? Carry Veritaserum with you? Still trusted by Dumbledore?"

Harry knew what Sirius was amazed by, and it was incredible on thinking about it.

"Lynn is different from everyone else. He even served as our black magic professor in the third grade."

Harry told Sirius about Lynn's deeds at Hogwarts in the past few years, which made him sigh.

"Where are you going now?"

"Let’s go back to the Black’s ancestral home and take a look. After I have taken care of it, I will find a way to continue searching for Peter’s whereabouts."

The two father and son were separated again within one night of recognizing each other. There were still many Aurors stationed around Hogwarts, and Sirius could not stay near here for long.

After making an agreement, Harry waved goodbye to Sirius.

In the principal's room, Dumbledore was having a conversation with Lynn about Peter.

"Did you instruct their actions tonight?" Dumbledore asked with a frown.

Lynn shook his head: "I didn't ask Tom to order him to do this, but I gave him a hint to gather strength. Peter has no brains and he is still very courageous, but other Death Eaters won't let such meritorious service be spared. Chance."

Dumbledore folded his hands on the table: "The Dementors hardly suffered any casualties tonight. Those desperadoes can't use it if they don't learn the Patronus Curse, but the Auror injured four."

It was not surprising to Lynn that Dumbledore was able to obtain first-hand information. The Order of the Phoenix was not a small organization. In the Auror alone, there were a lot of ghosts on the side of Old Deng.

"It's fine if there is no dead person. I asked Leon to secretly operate Azkaban's Auror defense in advance, which is a convenience for those Death Eaters. As for some injuries, this is inevitable."

Dumbledore nodded: "I know about these ~www.novel35.com~ but are you sure that those Death Eaters who escaped will join Peter's camp?"

"Azkaban can be held fast, but all of them are Voldemort's irons. Don't worry, Professor, they can't run away alone."

Lynn got up from the chair and said faintly: "Good is rewarded for good, and evil is rewarded for evil. This may not be determined by God, but we will maintain this axiom ourselves."


Time to go back to the time Harry beat Sirius.

On a cold and lonely island in the North Sea, a huge chaos is going on.

Countless black wizards wearing black robes and masks blasted open the door of the prison on the island!

The dementors wanted to contain these wizards, but because of the scarcity of manpower, they were always suppressed.


With the loud blasting sound and sharp laughter, the backbone of the Death Eaters who had been tortured in Azkaban for more than ten years escaped!

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