I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 442: 409: Can you sleep at this age?

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  Chapter 412 409. Can you sleep at this age?

  Returning to the lounge at night, Harry and Ron discovered that in Gryffindor’s lounge, most of the little wizards were discussing the morning and evening self-study matters announced in the announcement.

   "Hmm~ Hermione, we have decided to finish the homework for the spell and transformation lessons in one morning tomorrow."

   Harry said, looking around.

   Ron also followed.

   "We have already figured it out clearly, there is nothing fun to play, learning is the first place, and we will start working hard tomorrow!"

  Hermione did not listen to them at all.

  The first time they lied to her like this, she believed it was her innocence. The second time they lied to her, she believed that it was out of trust. The third time they said that, it would be stupid if Hermione still believed it.

   "Why don't you ask me what I am writing?"

  Hermione asked not too much.

  Harry and Ron were both answering the wrong question, let’s talk about it.

   "The grilled steak tonight is really good!"

   "Yes, and the pudding after the meal. I ate three big pieces in a row."

  Hermione didn't want to eat their set, so she asked directly.

   "So you don't plan to sign up for self-study sooner or later?"

  She asked so, Harry and Ron naturally couldn't avoid it anymore, and they laughed dryly.

  "We think there is still more than half a year before the grade test. There is no need to start working hard in such a hurry. After a while, we will fill out the application form."

  They are all ready to listen to Hermione's remarks and nagging, but who knows that Hermione's reaction is actually very flat.

   "If you don't fill it, don't fill it. If you don't want to, you won't be able to learn even if you are forced to study."

  Harry and Ron's eyes widened, as if they had met Hermione on the first day.

   "When are you so enlightened!"

   "Oh my God! You didn't actually force us to sign the application form!"

  Hermione shrugged, she learned this action from Lynn.

  "It's your business whether you learn or not. I am neither your parent nor your teacher. What good is it for you to be so lenient besides disgusting you?"

  Harry and they were relieved, but also a little nervous.

  It felt like two boys heard the disappointed mother say to them, "Let's go, I can't control you anymore and I won't care about you anymore".

   "Let's play for this period of time! I don't guarantee it will be for this period of time!"

   Harry said vowedly.

  It is his and Ron’s nature to fish and play, otherwise they would not be assigned to Gryffindor.

  Hermione just as she said, she didn’t care about them anymore.

  After submitting the application form this weekend, more than half of the students in Hogwarts voluntarily participated in morning and evening self-study.

  Basically all of them are students of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

  One of these two academies always likes to study, and the other is purely honest.

  The academic pressure at Hogwarts is so heavy now that I might not even be able to get a diploma after I don’t study well.

  And most people in Gryffindor and a small number of students at Slytherin College did not sign up.

  Gryffindors are usually unrestrained and can't accept the morning and evening self-study.

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  Some people on the Slytherin side know some inside stories. They think that Hogwarts’ current policies will not last long, and it won’t be long before the entire school will be their Slytherin world.

  Early morning on Monday.

  Harry and Ron got up from the warm bed.

  It is now 7:30 in the morning, which is the time for them to get up normally.

  Harry and the four people in this dormitory, only Neville went to the morning self-study honestly, and the rest except Harry and Seamus.

  After washing lazily, Ron and Harry went to the auditorium to have breakfast while chatting about the victory and defeat of the wizard chess last night.

  There are many little wizards coming and going on the way of the castle corridor, but most of them walk from the direction of the auditorium to the classroom, which is the opposite of Harry Ron and the others.

During   , they also ran into Hermione who was holding two books of spells.

  "The first class is a class in McGonagall's classroom. Be careful not to be late."

  Hermione told them and went to the metamorphosis classroom first.

   Harry raised his brows at Ron.

   "Hermione still cares about us."

   "Knife mouth tofu heart, she always does this."

  The two of them walked into the auditorium as they talked, only to find that there were no more students inside.

  They were dumbfounded after they sat down casually on the long table of Gryffindor.

  Most of the food on the table is already cold.

  The toast has become less tender on the outside and the grilled sausages have become icy. The pumpkin juice that would have brought them warm in winter is not even warm.

"How is this going?"

   Harry turned his head to ask Tom who was sitting beside him, drinking his last sip of pumpkin juice.

  Tom was about to leave the auditorium, watching Harry call to stop herself, she stopped.

  "Because the early self-study starts at 6 o'clock, many students are used to eating first before going to class, so now the kitchen start time is advanced to 5:30.

They will put all the food on the table at 5:40, and even if they didn’t come to eat breakfast at 7:10, it would still be warm, but now it’s almost 8 o’clock. These foods must have been cold when you just came here. "

   Harry grabbed his hair.

  "We have to report this to the school. We can't eat cold breakfast every day!"

  Tom looked at him and couldn't help but commit the old problems after being disciplined by Lynn.

  "How can you sleep every day at your age?

  The third grade is just to take the elementary level exam, but still thinking about playing and sleeping~www.novel35.com~ How can it pass the exam?

  Since you want to eat a warm breakfast, then consciously wake up early every day to eat. Now most people have to go to morning self-study school to take care of most people.

  Even if you respond to the school, it won’t be useful. If you guys don’t get up early and go to the morning self-study, do they still drag the students who want to study to go hungry in the morning and go to the morning study?

  If you still come for breakfast at this point every day in the future, if you want to eat it warm, wait until summer. "

   Being preached by a first grade girl, Harry looked a little ashamed.

Ron beside    couldn't help muttering.

  "Aren't you just coming for dinner at this time, nor did you miss your morning study?"

  Tom sneered.

"Why do you think I know the earliest time to put the food in the auditorium? At 5 o'clock, I took the book in advance and waited here while reading in the morning. At 5:40 I watched the food appear on the long table with my own eyes. Come on, now it’s just because I ate too early in the morning to make up another meal."

  (End of this chapter)

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