I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 448: 415: It's all Dumbledore's conspiracy!

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  Chapter 418 415. It's all Dumbledore's conspiracy!

   Just when Tom came out of the cauldron.

  On the branch of a dead tree not far from the Death Eaters, a black bird and a red bird are standing there looking at the situation here.

  In other words, only the black bird is looking here, and the red bird with bright feathers is staring at the black bird.

  Lynn, who was observing the movement of the Death Eaters, was staring at him like this, and he couldn't help but feel a little hairy.

   His gaze could not help but remind him of the female crow that was squeezing her head when he was staring at Hagrid's hut in the second grade.

  Speaking of Fox, is it a male bird or a female bird?

  Thinking about this question, Lin couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

   Seeing that Tom over there had already got two Horcruxes, he was no longer maintaining the form of Animagus, flew back to the ground, and then turned into a human form.

  It’s just that he is not in his own human form, but the image of an old man with a white beard wearing a purple robe and crescent-shaped glasses on his face.

  Or to make it clear that he became like Dumbledore.

   Suddenly, Fox on the branch flew around Lynn several times in amazement, and finally Lynn beckoned at it, and it landed on Lynn’s shoulders.

  Of course, you can’t show your face when doing bad things.

  If something goes wrong, let these Death Eaters run out one or two, although Lynn is not afraid of them, but the saying goes well, not afraid of thieves, but also afraid of thieves.

  Dumbledore is different. Anyway, there are more people thinking about him outside, so I don’t care about these one or two more.

  Go back to the Death Eaters.

  The moment Tom disappeared through the door key that had been placed on the tree in advance, all the Death Eaters were stunned.

  They couldn't figure out what happened for a while.

  Because no one doubts the identity of the Dark Lord.

  The Dark Mark is a kind of magic created by the Dark Lord himself. Except for himself, absolutely no one else can react to the Mark, not even Dumbledore.

   "Master, where did the master go?" Bella asked bewildered.

  But the Death Eaters around are as confused as her, no one knows why the newly resurrected Dark Lord disappeared so "swish".

   "Is that the door key?" A Death Eater swallowed and said what was taking Tom away.

  All the well-informed villains standing here, of course they would recognize what brought Tom away.

  But why does a door key appear in this place?

  Did the Dark Lord touch it intentionally or accidentally?

  They are unaware of these issues.

  If you accidentally bump into it, who would know in advance that they will gather here?

   Where did the courage to deceive the Dark Lord, not to mention how he was sure that the Dark Lord would touch the leaf.

  If the Dark Lord had deliberately encountered it, it would be extremely scary to think about it.

  A bad premonition has arisen in the heart of the sensitive Death Eaters present.

   Malfoy was pale, his eyes flickering, he felt telling him that something terrible was about to happen!

  After hesitating for a while, he no longer hesitated, and resolutely pulled out a wand he had hidden from his robe.

   "Phantom Movement!"

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The    magic spell was pronounced, and the space around him was distorted for a moment, but it was only a moment, and then there was a strong magical power that stabilized the space that was about to be distorted!

   "Malfoy! You hid a magic wand against your master's order!" The older brother of Carlos saw his behavior and shouted immediately.

   "Idiot!" Malfoy roared directly, "There is no owner at all! The one just now is not the owner at all! This is a trap! They are trapped here now!"



   "Do you want to die Malfoy!"

   "No one but the master can summon us with the Dark Mark!"

  Almost all the Death Eaters did not believe what Malfoy said. They firmly believed that the resurrected person was the Dark Lord, and they also pleaded that the person was the Dark Lord who could lead them to glory!

  Malfoy can't stay at all, but he still has a family to feed, and he doesn't want to be planted here with these idiots!

   Just when he was about to turn around and ran away from here, Bella’s almost hysterical voice suddenly sounded.


  All the Death Eaters who heard the name trembled, and then turned their eyes to the direction Bella was facing.

  An old man wearing a purple robe and gray hair and beard walked out from the shadows on the side.

  His smiling face looked very kind, and there was a golden-red bird standing on his shoulder.

   looks like an ordinary old man who is free to go out for a walk in the evening.

  But no one here would think that Dumbledore was just a harmless old man.

  Especially at this time and in this situation, why Dumbledore appeared here is what makes all Death Eaters most fearful.

   "This is all your conspiracy!!!" Bella's voice became hoarse.

  It’s fine for the owner who I admired in her heart to become a little blonde loli. The big deal is that she would be wronged and correct her sexual orientation.

  But now even the master’s resurrection may be an illusion. Everything that happened was actually Dumbledore’s conspiracy. Such a huge blow made her unacceptable.

  Bella even felt that she was going crazy soon.

  Hearing Bella’s scream, Lynn still smiled on his face, but was secretly muttering in his heart.

  ‘Yes, this is Dumbledore’s conspiracy. If you want to hate it, hate Dumbledore. Who made him not here today. ’

  But on the surface, he said arrogantly~www.novel35.com~How can this be a conspiracy? I kindly resurrected your master, and secretly helped Malfoy to rescue you from Azkaban, so that you can still have a chance to meet in this life. You should thank me. "

  Bella was really mad.

  She has been in jail for more than ten years, and she never expected that Dumbledore would become so shameless.

  Bella suddenly turned her gaze to Malfoy, her gaze seemed to eat people!

  "Don't listen to his nonsense! I can cooperate with anyone, but it is impossible to cooperate with Dumbledore. He is separating us!" Malfoy said hurriedly.

  Lynn nodded, smiled and affirmed his words.

   "Of course, Mr. Malfoy will not cooperate with me, but I do not need to let you know when I help you, otherwise you think why did the dementors of Azkaban disappeared half way at Hogwarts?"

  It's not just Bella, all the Death Eaters who were there were chills when they heard Lynn's words!

  He has calculated from the beginning, and has been his trap from the beginning to the present?

  (End of this chapter)

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