I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 457: 423: Don't blink when you are sophistry

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  Chapter 426 423.Don't blink when quibbling

  Lynn is indeed in the student union office now.

  It’s just that he is not alone in the office.

   "The Death Eaters' thing is settled, and I also have people erase all the memories of you in those people's minds, so you don't have to worry about your identity being exposed by someone in the future."

  Lynn said to Tom who was sitting across from him.

   "So do you have any plans for yourself in the future?"

  Tom shook his head slightly confused.

   "I don't know, I really want to make up for the mistakes I made before, but I don't know what to do."

  "If you don’t have a goal right now, don’t think about it so much. Make friends with others in Hogwarts. After you know more, you should have your own ideas."

  Lynn has nothing to persuade Tom. It is normal for her to enter a period of confusion now.

  Everyone has to face such a stage in their life. Sometimes it is clear what they are going to do in the future, but there is no way to start, and they don’t know where to start.

  No one can help her with this kind of thing. She has to rely on her to clarify her own thoughts.

  The two Horcruxes seized from the Death Eaters, Slytherin’s locket and Hufflepuff’s golden cup were also in Lynn's hands.

  Lynn certainly wouldn’t keep such dangerous things, and destroyed them with Gryffindor’s sword as soon as he got them.

  The only Horcruxes left in the world are the missing resurrection stone ring and Harry Potter himself.

  The resurrection stone ring needs to be found, but there is no clue yet.

  As for Harry, I can see it every day, but how to eliminate Voldemort's remnant soul without harming Harry's life, there is no clue for the time being.

  But neither of these two things is in a hurry, and there is plenty of time for Lynn to figure out a solution.

  So now Linn is rare once again to return to a leisurely state.

  "Are you still staying in Hogwarts this summer?"

   "I have nowhere else to go. In fact, the castle is pretty good. There are many books to read in the library."

  Lynn groaned: "If you have nothing to do during the summer vacation, you can come and play with Xiaodi. She usually plays games or plays games at home when she has nothing to do. As soon as she lets her go out, she uses no one to go out with her as an excuse."

   "I will pass, but even if I used to be dragged by her to play games, she has told me more than once how happy they are playing games."

  The conversation between him and Tom in the office was not over yet, and Harry, Ron and Hermione came to the door together.

  Harry glanced at Tom and then at Lynn.

   "Lynn, we have something to talk to you alone."

  Tom got up and left with interest. After she left, Harry slammed into her previous position and asked impatiently.

   "The arrest of the Death Eaters the other day has something to do with you?"

  Not only did he ask, Ron and Hermione stared at him unblinkingly, waiting for his answer.

  Lynn blinked.

   "Why do you think it is related to me? Didn't it all say in the newspaper? The Auror supervisor and Professor Dumbledore did it together."

  His voice hasn't just finished yet. Hermione on the side spoke quietly.

  "When you are arguing, don't blink your eyes subconsciously. I remembered your habit when I was 11 years old."

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  Harry and Ron's eyes widened suddenly.

  Lynn was choked by his own saliva.

   "Cough cough cough cough nonsense! I have no sophistry!"

   "Don't tell us Lynn, Professor Dumbledore told us all." Harry said, looking at him eagerly.

  Lynn laughed twice.

   "Want to use this trick to defraud me? Don't bother. I'm just an ordinary fourth-grade student, and it has nothing to do with this matter."

   "It's true, Harry went to the principal's office to thank Professor Dumbledore, but Professor Dumbledore asked him to thank you." Ron explained.

  Lynn looked at them suspiciously, and when all three of them nodded at him and said that Dumbledore had indeed said such a thing, he scolded in despair.

   "Bah, he is revenge. He thought that I had used his identity to cause trouble before he took it to retaliate against me."

   "So that Professor Dumbledore in the newspaper is actually you?" Harry asked.

  Lynn neither admitted nor denied.

   "What you think is what it is, but remember to control your mouth and don't talk about it everywhere."

  Looking at him admitting in disguise like this, the three of Harry didn't know what to say at this time.

   Expressed surprise?

   Judging from Lynn’s performance last semester, this kind of thing makes people feel like it should be, he could have done it in the first place.

   means it's normal?

  But Lynn’s own words were right. He was a fourth-grade student, but he gave the largest terrorist group in the British magical world to a nest.

  So now Harry and their emotions are quite complicated, and they don’t know what kind of expression they should show for a while.

  In the end, Harry solemnly thanked Lynn.

   "Thank you Lynn, you not only helped me find out that Sirius was wronged, but my real enemy is Peter, and you also helped me get revenge, so that I can recognize Sirius honestly."

  Lynn waved his hand, motioning him not to be so grand.

  "Little things, little things, we are all related to this. Why do you still have to thank you for being so busy."

   Then he smiled weirdly and continued: "But if you really want to thank someone, you can go and say thank you to Betty Riddle when you have time~www.novel35.com~ Harry couldn't help but be stunned again.

   "Riddle, did she help too?"

  "She helped a lot, but I can't tell you the specifics to protect the privacy of others."

  Harry and the others were finally driven out by Lynn in confusion.

Asking him to thank Tom is naturally not for anything else, just to make Tom feel less guilty in his heart, at least knowing that all of what she has done can be thanked by people she has hurt before, and it is also meaningful. of.

  After Harry and the others left, Lynn returned to a leisurely state.

  He was leaning back in his chair leisurely, thinking about how to spend the summer vacation after this semester, when an owl suddenly broke into his office recklessly.

  The owl is very familiar, it is the one he usually uses to communicate with Old John.

  Lynn curiously took a thick stack of envelopes from it, guessing what letter old John would send him at this time. After opening it, he found out that it was full of photos of Dangdang washed out and used magic potion.

  (End of this chapter)

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