I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 474: 439: Percy

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   "Professor, if you have anything you want to tell me first..."

   Before Lynn had finished speaking, Fox interrupted him.

   "I know you have the ability to Lynn, but some things are my own business, so it is not appropriate to involve you, understand?"

   Lynn held the suitcase in his hand, looked at Fox, and then slowly nodded.

   "If you insist, I know the professor."

   Fox patted him on the shoulder and said softly.

   "You wrote to ask me not long ago. I have seriously considered it, and I will give you a definite answer when I come back."

   "You shouldn't be life-threatening, right?"

   Fox laughed.

"I have no way to assure you that even if people walk on the road, they may be killed by small stones falling from the sky. I can't be sure that I can come back safely this trip. But I don't think I will be in any danger, just Things are in a hurry."

   After he handed the box to Lynn, he turned around and prepared to leave, before leaving, he urged one last time.

   "Remember, if I don't come to you on the night when the Quidditch game ends, you just open the box and it contains the important things I left for you."

   Lin En weighed the suitcase in his hand. The weight was not heavy, and the contents inside seemed to be very light.

   "Can I open it in advance?" he asked.

   "If you are interested, you can open it in advance."

   Fox finished speaking, then turned away and walked towards the depths of the woods, Lynn said to his back.

   "Forget it, I'll take it away by myself when you come back."

   Fox did not reply again, he waved at him with Lynn behind his back, and then his figure gradually disappeared into the misty woods.

   Lynn watched him disappear, frowned and took a deep breath, standing in place and carefully examined the suitcase in his hand.

   This box is no different from a normal box. The surface is dark and lacquered without any markings. The closed mouth is only locked with an ordinary lock. It is estimated that any unlocking spell can open it.

   After not finding any problem with the box, Lynn shook his head and carried the box and walked towards the camp.

   Like Professor Fox himself said, he may be able to help, but some things are only related to the individual, and he does not want to intervene by himself, then Lynn will not be forced to intervene.

  Everything will wait until the game is over.

   When Lynn returned to the camp, Hermione was buried, Harry, his sons, and the Weasley family had already prepared dinner.

  The three camps are all in one place, so naturally only one stove is enough for eating.

   Lynn returned the suitcase to the tent, and ate dinner happily with everyone as if nothing had happened.

Mr. Weasley was listening to Sirius telling him about his ten-year prison life, while Mrs. Weasley taught her eldest son Bill that it was time to find a girlfriend to get married. Xiao Mu and Harry, Luo Enthusiastically discussed the tactics that the Irish team might use in the next finals.

   The Lynn Weasley brothers and Percy talked about the employment of graduates.

   "Percy's ultimate wizard rank test score has met the recruitment requirements of the Ministry of Magic, and now he is ready to enter the Ministry of Magic."

  George introduced Lynn to Percy’s current situation.

   The ultimate wizard rank test in the seventh grade is one week after the end of the test, so as not to delay graduates from participating in various recruitment.

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   And Percy's grades have always been among the forefront of his age, plus Mr. Weasley in the Ministry of Magic to clear the relationship for him, so it is not surprising that he can join the Ministry of Magic as soon as he graduates.

   "Congratulations, Percy, but after school starts, I have to worry about who I will arrange for the new chairman of style."

   Lynn raised the cup in his hand and congratulated Percy.

   After all, they have also served as superiors and subordinates for a year. Although Percy is a good official fan, his ability to do things is not bad at all. Otherwise, the position of chairman of Fengji will not be his turn.

   Percy also raised the glass and touched Lynn, his face flushed, and he was obviously a little ecstatic about being able to enter the Ministry of Magic so quickly.

"It's not bad, it's all the credit of experience in the student union. I heard that among the graduating wizards recruited by the Ministry of Magic this time, the student union members accounted for 70% of them. The Ministry believes that we have organization and leadership in the school. Students’ experience, so they will have a better performance after entering the ministry."

   Of course, this is just the surface that Percy thinks. In fact, behind the scenes, the reason why the Ministry of Magic focuses on recruiting students from the Student Union is the result of the joint arrangement between Leon and Crouch.

   This is also one of the "friendships" Barty Crouch gave back to Old John.

   But of course Lynn would not say such a thing on this occasion, and he would not break Percy's complacency now.

   etc. Every year, after a large number of graduates who have previously served in the Student Union enter the Ministry of Magic, they will unconsciously form a small faction.

   This kind of thing may not be eye-catching at first, but in the future it will make a big difference for the entire Ministry of Magic.

   After all, how do you say that sentence?

  The future will always belong to the young people~www.novel35.com~ Regarding the selection of the chairman of the committee after I leave, I can recommend someone to you, Lynn. "Percy said.

   Lynn raised his eyebrows.

   "Who do you think is right?"

   Percy stretched out her finger and pointed at Hermione who was sitting across from him, next to Lynn.

   "Hermione is very suitable. She did an excellent job last year. She also won the Outstanding Cadre Award in the Student Union. She is also very prestigious among the Discipline Committee, so you might as well consider her."

   Lynn turned to look at Hermione, whose face was slightly flushed, and said in a slightly surprised tone.

   "Are you still so good?"

   Hermione raised her head when she heard this.

   "Why can't I be so good."

   "I just didn't expect it, you are not that strong when you are next to me."

   Fried spit out on the side.

   "Who is strong around you in the whole school? Let alone Hermione, even in meetings, Professor McGonagall is like a staff member rather than a professor."

   Lynn touched his chin, looked at Hermione and said carefully.

   "You can really think about it."

   He is not afraid of rumors about his nepotism from some students, and it is impossible for Lynn to spread such rumors because of Lynn’s current reputation in Hogwarts.

  If Hermione is indeed capable enough, she will be in the fourth grade after school starts, and she has met the requirements of being a leader in the student union.

   Everyone had a great dinner.

   Harry, Xiao Buried, and Hermione, they rarely have the experience of having so many people spend the night together in the wild, every minute and every second of today is new to them.


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