I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 48: 48: cry! Cry to me!

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   In the abandoned classroom, the atmosphere has frozen to the freezing point.

   The surroundings were quiet to the point where the needles fell, and the harshest thing was Raphael's heavy breathing.

   Lynn didn't seem to be angry. He gently brushed the wand with his fingers and stared at Raphael's bloodshot eyes with no expression.

   "So, these are the true thoughts of the seniors?"

   Raphael didn't know what he had just done, and suddenly vented everything in his heart.

   But now that this is the case, he will naturally not show weakness in the face of Lynn's problems.

   "Yes, yes, you don't really think that I was polite to you before admiring you? Ha ha, stop dreaming, are you worthy of a person like you?"

   "Raphael, what's the matter with you? Stop talking..." His roommate felt that Raphael was very abnormal today, and took him by the arm, trying to drag him away.

   Lynn nodded silently, as if he had no objection to Raphael, as if he wanted to bear all this weakly.

  Raphael sneered and glanced at him, following the strength of his roommates, when there was no resistance, when they were about to be dragged away.

   But the next second, Lynn suddenly waved his magic wand!

   "Stick legs and stop dead!"

  The bright red beam hits Raphael without any deviation!

   At the same time, Lynn's movements have not stopped, he quickly pointed his wand at Raphael's two roommates.

   "All petrochemicals!"

   Two consecutive petrification spells almost hit them at the same time!

   His legs and feet were bound, and Raphael fell to the ground feebly at this time and wanted to draw out his wand in a panic, but Lynn obviously wouldn't give him a chance to recite the spell.

   "Seal your tongue and lock your throat."

  Raphael lost the ability to speak, but Lynn didn't leave him a chance to resist, and quickly stepped forward and kicked the magic wand in his hand.

   He grabbed Raphael by the collar with one hand, and pressed him to the ground forcefully, with the other hand clenched into a fist, he punched half of Raphael's face without hesitation!

   "Do you know why I didn't petrify you? Because then you won't be able to move. Even if I beat you harder, I won't be happy if you can't struggle."

   Lynn has obsessive-compulsive disorder. He felt that only half of Raphael's face was swollen, and he looked uncoordinated. So when he was speaking, he punched the other half of his face again!

   Raphael's legs and feet are bound, only the upper body can use force, but Lynn's strength is surprisingly large, he desperately tried hard to resist.

   "Yes, yes, your blood is noble! What then? You hit me? Come on! Can you pay it back now?"

   Raphael received two punches on Linn’s face. It was now swollen like a pig’s head, and the scarlet blood flowing from the corners of his nose and mouth looked miserable.

   Lynn squinted at Raphael who was constantly humming in pain.

"I may be low-blooded in the eyes of you people, maybe a bug, but now I am in the first grade and you are in the sixth grade. You have learned magic five years longer than me, but you can only be hit on the ground by me. Do you think it is very Aggrieved? Do you feel aggrieved and want to cry?"

   After finishing speaking, Lynn raised his wand again and smiled and declared that he had a good idea.

"How about let's make a game? From now on, I will give you five seconds every time, and I will count down five times. If you don’t cry in these five seconds, I will randomly reward you with a black Curse. Let me give you the bottom line. I have probably mastered a total of seventeen black curses. In other words, if you can hold on for two minutes, then when I fail, I will let you go. How about? Is it a great game?"

   Raphael gritted his teeth and stared at Lynn ferociously.

   He didn't believe Lynn's words at all. A Mudblood who had just entered school for more than half a semester, even if he was talented, could not learn so many black curses.

   And even if he has the ability to learn, who can teach him?

  Raphael used Lynn's words as a means to frighten him, even now he doesn't think Lynn can do anything to him.

   He admitted that the little wizard in the first grade just put them in a group of three easily, but that was when they were all paralyzed.

   If they are prepared, Lynn can't beat them!

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   He has suffered some flesh and blood now, but can Lynn kill him?

  He is the prefect of Slytherin, he is the eldest son of a pure-blood family, he has power, energy and connections.

   What does Lynn have?

   After this time, he wants to let Lynn know what is better than death!

   Lynn blinked: "You don't seem to believe it. Then you don't have to wait five seconds for the first spell. I'll give you one first."

   "The front teeth match is great."

   The first spell did not cause Raphael to feel pain, but he could clearly perceive that his front teeth were constantly elongating until it grew out of his mouth.

  Raphael is still tough, he doesn't think there is any follow-up.

   "Five, four, three, two, one, OK, I respect you as a man, and itchy."

   Raphael felt itchy all over, but his hands and feet were controlled by Lynn, there was no way to scratch.

   He started to panic.

   is another five seconds.

   "I hope you can continue to play with me for a longer time, it's hot and spicy."

   This time Raphael was covered with dense lumps all over his body, which made people look at the secret fear.

  Raphael's persistence has begun to waver, he desperately finds that Lynn doesn't seem to lie to him.

   Five seconds later.

   "The head has long horns."

  A pair of curved ram horns emerged from Raphael's head.

   He didn't dare to face Lin En head-to-head, UU reading www.uukanshu.com even showed a begging look in his eyes.

   is another five seconds

   "Don't cry, I, Lynn, would like to call you the strongest, so I will reward you with a shave curse."

   Another spell fell, Raphael’s hair disappeared, and there were only two horns left alone on his head reflecting the light.

  Raphael finally couldn't stand it anymore, he sobbed like a collapse, tears streaming from his eyes, mixed with snot and blood, looking very pitiful.

   Lynn sighed, shook his head.

   "I thought you were a man, but I didn't expect to cry so quickly. It's boring."

   He kept his promise, let Raphael go, stood up, and apologized seriously to Raphael's two roommates.

   "Sorry, I can't help you solve the spell for the time being. I am really embarrassed to involve the two of you this time, I hope you forgive me."

   Raphael's two roommates didn't even have the courage to look at Lynn. They were shocked by his performance just now.

   Lynn ignored Raphael lying on the ground like a dead dog, his anger was almost gone, and now he could go to the auditorium for dinner.

   Objectively speaking, Lynn would also be partly responsible for this matter. If it hadn't been for his system title to affect Raphael, maybe he wouldn't scold it like that.

   But then again, if Raphael doesn't have these ideas at all, how can he be affected by the effect of the title of the system?

  , for example, his two roommates were not affected.

Therefore, Lynn had no pressure from his cruel hand. Everyone didn’t offend the river, but now you’re all riding on his head and pointing his nose to curse. Lynn thinks he doesn’t have such a good temper. Hands on.


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