I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 487: 452: Life or death

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   The pursuit battle between Lynn and the wizards who chased him took place in the early morning and night.

   And now, the sky on the island has lit up.

  The shining sun rises from the eastern sky, bringing here not only light, but also a swarm of wizards flying on broomsticks.

   Hundreds of wizards with different skin colors fell from the sky to the ground, each of them gathered in twos and threes, and obviously they all belonged to their own small groups.

   Not long after they landed on the island, the leading wizard of the congress wizard found them.

   "Your Excellency O'Brien."

  The wizards who came to the island later addressed the wizards respectfully.

  Although they are all free people, they are similar to international mercenaries, they all take money to do things, and they have no affiliation with any magical government.

   But after all, this security chief has a reputation, and the respect he should be given is still to be given.

   As long as the other party shows a little oily water from his fingers, it will be enough for all of them to be happy for a long time.

   Among the wizards who can use magic, there are basically no wizards who worry about food and clothing.

  From another point of view, magic is also a craft, and as long as you learn it, you can eat and drink for the rest of your life.

   But the total number of wizards in the world is not many or too small, at least it can form a considerable society of wizards.

   As long as it is a place where people exist, there will be a contrast between good and bad life.

   After becoming a wizard, starving to death will certainly not starve to death, but no one wants to make their life better.

Therefore, there are a group of wizards who have no great strengths and can only be regarded as the mean in magic talent, but are not willing to live an ordinary and stable life in their hometown. They gather together and work like mercenaries. Such a dangerous but highly rewarding job.

   said it was a mercenary, but in fact, there are so many wars in the magical world, it's just that they usually do some dangerous work.

   For example, helping Gringotts **** some items that are not suitable for magic transfer, or helping some small Ministry of Magic to catch tricky fugitives, or helping some large Ministry of Magic to deal with some things that are not too troublesome but not visible.

  They all have professional ethics, and they will sign magic contracts and promise to keep them confidential.

   There are even some very expensive ones, and they will clear all the memories about the task in their minds in front of the employer after the task is over.

   Like this action, it belongs to this kind.

   "Your contract has been signed?"

   The wizard asked them coldly.

  The wizards of various races with different skin colors, black, white and yellow, nodded their heads.

   "I signed it, and we all came here after signing the confidentiality agreement."

   "I hired you all to find this person."

   The wizard took out the photo of Lynn, copied it into countless copies with a spell, and sent it to the wizard below.

   "He is a fugitive wanted by the Congress, and he is now hiding on this island. I don't care what you use, as long as you can find him out for me, then I will apply for the Congress to pay you ten times the commission."

   Originally came here, the rewards they received were already very generous, but if they succeeded in catching someone, the commission could be increased by ten times, which excited the wizards on the island later.

   In fact, the rewards given by the wizard are not too high, and they are not proportional to the degree of danger shown by Lynn.

   Even if the commission is doubled ten times, it is not ridiculous to increase it to a hundred times.

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   But this will easily make some old fritters among the hired wizards vigilant.

  They have been in this industry for a long time and they naturally understand what kind of price is what kind of task.

   90% of the price is high. It may not be that you can make a big profit when you meet a bully, but the task posted by the other party is very dangerous, so dangerous that there is a great chance of death.

   And now, the price that the wizard gave them was just right, medium to high, higher than the market price, but not much higher.

   If the target is only a boy who appears to be underage, you can probably guess why people like Congress hired them to do this.

   If you want to catch such a child who has not yet grown up, it is not ashamed to be spread out. Another thing is that this incident alone is not very glorious, so of course it is safest to leave this kind of dirty work to them.

   The wizard looked at these people coldly.

   But he knew that Lynn's methods and his age were not the same thing. These people are expected to die here a lot.

   But he did not find these people to cheat them, but to catch Lynn, so he still reminded.

"I'll put it first. This boy is very dangerous. Someone under me has already died in his hands. That's why I will give you such a high commission. Don't blame me for not reminding you in advance. , Once you find his location, immediately notify everyone else, you can get the ten times the commission as long as you find his whereabouts."

   What he said, of course the hired wizards would not care.

   These people are all good players in the industry, otherwise they would not be selected and hired by Congress, so someone asked.

   "Does the mission request this time have to be captured alive?"

   The wizard said coldly.

   "This boy and the girl with him, as long as you can catch it, it doesn't matter whether you live or die."

   After confirming all the requirements, these hired wizards scattered on the island, and cooperated with the Aurors under the wizard to conduct investigations step by step.

   Among the dozens of hired wizard squads~www.novel35.com~, there is a black squad with three people looking at their teammates strangely.

   "When did you start putting on your glasses Hancock?"

   The sturdy black wizard Hancock who was asked had a smile on his face, and his expression was not as mad as his body, but rather like an elegant gentleman.

   Hearing the question from his companion, he gently helped his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said casually.

   "It's okay, my eyes have always had some problems. Only recently have I paired with glasses. I used to think that wearing glasses looks a bit sissy."

   His companions had no doubts about his answer, and laughed.

   "You really have become more sissy with these glasses."

   Although they are a wizard squad, they don’t stay together every day. They have their own family when they don’t have a mission.

   The black wizard named Hancock also shook his head with a smile, and then subconsciously wanted to tidy up the collar of his trench coat.

   But he stretched his hand to his neck before he realized it later that he was wearing a wizard robe without a collar.

   He asked his companions casually and naturally.

   "Where shall we start the search?"


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