I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 496: 461: This is his own unbearable humiliation

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   Chapter 464 461. This is his own unbearable humiliation

  Blood water keeps dripping on the sea like money-free.

  Hermione looked at the half corpse in Lynn's hand, her face turned pale, and her heart felt nauseous.

  But in the end she didn't turn around or closed her eyes, but forcibly endured it.

  Fox and Lynn are bewildered.

  Lynn looked at half of O'Brien in his hand, turned his head and looked at Fox.

   "I didn't want to kill him, it was because he himself was unbearable and chose to commit suicide."

  Lynn’s explanation was pale and weak, because even if Fox believed what he said at this time, there were hundreds of Aurors behind them that would not be so generous.

  Those Aurors who were in shock also reacted.

  The expressions on their faces all turned into immense sadness and anger. Looking at O'Brien's broken body, everyone pointed at Lynn and raised his wand.

  It goes without saying what they are going to do.

  Now no matter who killed the hostages, they are already dead. They must make Lynn pay the price.

  So many Aurors rushed forward, even without a spell, one person holding a wand and tapping a stick on Lynn’s head would be enough for him.

  After seeing the intentions of these people, Lynn and Fox chose the same way at the same time.

   Together, they raised their wands to the hundreds of Aurors behind them, and the two of them shouted their own spells almost one second before the Aurors used them.

   "Thunderbolt explosion (triple multiplication, spread)!"

   "Shen Feng Wuying (Proliferation)!"

  The dazzling firelight exploded in the sky!

  At the same moment, there was a deafening roar, and the sound of countless invisible sharp blades cutting through the air and moving forward!

The explosion curse that Lynn used with all his strength undoubtedly penetrated almost all of the Auror’s iron armor curses on the spot. Even in the center of the explosion, some of the Auror’s tortoise shells were pierced, and the unabated explosion exploded. The aftermath blows them to pieces!

  Following Linn’s Explosive Curse, Fox’s proliferation, Wuying, also followed!

  Countless sounds of flesh being pierced by sharp blades continue to move forward under the cover of explosions, and along with these, there are also the uncontrollable howls of pain that the Aurors can't suppress!

  At first glance, Linn and Fox have worked together to use black magic to spread the battle results.

  Almost all the Aurors were decorated with color, and everyone's wizard robes were turned into rags.

  But the two of them took Hermione with them but did not stay there for a moment. Instead, they accelerated their pace and tried to escape the sea blocked by the anti-phantom shifting magic at the fastest speed.

And in the smoke of the explosion, dozens of broken and unpredictable corpses continued to fall from the sky to the turbulent waves, but there were also hundreds of various kinds, most of which were green demons. Curse, pierced the air and shot behind Lin En and them!

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  Maybe none of these Aurors are rivals to either of Lynn and Fox, but their number is really too much.

  Even if Lynn and the others jointly use diffusion black magic, after diffusion, the effect of the spell will inevitably be greatly reduced. Except for the central area, the larger the diffusion range, the harder it is to form effective damage.

  This is especially true for the explosive spells and the shadowless spells that are originally area damage magic.

  So the effect just now looked scary. In fact, these Aurors only killed less than one-tenth of the people because of this, and the remaining people who were still alive did not stop their spellcasting actions for this.

  These spells are too dense, even if Lynn and the others fly in the sky no matter how flexible they are, there is no way to escape such dense barrage of spells.

  So Lynn immediately released the [scepter], turning it into a huge metal shield behind them, blocking all the life-threatening curses that could not penetrate the entity.

  But although these life-killing spells will not cause [Scepter] to die as a result, they still cause a lot of damage to itself.

  A large number of life-threatening spells left crater holes on its surface. Even if these are not irreversible damage, they can still make [Scepter] take a long time to recover.

   just withstood a wave of offensive, the [Scepter] was already unable to withstand it, it whined, and then it changed back to the metal rod and flew back to Lynn.

  Lynn grabbed Hermione's hand with one hand. , Grabbing Fox's shoulder with the other hand, asked quickly.

   "Professor, haven't we fly out of the range of anti-phantom shifting magic?"

  Fox held his wand in his hand, and kept chanting the spell of Apparition in his mouth. There was no time to answer Lynn’s questions at all.

  The Aurors re-spread their formations, and the wands in their hands aimed at Lynn and them, planning to start the second wave of offensive.

Lynn gritted his teeth and set a triple-magnification iron armor curse on his body. He tightly grasped Hermione's hand and blocked her back with his body, and kept his hand back. Black magic is used to block the spellcasting actions of these wizards.

However, these Aurors were not all immobile. They only knew that they were gathered into a group of living targets that were beaten. After completing the iron armor curse on their bodies, they dispersed the formation, causing Lynn to turn back and counterattack several curses. Little gain.

  All kinds of spells were chanted in the mouths of hundreds of Aurors, and the dazzling rays of magic spells attacked Lynn and the others like hundreds of venomous snakes in the setting sun.

Just when Lynn was about to pick up Hermione who was riding on a flying broomstick, he pulled Fox with one hand and used the Bubble Head Curse to try to go into the sea to avoid this offensive~www.novel35.com~Fox suddenly grabbed back tightly. Caught his arm.

   "Grasp it!"

  The moment after Fox’s voice fell, the bodies of the three of them were all distorted for a moment, and then disappeared into the air in an instant.

  Countless spells passed through where they disappeared, and then disappeared without a trace in the distance.

The Aurors in the mold country stopped their motivation to fly on the broomstick, and their faces still carried sadness and anger, as well as confusion about the future development.

  At the end of the mission, even Lynn did not catch half of the hair, but the security director of Congress died. What should they explain when they go back?

  These Aurors did not stay in mid-air for long, and O'Brien's deputy had already made a decision on this matter.

  They must go back and report the complete story to Congress.

  The alleged incident of Lynn has been listed as the top secret in Congress, and the main reason for the failure of this operation is the wrong judgment of Lynn’s strength.

  (End of this chapter)

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