I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 499: 464: It’s not normal for 4 schools to participate in the 3 Strong Tournament...

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And if they are not satisfied with this result and privately retaliate against the Magic State of Moldy Country, then the goal is too obvious.

As long as they are not fools, anyone who knows will suspect that they did it.

So they plan to conceal the matter. Lynn and Fox have no plans to intervene in this matter through official agencies, but this does not mean that this matter is forgotten.

Only one O'Brien Lynn was killed because he was charged some interest. Besides, O'Brien committed suicide. He had nothing to do with Lynn. Whether the interest was received or not is a question.

Counting the things about Fontana before, these hatred Linn must be able to get back even the profits.

Moreover, it must be impossible for the Moldy National Congress to just forget it.

They paid such a high price and finally not only failed to kill Lynn, but also got their security chief in.

Lynn does not yet know that half of O'Brien's corpse appeared directly in the congress hall under the eyes of everyone. Such a tragic death of the security director will undoubtedly bring an unexplainable scandal to Congress.

With this alone, it would be impossible for the Magic Congress of the Moldy Country to have a good relationship with Lin Enshan.

So he didn't intend to put the contradiction between the two sides on the face of the matter afterwards, and some methods would not be used once they were on the face.

What's more, it's just a purely external influence. One is the magic government that has consistently ranked top three in the world in terms of comprehensive strength.

No matter how you look at it, as long as Lynn can resist a little bit, it is obvious that he has a problem.

After Lynn and Fox reached a consensus, Hermione naturally had no objections.

After learning that everything was just a false alarm, the Weasleys and Harry yawned and went back to sleep. They were nervous for a day and didn't sleep.

Leon also ordered all his subordinates to return to their respective posts, and under Lynn's instruction, the work of reverse cracking the door key was also terminated.

But Leon himself did not leave. Of course, Lynn would not hide these things from the saints, or that they were Lynn's real hard-core confidants. These things should have been told to them.

However, Lynn didn't ask Leon to tell him the truth first, but had a conversation with Fox alone.

"So you came back this time, have you considered what I said to you in the letter? Professor."

He and Fox were the only two left in Lynn's tent, and Xiao Bui was taken by Hermione to borrow a room in the Weasley's tent to rest.

Fox took a relaxed sip with his tea.

"Of course I thought about it. To be honest, if Dumbledore hadn't hired me as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts when you were a year old, I would have been happy to stay at Hogwarts. After your description in your letter, I think this position as a professor of magical moral education is very suitable for me."

Regarding Fox's answer, although Lynn had expected it in advance, he still breathed a sigh of relief.

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Because this is the most suitable person among the people he knows in the magic world, and the one who feels most assured to be the professor.

"That's a great professor. Starting from this semester, I can call you Professor Fox again." Lynn said with a smile, "The appointment letter written by Professor Dumbledore should be in your hands soon. NS."

"I have been traveling outside for four years. Basically, I have been to the places I want to go, and I have eaten everything I want to eat. After this O'Brien incident, I really feel a little bored to continue walking. It’s also a good choice to go back to school to study and teach what you said."

"Then where are you going next?"

Fox thought for a moment.

"Let’s go back to my house in England first, go there and take a look and then head to Hogwarts. It’s not long since I left school."

The conversation between Lynn and Fox was not long, and after it was determined that Fox would teach at Hogwarts next, they made an appointment to wait until Hogwarts goodbye.

After Fox left, Lynn started talking with Leon, and this time their conversation time was not so short.

He didn't conceal the fact that Leon Lynn had told him how he was deceived by the Mold Country Auror to the island. Leon's face has not been very good-looking, and he sneered at the Mold Country wizards.

"When I was following Lord Grindelwald, those moldy countrymen would only use these little tricks, but at that time their congressional chairman Serafina Piqueli was still a very capable woman, with strength and strength. The means are sufficient to control the domestic situation, otherwise, the moment Grindelwald-Master set foot on the American continent, the moldy wizards who followed him would have already rebelled."

Even without Leon speaking, Lynn himself knew how vigorous Grindelwald was in that era, far from being comparable to Voldemort, who only fought in the British den some time ago.

It's just that how miserable Grindelwald had treated the magic world of the mold country, how much the wizards of the mold country hated him now.

Lynn touched his fairly smooth chin and thought.

"Although we have not fully mastered the Ministry of Magic in the UK now, it is impossible for them to invade the English island directly, so they must have other actions against me in the future, but they are still the same as today. Some stigmatizing methods that can't be seen on the table..."

Hearing this, Leon suddenly remembered a news he had recently accidentally heard in the Ministry of Magic.

"Recently, the International Magic Cooperation Department has made some big moves against Hogwarts. I heard that the Triwizard Tournament, which has been suspended for a long time, will be held at Hogwarts this year~www.novel35.com~Lynn nodded. .

"I already knew this beforehand. By that time, the other two wizarding schools in Europe, Boothbatten and Durmstrang, will participate in this event. At the beginning of this event, these three schools are nominally to promote friendship. , In fact, it was held for the sake of comparison.

However, as the intensity of the competition became more intense as it progressed, there were even cases where three contestants died, two became disabled, and it was no longer held a long time ago. "

Leon's expression was serious.

"The Triwizard Tournament is an event held by the magic schools in Europe, but this year there are not only three schools participating."

Lynn frowned: "You mean..."

"I've heard some news from the Ministry. The Effamoni School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Moldy Country has applied to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, and the Ministry of Magic has decided to agree."


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