I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 53: 53: Revenge 10 years late (1)

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   "This road passes through the tribe of men and horses. They hate strangers. The horsemen told me that they had recently lost a tribe. The tribe has entered a state of alert. We'd better take a detour."

   Professor Fox and Hagrid have been walking in the forbidden forest for more than an hour.

   The sky was completely dark, and through Hagrid’s guidance, they avoided the horse tribes, unicorn gathering places, and many other dangerous places.

   They twisted around and walked almost half of the forbidden forest, and finally came to the deepest part of the forbidden forest.

   Hagrid looked at the familiar cobwebs around him, his face changed slightly, and he stammered.

   "Fox, are you sure you haven't come to the wrong place? There really are things like red hats here?"

  Professor Fox moved forward very quickly, and Hagrid did not let Hagrid specifically slow down and wait for him along the way.

   His eyes are getting calmer and calmer, and his expression is no longer the excitement he had started, but surprisingly calm!

   "I won't find the wrong Hagrid."

   "But I have come here many times." Hagrid's eyes dodge a little, and he tried to stop Professor Fox from moving forward.

   "There must be no elf called the red hat you mentioned here, I can be sure."

   Professor Fox stopped his advance and looked back at Hagrid, who was unwilling to move forward.

   "I must find him. If you don't want to go, then you can go back to Hagrid. Thank you very much for your help."

   Hagrid started to panic when he saw Professor Fox being so determined. He clenched his football-sized fist, gritted his teeth, and finally chose to tell the truth.

   "I have some fox pets here. They, they don't comply with the laws of the Ministry of Magic, but I swear! I have never let them out of the forbidden forest, and I have never let them harm people..."

   Professor Fox interrupted him.

   "Needless to say Hagrid, do you think people like me care about this? I am not here to trouble your pets."

   Although Hagrid is usually more straightforward, he is not stupid at such a big life.

   "But you can't come here to find a red hat. It may be possible in other places in the Forbidden Forest, but there will never be such creatures living here."

   Fox turned his head, he smiled lightly, looking relieved, and said to Hagrid.

"Not only here, it is impossible for this forbidden forest to have a creature like a red hat. This kind of elves only live in northern Europe. They like places with human blood. Obviously none of the Hogwarts forbidden forest conforms to their living habits. . So, I'm sorry Hagrid, I lied to you."

  Hagrid's face changed completely. He thought it was Fox who discovered the whereabouts of his pets after entering the Forbidden Forest, so he gave up looking for the red hat and turned to look for the dangerous magical animals he raised.

   But I didn't expect that Fox's goal at the beginning was not the indispensable red hat at all!

   "Then what are you looking for here?" he asked tremblingly.

   Professor Fox continued to step forward, following the direction of the spell.

   "I'm looking for someone, an enemy."

   Hagrid didn't mean to go back, he continued to follow Professor Fox, because he was moving in the direction of Hagrid’s pet and his friend—Aragok’s lair!

   "What enemy are you looking for? There are others in the Forbidden Forest?"

  Professor Fox didn't care about Hagrid continuing to follow him. On the contrary, he seemed very happy that he had a listener by his side at this time.

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   "He has many identities, an undocumented Animagus, a pureblood, a dark wizard, a Death Eater... and I prefer to call him an escaped mouse."

   "Is he a Death Eater who hasn't been caught by the Ministry of Magic?" Hagrid felt his hands and feet cold, and he was a little nervous inexplicably.

   "No, no, you misunderstand what I mean." Professor Fox shook his head, "I call him a mouse not because he escaped the Ministry of Magic."

   "You should know why I was imprisoned in Azkaban and then released again? Hagrid."

   "Because..." Hagrid opened his mouth, and he seemed to think of what Professor Fox was going to say.

"I killed five Death Eaters." He said with a smile, "Originally this number should be six, but the last one escaped early when he got the news. After that, I was arrested by the Ministry of Magic, two years ago. After I was released, I traveled all over the world in the name of traveling, in fact, to find him. Guess where he is hiding?"

  Hagrid's lips trembled slightly, and he didn't answer the answer they all knew.

   The night has fallen, and the thick dark clouds have isolated the starry sky and the earth, and the forbidden forest is particularly dark.

   They are like the mouths of a giant abyssal beast that has walked into it. The front is pitch black, and they can't see their fingers.

   "Fluorescence flickers."

   Professor Fox used a magic wand to illuminate the spell.

   Hagrid hesitated for a moment, and did not choose to hide, waved his little pink umbrella, and also used the magic wand to illuminate the spell.

   As they got deeper and deeper, spider webs like fishing nets began to appear among the surrounding trees, and at the same time, some huge figures faintly flashed across the web.

   "The pets you raised turned out to be giant spiders. I remember they can eat people." Professor Fox saw the creatures hidden in the spider web.

   Hagrid defended their friends: "Aragog listened to me very much. It restrained its ethnic group~www.novel35.com~ and won't let them harm other people."

   Professor Fox did not agree with this.

   "A beast is a beast after all, even if their leader has laid down a non-harming rule for your group, what if you die? Or is your friend incapable of restraining its group?"

   Hagrid didn't answer. It wasn't that he hadn't thought about these questions, he was just subconsciously not guessing the answers.

   Suddenly, Professor Fox stopped.

   In the woods, when did the fine "click" sound.

  The sound is like having countless feet stepping on dry branches. Professor Fox's expression became serious, he shrugged and said to Hagrid.

   "I don't think you have to wait until that time. The children and grandchildren of your friends want to eat us now."

   The spiders hiding in the dark are no longer trying to hide. They gather from all directions and surround Professor Fox and Hagrid in the middle, like a black ocean, which will swallow their small reef at any time.

   Hagrid looked incredulously at the giant spiders that were constantly pouring up like damp around him. He roared and questioned his friend.

   "Aragok! Where are you! Come out immediately! Are you trying to kill me now?"

  Professor Fox stopped Hagrid’s meaningless actions. He had gray hair and wrinkled face, but his waist was upright, his eyes were bright, and he looked extremely energetic.

   The howling cold wind blew his windbreaker, and Adrien Fox drew out his magic wand, just like a medieval knight drew out his sword.

   "You don't need to call Hagrid, your friend obviously has something accidental. The only thing we can do now is fight."

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