I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 87: 72: Lynn disappeared

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   Although the name of the newly-acquired title is still hard to tell, the effect is very good.

   makes up for the shortcomings of the "newly enrolled rookie" who disappeared after entering the second grade.

   In addition, the addition of points this time also gave Lynn a key message. It turned out that the normal addition of points can increase a talent to 7 points at most, and a thing called a legendary value will be used in many cases.

   He doesn't have any legendary value now, and he doesn't know how to obtain it, but he is not in a hurry. From now on, 7 points of talent are enough for him to learn those advanced dark magic knowledge.

   A week of **** is short-lived for most little wizards.

   At the end of this semester, the night before leaving Hogwarts, Hogwarts held a grand dinner.

   Green and silver ribbons floated throughout the auditorium, and all the little snakes were happy on the long Slytherin table. Because on the high platform, Dumbledore is announcing that Slytherin has won the Academy Cup this year, and this is their seventh consecutive championship.

   Dumbledore's most satisfying thing about Lynn is that he never talks about it when he is speaking.

   Especially when everyone is hungry.

A sumptuous dinner appeared on the long tables of the various colleges. Although the food was still delicious, Lynn felt that since Kira was caught by him and Dumbledore expelled, the food that appeared in front of him every time he ate was far from the previous one. To his taste.

   Obviously, the food that appeared in front of Lynn before was made specially for him by Kira in the kitchen.

   At this dinner, Lynn certainly didn't sit with Cedric and accompany Ian to the long table at Ravenclaw. That would be too dull.

   The atmosphere inside Slytherin is actually pretty good. Although Lynn has only started a semester and has already fought with a peer and a senior, at least on the surface, the seniors and sisters are still very kind to him.

   The dinner did not last until very late, so Dumbledore announced the end of the semester and wished everyone a happy holiday.

   Lynn returned to the dormitory, his luggage and all kinds of miscellaneous things had been packed long ago, and he brought back a piece of meat for Xiaowei as usual.

Recently, the hamster that was suspected of being a spy has been raised by him. It seems that he is not afraid that Lynn doubts her anymore. He just started to dislike eating bread and biscuits every day. Every meal he hoped that Lynn would bring her meat from the auditorium. .

   Lynn is also happy to raise her like this every day. Kira is a house elf left behind by his predecessor parents. Since it regards him as its master, it will definitely not want to harm him.

   It can be seen from its three attacks at Hogwarts. Although it is extreme, all Chira did was indeed to protect him.

   Therefore, Lynn has no reason to treat his spy hamster harshly.

   No words for a night.

   Early in the morning of the first day, the new male prefect of Slytherin had already started knocking on the door of each room, calling out the little wizards from the bed to prevent them from not catching up with the Hogwarts Express.

   The train still stopped in front of the small broken platform when they first came to school. When they got on the train, they were empty-handed, and the house elves helped them transport their luggage to the train.

   Lynn and Cedric Ian are sitting in a box. They are discussing the next semester's course.

   "Have you heard of the next person who will take over the post of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class professor?" Cedric secretly told them the gossip he had gotten.

   "It's Professor Quirrell."

   "Who is he?" Ian doesn't know such a person.

   Lynn explained to him: "He is a professor of Muggle Studies. It is said that he did a good job in the class. He still graduated from your Ravenclaw."

   Lynn certainly remembered the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts who appeared in the first part and then rushed to the street.

   He seems to be the one who was caught by Voldemort this summer?

   Lynn thought silently in his heart, he can't remember the plot of the original book.

   "And!" Cedric looked a little excited, he said, "Next year there will be a big man enrolling in the school!"

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   Ian is not interested in so-called big shots: "Who? The son of the Minister of Magic."

   "Of course not, but Harry Potter!"

"who is he?"

   "He was the savior who killed the mysterious man. At that time, he was just born and already had such a feat. It is hard to imagine how he will perform in Hogwarts in the future!"

Both Ian and Lynn lacked interest in this. Ian did not understand the history of the magic world at all, and Lynn knew what would happen in the future, so he enrolled in Harry Potter. This matter is disapproving.

   Seeing that they were not interested, Cedric had no interest in chatting, so he changed the subject.

   "Do you have any plans for this summer vacation?"

   "Me?" Lynn looked up and thought for a while, "I should have nothing to do during the summer vacation. I stay at home every day, and I can't use magic. I can only read books, plant flowers, and bully the little girl from the neighbor's house."

   He also asked Kira about his real life experience, but he didn't say this. Lynn subconsciously felt that this kind of thing should not be too public.

   "My family will go to the beach for vacation every summer." Ian said.

   "That's not bad, it's good to go to the beach in the summer. I'm afraid that if I see you next semester, you will get a lot of darkness."

   Seeing that they all have plans, Cedric said sadly.

   "I don't know what my dad thinks. He wanted to take our family out for a trip last summer. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Magic was too busy with work, so it was delayed until this year. I don't know if I can go there this year."

   Lynn and Ian didn't know how to comfort him, they could only buy a lot of them when the candy cart came to their box in an attempt to numb him with food.

   Although there is a fast word in the name of the Hogwarts Express, its speed is really slow, UU read www.uukanshu. Com drove around for a day, and it was not until dusk that they reached platform nine and three-quarters.

   Lynn and the three helped each other, removing all their luggage from the train and putting them on the trolley. There was no house elves to help them.

   Next to Lynn’s suitcase, in the small buried cage, the hamster, who had been sleeping with his eyes closed before, suddenly opened his small eyes.

   It looked left and right awkwardly, and found that Lynn, who was bidding farewell to Cedric, did not find himself, he opened the cage cautiously, and slipped away after a few vertical jumps.

   Cedric’s parents are both wizards, so he was picked up from the platform. He could only say goodbye to Lynn Ian in advance.

   "I'll go there first, you follow me." Lynn, who hasn't noticed that the pet has slipped away, is discussing with Ian the order of passing through the enchanted wall.

   Ian nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

   He watched Lynn pushing the trolley, closing his eyes, and crossing the wall with an acceleration, then silently counted ten seconds in his mind.

   The ten-second interval is to prevent the Muggles outside from noticing that people frequently pop out of the wall.

   Ten seconds later, like Lynn, he closed his eyes, pushed the cart and trot across the wall.

   When he opened his eyes, people came and went around. People in modern costumes were walking hurriedly in the station, and no one noticed him coming out of a wall.

   He returned to the world of normal people.

   Ian was a little emotional in his heart, but then he found that something was wrong!

   Because there is no Lynn around.

   Ian frowned, and after carefully observing my surroundings for a long time, he still couldn't find Lynn's whereabouts.

   Lynn, disappeared!


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