I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 9: 9: Wand fit

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   "Did you see the white building? That is the wizard's bank, Gringotts, which belongs to the fairyland in the magical world."

   Fox acted as a guide for Lynn, introducing him to various shops in Diagon Alley.

   "Fairies control the wizard's economy? Aren't they afraid of stealing them?"

   Lynn felt very strange about this. Non-my races must have different minds. They have similar words everywhere. The wizards are not stupid. They must also know this truth.

   "No, no, you don't know enough about them." Fox shook his head.

   "Goblins are nominally independent, but they are still under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic and are vassals of wizards.

   They are the defeated, deprived of the right to use magic wands.

   Don't underestimate this. Without the magic wand, they would never be able to make a big storm. And let them manage wealth more reliably than the wizards themselves. In terms of money, the spirit of contract of the fairies has withstood the test of the times. "

   Lynn has no interest in the history of the magic world. He can't wait to get a wand of his own.

   "Then shall we go to Gringotts to withdraw money next?"

   Fox took out his pocket watch and checked the time.

   "Well, there has been a long delay at noon. I have a dinner party to attend after six o'clock. Let's split up.

   I went to Gringotts to withdraw money. You first took the money on my body to buy books and magic wands, then went to the Madam Morkin Robe Shop to order school uniforms, and finally waited for me over there. "

"no problem."

   Fox took out a purse from himself and handed it to Lynn.

   Lynn shook the purse. There was a pleasant metal crashing sound inside. He opened it and counted it. There were almost twenty gold coins.

"A total of twenty-five gold gallons, enough for you to buy everything you need to go to school. Of course, my investment must be more than that, but the remaining money will wait for me to withdraw from Gringotts. ."

   Fox pointed out the location of Ollivander's Wand Shop to Lynn, and then the two separated.

   There are many people in Diagon Alley. This is the largest commercial street in the magical world in the UK. Almost all the magic items that can be bought through regular channels are available here.

   Of course, if you want illicit goods, you have to go to Knock Down Alley next door.

   The Ollivander Wand Shop was not as easy to find as Lynn expected. He walked in the direction that Fox pointed to him for a long time, only to see a slightly dilapidated facade.

  【Ollivander, has been the best wand maker since 382 BC. 】

  The narrow wooden door is printed with golden letters that have been partially peeled off.

  It is the best in my house to make rods for thousands of years.

   After Lin En silently vomited a groove in his heart, he reached out and pushed open the wooden door that seemed to fall at any time.

"Jingle Bell…"

   The crisp doorbell was very pleasant, and he walked into the cabin.

   Upon seeing it, the room is full of tall wooden cabinets.

   "Oh, I didn't expect that there would be guests coming today."

   A short old man walked out from behind a row of wooden cabinets.

   He looked with a smile on his face, and was looking at Lynn who was decorated in the shop with curious eyes, and asked in a gentle voice.

   "Are you the new wizard at Hogwarts this year?"

   Lynn nodded and said, "Yes, sir, I need a magic wand."

   "You should be the latest one this year." Ollivander took out a piece of parchment from a drawer.

   "Lynn Bellock?"

   "Yes, it's me."

   "Is it accustomed to use the left hand or the right hand?"

   "Uh...right hand."

   A silver measuring tape floated out of Ollivander's pocket automatically, and floated to Lynn's application.

   "Come, stretch your right arm, yes, very good, that's it."

   The tape made Lynn feel a little twisted, like a twisting snake.

   At this time Ollivander had already waved his wand and pulled out a wooden box from the wooden cabinet.

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   The wooden box floated onto Lynn's long table, and the lid opened automatically.

   "Beech with fire dragon nerve, 12 inches, a powerful combination, come and try."

   He stuffed the wand into Lynn's hand, and Lynn waved it into the air somewhat stupidly, nothing happened.

   But in his mind, the voice of the system rang:

  【The fit is 23%. 】

   Lynn was startled.

   can still have this function?

   Just as he was stunned, Ollivander's hand movement did not stop, he took the wand back from Lynn's hand, and put another one into his hand.

   "You don't seem to be very suitable, then try this, hawthorn and phoenix feathers, nine inches, curved and easy to use."

  【51% cohesion. 】

   is better than before, but there is still no special effect.

   "I like it very much, picky customer. How about trying this one? Willow and unicorn hair, fifteen inches, long overall and very tough."

   This time the magic wand finally showed some changes. Lynn felt like something had flowed into the stick at his fingertips, and a cluster of brilliant sparks spewed out from the front end of it.

  【The fit is 76%. 】

   Ollivander nodded with satisfaction: "It likes you very much, this is it..."

   "Wait, sir." Lynn interrupted him suddenly, and pointed to the tall wooden cabinets, "Can I see your wands for myself first?"

   Ollivander's expression was obviously a bit wrong. It was the first time he met a guest like Lynn who offered to make a request.

   "Uh... of course, this is your right as a guest."

   Lynn felt that in this wand shop, the wand in his hand might not be the one with the highest degree of compatibility with him.

   Although I don’t know how much the wand and the wizard’s cohesion will affect the release and use of magic, Lynn thinks that the higher the better.

   Don't need to take out each wand to touch, he can detect the coherence of each wand as long as through the cabinet system.

   Lynn started from the first row of wooden cabinets. It looked like he was walking aimlessly, but in fact, the sound of the system in his brain kept ringing.

   [Wangling degree 59%, Wingness degree 65%, Wingness degree 13%, Wingness degree 78%, Wingness degree 45%...]

   It took more than twenty minutes, just when Ollivander's patience was about to be polished, Lynn finally browsed all the wands, and finally chose the one with the highest degree of compatibility with him.

  【92% cohesion】

   "I think this magic wand is the most suitable for me. What do you think of Mr. Ollivander?"

   Lynn lightly waved the magic wand in his hand, and the front end of the wand left a bright silver track, which remained in the air for a long time.

   Ollivander looked at the magic wand in his hand in disbelief and muttered.

   "Perfect...perfect combination, it seems to be specially made for you, Mr. Belloc, how did you... find it?"

   "Well... just feel it, an indescribable feeling." Lynn said vaguely.

   "The magic wand chooses the wizard!"

Ollivander suddenly yelled decisively: "It must be guiding you and let you find it! This is a strong evidence that the magic wand itself is actually spiritual! I want to write it down and record it in In Ollivander’s family tree..."

   Ollivander grabbed his messy hair and ran around the house excitedly.

  The spirituality of fart is obviously my choice.

   Lynn rolled his eyes secretly, then stopped the excited Ollivander who couldn't help himself.

   "Mr. Ollivander, can you tell me the characteristics of this wand first?"

"Why not? Quiet wood with Yeqi's heartstrings, eleven and one-quarter inches, ah, really rare combination, mysterious and difficult to control, very suitable..." Speaking of this, Ollivander paused suddenly. .

   Lynn looked at him curiously.

   "What is suitable for?"

   Ollivander swallowed, as if tabooing something, but still said it.

   "...for those sane, quiet but occasionally crazy wizards."

   Lynn was a little inexplicable, he didn't understand what the nervous old man meant.

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