I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 92: 76: Professor on the street

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   "Professor Fox!"

   Lynn looked at him in shock, lying on the ground, with messy silver hair and stains on his trench coat. Lying in the corner like a beggar, there was an old man who was a few pennies from passers-by in front of him.

   Fox, who was lying with his eyes closed and rested, heard the sound and opened his eyes to look at Lynn in surprise.

   "Bellock, why are you here too."

   Lynn spread his hands helplessly.

   "It's hard to say a word. I was pitted by a house elf. He brought me here. He asked me to find something. As a result, the magic in my body disappeared as soon as I entered this small town."

   Professor Fox sighed and shook his head.

“I’m even more unlucky. I came here shortly before the plan of travel started, but the magic power was also missing. The original plan of using magic to pretend to be a magic show on the street doesn’t work either. I don’t know if it’s lucky or unfortunate. I can still meet you here, Belloc."

   Lynn frowned slightly, looked at him strangely, first looked up and down, and then circled him again.

   he asked suddenly.

   "How much was your first money to support me?"

   Fox looked at him with a smile on his face, as if he knew what he was going to do, and replied fluently.

   "Twenty-five gallons, and then I took five hundred gallons from Gringotts for you."

   "Why did I entertain you when you came to my house?"

   "German dark beer, I lied to you to buy it."

   "Where is your home in England?"

   "608 Queen Street, Lisburn, Northern Ireland. Don't forget to get the black magic materials in the past, you will need them."

   Lynn was relieved to see him answering like fluent.

   "Professor, don't you always call me Lynn? Why did you suddenly start calling my last name?"

   Fox blinked and said with a smile.

   "We have been apart for a while, and suddenly I was a little uncomfortable when we met."

   Lynn stared at him for a while, then shook his head and said.

   "If it weren't for knowing that this place can steal the magic power of wizards, and adding that you can answer everything I ask you, I almost doubt who you are pretending to be."

   Fox shrugged, as if he didn't mind Lynn doubting himself.

   "It's very good to have this kind of vigilance. Just like I told you before, don't trust anyone lightly."

   "But you will be reduced to this level?" Lynn was still very surprised at what Professor Fox looked like now.

   "Even if you can't do business by magic when you come to this small town, what about the money you made before? Where did you spend it?"

   Professor Fox got up from the ground, he patted the dust on his clothes, and at the same time picked up the coins on the ground.

   "I'll be telling you about this later, are you rich? Lynn. I haven't eaten for more than a day, let's have a meal first."

   Ten minutes later, inside a fast food restaurant.

   Professor Fox is gorging on the third burger.

   Lynn was holding a glass of Coke with ice and drank it without a sip. He was cautious about everything when he was alone. Now that Professor Fox is an adult together, he can naturally relax a little.

   "So Professor, why are you so down and down as you are now?"

Professor Fox looked like he was eating happily. He wiped his mouth with a napkin, then let out a long sigh of relief, slumped on the chair, and squeezed the entire package of ketchup into the French fries, one by one. Eating.

"When I first came here, there was indeed some Muggle currency, but the sudden disappearance of the magic power in my body made me very panicked. After realizing that the magic power did not come back even after I left here, I dare not do anything without authorization. I can ask the outside world for help.

On the first day I came here, I went to the Muggle post office and mailed a letter. In order to make the letter reach the recipient's hands quickly, I spent all the money on my body. A place like this is in the UK. The magic world cannot be silent, we must have entered here by mistake.

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   Wait, there should be news soon. "

   Lynn nodded, and being able to meet Professor Fox in this situation gave him a lot of peace of mind.

   He glanced aimlessly at the fast food restaurant and saw a **** old man with a beret and a cane walking in.

   He didn't care too much about it. It's the meal now, and there are still many people in the fast food restaurant.

   "Then we shall live here first?"

   "Do you have enough money?"

   Lynn figured it out in his heart.

   "If you save a little bit, I can live here for at least two weeks. Even if it is not enough in the end, I still have some gold gallons. These are all real gold. There is no way we can change it into pounds."

   Professor Fox shook his head and said, "That's too bad."

   "At that point, there is no way. We can't always live on the streets hungry."

   The lame old head was going to the bathroom. His legs and feet looked very inconvenient. When he walked to Lynn and their table, he slipped a foot suddenly, and Lynn reached out to help him.

   "Be careful, old sir."

   Smith said apologetically.

   "Thank you, kid, for interrupting your meal with your grandpa."

   Lynn and Professor Fox narrowed their eyes at the same time.

   Lynn smiled without changing his face and said: "It's okay, UU reading www.uukanshu.com my grandfather often teaches me to be helpful, do you need my help?"

   Smith waved his hand.

   "It doesn't matter, this is my old problem, so I won't bother you."

   After speaking, he let go of Lynn's holding hand and limped into the bathroom.

   Lynn and Professor Fox looked at each other.

   "There is something wrong with him."

   Professor Fox also nodded.

   "What he said just now is tentative."

   "Are we being targeted? Someone in this city recognizes us?"

   Professor Fox stood up.

   "But how about it, leave here first."

   Lynn also got up and quickly left the fast food restaurant.

   After Smith had calculated the time and got out of the bathroom, he suddenly discovered that the person in the position where Lynn and the others had originally made it had disappeared.

   Knowing badly, he also left the fast food restaurant.

   Smith didn't go back to the church directly. He walked around, first walked through a familiar convenience store, and then walked out of the back door of the secret convenience store. After making sure that no one was following him, he walked in the direction of the church.

   Lynn and Professor Fox hid in a corner, staring at the front of the convenience store for a long time, but only saw the old lame go in and didn't see him come out, and they knew they were lost.

   However, this also shows one thing, that old **** is specifically looking for them!

   Lynn rubbed his chin with his fingers, thinking.

   "It is very possible that there are not only two wizards in this city. The **** is obviously another group of wizards."

   "They must have something to do with the disappearance of magic power! If it's not good, they should know something too!"


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