I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 95: 79: He took his nest!

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   Lynn rushed to Professor Fox's bed in three steps and two steps, and directly opened his quilt.

   Fox was taken aback by him and looked at Lynn with open eyes in confusion.

   "Go! Go! Professor, yesterday's lame man brought a group of people over! They still have guns in their hands!"

   He shouted in a low voice, the next moment, Professor Fox was also agitated, and he was completely drowsy.

  He has been in Muggle society for a while, and of course he knows how powerful a gun can deter normal people!

   "They want to kill us? But there is no reason!" Professor Fox sprang up from the bed. He didn't look very panicked, but his face was puzzled.

   "Don't worry about so much, let's move strategically first!" Lynn said eagerly.

   "Why don't you just say to run away?"

   "Because that seems imposing."



   "They haven't gotten up until now, are they?" Smith watched Leon yelling for room service and knocked on the door again, frowning.

   Leon felt that something was wrong, so he moved aside and told Simon.


   "This is not so good, after all, the owner of this hotel is Stoke's brother-in-law."

   "You care about him! They will run away if they don't crash!"

   Simon retreated a few steps, and then launched a charge against the door.

   Just one click, the door was knocked open by him.

   The three old men rushed up, but the room was empty.

   "Fak! Let them run away!" Smith scolded.

   The windows of the room were wide open, and the tied sheets were blowing in the wind outside.

   Leon stretched his head and glanced out of the window, and he could see Lynn and the others running on the street.

   "We chase!"

   There were countless guests in the hotel poking out their heads from the door, watching the three old men "dongdongdongdong" running downstairs, their faces unconsciously.

   They got into Simon's pickup truck and chased in the direction Lynn and the others fled.

   Lynn looked back, immediately took Professor Fox and turned into an alley on the side of the street.

   "Fortunately, I didn't have time to get my luggage back yesterday." Lynn said with luck while running.

  Professor Fox sighed regretfully: "It's a pity that we paid for the room, but we paid for three days."

   "It's good to be able to run away. The key is that we have no grievances and no grudges. Why are they chasing us?"

   "Think of us as members of the Ministry of Magic?"

   "What should be convicted for chasing and killing the officials of the Ministry of Magic?"

   "The magic law does not have a death penalty, it should be Azkaban's life imprisonment."

   It was only when they communicated that they suddenly realized that they had reached a dead end without knowing it!

   "Turn over!" Lynn saw that the wall was not high, and immediately made a decision.

   "Professor, you climb up first, and then you are pulling me up!"

   However, just as Professor Fox was riding on the wall and pulling Lynn up, there was a sudden shout, stopping their movements.

   "Don't move! Otherwise don't blame my muzzle for not having eyes!"

   Simon smiled slyly and pointed his shotgun at Lynn and the others. Leon followed him panting behind him, and the **** Smith had to be further behind.

   "Good Simon! You haven't done anything wrong this time." Lemon happily patted the big fat man on the shoulder.

   Linn and Professor Fox were so ashamed that they even raised their hands.

   At this time, Lynn glanced sharply at the shotgun in Simon's hand.

   "Keep running! Professor! His gun was bluffing!"

   Linn pushed Professor Fox, the two jumped off the wall, and ran away!

   Simon was puzzled: "How do they know that my gun is a lie?"

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   Leon glanced at the shotgun in Simon's hand, and instantly felt that he was going crazy!

   "You pig! The barrels are crooked! Who can be fooled!"

   They were blocked by this wall, and after turning over, they couldn't see Lynn at all.

   people were lost by them.


   Linn and Professor Fox ran for more than an hour before stopping in front of a bus stop to rest.

   "It shouldn't be, we haven't even seen each other, where's the hatred?" Professor Fox muttered.

   Lynn thought of a reason.

   "Could they know that you are a professor at Hogwarts? They want to arrest you and me and blackmail Dumbledore."

  Professor Fox stared his eyes: "They are all like this and still have such courage?"

   "How about it? There is no other explanation now."

   "Then what shall we do now? Just like them, reconciliation is basically impossible."

   Lynn licked his hair, feeling that these two days were terrible, everything went wrong.

   "We cannot be passively beaten, we have to fight back."

  Professor Fox is now basically relying on Lynn's decision, but he thinks this proposal is unreliable.

   "They are crowded, they are still local snakes, we can't beat them."

   Lynn looked at Fox with emptied eyes.

   "Professor, you have misunderstood what I meant. This is not the magical world, but the legal society. Those who fight and kill will be arrested and jailed."

   "Then how do you want to fight back?"

   Lynn raised his eyebrows.

   "Didn't I say that now, in a society under the rule of law, they are absolutely lawless with guns in the street! Is there a saying that is not the case? If you have difficulty finding the police, let's call 999!"

   Five minutes later, inside a telephone booth.

   Professor Fox hung up the phone with a dull face.

   His expression is very strange, like an old father who just learned that his son had gone to Thailand to have **** reassignment surgery. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   "How do you say?" Lin En asked with blinking eyes.

  Professor Fox seems to have not been relieved yet.

   "They said...we stole cows from those people's farms."


   "Let's go to the police station to surrender and fight for leniency."


   Lynn is now trembling with anger and cold hands and feet, furious at the political corruption and incompetence of the British Empire!

   was cut off again, Professor Fox said with a frown.

   "What can we do now? Or just leave here and be a Muggle for a lifetime. I think Muggle life is not bad compared to wizards. There is food and drink, and TV watching."

   Lynn listened to Professor Fox, you go back to your Huaguo Mountain and I go back to my Gao Laozhuang to speak, with a look of anger.

   "How can you think so, Professor? We are not in desperation yet, we still have a chance!"

   "What chance do we have?"

   "The curse of this city is the protection Greenward left to his men. We can go to the saint's lair to see, maybe we will find something."

   Professor Fox looked at him in surprise: "Do you know where their nest is?"

   Lynn subconsciously stroked his smooth chin.

   "I know the nest of one of them."

   He pointed to a billboard not far away.

   Simon Farm serves you, this farm specializes in wheat, green vegetables, high-quality live cattle...

   Farm address: No. 106, Hanks Town, northwest of Abroath.

   There was also a headshot of Simon on the billboard. The fat old man grinned and smiled like a second fool.

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