I have a system

Chapter 1: Tomorrow is another day

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POV 3 person

A ragged young man lying on a bed in his dark room touched his swollen cheek as he reflected on what his day had been like, this was Jason. As usual he was going to reunite with his two friends Jully and Brian with whom he was going home, until Jully called him in for a chat and confessed to him, shocked Jason did what it took to keep his friends, Jason rejected her. because Brian had a crush on her.

And to his surprise she didn't take it well she literally pushed him down after tearing his own shirt determined to have what he wanted willingly or out of obligation, Jason tried to free himself until the thud of the door opening forced them to stop, It was Brian.

Jason tried to explain himself, but he didn't have a chance against an angry Brian, meanwhile Jully looked at him with a look that translated to "it serves you well", luckily with the commotion a teacher came and broke up the confusion.

Everyone went to the director's office, and once again Jason tried to explain himself thinking that even with anger Jully would help him clear his name, but the reality is cruel, Jully framed him saying that he had attacked her, and then by order of the director he was suspended for two weeks.

Feeling betrayed he returned home to find an angry father and a disgusted sister, once again he tried to explain himself but his father shut him up with a punch and sent him to his room to reflect on his actions, no choice poor Jason it remained to sleep embraced by sadness that quickly turned into apathy and distrust towards everyone, but tomorrow is another day.

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Jason POV

“Am I dreaming? Maybe Brian hit me too hard yesterday?” That was my first thought in the morning as I saw a translucent blue screen floating in front of my eyes.

[system awakened and bound]

Host: Jason Smith Age:17 Gender: Male Race: Human Status: Healthy

Class: none

Strength:0.6 Intelligence:0.7

Speed:0.5 Wisdom:0.7

Vitality: 0.5 @#$%&*

Resistance:0.4 @#$%&*

Skills: none

"I must be delirious." I thought as I rubbed my eyes, when I opened them again I felt relieved and disappointed to see that the translucent blue screen was gone, so I got up and went downstairs to the first floor, to my "disappointment" I realized that the house was empty, and for a change no one had bothered to save me some breakfast, I wasn't surprised, but I was irritated by the neglect even though I knew I couldn't trust anyone after yesterday.

Unwilling to stay at home and cook breakfast myself, I decided to grab a bite to eat in the hope that it would lighten my mood a little. So I changed into black jeans and a dark green shirt along with a brown coat along with a pair of all-stars, looked at myself in the mirror confirming my appearance, and it wasn't too bad.

I locked the house and left. I walked downtown which wasn't too far from home until I found a decent store, the attendants were very friendly and soon brought me my order, I ate in silence contemplating if the attendants would act the same way after the rumors of what happened started to spread. spread, after all the school is not far from here.

My mood took a turn for the worse as I walked and thought about the rumors that would soon spread without realizing that I ended up in front of an MMA gym, remembering how I got beaten up by Brian and that I was probably going to be bullied after what happened seemed like a good idea. idea learn to fight to catch less.

"Hey are you coming in or what? You're blocking the door."

-"Huh? Oh yes I'm sorry I was kind of lost in my thoughts."

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I turned around to see who snapped me out of my reverie when I noticed a girl with short blonde hair and green eyes, she was a little short about 162cm maybe, walked out of the front door as I once again prepared to weigh the pros and cons I was about to get in there when I noticed that the girl had grabbed my arm with and was dragging me into the gym.

-"Hey! What do you think you're doing!?"

-"If you're going to stand there like a statue thinking, better go in and take a class to help you decide."

While I was surprised at her strength, and when I realized I had already been dragged into the gym, while I was stunned the girl called an instructor and left me with him while she went to the back of the gym herself.

-"So what do we do now?" I asked while looking at the instructor who looked like a bear next to me.

-"You don't look very muscular, so it's best to start with something light, and since you're not wearing the right clothes, it's best if you do something that doesn't require a lot of flexibility, hmmm it will be boxing then. Have you done anything like this before? "

-"No sir."

For the next ten minutes the bear, I mean the instructor taught me the basics like stance and footwork, then came the punches and finally he left me alone to practice on a sandbag.

[boxing skill has been acquired, would the host like to start training mode?]

[Yes No]

-"What the fuck is..."

I managed to contain my urge to curse with the message that appeared out of nowhere, it seems I wasn't delirious earlier, without much choice I decided to press yes to see the result, and then lights came out of my chest and formed red dots that indicated how to move and where to hit, it felt like a super realistic J#st dance.
-"hehe this will be fun."

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Alice POV

I woke up as usual I went downstairs had breakfast with my dad and went out for my morning run as usual, finishing my course I went back to the gym just to see another idiot blocking the door, every now and then there is always someone who does this, they stand there looking through the glass door like stooges until someone offers them a trial lesson.

"Hey are you coming in or what? You're blocking the door."

-"Huh? Oh yes I'm sorry I was kind of lost in my thoughts."

He turned to me and answered me, he had a handsome appearance, but slovenly, he was tall about 1.78 or 1.80 m I think, the boy was not muscular, but he was not just bone either, but his eyes expressed indifference and mistrust at an abnormal level, there must be something very bad happening to him.

I felt sorry for him and couldn't leave him there, so I pulled him inside the Gym and asked Gary to teach him something while I went to the kitchen to get some water and dry my sweat, maybe some training would help him cheer up a little.

Finishing getting ready I went back to the front of the gym and came face to face with a crowd looking at the place where I left the boy with Gary, out of curiosity I went to take a look at what was happening, I passed through the crowd following the line of sight, to to my surprise they were looking at the boy.

He was sweating buckets, but that wasn't what drew attention, the boy didn't move like someone who had just started learning to box, everything from footwork to punches, although a little sloppy, connected perfectly giving a sense of beauty to the movements, even if he was far from a pro, but there was some brilliance in his technique.

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