I have a wheel in ancient times

Chapter 5: Ch 5: Grizzly Bear!

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Carefully recalling the words of the Landlord...

In order to become a qualified and even a powerful land god, Xun Xie summed up two points:

First, get the incense and blessings of many people.

Second, you need to cultivate your own yin spirit.

For other land gods, they only need to satisfy the first point. Xun Xie became a land God as a mortal, so he still needs to fulfill the second point.

Xun Xie couldn't help but glance at the barren and dilapidated village.

This situation is too desolate.

Don't even think about getting the incense and blessings of the people for the time being. You don't even have the people, so where did you get the incense?

As for the second point...

The Landlord provided a way. Xun Xie could go to Blue Grain Town to find Hu Piao and learn from his teacher.

In such a strange world, martial arts must be better than his past life, right?

Thinking of this, Xun Xie flew back to the Temple of the Earth, his soul returned to his place, and he regained control of his body.

"Since the man-eating Bodhisattva is gone, the valley is safe for the time being, and there is no need for me to escape."

Besides, Xun Xie knew nothing about the outside world and had nowhere to go. If he wandered outside, he had no one to rely on, and he had to take huge risks. Fear of the unknown was secondary, the danger they brought was first.

In case his frail little self was kidnapped by a human trafficker, Xun Xie would have nowhere to cry.

So, after thinking about it, Xun Xie didn't leave. The possibility of the bodhisattva returning was reduced exponentially, but encountering poisonous insects, traffickers, beasts, and so on is very much a possibility so he had to tread carefully, he would rather take his chances here instead of rushing although he had to visit the town eventually, but safety is king.

Although this place was just visited by a great disaster,

It wasn’t so bad; he went scavenging before and after the massacre, so his mind wasn’t so fragile.

"Although this earth temple is broken, at least it can keep out the wind and rain." Xun Xie thought about it.

Just do that then, pulled the flatbed cart into the temple, unloaded the inventory, and then pushed the cart to the village, found a good wooden bed from the ruins, and pulled it into the temple with great difficulty and a few stops to regain energy, then he rested a few minutes then laid the bedding, and put up a mosquito net.

It's not over yet.

The gate of the Temple of Earth is broken.

Xun Xie pushed the flatbed cart, and then went to the village to pull an intact wooden door. He also found a hammer and other tools. It took a lot of effort to disassemble and replace it.

Interestingly, he found a rough stone spear, a whetstone, and made the rough edges thin and neat and sharpened the point especially.

With a self-defense weapon, I feel a little more at ease. It was a short spear and the stone it used wasn’t that dense so he could manage swinging it a few times.


Xun Xie brought some bricks and mud, propped them up, and made two simple stoves. There were stoves in the village, many broken so he carried a few pieces back and mixed the mud to fix the broken sections together to make two complete stoves.

Put on the iron pot.

One for cooking and one for frying.

There is a lot of firewood in the village, and it can be used directly if you bring it in.

Vegetables, which are planted in the farmland, are all ready-made, pure natural, and ready to be eaten now.


Xun Xie washed the rice with water several times, peeled off some bits, steamed a pot of rice, and fried a vegetable stew with bacon. Stir-fry the bacon first to get an oily aroma, placed the picked vegetables in to get the water content out, covered the pot, and set to simmer.

By the time he had enough to eat and drink, it was already quite dark.

This dinner preparation was more exhausting than having ingredients in the fridge to prepare which was already very exhausting back in college and even just after he got his first job finding time after working was tiresome.

As a single dog he didn’t have a girlfriend to cook for him either.

Now he felt like he was a blue-collar worker who came home to cook.

Overworked + Overworked.

Looking out to the darkness…

Seasonally, this world should be in the beginning of summer.

The night sky is vast, and the stars and rivers are bright reflecting the moon and galaxies above.

In the fields, frogs croaked, and insects chirped, and fireflies fluttered to and fro.

Mosquitoes are also quite scary. Regardless of their size, the place where they bite is bound to be red, swollen, and extremely itchy. These country mosquitos or perhaps it was this world’s mosquitos were also quite large and fearsome. Fortunately, the mosquito net was made with them in mind.

Xun Xie hurriedly hid in the mosquito net, people were also tired, and the exhaustion came up quickly, and he quickly fell asleep.

Woke up a few times after attracting fist sized mosquitos, he slapped them away and eventually had to take a stick to beat them to mush, keeping it beside him, before finally thinking to triple up on mosquito nets and could finally have a good uninterrupted sleep…then he had to pee.

Cursed a few times, no wonder even such a small village had mosquito nets ready with those fist sized tyrants who could live in peace, he seemed to remember peppermint oil was a deterrent but did this world have it? Even if not, there must be some substitutes, he would have to inquire later.

When I woke up the next day, the sky was already bright.

Xun Xie got up, feeling better and more energetic.

After being shocked by the Bodhisattva, the seven orifices bleed, and the internal and external injuries are definitely not healed, and it will take some time to be healthy. The stone wheel seemed to protect him only passively, and it wasn’t considerate enough to make him completely immune to damage.

That was only likely special spiritual attacks since those damn mosquitos already made him swollen.

Xun Xie walked out of the Temple of the Earth, took half a bucket of water to wash his face, rinse his mouth, cook, and eat.

Just woke up and still sore from yesterday yet he must still exert himself. No matter the world he was ill-fated as a hard worker. Couldn’t he have possessed a rich boy?

After lamenting he rubbed his sore palms.

Then after eating and drinking, Xun Xie picked up his hoe and dug a big hole in the wasteland outside the village.

After thinking for a while, the spear was cooler for sure, but the hoe was easier to use as a weapon to the current him, so he also kept it sharpened.

Tired and sweating.

Then, Xun Xie came to the village, covered his mouth and nose with a rag, and collected the bones of the villagers who were killed mainly broken bones, and buried them in the pit.

On the one hand, Xun Xie did this out of compassion. On the other hand, he had enough of being disgusted since coming here, and seeing maggots would be the last straw! Also, who knew what creatures were attracted by the dead in this extraordinary world better to bury them than not and possibly regret it later.

If there is no accident, he may want to live here until he grew up, and protecting the livable area is important.

The first time he touched the bones of a dead person, Xun Xie suffered a lot of psychological burden. He vomited several times, and his scalp became numb.

Then he looked back sadly at his spilled stomach contents, the bacon was finished….

Finish it all.

He had also tasted that this world's food tasted better than his for some reason, the rice wasn’t some flavored rice, but it was very delicious, the vegetables were also quite nourishing. The gap wasn’t great just about 2-3 times better if he had to use numbers. But this was just casual food without much detailed preparation!

He faintly looked forward to this world’s cuisine.

Already noon, everything takes so long with this frail body.

Xun Xie hurriedly fetched water to take a bath. After five times of washing, he almost rubbed off a layer of skin before giving up.

You are reading story I have a wheel in ancient times at novel35.com

"Oh, I'm exhausted."

Xun Xie sat on the steps in front of the ruined temple, basking in the sun, feeling warm and comfortable. Nothing like a good bath after a sweat.

He rested for a while and looked inside his mind.

Treasure seeker was valid for one day, and it has passed. Today is a new day, and you can spin the wheel again.


Xun Xie took a look at the new symbol.

Along with the hourglass, there were three special coins in another section of the main wheel.

It wasn’t there before.

He tried to spin it again, but it was still immovable as a mountain.

“Could those coins represent the treasure seeker from yesterday?”

The more he thought about it, the more it seemed to be the case.

But why couldn’t he still spin the wheel?!!

Xun Xie rubbed his hair in frustration.

He relaxed for a while getting a well-deserved break and looked around idly.

Seeing the cobwebs and moldy bread and fruit from before, he resisted the urge to get up and clean but was ultimately defeated.

“Those writings are truly unique, similar to Chinese but not..hm-?!!!”

While cleaning Xun Xie glanced at some graffiti pondering whether to scrub them off or not, but that voice appeared again!

“You spun the lottery wheel and won Great Clarity.”

“Duration: 1 day. (Critical Disabled, Not activated)

Xun Xie felt a coolness in his head but that was it.

“That’s all?” Xun Xie was unresigned and continued testing it, but he didn’t know here to start at first and only mentally complained. Spun the lottery? The hell I did!

After a while he stared at the scribbles and couplets and started to feel something was changing but he couldn’t tell exactly what it was, so he just stared at them in a daze before falling asleep and this repeated throughout the day.

This day was spent doing nothing.

The next day.

Xun Xie woke up naturally, got up and washed alone, cooked, and ate alone.

Eating just rice and vegetables he was displeased; he came from the modern world after all, but he had swept the village clean already.

Xun Xie then looked outwards to the valley after his daily futile attempt to spin the wheel himself.

There was a new pattern on the wheel. It looked like a crown of some sort. Likely representing the useless Great Clarity, he won yesterday.

This valley is actually quite big, and Xun Xie observed after leaving the village.

“Fuck, so stinky!”

Pushing aside some thick vines that covered the path between two large trees he quickly pinched his nose.

These vines were incredibly pungent and slimy.

Halfway through he regretted pushing forward, he should have detoured.

Now he smelt like a latrine pit.

He made it out and found himself among a group of tall trees. They weren’t unimaginably tall touching the clouds, but these casual valley trees were likely the height of the tallest set of trees on earth which were very tall. They were comparable to old redwood trees. Though meeting a land god and bodhisattva if the trees casually touched the clouds he wouldn’t be surprised.

He was thankful the mosquitos were only that fierce, at least they weren’t as tall as people.

Xun Xie didn’t think carefully enough, some Mosquitos could in fact grow that big in this world, but would a village be erected near such monstrosities? If they were present the villagers would do their best to get rid of them. Fortunately, the dominant species of mosquitos were those who only grew to the size of a fist, even those are usually exterminated but Xun Xie was unlucky, the time period to do so was just now coming up and the villagers were dead, and he had no idea how he was supposed to or even that he was supposed to.

Moving along, Xun Xie carefully marked tree bark as he passed to not get lost.

Fortunately, he saw a few fruit trees, but he didn’t dare eat them, he baited a few ants and insects, and they ate them but with a golden finger like his treasure seeker from his lottery wheel why would he stupidly take the risk….if only he could spin the damn thing!

After thinking a while, he finally put them in the basket he brought, after all, they were the goal of his trip, he couldn’t cower now, could he.

Suddenly, he heard a noise.

A heavy grunt, he quickly hid behind a tall bush.

Peeking through the branches he saw a furry big brown figure, upon looking closer….

A large grizzly bear! it was huge almost 5 meters tall and burly.

It seemed to be hunting….

Shivers went down his spine at the thought of being discovered and being its dinner for today.

Careless! No unlucky! He was being cautious while exploring but met a disaster.

‘Please don’t find me, please don’t find me…!’

“You spun the lottery wheel and won invisibility for 1 second.”

“Duration: 1 day (Critical Disabled, Not activated)

Xun Xie almost cursed hearing this voice once again.

1 second!

Might as well as given him 0 seconds, there was no difference!

He resisted the urge under survival instinct and remained still behind the bushes.

After a while the bear finally disappeared, fortunately, it wasn’t very close to him before otherwise, it would have sensed him, also fortunate that he passed through those stinky slimy vines.

His heart started to calm down after a moment.

He quickly looked at the stone lottery wheel inside his mind.

There were great changes present!

The stone wheel’s eight sections on the main wheel were now all filled. An hourglass, three special coins, a crown, and a cloak-like symbol. The other four sections were a circular striped shape. The stone wheel looked more refined at this moment.

Xun Xie had a feeling he could finally spin the wheel now but when he tried, he failed.

Which made sense after thinking about it, after all, he just won a prize and it seemed he could spin once a day.

But looking at the eight prizes on the wheel he was bubbling with excitement!

Although he was still figuring them out, they couldn’t be totally useless right?

Even invisibility, it was…..

Thinking of this, combined with meeting a grizzly bear, Xun Xie’s mood was spoiled, and he returned home to the temple and slept off his depression.

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