I have an empire in marvel and dc

Chapter 4: Chapter-4

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As I watch Leo kneel and wait for him to take up the sword to accept his allegiance, the other councilors are also surprised, since to offer the allegiance of the Royal Army to the ruler, one must wait until he is king, although there is no law for that, It is like an unwritten law.

While I was stunned, since this is the first time someone has offered me their allegiance, I am snapped out of my stupor by hearing the shout of the other soldiers.

"We the royal guard swear to protect the prince and future king Eric, to do everything you order whether it is good or bad, please accept our absolute loyalty" say aloud the royal guards around the palace.

As I look at the other soldiers waiting for his answer, I stand up and said loudly.

"I Eric Alejandro Hydreigon accept your loyalty and life that will now be in my hands, I swear that I will make you the strongest royal guard of all existence. Where being a royal guard will be a pride, I will not make you regret having sworn to me his loyalty and give me his life" as I say out loud and swear to make them the strongest royal guard, also accepting Leo's sword and being the only leader of the royal guard.

While I see a system notification coming to me, I ignore it to see it after the meeting, since it's not over.

Seeing my guards, I think of many plans and how to strengthen them, although that will be for another time, although in many worlds there are many ways to strengthen them, first I have to make myself strong.

As I wake up from my thoughts, I also see the surprised advisors, except for one, who has a frown on his face, which is Carlos, who is the commander of the kingdom's military army.

I guess I'll be more careful, better safe than sorry, while I see Leo still kneeling I tell him.

"Get up, you don't have to kneel anymore, I accept your sword, from now on you are my royal guard, I give you the mission of protecting me, understood" while Leo gets up, with determined and resolved eyes.

"Yes, prince, I swear to protect you with my own life and I will kill anyone who tries to harm you" Leo says with determination and out loud, while Ivan frowns without anyone noticing.

"Alright, now that we come to this I want to have my coronation on my tenth birthday, I guess that's no problem right" I say as I look at the other counselors.

"Prince excuse me to interrupt, but the coronation has only been until I'm 15 years old, I don't think so" Before Carlos, the army commander, can continue speaking, he is interrupted by Leo.

"The crown prince has chosen the date, so it will be done that day, perhaps you have a different opinion Carlos" says Leo while looking at Carlos with fierce eyes.

"Ah, of course not, I was just asking, excuse my interference prince" Carlos apologizes while getting a little scared, by Leo's eyes.

While I see Leo's interaction with Carlos, I see how the others who had planned to speak shut up, I guess Leo has a lot of prestige, it's good that I swear allegiance to myself, it will only be to see if it really isn't a double-sided coin.

As I take one last look at Carlos, I clear my throat to speak, which everyone pays attention to.

"Well, since there are no problems, then it will be on my tenth birthday, today it is March 18, 1935, while my coronation would be August 8, 1935. For them to announce it to the whole kingdom, we have less than 5 months to prepare my coronation. Meanwhile, I want to know everything that the kingdom is going through, from hunger, war, poverty, debts and any type of difficulty that needs to be taken care of" while I finish speaking I see that everyone sits and waits for me to point for one to speak.

"First we start one by one, Raúl starts" I say as I sit back to listen to them talk.


3 hours later

"Well, the meeting is over, everyone can go" while I see everyone leaving, only Leo stays as a personal guard protecting me, while the others leave.

What a headache, the kingdom is bad, some advisers do not do the job well, firstly in foreign relations, there is nothing to worry about the kingdom, there are only wars, famine and I suppose the imminent world war. Although this information, it doesn't help at all, we only know little, I will have to invest more in foreign intelligence, I also have to think about which world to go to.

Meanwhile, I have a lot of money in the royal treasury, so there is no shortage of money, but if there is food, people start to feel hungry, although it is not yet at that stage of food shortage.

I need to buy food and save it for the coming war, meanwhile I will use land that I have. So that the kingdom can grow food and be self-sufficient, promote its work, gain the support of the people and stabilize the kingdom.

There are also the nobles, they kill people just for no reason, they charge commissions in their territories, they don't even respect the citizens of the town, I also need to remove the title of commoners, I can't leave it like that, I need at least to have rules and equality and freedom in the kingdom.

Although it would still be a kingdom, and I will be a king above the law, I do not want slaves or racism in my kingdom, only that I will remain a king, and they will abide by my laws, if I can not, give them money and let them go, although maybe in the future not, want, since I plan to make the richest and safest kingdom in the world.

Meanwhile, there are thieves, criminals, mafia and more making chaos in the kingdom. Carlos, who can't even deal with them, there is an army of 2 million people, and he can't deal with the criminals, I have to change another commander for him.

He has a lot of power, and he's a coward from the looks of it, I don't know how he came to power, the worst of all is that I don't even know if he's really loyal to me.

César is my message as he says, since he sends secret or public messages to any name, kingdom official and citizens, either by radio, letters and personally, he looks honest and loyal, I just need to earn his loyalty.

There is no problem with him, I hope it is trust, since I do not want secrets of the kingdom, people who should not know, since secret information can decide the direction of the war.

Ivan told me that the spies he has on the nobles and common people are not sure of a government of a 9-year-old boy, he even old me that some nobles are planning to rebel.

But I make sure I didn't worry, I say that now that I have my royal guards, they won't do anything, as I say it reminds me that I must spread the word that I already have the loyalty of the royal guard. Minimum scared the snake a little, since nothing took time to get used to ruling the kingdom.

Then there are the difficulties of the nobles, who seem like their own kings in their domains, I only worry about them getting together, which I order Ivan to investigate possible alliances.

After all, the nobleman with the most private armies in his domain has two hundred thousand soldiers, although hidden, I don't know if they have more as long as they act alone, I can rest easy, meanwhile I have to take care of Ivan, he gives me a bad feeling.

Mariana is the one that surprised me the most, it seems that she cares a lot about the welfare of poor people, she has told me that many places are already starving, whatever she orders will bring food from the kingdom's reserve while she ordered Camila to buy food outside the kingdom.

While I bought food from Mariana within the kingdom, and they give to the needy, while I ordered Carlos to send soldiers to the towns that are being harassed by criminals, to also protect the farmers and the land they cultivate. Because if we don't protect the land and the farmers, we are only going to spend the money to buy food when we have a lot of land.

Of course, I gave Carlos an ultimatum, that if he doesn't protect and do well the task I gave him, I will replace him on my coronation day.

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I also gave Mariana a large piece of land to cultivate and bring in people who are out of work to help with agriculture. It will be the national land of the kingdom that I will use to grow food, so that in case of emergency. There is no lack of food, of course I will pay the farmers for their work from the royal treasury, since it will be my territory and I have to pay for their work.

Well, that's all little by little it is being done, meanwhile I have to put up with the nobles, then I will eliminate everything related to nobility, only in the future will I leave titles to those who really deserve without being hereditary, they have to work and earn it.

Well, there are a Lot of things, I'm new, and I don't know much, little by little I'm going to do it, in the meantime let's eat because I already have a man.

As long as I ordered Leo to strengthen the protection of the palace, and ordered that I send to investigate the death of my parents, since they possibly died in a ship accident, due to the fact that no remains of the ship and bodies were found, while I see him go and leave me in the care of two trusted guards.

Once he got to the royal dining room, I see that Carla is already waiting for me with the food ready, which makes me happy.

"You have my thanks Carla, I was already very hungry, leave us alone" while ordering the maids and guards to leave us alone, I see Carla get nervous.

"Come, sit down with me to eat, I don't take no for an answer" I see that he wanted to refuse, but after listening to me, he sits next to me.

"Come, let's eat, I'm hungry" I tell her while Carla just says yes while still looking nervous.

"By the way, Carla is looking for a language teacher, who knows more than anything English, Chinese, French, but more than anything who knows Korean which I need to learn, you can" I tell her as I look into her eyes, which she stays a little dazed, but quickly comes to.

"Of course, prince" she says while I watch, she wants to ask why, but she remains silent, I must say, I like that about her, since I wouldn't like it more in the future, she asks me everything. Because I don't like lying.

"Thank you, and stop calling me prince, tell me Alex or Eric when we're alone, after all we know each other well" I tell him as I start to eat the food, which I'm a food glutton.

As I start to eat, I remember the manwha rooftop sword master that is to the world what I plan to go, since it is easy to go, it is a modern society and without many dangers. Because I only need to take the sword, we just hope that the perfect body makes the sword choose me and be compatible with it, that's why I need to learn Korean, for any unforeseen event.

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