I Heard That I Am Poor

Chapter 1: 1

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Chapter 1: Even God won’t tolerate it If you didn’t become popular

When Yu Nian stepped into the elevator, there was already a person standing inside. When their eyes met, both of them were stunned for two seconds. After a while, Yu Nian turned around and pressed the button for the 42nd floor, but the other person’s stunning profile was still fluttering in front of his eyes.

His senior brother Qi Zhe, who stepped into the elevator late, had lowered his head and didn’t notice the person standing in the corner. He squeezed his fingers anxiously, and when the elevator door closed, he lowered his voice and spoke.

“Junior Brother Yu, I’m only an intern at Xingyao Entertainment, and can’t do much. This time, I showed them your photo, and the agent agreed to see you. After a while, you must perform well. Just based on your looks, I can say that you will stay…”

Compared to his nervousness, Yu Nian had a relaxed smile. In public, he lowered his voice and said sincerely, “Thank you, senior brother, for helping me win this opportunity, I will work hard.”

Qi Zhe waved his hand, and said hurriedly, almost stuttering, “You don’t have to thank me. I didn’t do anything… Besides, you have helped me several times before, and I really want to thank you.” His fingertips trembled and his lips twitched, then he changed the topic and asked, “How much money do you have on hand?”

Yu Nian calculated in his mind and told the truth, “After I bought this white shirt, there are only two hundred left.”

After he finished speaking, he couldn’t help feeling that he was really poor!

Qi Zhe was worried, “Isn’t takeout going to be expensive? if you can’t stay today…” he suddenly stopped, and carefully looked at his brand-new white shirt, light-colored old jeans, and black sneakers, and affirmed, “It’s impossible not to stay, you look so good. You have crushed my 20,000 male comrades for four consecutive years at Ningda University, and never met a rival!”

Yu Nian was amused and suddenly thought of the appearance of the other person in the elevator. After a few seconds, he answered, “Whether I’ll stay or not, I will invite senior brother to dinner.”

“Forget it, I’ll treat you to a meal, just order the meat and vegetarian food at the barbecue restaurant in front of the school.”

With a “ding” sound, the elevator arrived. Qi Zhe straightened his collar four or five times, and whispered to Yu Nian, “It’s here.”

The elevator door closed behind the two of them.

“This entire floor is Xingyao’s management department. I have to go to a meeting, so I can’t take you there. After a while, you should go straight and turn right to find the door with the sign that says ‘Meng Yuan’.”

Qi Zhe lowered his head and looked at Yu Nian, seeing him smiling, he also laughed and said, “You are really not nervous, are you? I won’t say anything else, go!”

As one of the three major entertainment companies in China, Xingyao Entertainment had wealth and good taste that could be seen by the naked eye.

Although Yu Nian only wore a simple white shirt and jeans, he had a good-looking face and outstanding temperament, which attracted the attention of many people along the way.

When he arrived at the door of Meng Yuan’s office, Yu Nian tidied up his cuffs, and then knocked on the door lightly.

Soon, a voice came from inside, “Please come in.”

Yu Nian put his hand on the cold metal door handle and pushed the door open.

The office was very spacious, simple, and bright in all directions. Because the air-conditioning was at its maximum level—with every inhalation cold air entered the nasal cavity, making Yu Nian calmer. He also took a second to evaluate the green plants in the corners — their branches and leaves were withering because of negligence.

Behind the messy desk sat a man in a suit and leather shoes. He was on the phone, frowning, his expression wasn’t very good and his voice was irritable.

Yu Nian nodded toward the other party and stood there without saying a word. It wasn’t until the other party glanced at him, and pointed to the sofa beside him, that he walked over, and sat down.

He could feel that from the time he entered the door until now, the other side’s scrutinizing gaze never left him even for a second. But the scrutiny wasn’t uncomfortable, it was like sizing a… commodity.

“I don’t have anyone in my hands right now… Okay, I’ll help you with your search… I know, there’s no way that the show you’re handling won’t be popular…” The call didn’t last long. Meng Yuan put his phone on the table, sat up straight, and looked at Yu Nian, then he asked abruptly, “Who took your photo?”

Yu Nian quickly reacted and replied with a smile, “Senior Brother Qi was in a hurry, so I asked my roommate to take a photo temporarily.”

Meng Yuan nodded and commented rudely, “The person who took the picture was very incompetent, and didn’t give you a three-point shot.”

Yu Nian didn’t answer and just smiled. His smile was clean and pure, which made people feel good.

“Yu Nian… 21 years old?”

“Yes, my birthday is in the first half of the year.”

Meng Yuan stared at Yu Nian for a while. His hair was pure black, and his skin was white and fine. The bridge of his nose was straight, his lips were thin and lip line was clear, and his jawline was almost perfect.

His most outstanding feature was his eyes. They were typical smiling eyes. They were clear and bright like water. While the eyes were big, their ends were slightly elongated. There was also a light-colored tear mole under the tail of the right eye, which would bring out their extravagance when the eyes move.

Based on the perspective of his more than ten years of experience, this face had a good foundation, and it would be just as good-looking in ten years. Even if it had not fully grown yet, it would be at the peak of its appearance in another two or three years.

And he didn’t even have any makeup on.

Meng Yuan has determined that even if he doesn’t have any talent, just relying on his face alone, he would become popular in the future.

Yu Nian sat quietly, letting Meng Yuan look at him, without the slightest discomfort. His expression was very natural. Maybe it was because of his upbringing, even when he sat casually, his shoulders were not slumped, his back was straight, and he was leaning slightly sideways with a focused expression, which made people feel full of respect.

Meng Yuan nodded secretly and added ten points to the score sheet in his heart, “Qi Zhe said you know how to sing?”

“Well, I’ve liked it since I was a kid.”

Between questions and answers, Meng Yuan had already gone through the list of tuners in his mind, and he still said, “Then can you sing a song right now?”

Yu Nian thought for a while, “Then let me sing a school song for you?”

Meng Yuan was happy.

Since the artist he brought became popular and left, he met many people one after another, some of them sang pop, and some of them rock ballads, but this was the first time someone was going to sing a school song.

He grabbed a pen and squeezed it between his fingers, tapping the tip of the pen on the table with great interest, “It’s fine, the main thing is to listen to your voice.” As for the pitch of his singing skills, he didn’t expect too much.

Yu Nian had never been able to remember the lyrics when he sang, but at this time he couldn’t hum like usual. So he calmly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and searched for the lyrics. After adjusting his breathing, he started to sing directly.

With a soft click, Meng Yuan’s pen fell off.

Yu Nian was unaffected. His eyes were fixed on the lyrics on the phone screen, and he didn’t notice Meng Yuan’s suddenly restless expression until he heard the other party say “stop.”

He stopped according to the words, raised his head, and asked with his eyes.

Meng Yuan took a deep breath, “Continue.”

Yu Nian picked up the last note when he just stopped and sang without hindrance. His tone was clear, like a stream in the open mountains and forests, and the ending had a melodious charm, and every word was just right.

After listening to his singing, Meng Yuan’s eyes were a little excited, “Have you studied professional courses before?”

Yu Nian’s breath remained unchanged, and he bent his eyes and replied, “I haven’t studied it. I majored in history in college. But my elders like to sing, so I hummed along when I was a child.”

What?! This is the level of “hum along a few lines”?

Meng Yuan tapped his finger on the table quickly, and then spoke again, returning to a calm tone, “Qi Zhe showed me your photo at that time, and now you came here yourself, can I assume that you are willing to enter this circle?”

Yu Nian’s tone also became formal, “Yes.”

“That’s good.” Meng Yuan relaxed his tense back, leaned on the back of the chair, and said in a relaxed tone, “I will take care of you, and you won’t be buried. Now the problem is, I want to know why do you want to enter the entertainment industry? You’re Ideals, goals, we have to talk about it.”

Yu Nian’s lips tightened for a moment, and soon he smiled again, and said firmly, “I need to make money, a lot of money.”

Meng Yuan was not too surprised. People in this circle always had a goal and rushed for the sake of fame and fortune. He didn’t comment, “We will co-operate, and the money will not be less. But let me say it first, I won’t do things like matchmaking and pimping. If you have this need, I can recommend others to you.”

Yu Nian shook his head. His soft hair swayed with his movements, and a little smile appeared in his eyes, “Don’t worry, I just want to work hard and make money.”

Meng Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. He never expected the artist in his hand to be obedient. Everyone was human, not a marionette. But at least they needed to be able to communicate and had a bottom line, not getting mixed in some messy things before becoming popular.

Meng Yuan’s tone softened again, “Okay, then we can be considered to have reached an agreement.” He opened the first drawer at hand and handed over the documents in person, “This is Xingyao’s B-level contract. You are a Newcomer, the B-level contract is at the top of my authority. After signing it for five years, the level can be considered again. If you are worried, you can take it back and find someone to look at it carefully before making a decision.”

Yu Nian took the contract with both hands, “No need to go through so much trouble.” He carefully read the nearly ten-page contract, took out a black signature pen from the pen holder, and neatly signed his name.

“It’s written beautifully!” Meng Yuan’s tone became a lot closer when he saw him sign it. He took over the contract and signed his name. He was in a good mood.

“I’m saying it here, if you’re not popular, it will be hard for you!”

“Thank you very much.” Yu Nian closed the cap and put the signature pen back into the pen holder.

After Yu Nian was gone, Meng Yuan didn’t care about his image anymore. He threw the pen in his hand, picked up his mobile phone, and called someone.

“The program you mentioned just now, yes, the singing competition…” Not knowing what the other party said, Meng Yuan raised an eyebrow and said proudly, “Yes, leave the place for me, Laozi has someone in his hands now!”

The author has something to say: 

In the beginning, the gong and the shou looked at each other.

Xie You, who was in an elevator with Nian Nian: I also wanted to be named!

You are reading story I Heard That I Am Poor at novel35.com

Chapter 1: Even God won’t tolerate it If you didn’t become popular

When Yu Nian stepped into the elevator, there was already a person standing inside. When their eyes met, both of them were stunned for two seconds. After a while, Yu Nian turned around and pressed the button for the 42nd floor, but the other person’s stunning profile was still fluttering in front of his eyes.

His senior brother Qi Zhe, who stepped into the elevator late, had lowered his head and didn’t notice the person standing in the corner. He squeezed his fingers anxiously, and when the elevator door closed, he lowered his voice and spoke.

“Junior Brother Yu, I’m only an intern at Xingyao Entertainment, and can’t do much. This time, I showed them your photo, and the agent agreed to see you. After a while, you must perform well. Just based on your looks, I can say that you will stay…”

Compared to his nervousness, Yu Nian had a relaxed smile. In public, he lowered his voice and said sincerely, “Thank you, senior brother, for helping me win this opportunity, I will work hard.”

Qi Zhe waved his hand, and said hurriedly, almost stuttering, “You don’t have to thank me. I didn’t do anything… Besides, you have helped me several times before, and I really want to thank you.” His fingertips trembled and his lips twitched, then he changed the topic and asked, “How much money do you have on hand?”

Yu Nian calculated in his mind and told the truth, “After I bought this white shirt, there are only two hundred left.”

After he finished speaking, he couldn’t help feeling that he was really poor!

Qi Zhe was worried, “Isn’t takeout going to be expensive? if you can’t stay today…” he suddenly stopped, and carefully looked at his brand-new white shirt, light-colored old jeans, and black sneakers, and affirmed, “It’s impossible not to stay, you look so good. You have crushed my 20,000 male comrades for four consecutive years at Ningda University, and never met a rival!”

Yu Nian was amused and suddenly thought of the appearance of the other person in the elevator. After a few seconds, he answered, “Whether I’ll stay or not, I will invite senior brother to dinner.”

“Forget it, I’ll treat you to a meal, just order the meat and vegetarian food at the barbecue restaurant in front of the school.”

With a “ding” sound, the elevator arrived. Qi Zhe straightened his collar four or five times, and whispered to Yu Nian, “It’s here.”

The elevator door closed behind the two of them.

“This entire floor is Xingyao’s management department. I have to go to a meeting, so I can’t take you there. After a while, you should go straight and turn right to find the door with the sign that says ‘Meng Yuan’.”

Qi Zhe lowered his head and looked at Yu Nian, seeing him smiling, he also laughed and said, “You are really not nervous, are you? I won’t say anything else, go!”

As one of the three major entertainment companies in China, Xingyao Entertainment had wealth and good taste that could be seen by the naked eye.

Although Yu Nian only wore a simple white shirt and jeans, he had a good-looking face and outstanding temperament, which attracted the attention of many people along the way.

When he arrived at the door of Meng Yuan’s office, Yu Nian tidied up his cuffs, and then knocked on the door lightly.

Soon, a voice came from inside, “Please come in.”

Yu Nian put his hand on the cold metal door handle and pushed the door open.

The office was very spacious, simple, and bright in all directions. Because the air-conditioning was at its maximum level—with every inhalation cold air entered the nasal cavity, making Yu Nian calmer. He also took a second to evaluate the green plants in the corners — their branches and leaves were withering because of negligence.

Behind the messy desk sat a man in a suit and leather shoes. He was on the phone, frowning, his expression wasn’t very good and his voice was irritable.

Yu Nian nodded toward the other party and stood there without saying a word. It wasn’t until the other party glanced at him, and pointed to the sofa beside him, that he walked over, and sat down.

He could feel that from the time he entered the door until now, the other side’s scrutinizing gaze never left him even for a second. But the scrutiny wasn’t uncomfortable, it was like sizing a… commodity.

“I don’t have anyone in my hands right now… Okay, I’ll help you with your search… I know, there’s no way that the show you’re handling won’t be popular…” The call didn’t last long. Meng Yuan put his phone on the table, sat up straight, and looked at Yu Nian, then he asked abruptly, “Who took your photo?”

Yu Nian quickly reacted and replied with a smile, “Senior Brother Qi was in a hurry, so I asked my roommate to take a photo temporarily.”

Meng Yuan nodded and commented rudely, “The person who took the picture was very incompetent, and didn’t give you a three-point shot.”

Yu Nian didn’t answer and just smiled. His smile was clean and pure, which made people feel good.

“Yu Nian… 21 years old?”

“Yes, my birthday is in the first half of the year.”

Meng Yuan stared at Yu Nian for a while. His hair was pure black, and his skin was white and fine. The bridge of his nose was straight, his lips were thin and lip line was clear, and his jawline was almost perfect.

His most outstanding feature was his eyes. They were typical smiling eyes. They were clear and bright like water. While the eyes were big, their ends were slightly elongated. There was also a light-colored tear mole under the tail of the right eye, which would bring out their extravagance when the eyes move.

Based on the perspective of his more than ten years of experience, this face had a good foundation, and it would be just as good-looking in ten years. Even if it had not fully grown yet, it would be at the peak of its appearance in another two or three years.

And he didn’t even have any makeup on.

Meng Yuan has determined that even if he doesn’t have any talent, just relying on his face alone, he would become popular in the future.

Yu Nian sat quietly, letting Meng Yuan look at him, without the slightest discomfort. His expression was very natural. Maybe it was because of his upbringing, even when he sat casually, his shoulders were not slumped, his back was straight, and he was leaning slightly sideways with a focused expression, which made people feel full of respect.

Meng Yuan nodded secretly and added ten points to the score sheet in his heart, “Qi Zhe said you know how to sing?”

“Well, I’ve liked it since I was a kid.”

Between questions and answers, Meng Yuan had already gone through the list of tuners in his mind, and he still said, “Then can you sing a song right now?”

Yu Nian thought for a while, “Then let me sing a school song for you?”

Meng Yuan was happy.

Since the artist he brought became popular and left, he met many people one after another, some of them sang pop, and some of them rock ballads, but this was the first time someone was going to sing a school song.

He grabbed a pen and squeezed it between his fingers, tapping the tip of the pen on the table with great interest, “It’s fine, the main thing is to listen to your voice.” As for the pitch of his singing skills, he didn’t expect too much.

Yu Nian had never been able to remember the lyrics when he sang, but at this time he couldn’t hum like usual. So he calmly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and searched for the lyrics. After adjusting his breathing, he started to sing directly.

With a soft click, Meng Yuan’s pen fell off.

Yu Nian was unaffected. His eyes were fixed on the lyrics on the phone screen, and he didn’t notice Meng Yuan’s suddenly restless expression until he heard the other party say “stop.”

He stopped according to the words, raised his head, and asked with his eyes.

Meng Yuan took a deep breath, “Continue.”

Yu Nian picked up the last note when he just stopped and sang without hindrance. His tone was clear, like a stream in the open mountains and forests, and the ending had a melodious charm, and every word was just right.

After listening to his singing, Meng Yuan’s eyes were a little excited, “Have you studied professional courses before?”

Yu Nian’s breath remained unchanged, and he bent his eyes and replied, “I haven’t studied it. I majored in history in college. But my elders like to sing, so I hummed along when I was a child.”

What?! This is the level of “hum along a few lines”?

Meng Yuan tapped his finger on the table quickly, and then spoke again, returning to a calm tone, “Qi Zhe showed me your photo at that time, and now you came here yourself, can I assume that you are willing to enter this circle?”

Yu Nian’s tone also became formal, “Yes.”

“That’s good.” Meng Yuan relaxed his tense back, leaned on the back of the chair, and said in a relaxed tone, “I will take care of you, and you won’t be buried. Now the problem is, I want to know why do you want to enter the entertainment industry? You’re Ideals, goals, we have to talk about it.”

Yu Nian’s lips tightened for a moment, and soon he smiled again, and said firmly, “I need to make money, a lot of money.”

Meng Yuan was not too surprised. People in this circle always had a goal and rushed for the sake of fame and fortune. He didn’t comment, “We will co-operate, and the money will not be less. But let me say it first, I won’t do things like matchmaking and pimping. If you have this need, I can recommend others to you.”

Yu Nian shook his head. His soft hair swayed with his movements, and a little smile appeared in his eyes, “Don’t worry, I just want to work hard and make money.”

Meng Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. He never expected the artist in his hand to be obedient. Everyone was human, not a marionette. But at least they needed to be able to communicate and had a bottom line, not getting mixed in some messy things before becoming popular.

Meng Yuan’s tone softened again, “Okay, then we can be considered to have reached an agreement.” He opened the first drawer at hand and handed over the documents in person, “This is Xingyao’s B-level contract. You are a Newcomer, the B-level contract is at the top of my authority. After signing it for five years, the level can be considered again. If you are worried, you can take it back and find someone to look at it carefully before making a decision.”

Yu Nian took the contract with both hands, “No need to go through so much trouble.” He carefully read the nearly ten-page contract, took out a black signature pen from the pen holder, and neatly signed his name.

“It’s written beautifully!” Meng Yuan’s tone became a lot closer when he saw him sign it. He took over the contract and signed his name. He was in a good mood.

“I’m saying it here, if you’re not popular, it will be hard for you!”

“Thank you very much.” Yu Nian closed the cap and put the signature pen back into the pen holder.

After Yu Nian was gone, Meng Yuan didn’t care about his image anymore. He threw the pen in his hand, picked up his mobile phone, and called someone.

“The program you mentioned just now, yes, the singing competition…” Not knowing what the other party said, Meng Yuan raised an eyebrow and said proudly, “Yes, leave the place for me, Laozi has someone in his hands now!”

The author has something to say: 

In the beginning, the gong and the shou looked at each other.

Xie You, who was in an elevator with Nian Nian: I also wanted to be named!

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