I Heard That I Am Poor

Chapter 31: 29

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Chapter 29: What’s there to see?

After the recording was over, He Qiubai also proposed to go to dinner and celebrate together. Yu Nian and others did not go out themselves, and a group of people drove to their destination together.

Xia Mingxi hopped in Yu Nian’s car and was talking on the phone while sitting in the back seat, “Mum, I know, I know, I won’t drink a lot of alcohol, and I won’t eat high-calorie and high-fat things… Can you stop calling me baby? I’m in my twenties…”

After hanging up the phone, Xia Mingxi scratched his hair with a worried expression on his face, “Ah! My dad said that when this episode is aired, he’ll post on Weibo to celebrate my award! I just took third place; what’s there to celebrate? And he still has to post on Weibo! When my mother will forward it, those uncles and aunts and their fans will also—” 

He said blankly as he leaned back in his seat, “NianNian, it’s over; maybe I really have to rely on this to be on the hot search.” 

Yu Nian held the water glass, and smiled, “It’s good, they love you very much.”

He thought that if Grandpa and Grandma were still there, they would definitely be like Xia Mingxi’s parents, and no matter what time it was, they’d definitely brag about it to their old friends, right?

Xia Mingxi patted his face: “Forget it; losing face is losing face! Photos of my naked buttocks were already posted on Weibo by them when I was a child, and each of my ancestral fans has one. What’s the big deal with them celebrating this time.”  

As he said, he took out his phone and wanted to see if there was any movement on his parents’ Weibo, but the first thing he saw was, “NianNian, that Xie You who always blackened you has posted a giveaway!”

“Xie You?” 

“Yes, that’s him.” Xia Mingxi looked at it carefully, “It was posted after ten o’clock in the evening. At that time, our show had not finished recording, and we were getting awards… Wow, so much! Isn’t this throwing money? But the content of the post is really concise—just a word: congratulations. He didn’t say congratulations for what or to whom, and everyone is guessing on his Weibo…. ”   

Yu Nian was slightly stunned.

He recalled the memories related to these words: when they met by chance in the corridor of the clubhouse, Xie You said, “Congratulations, on taking first place”. When they met in a private restaurant, Xie You said, “Congratulations.” When he almost fell on crutches, Xie You helped him up, and when talking about the results of the competition, Xie You said the same thing: “Congratulations.” 

Yu Nian, congratulations on winning first.

Suddenly turning his head to the window, Yu Nian lowered his eyelashes and smiled.

The next day, near noon, Yu Nian went to the hospital for a re-examination. Meng Yuan was feeling worried, so he followed him every step of the way. He was only relieved when he was sure that the doctor said there was nothing wrong.

Coming out of the hospital, Meng Yuan talked to Yu Nian while driving, “Yesterday, Lao He was drunk and pulled me aside to praise you, saying that you are improving quickly and can survive alone. He told me that seeing you reminds him of a hot search and that you have a bright future.”

He changed his tone of voice: “You told us that you absolutely had to dance this time. Luckily, nothing happened. If something had happened, you would have regretted it!”

Seeing Yu Nian agree, Meng Yuan had a thought in his heart that if he encountered similar things in the future, maybe he would still be the same, or maybe even more stubborn, “Forget it, forget it. I feel that I have become nagging….

Yu Nian said with a smile, “Of course not!”

“As if I believe you!” As Meng Yuan said this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, “By the way, Director Xu contacted me. The audition for the promotional song is scheduled for October 11th. Before that, you should take good care of yourself at home. Don’t jump around; taking care of your foot is the most important thing! Understand?” 

Yu Nian knew the importance and nodded earnestly, “Understood. “

“Well, that’s right! The 500,000 yuan prize money from the “Sound of Nature” has already been credited to your account. President Qu personally said that the company will not take a cut from the prize money, and the money from the Xinghai live broadcast will be settled in two days. You keep an eye on the balance of your account.”

Seeing Yu Nian smile happily and not hiding his mood at all, Meng Yuan patted the steering wheel, “Feeling happy?” 

Yu Nian let out a “Hmm”, “I’m in a very good mood!”

Meng Yuan also laughed, saying, “Okay, okay, anyway, we are making steady progress step by step; maybe your dream of earning 200 million yuan in five years may really come true!”

After returning home, Yu Nian turned on a small fire to boil soup. After calming down, he wrote out the lyrics that he had pondered for several days in one breath and sent them directly to Yu Qing without any further revisions.

Yu Qing answered the phone quickly; her voice was not calm, and she said pleasantly, “NianNian, what kind of medicine did you eat to write these lyrics? I can’t wait to enter the recording studio right now!” 

Yu Nian was amused, “You’re exaggerating.”

Yu Qing laughed cheerfully, “It’s really good; compared to what you wrote before, it has indeed improved. I’ll show it to the producers when the two scenes that have been scheduled are finished shooting. I guess they’ll pass it at once.” 

Yu Nian’s tone was comfortable: “That’ll be good if they do.”

Yu Qing was very sensitive, “Listen to your tone… NianNian, are you short of money again?” 

Yu Nian said honestly, “Not yet. The prize money from “Sound of Nature” and the money from the live broadcast platform will be settled in these two days, but it’s about to be used up.”

“Are you going to buy something again? By the way, I suddenly remembered that there was news that a Niao something jade wine jar had appeared abroad at an auction, and was bought by a mysterious buyer. Was it you?”

“You Niao Ming jade wine jar,” Yu Nian said the name again and replied, “It was me. Uncle Rong gave me the news, and he personally went to help me take it back.”

Yu Qing was silent for a few seconds, “Did the money from signing with Xingyao, the appearance fee from “Sound of Nature”, and the money from writing lyrics and music that you saved all go into it?” 

Yu Nian said in a brisk tone, “Yeah, there was a bid, but fortunately the money was just enough, otherwise it might not be able to buy it back smoothly.”

“What about the thing?”

“It’s all in the vault.”

Yu Qing wanted to say something, but paused after uttering a few words, “I’m tired of repeating those words over and over! You know it yourself.” She calmed down, “When I’m chatting with the producer later, I’ll try to put a higher price. Although I know you won’t open your mouth, if you run out of money, remember to tell me.” 

Yu Nian said with a smile, “Sister, thank you.”

“Thanks, what thanks. You put forth your best effort for the promotional song. If you are selected, I won’t interfere with the price. You have to work hard with your agent.”

“I understand.”

At eight o’clock in the evening on October 5, the last episode of the second season of “Sound of Nature” would be aired. Originally, from the very beginning of the second season of “Sound of Nature”, regardless of whether it was good or bad, the popularity had remained high anyway, and when it was broadcast every week, it would grab the top search. The program team bought two trending searches with a lot of money and wealth, and they had been on the list for a day or two, and it was expected that they would continue to stick to it. The official blog also released a 20-second short video of all four members along with Yu Nian, which successfully warmed up a wave on the homepage.

He Qiubai paced back and forth in the office and asked Meng Yuan, “Lao Meng, are you not nervous?”

Meng Yuan was eating barbecue with beer and said strangely, “My artist has won first place in all eight rounds; what’s there to be nervous about now?”

You are reading story I Heard That I Am Poor at novel35.com

“……” He Qiubai paused, “That seems to be the truth!” He sat on the sofa and opened a can of beer, “This episode’s ratings will surely go up, but I don’t know how far they can go!”

Meng Yuan handed him two skewers of baked potatoes and raised his eyebrows, “If it can’t break through three, Laozi will call you father for three days!”

He Qiubai patted his thigh and laughed loudly, “Okay, if you’re saying this, then even if it doesn’t break three, I’ll be happy! We will set up ten tables for the banquet, and I will hear you call me father!”

Meng Yuan: “……”

The first few minutes of the show were all tidbits that the audience loved to watch and could make time for. The ratings were not ugly, but there were no fluctuations.

 After the draw was over, the host came to the stage, and He Qiubai drank half a can of beer in one gulp, “If the ratings really break three in a while, I’ll pay for your barbecue for half a year! Look——”

“Director He, it’s up!” The assistant next to him, who had been staring at the real-time ratings, patted the table and said, “No. 1! We’re going to be No. 1 now!

He Qiubai’s face was full of joy. He opened a new can of beer again, his heartbeat stable, “There is hope for breaking three!”

Meng Yuan finished eating a bunch of ribs and took the opportunity to ask, “If it really breaks three, you have to give Yu Nian a red envelope.”

He Qiubai waved his hand, “Fat! A big one!”

On the screen of another computer, Yu Nian had already sung the opening high notes, and the footage was edited and processed so that the picture was very smooth. Fireworks rose up, igniting the audience in an instant in accordance with the rhythm, and the barrage exploded completely in a second.

[Aaaaaah, Let me call NianNian! I’m fucking going crazy! I really love him!]

[Xiao Nian Gao reporting! I almost missed the opening! This European court-style costume is too pretty! Ahhh I can only scream!]

[I’m going blind! NianNian, you can unbutton it once you grow up! Mom is ordering you to button it back quickly!]

[Hahaha, is it to wipe away the embarrassment from last time when he couldn’t rip off his clothes? Lol!]

[He is shining! This waist and legs, I can’t stop taking screenshots! He’s so fucking good-looking, I’m about to go blind!]

The assistant next to him also said excitedly, “Director He, it reached 3, it reached 3!”

Meng Yuan laughed loudly, “Lao He, I’ll leave the cost of Father Meng’s barbecue for the next half-year to you!”

At the same time, the topic of #Yu Nian wiping away his embarrassment# also rushed to the top of the hot search, just below the two hot search positions bought by the program group, ranking 5th, and the popularity was still rising.

Meng Yuan put down the barbecue, looked at his phone, and clicked twice, “Who do you think can tell that his foot is still injured? I sometimes feel that Yu Nian is really cruel to himself.”

He Qiubai ate the chicken leg in a happy mood, using a barbecue stick to point on the tabletop, “That’s like it, he will definitely become popular in the future! Just wait and see, my judgment about people is very accurate!”

The show was still on the air, but as soon as Yu Nian left the stage, the assistant reported the real-time situation, “Director He, the ratings are slowly dropping.”

Meng Yuan snorted twice proudly, “That’s what I said, when NianNian will come back on stage in a while, the ratings will definitely increase again. If your red envelope isn’t big, Father Meng will target you on Weibo!”

Just like what Meng Yuan said, when Yu Nian came for his second performance of the last episode, the ratings that dropped quickly rose again, and the barrage also increased sharply.

[The white color suits my Nian very well! This picture is really breathtaking!]

[He is just standing there and singing quietly, and I can’t stop capturing pictures! Such a beautiful song, such a beautiful person!]

[I’m the only one who thinks that this kind is really clean and lustful?! What kind of immortal is NianNian?]

[I like listening to his singing! His voice is so good! It makes me want to cry Ah!! How can someone have such voice ahhhh!]

He Qiubai looked at the barrage for a while, then turned on his mobile phone to check Weibo, and soon became happy, “I said Lao Meng, President Xie is a good brother of your President Qu, so why is he single-mindedly picking on Yu Nian and blackening him? It seems that there is still a group of anti-fans guarding his Weibo every day, just waiting for him to come out to hate Yu Nian!”

Meng Yuan frowned, “What did he say again? Forget it, I’ll see for myself.” 

When Meng Yuan clicked on Xie You’s homepage, he found that Xie You had updated an article a few minutes ago, “#Yu Nian wiping away the embarrassment# Heh, what’s there to see?”

Below, anti-fans and passersby were all gathered together, and the area was buzzing with activity. 

[I agree, if you rely on unbuttoning clothes to attract people’s attention, it’s better not to wear them at all! Can’t you sing well?]

[It is also those brain-dead fans, who have never seen the world, screaming and clamoring. He can’t sing and dance and can only do this kind of trick to get the heat!]

[Fuck, President Xie, are you jealous hahaha! We don’t look at him; we only look at you! You look better! But, President Xie, are you considering when to start another giveaway? Keeling and begging!]

[Passers-by ask who this is! His dancing is so beautiful! The singing is also beautiful! I need to know who he is asap!]

[Young lady upstairs, He’s Yu Nian, and he’s in a (x) love (x) hate (x) relationship with our President Xie. You can find it with a search. This was on the hot search list for a long period of time!]

In the office.

After Xie You posted on Weibo, he began to think, that there was another reason to give food, so what kind of food should he give Yu Nian this time?

He made a list of the items, but in the end, he really couldn’t choose at all. After thinking about it, Xie You decided to send everything.

He went to look through the comment section of Weibo again, blocked all accounts that spoke badly to stop them from commenting, and he even reported after he saw people cursing in the comments.

Xie You was operating skillfully, when the phone suddenly rang with an incoming message tone.

Casually opening the received message, Xie You’s pupils shrank slightly, and he almost lost his grip on the phone. Not only his ears turned completely red, but even his breathing subconsciously stopped.

In the message was a photo taken by Yu Nian.

In the photo, Yu Nian should be at home with bright lights. He stood in front of the mirror, lowered his head slightly, and the corners of his eyes and lips were curved. He was wearing washed jeans, with a black belt around his narrow waist, and his well-defined left hand pulled up his white T-shirt, revealing his white and firm abdomen.

Below the picture were three words, “Have abs.”

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