I Just Crave for Your Pheromones

Chapter 1: CH extra 1

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Extra I [Marriage] 

It has to be said that Mu Hanfeng really knew the director Wang’s character and directing habits, and knew that he was very demanding of shots and keen to grind them.

As he predicted, the whole film was shot from the beginning of January to the middle of May.

The film was already in post-production and ready to be submitted to the festival in June. Tong Che's performance was getting better and better, and director Wang said that it would be difficult for him to win best actor for the first time, but he still had great hopes for the Best Newcomer Award.

Tong Che himself didn't want to eat a fat man in one breath. He was still very young and didn’t need to run for money anymore. This film was just his first step towards the big screen.

"Teacher Tong Che," Mu Hanfeng smiled, "now that your career is flourishing, why don't you consider taking your love to the next level?"

Tong Che didn't quite understand Mu Hanfeng's meaning, blinking, "How do I take it to the next level?"

Mu Hanfeng nibbled on the tip of Tong Che's ear, lightly rubbing on it twice and smiling, "For example, let our relationship be truly protected by law."

Now Tong Che understood, and he froze for a moment. He then suddenly looked back at Mu Hanfeng. His eyes looked like they were hiding stars. "Are we going to get married? Teacher Mu, are you going to marry me? "

"It appears that Tong Tong can't wait any longer," Mu Hanfeng said, his smile deepening and the corners of his lips raising.

Tong Che was embarrassed as an afterthought. He hung his head but still told the truth, "Yes, it's quite urgent."

Mr. Mu is so nice, he really can't wait to become a legal husband to him!

Mu Hanfeng couldn't help but press such an honest kitten into his arms and give him a kiss before he said, in a hoarse voice, "Teacher Mu is more anxious than you are."


Both Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng's family situations were rather special, so the matter of getting married only required the two of them to discuss it.

After receiving the license, Tong Che took pictures of the two people's little red books and sent them to Zhao Li, the director of the orphanage, and Ruan Tang.

Mu Hanfeng also took pictures of the little red books and sent them to Uncle Hui and Yun Su.

Afterwards, the two of them sent the photos to a group called "Cute Love with No Caption".

This group, including Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng, had six people in total. The other four were, naturally, Ning Ran and Mi Beibei, Xiao Yao and Yin Lan.

The six of them had established a revolutionary friendship during the previous variety show, and after the show ended, they created a group, the name of which was chosen by Mi Beibei.

As soon as the two sent out their messages, the queue came -

Ning's Beibei: "Wow!"

Beibei’s Ning: "Woah, woah!"

Yin’s Xiaoya: "Wow! Wow!

Xiaoya’s Yin: " wow wow wow!"

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng:"....."

Why is this group getting more and more stupid?!

"Ning's Beibei" finally said actual words: "Congratulations! Are you going to blow up the hot search again? "

The other three hurriedly copied and pasted the line—

"Congratulations! Are you going to blow up the hot search again? "

“Congratulations! Are you going to blow up the hot search again? "

“Congratulations! Are you going to blow up the hot search again? "

Tong Che looked at this group of repeaters and laughed, and then asked Mu Hanfeng's opinion, "So, Mr. Mu, are we going to blow it up?"

Mu Hanfeng lowered his head and gave Tong Che a kiss on the forehead, then replied, "Of course we will!"

So, the top five Weibo hot searches of that day were once again occupied by Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng, and with a casual swipe, the posts were full of the two's little red books!

Of course, interspersed with them were the CP fans who were producing endless fan fiction stories.

Tong Che was shy and only used his trumpet account to secretly spy on these stories, but Mu Hanfeng was much more "unrestrained" and directly used his certified account to give likes when he saw something to his liking!

In the end, it was Yun Su who sent a message.

"Emperor Mu, you are so great! Other people's dramas have come out today, so they paid for the hot search, but you've pushed them out of the top five spots. Now they're complaining to me! "

Mu Hanfeng made a "tsk" and replied with the word "boring," but he didn't like any more fan fiction.

From the time they went to get their marriage license to the time they took pictures and posted them on Weibo, both of them acted in an extraordinarily calm manner.

But in actuality, before going to bed at night, Tong Che secretly hid his little red books under the pillow when Mu Hanfeng wasn't looking. After singing Mu Hanfeng to sleep, he got them out and looked at them over and over again.

In the middle of the night, Tong Che felt that his pillow was moving. He struggled to wake up, and found that Mu Hanfeng was pulling the little red books from under his pillow...

The two of them looked at each other, and both were a little embarrassed.

After a long time, Mu Hanfeng let out a stifled laugh and spoke first, "I'm sorry for waking you up."

Tong Che shook his head and asked again, with embarrassment, "You... how did you know they were there?"

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“I guessed," Mu Hanfeng smiled and was actually a little embarrassed, and explained, "Because I couldn’t find mine in the drawer. I just haven't been able to sleep well, and I wanted to take another look to see if we really got our license. "

Tong Che's heart felt sweet and warm, so he simply sat up, and took out the little red book under the pillow. The two of them looked at it carefully by the light of the bedside lamp, not even missing the small number of indentations at the top.

Finally, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh together, "We're really, really married!"

Really, really, legal husbands!

Of course, it was time for the wedding after receiving the license.

Tong Che had already started his transition and no longer needed to take notice or show his face as often as before. After leaving the crew, he was basically idle.

After a week of being busy with his own company, Mu Hanfeng was also free, and once the two discussed the matter, they started planning the wedding.

"What's your favourite place?" Mu Hanfeng asked Tong Che.

Tong Che answered without hesitation, "The beach!"

All the happiness he had now was inextricably linked to the sea, so of course he liked the seaside the most.

Mu Hanfeng rubbed the top of Tong Che's hair and smiled, "No problem, then it will be at the seaside."

It’s just that, when he said that, Tong Che did not imagine that the wedding was indeed set at the beach, but not an ordinary beach.  It was on a private island, or rather, a private island under his name!

Having a rich and pampering attacker is just so wonderful.

Both of them did not want to turn the wedding into a big media event, so although the wedding certificate was known all over the internet, when it came to the wedding, both Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng kept a low profile and only sent out a total of eight invitations.

Tong Che’s wedding invitations were sent to Zhao Li's family and Ruan Tang, while Mu Hanfeng's were sent to Uncle Hui's family and Yun Su, and, of course, the remaining four silly little friends.

Not even a wedding officiant was invited, as Comrade Yin Lan selflessly contracted for this task.

The wedding was in the early summer of June, and Mu Hanfeng flew everyone to the island directly in his own private jet.

The sun was shining on the island, the sand was warm, and the sea was shimmering, which was soothing to the eyes.

As soon as they got off the plane, Yin Lan was already up in arms, "Do you know? I have worn an award for hosting before! "

Tong Che was very supportive and gave a "wow" and asked, "What kind of award?"

Yin Lan snapped his index finger and thumb and said, "It's just... it's just a little bit worse than the third prize award."

Tong Che didn't react, and looked back at Mu Hanfeng blankly, asking him, "Teacher Mu, what... is this award?"

Mu Hanfeng helplessly kissed his forehead, "Silly kitten, don’t listen to his bragging. Below the third prize is the encouragement prize, as long as you participate, you will get one."

Even if Mu Hanfeng had taken him down, Xiao Yao was there to add his voice to the story, "I'll tell you, little Yin participated in that MC competition when he was in kindergarten."

Everyone burst out laughing.

Yin Lan touched Xiao Yao with his elbow, half-jokingly complaining, "Brother Xiao, who the hell are you in cahoots with?"

Xiao Yao didn't shy away from kissing Yin Lan on the back of his head, and replied gruffly, "Of course I'm with you."

Mi Beibei stood to the side and "tsked" repeatedly, "Look at these two nerds. Whose wedding is it today?"

Everyone was just joking, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng didn’t care about this, not to mention that two of them were wearing identical custom-made suits. But because of their different body types, they formed a different kind of fit, as if just standing there, even without kissing or hugging, was enough to make others feel their tacit understanding and intimacy.

Tong Che was still holding a coconut in his arms, and the coconut had a little flower garland on top, looking particularly cute.

When the group had had enough of laughing and joking, Yin Lan pretended to pick up the microphone and shouted, "Alright, alright, guests, please take your seats. The auspicious time has arrived; it's time to perform the big ceremony! "

The group of people immediately sat on the beach and formed a circle, surrounding Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng in the middle.

Yin Lan went so far as to perform the most traditional form of wedding in China, "Once the heaven and earth are worshipped-"

Everyone clapped their hands and raised their voices, and Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng bowed in place and bowed to the whole island.

Yin Lan was about to go along with the rest of the ceremony, but he remembered that the next worship was originally meant for the parents, so he wisely changed his words to, "Let these two worship to the sea!"

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng looked at each other, both appreciating the rare delicacy of Yin Lan, and together they faced the sea and bowed seriously.

Yin Lan breathed a sigh of relief and uttered the next line, "Husbands pay their respects to each other."

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng faced each other again and bent down reverently.

"The ceremony is complete." Yin Lan jumped back to the modern wedding process, "Now please, I ask the groom and groom to kiss each other!"

Tong Che's whole body had long since burned up, but he still held back his shyness and tilted his head up.

Mu Hanfeng lowered his head and his gentle kiss fell on Tong Che's lips.

The coconut was sandwiched between the two men. The garland was almost squashed, but as if it understood something, it shrank into a very small, understanding ball and didn't cause any trouble.

The sound of waves replaced all the music and was the best accompaniment at this moment.

This wedding was casual and unruly, but both Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng felt the most genuine joy in their hearts.

It was enough to have the sea as a witness and the company of the people close to them.

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