I Just Crave for Your Pheromones

Chapter 4: CH extra 3

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Extra 3 [Life After Marriage]

2. About birthday surprises

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng spent the whole month of June on a small island and returned to Yangcheng by private jet at the end of the month.

In fact, they originally wanted to stay for another week, as it was Tong Che's birthday on the 8th of July.

However, the current situation did not allow for this.

In the midst of his transition, Tong Che was indeed receiving fewer commercial announcements than before, but if he came across an endorsement or magazine cover that he liked, he would naturally take it.

This was the case this time, when an internationally renowned fashion brand picked him up, an opportunity that Tong Che did not want to miss.

It just so happened that Mu Hanfeng's company also had some matters that he needed to handle personally, so after discussing the matter, they decided to go back to Yangcheng first.

Tong Che's negotiations with the brand went smoothly. The only concern was that the advertisement shoot was scheduled for July 7th and 8th.

Mu Hanfeng, surprisingly, also had to travel on these two days.

On the day of his birthday, he had to work and he couldn't see his man, so Tong Che's mood was visibly down.

However, he had the basic professionalism to not bring his emotions to work, and the shooting on the 8th day still went smoothly.

When it finally ended, Tong Che took out his mobile phone as soon as he left the studio and tried to contact Mu Hanfeng.

But when he opened his phone, he found a message from Mu Hanfeng ten minutes ago.

"Are you finished? I'm still working overtime. I'll call you when I'm done. "

Tong Che's fingers paused, his head dropped even lower, and finally he just replied: "I just finished work. You also don't get too tired. "

After replying, Tong Che put his mobile phone back in his pocket.

He took the lift downstairs and went out the door. He was in a depressed mood all the way, his head drooping, and he couldn't help kicking a small stone on the road.

It was obvious that after twenty-three years, he had never had a birthday, and he didn't feel anything about it, but now he just couldn’t help it.

Tong Che reflected to himself that he was really spoiled by Mu Hanfeng.

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that when he wasn't paying attention, he bumped into someone.

Tong Che suddenly came back to his senses and subconsciously opened his mouth to apologise, "Sorry, I..."

As he apologised, he looked up, but when he saw the face of the person in front of him, all of Tong Che's words stuck in his throat.

He even thought he was hallucinating, so he raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, but when he found that the person in front of him had not disappeared, he opened his mouth and cried out, "Teacher Mu...?"

Looking at Tong Che’s bewildered look, Mu Hanfeng couldn't help but curl his lips and reached out to take the silly kitten into his arms and said, with a smile, "Don't be sorry, hug me."

When he felt Mu Hanfeng's skin against his own, he found some sense of reality. He was surprised and said, "Teacher Mu, didn't you say you couldn't come back today and were working overtime?"

Mu Hanfeng looked down and kissed the top of Tong Che's hair, smiling softly, "I wanted to give you a surprise. If I didn't come back, a certain kitten would be crying."

Tong Che was embarrassed and buried his head in Mu Hanfeng's chest, and he replied, muffled, "That's... that’s exaggerated."

"You can exaggerate," Mu Hanfeng smiled and rubbed the back of his head, and said seriously, "Remember, in the future, your husband will definitely spend every birthday with you."

3. Tong Che’s Childish Kiss Stealing

The more time they spent together, the more Tong Che revealed a childishness that he had never shown to outsiders.

For example...

When Mu Hanfeng was working in his study, Tong Che would pretend to be invisible, sneak in, come around behind Mu Hanfeng, then suddenly reach out his hand to blindfold him and playfully ask, "Guess who I am!"

Mu Hanfeng laughed, "Tong Che."

Tong Che did not let go, "No!"

Mu Hanfeng changed his answer to, "Tong Tong."

Tong Che still didn't let go, "Still not right!"

After thinking about it for a second, Mu Hanfeng added a qualifier, "You are Mr. Mu's kitten."

Now Tong Che was satisfied and withdrew his hand. He bent down and gave Mu Hanfeng a quick peck on the cheek, smiling more sweetly than a coconut candy, "Congratulations!"


When the two of them were walking along the road, Tong Che would suddenly stretch out his hand and point in a direction, making a surprised face, "Teacher Mu, look what's there!"

Then when Mu Hanfeng followed his finger, Tong Che would immediately move forward and give him a quick kiss.

After the kiss, he would immediately stand still and pretend that nothing had happened.

Of course, the end result of this type of stolen kiss was always the same: Mu Hanfeng would hold him in his arms and kiss him hard.

 4. A childish crossword puzzle about a kitten

One day, the two of them were in their room together, reading a script.

When he was tired of reading, Tong Che could not help but start to wander off, writing and drawing on the script in his hands.

Mu Hanfeng looked down and saw four lines of words written on Tong Che's script.

The first line was, It’s the name of the person I like.

The second line was, - Gold X Water Fire Earth.

The third line read, – X is full of wind.

Mu Hanfeng's eyes were full of smiles. He tilted his head and lifted Tong Che's bangs, dropped a kiss on his forehead, and said warmly, "Okay, Teacher Mu also likes you."

5. Emperor Mu's sophisticated scummy skills

After a leisurely summer, in September, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng joined another cast again.

It was still a double-male lead movie with a suspenseful direction. Tong Che was playing the role of White fighting Black, and Mu Hanfeng was playing the role of Black fighting White, which was very tense.

Apart from the rivalry scenes, both of them had a lot of scenes with their respective supporting characters, so their shooting times would not be exactly the same.

This time, just after lunch, there was a scene with Mu Hanfeng acting, while Tong Che was sitting on the side watching him.

Mu Hanfeng's talent and skills were good, and without external factors, his scenes could pass within two takes.

However, this time, the director had already gone through the scene three times and still refused to give the nod.

The reason for this was not that Mu Hanfeng's performance was bad, but that the two of them were disagreeing over an emotional point in the role.

Instead of rushing to continue filming, the director said, "Come and we'll first discuss it."

Mu Hanfeng subconsciously glanced at Tong Che, who was sitting on the edge of the set, and the corners of his lips curled up before he walked over to the director.

"Look at this," the director pointed to the monitor, "I think..."

At first, Mu Hanfeng did look at it seriously, and he was also seriously discussing it with the director.

But at some point, Tong Che snuck up behind him from the sidelines.

Tong Che only wanted to listen, not to disturb the discussion, so he didn't call Mu Hanfeng, nor did he make any noise, and he thought he was being very secretive.

However, he did not know that Mu Hanfeng had already noticed him the moment he left his seat.

Seeing that the director was still thinking seriously with his head down, Mu Hanfeng did not delay any longer and quickly turned around.

Tong Che was eating a candy, which was pushed to one side with his tongue, and one side of his cheek was puffed up like a little hamster.

Not responding to suddenly being discovered, Tong Che froze and opened his mouth, emitting the sweet and sour scent of strawberries.

Mu Hanfeng glanced at the director again. Seeing that he was still not paying attention to him for the moment, he did not hesitate anymore. The corner of his lips picked up, and he cupped Tong Che's chin, lowered his head, and hooked the piece of candy from his mouth with the tip of his tongue.

The whole process took only three seconds, but Tong Che was confused for a while, and when he came back to his senses, the tips of his ears were burning crimson.

But what about Emperor Mu?

He was holding the piece of candy that he had just "snatched" and was speaking to the director with a straight face as if nothing had just happened.

 6. About the Alpha's growing jealousy

In October, both of them were still on the set of the drama, and this time Ruan Tang was also with the team. She was not there to take care of Tong Che, but to take care of Coconut Milk...

The filming took so long that both Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng couldn't go back home, so they brought him on set as well.

Yangcheng is a northern city, and the weather had started to turn colder, with the temperature dropping every day.

One day after returning to the hotel from work, Tong Che picked Coconut milk from Ruan Tang.  He hugged it and looked at it left and right, then suddenly said to Mu Hanfeng, "Mr. Mu, the temperature has dropped recently. Should we buy it new clothes?"

Mu Hanfeng didn't answer, but only looked at Tong Che quietly.

Tong Che froze and blinked blankly, "Teacher Mu, why are you looking at me like that?"

Mu Hanfeng hummed and continued to reply with a smirk, "To see if you can remember, it's time to buy new clothes for your husband now that it's cooling down."

Tong Che couldn't help but laugh. He leaned over and kissed Mu Hanfeng's chin, "Mr. Mu, why do you even eat Coconut milk’s vinegar!"

7. About the eternal ending

On the way home after the new movie was finished, Mu Hanfeng suddenly remembered the first time he took Tong Che to his house after the variety show.

He casually asked Tong Che, "Tong Tong, if we liked each other at that time but hadn't made our relationship clear, would you have taken the initiative to tell me that you would miss me?"

Before Tong Che could say a word, Mu Hanfeng gave a light "tsk" and replied, "You definitely wouldn't."

Tong Che laughed, thought for a while, but didn't deny it, "I really wouldn't."

From childhood, he was not good at coping with separation, but he had encountered it many times.

The earliest time he remembered was when he was three or four years old. The two people who gave birth to him took his brother on a trip and entrusted him to a neighbor.

At that time, transportation was mainly by train. So the neighbors thought that if they took him to the train station, he could cry or act a bit spoiled, so he would still have a chance to follow them, so they took him there.

To this day, he still remembers standing on the platform, watching the train leave with unblinking eyes. He watched his family smiling and laughing in the carriage as they moved further and further away from him, but he never uttered a word or shed a tear.

It was not until the train had completely left and they could no longer be seen that he burst into tears.

Unlike the other children who cried so loudly, he was very quiet even when crying, and only shed his tears silently.

But it was more heart-breaking than crying loudly.

So, Tong Che thought hard about it again. If he hadn't confirmed his relationship with Mu Hanfeng when the show ended, he would never have said anything.

Even though he would have missed Mu Hanfeng and wanted to ask him when he could see him again in the future, he would not have said anything.

Mu Hanfeng didn't know about Tong Che's past as a child, but he knew enough about his character to imagine, "You definitely wouldn't say anything, but you would keep pursing your lips and looking at me, and maybe your eyes would be a little red."

Tong Che acknowledged this, and then couldn't help but ask, "Then Mr. Mu... if it was really like that, what would you have done?"

When the light turned red, Mu Hanfeng stopped his car and quickly kissed Tong Che's eyelids, smiling, "Then I would have picked you up and asked you if you wanted to come with me."

Tong Che nodded and answered in a small voice for his imaginary self, "Yes, definitely."

So, no matter when their love affair started, in the end, he would definitely go with Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng couldn't help but sigh. At first, he thought that he had been calculating every step of the way to get this kitten into the trap he had designed, but later he found out that he was the one who had fallen into the trap step by step.

In the beginning, there were many bottom lines and rules, but later on, all the bottom lines and rules turned into two simple words: Tong Che.

 8. The mark is mutual

On December 31st of another year, neither of them worked on that day, but during the day, Mu Hanfeng went out. He did not say what he was going to do, only that he wanted to surprise Tong Che.

In the afternoon, as soon as he got home, he took off his coat and pulled off his collar as he asked Tong Che, "Kitten, are you ready?"

Tong Che was looking forward to the surprise and said excitedly, "Yes!"

Mu Hanfeng smiled, lowered his head and showed the back of his neck to Tong Che.

Tong Che took a glance at it and was stunned.

He saw a tattoo on the back of Mu Hanfeng's neck that was similar to Tong Che's birthmark, a small pink moon.

Tong Che's fingers curled up, and he lifted his hand to gently touch it, asking in a small voice, "Does it hurt?"

"No," Mu Hanfeng held Tong Che's hand smoothly and smiled, "Tong Tong, I will never get rid of this tattoo. Take it as if you have branded me, and that you have completely marked me. "


Tong Che woke up. The moment he opened his eyes, he was greeted by the snow-white ceiling of the ward, and for a moment, he was in a trance, not knowing what day it was.

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He stared blankly at the ceiling for two minutes before his memories from before he fell into a coma came back.

He had run away from home, carrying his knife.

He drank beer at the lake, differentiated and slit his wrists.

Then, he didn't die, and it seems he was saved.

After a brief run-through, Tong Che suddenly lifted his left hand and held it up to his eyes.

He reached into his pocket, and sure enough, there was no sign of the knife.

He knew that the person who had saved him had taken it away.

Tong Che pushed himself up.

Just as he leaned back on the bed, the door of the ward opened and a round-faced nurse came in.

When the nurse saw him sitting up, she was obviously stunned for a moment, and soon a smile appeared on her face, "Little boy, you are awake!"

Tong Che pursed his lips and retorted in a low voice, "I'm not a child anymore."

"At the age of thirteen, you have just differentiated," the little nurse approached and smiled, "Why would you not be a child?"

Tong Che stopped talking. After a pause, he couldn't help but ask, "I've differentiated into an Omega, right?"

"That's right," the little nurse replied, rolling her eyes, "you've differentiated into a cute Omega."

Tong Che lowered his eyes. His eyelashes trembled and his eyes lost their spirit for a moment, but the nurse didn't notice.

“Wait a minute, "the nurse said again, "I'll call the doctor to examine you."

After saying this, the nurse turned around and walked out of the ward.

Thinking of something, Tong Che suddenly called out, "Ah... sister nurse, I would like to ask; who sent me here?"

The nurse stopped, turned around, and briefly described, "It was an Alpha boy, very thin and tall..."

Having said this, the nurse paused, her cheeks turned red, and then continued, "He looked very handsome!"

Tong Che pretended not to see the nurse's change. He pursed his lips, and asked again, "How long have I been unconscious?”

“Then..." Tong Che asked again, his voice even lower, "Then has he visited me in the past three days?"

The nurse paused, as if hesitating, but finally shook her head, "He hasn’t been here again."

She seemed to be afraid that Tong Che would be sad, and hurriedly added, "He might just be too busy and something came up!"

Tong Che lowered his head, gave a vague response, and did not speak again.

In fact, he didn't know why he cared so much, whether that person came to see him.

It's just that his voice still echoed vaguely in his ears, asking him, "Why do you want to give up before you have seen the sea?"

He didn't quite understand this sentence, but he really wanted to see him with his own eyes. What would a person who said such a thing look like?

The doctor came very quickly and gave Tong Che a full body examination. The result was that his body has basically recovered, but he has a pheromone disorder, and he needs to rely on suppressants.

Tong Che was even more frightened when he heard that, "I...I don't have any money..."

His parents would definitely not be willing to take out such a sum of money for him.

"Don't worry, "the doctor reassured. "The boy who sent you here charged a lot of money on your card, enough to buy nearly a year's worth of suppressants."


Tong Che left the hospital with a large bag of inhibitors in a trance.

Thoughts drifted from his survival from death, to his pheromone disorder, to the need to use suppressants from now on, finally floating back to the Alpha boy who saved him.

The thought of wanting to see him grew stronger.

But Yangcheng is so big, where should he go to find him?


That day was the most chaotic day Tong Che had experienced in his short thirteen years of life.

After going back home, he was kicked out of the house within two hours, not even having the chance for a hot meal.

The car drove all the way to the outskirts of the city, and finally stopped in front of the orphanage.

Tong Che was thirteen years old, not three. He clearly knew that he had been abandoned.

He watched his parents take his younger brother away without even looking back.

Compared with sadness, what Tong Che felt more at that moment was an inexplicable, earth-shattering void.

He found that he was no longer interested in doing anything. He didn't want to talk to people, play games, read books, or even eat and drink.

But he still ate and drank.

Because whenever he wanted to give up, the words of the Alpha boy would always echo in his ears.

He thought that someone had saved his life. No matter what, he couldn't waste the good deed.

He thought that if he persisted, he might be able to see him again.

On the morning of his sixth day at the orphanage, just after he woke up, he was called out by the orphanage director, Zhao Li, saying that someone was looking for him...

That was the first time that Tong Che saw Mu Hanfeng, and he felt that he was not very different from what he had imagined.

He was tall, with a distinguished appearance and a cold aura.

But what was different from what he had imagined was that the alpha male in front of him had heavy blue shadows under his eyes, as if he had not rested well and was in a very poor state.

They looked at each other for a long time, but Mu Hanfeng spoke first, saying, "What's your name, kid?"

When he heard the label "kid," Tong Che, who was in his adolescent years, involuntarily puffed up his face, but because the person who called him that was his life-saving Alpha, he held back and obediently replied, "Tong Che, and I am clearly, not a kid." 

Mu Hanfeng looked down at the little Omega, who was just barely reaching his chin, and thought to himself, "He’s quite pure, with big, clear eyes."

But he laughed, and what he said was, "Children are still children."

The pure child's face puffed up again.

Mu Hanfeng resisted the urge to poke his cheek with his finger. He coughed lightly and returned to the subject. He explained his current situation and his intentions in a few words, and finally concluded, "I will be very busy every day, but I will definitely be home every night. Do you want to come with me?"

Perhaps because he felt that he owed this man a lot of money and hadn't paid him back, or perhaps because he had heard the word "home," Tong Che gave his answer without much hesitation, "Yes! I want to!"

At that time, neither of them had any idea that the few words they spoke could really last a lifetime.

Thus, Tong Che, who had been abandoned for five days, found a new home.

Mu Hanfeng was, as he said, very busy.

At that time, Tong Che did not quite understand what he was busy with, but he would always wake up in the middle of the night to find him still busy on his laptop.

When he appeared at the door of his room, Mu Hanfeng would always look up from his laptop and ask him, with a frown, "Why aren't you wearing slippers again?"

Tong Che rubbed his eyes, yawned, and said, in a long, drowsy tone, "I forgot..."

Mu Hanfeng would stand up, whispering, "You forget all the time" while coming over to him, picking him up and wrapping him in a big blanket on the soft sofa, coaxing, "Go to sleep, you have to go to school tomorrow. I will accompany you. "

At first, Tong Che would really forget to wear his slippers.

But later on, as he grew up, due to some subtle emotions, probably because he was coveting that hug, he would deliberately forget them every time.

Fortunately, Mu Hanfeng never exposed him.......

Before he met Mu Hanfeng, Tong Che didn't know what a real family looked like.

But after meeting him, it was as if everything had become tangible.

When he encountered a problem that he didn't know how to solve, Tong Che would call out, "Brother, come here for a minute!"

Mu Hanfeng would immediately drop what he was doing and come over to explain the problem to him.

Tong Che would always listen with admiration and then exclaim, "Brother, you're so good! I feel like there's no problem you can't solve! "

No matter how busy Mu Hanfeng was, he would always find time to go to every parent's meeting at school.

But Tong Che didn't like studying much, he seemed to like singing, dancing, and even acting more than cultural lessons.

So every time Mu Hanfeng came back from a parent-teacher conference, he would first put on a stern face and say, "The teacher said you are always absent-minded in class. What were you thinking?"

At this time, Tong Che would hang his head and tug on his sleeve, complaining in a small voice, "Brother, you are being mean."

Mu Hanfeng's breath stagnated and his expression softened by an octave in an instant. He reluctantly raised his hand to tap Tong Che's forehead and asked him, "Tell me, what are you thinking about when you are not paying attention to the class?"

Tong Che had no reservations about him, so he would cuddle up to his ear and chatter about wanting to enter the entertainment industry and acting.

When he finished, he was afraid that Mu Hanfeng would get angry.

But when Mu Hanfeng heard this, he was silent for a while, but he did not get angry and said, "Then when you grow up, we will try it together."

From that day onwards, Tong Che had a beautiful and ambitious wish: to enter the entertainment industry and act with Mu Hanfeng.

Every morning and evening, Mu Hanfeng would cook for him. When he was hungry at night, he would just say something, and Mu Hanfeng would get up and go make a midnight snack. Or when the weather was nice and there was little time to spare, the two of them would go downstairs to the night market together.

When the season changed, Mu Hanfeng would take him to the shopping mall to buy clothes, and Tong Che would always end up pestering him into buying a bunch of clothes in the same style but different sizes.

"Don't you think it's weird for me to wear this sweater?" Mu Hanfeng stared into the mirror with a recessed brow.

Tong Che shook his head and replied loudly and without hesitation, "It's obviously very cool!"

The corners of Mu Hanfeng's lips curled up, and because of Tong Che's words, he temporarily gave up on the idea of changing back to his black shirt.

Mu Hanfeng would take Tong Che on a trip every year during his summer and winter vacations, despite the fact that Mu Hanfeng was frequently busy with his laptop late at night at the hotel.

With Tong Che on vacation, he would not rush to sleep. He would stay up with Mu Hanfeng, giving him water and feeding him snacks, sometimes even giving him a shoulder massage.

If the weather was bad, the two of them would not go out and stay together.

When Mu Hanfeng was working, Tong Che would sit on the carpet to his right and watch a movie. Of course, when he saw something exciting, he would tell Mu Hanfeng all about it.

They would spend every birthday and every festival with each other.

They had each other to share all their happiness and sorrows with.

Mu Hanfeng was like the competent older brother, but he was much more than that.

It seemed that the days when the two of them were together always passed quickly.

It was in this way that Tong Che unknowingly celebrated his 16th birthday.

On the day of his birthday, Mu Hanfeng had the rare opportunity to put off all his work.

The two of them had a big meal together and a delicious cake. Tong Che didn't drink a drop of alcohol that day, but when he looked at Mu Hanfeng's angular facial features under the flickering lights, he somehow felt he was drunk.

His heart was beating fast for no reason, and even though he had been taking his suppressants on time, it was as if the back of his neck was throbbing again.

A thought came up in his mind that scared the sixteen-year-old Tong Che. He thought to himself, "How wonderful it would be if Mu Hanfeng was more than just a brother, if he could be one step closer."

At that time, Tong Che was not yet fully aware of what it would be like to be one step closer.

Or maybe he didn't dare think about it too clearly.

Tong Che licked his lips, but he couldn't hold back and asked, as if it was impromptu, but in fact, he had been planning to ask for a long time, "Brother, will you fall in love in the future?"

Mu Hanfeng lowered his eyes and looked at him. His eyes darkened for a moment, his Adam’s apple rolled, and he asked in a low voice, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Tong Che's eyes fell on the sexy Adam’s apple for a moment, then quickly moved away, and after a long time, he squeezed out a sentence from his throat, "Just... just asking."

Mu Hanfeng stared at the tips of his red ears for a long time before finally throwing out one word, "I will."

The moment he heard these two words, Tong Che's heart felt like he had spilled a bottle of vinegar, so sour that it bubbled.

But the next moment, Mu Hanfeng gave him a big piece of candy.

The top of his hair was rubbed with a gentle force, and Mu Hanfeng's palm stroked it twice, and then added another sentence, "So, grow up quickly."

Tong Che vaguely felt that he understood, but he was not sure. His throat tightened and he forced out a sentence, "Grow up... grow up for what? To pay you back? "

Mu Hanfeng paused, and he laughed softly. His finger moved down and gently twisted Tong Che's earlobe, saying in a hoarse voice, "When you grow up, you'll know."

When you grow up, you can give yourself back to me.

After that, we will talk about love and be lovers for the rest of our lives, never to be separated.

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