I Just Crave for Your Pheromones

Chapter 52: CH 48

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"Of course it's because I like you!"

Teacher Mu, likes him?

Teacher Mu said that he liked him?!!

Once again, Tong Che turned into a little wooden man, unable to speak or move, and this time he couldn't even avert his eyes, just staring at Mu Hanfeng.

It's not that Tong Che hadn't thought of such a reason, on the contrary, he had thought about it many times. But the difference between thinking about it and hearing Mu Hanfeng say these words was, obviously, too great.

Otherwise, why would delusional thoughts be called delusional thoughts?

He didn't know what to think, but Tong Che didn't make a sound. He suddenly closed his eyes and fell back on the bed on his back.

Mu Hanfeng had just revealed his true feelings, and it was impossible to say that he was not nervous.

There was some nervousness, but, of course, there was more anticipation. He was looking forward to what kind of response his little kitten would give him.

But Mu Hanfeng had never expected such a response...

He was stunned for a moment, then returned to his senses and called out, "Tongtong?"

Hearing his voice, Tong Che opened his eyes abruptly and sat up again.

After that, he suddenly let go of the hand that had been clutching the fat butt of the teddy bear and gave a fierce twist to the back of his hand.

His movements were too sudden, and Mu Hanfeng didn't stop him for a while. By the time he reacted, the back of Tong Che's white hand was already red.

"What are you doing?" Mu Hanfeng hurriedly pulled his hand over and blew on it gently, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts," Tong Che nodded blankly, and murmured to himself, "It hurts, so I'm not dreaming..."

Hearing Tong Che's words, Mu Hanfeng's breath hitched, and he finally understood what the little omega’s series of reactions were all about, and instantly felt his heart sink into a sour softness.

Mu Hanfeng lowered his head, kissed the back of Tong Che's hand, and rubbed his forehead against his, "Look at me. You're not dreaming. I'm real. It's all true."

Tong Che's eyes rolled, and he finally woke up with a jolt.

"Teacher Mu..." his lips moved and he asked softly, "What did you... just say?"

"I said it's all true," Mu Hanfeng answered him in a warm voice and said it again, "I said that I like you, and it's true."

Hearing these words again, Tong Che still felt as if his soul had been scalded. He didn't know what had happened, but his eyelashes trembled slightly, and a big teardrop suddenly rolled out of his eyes.

Mu Hanfeng panicked, he subconsciously stretched out his fingers to pick the tears, while still coaxing, "Kitten, don't cry. If you still don't like me now, it's okay. You can say it, don't cry, okay?"

Tong Che pursed his lower lip tightly and shook his head, the old problem of being unable to speak when he was emotional came back again. He worked hard to push through, and forced out a word from his throat. "No."

Mu Hanfeng gave a start and hurriedly followed his words to complete the sentence for him, "No to not liking me?"

Tong Che nodded his head.

Mu Hanfeng was delighted and restrained his voice, which was slightly trembling from too much excitement, to ask another question, "Then it means you like me?"

Tong Che couldn't hold back any longer, and his small tear-stained face was buried into Mu Hanfeng's arms.

Mu Hanfeng felt the wetness on his chest, his heart was so pained that he couldn't stand it, but he gently rubbed the back of Tong Che's head to soothe him.

Halfway through, he suddenly felt the furry little head on his chest nodding gently.

Tong Che had answered him!

His kitten liked him too!

Mu Hanfeng no longer knew what kind of words he had to use to describe how he felt at this moment.

He only felt that in the twenty-eight years he had lived, there had never been a time when he had been as happy as he was now.

His precious treasure not only knew his feelings, but also had the same feelings for him.

What could be more beautiful and delightful than this love for each other?

Mu Hanfeng closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tightened Tong Che into his arms again, and could not help but sigh tersely against his ear, "Kitten, for a moment, I thought I was dreaming too."

Tong Che was buried in Mu Hanfeng's embrace, still trying to fight with his mouth, wanting to speak, wanting to tell Teacher Mu in full that he also liked him, but before he could say it, he heard Mu Hanfeng say such words.

Tong Che suddenly became more anxious. He tilted his head up and looked at Mu Hanfeng, stumbling over his words but extremely serious, "No, it's not a dream. Teacher Mu I, I... "

Probably because he was too anxious, a sense of frustration suddenly rose up in his heart, and Tong Che couldn't help but wrinkle his brow.

Mu Hanfeng patted his back and soothed him slowly, "I am still here. Take your time to say whatever you want to say, Teacher Mu will listen."

Infected by his attitude, Tong Che's heart gradually calmed down. He lowered his eyelashes, took two deep breaths, and finally spoke out, "Teacher Mu, I also... I like you too."

The moment he said these words, Tong Che felt the tip of his heart tremble. But soon, what replaced it was a relief and an openness that had never been felt before.

It was as if a small seed that had been buried deep in his heart, had started to sprout on a certain day and moment, and then grew quietly, finally poking its head out, blossoming and bearing fruit at this moment.

As the unease faded and joy took over, Tong Che, holding back his shyness, suddenly raised his head and, almost reverently, closed his eyes and pressed his lips to Mu Hanfeng's.

The moment the four lips touched, it was as if the air became sweet and moist.

The little omega’s kiss was as gentle and soft as his person.

But Mu Hanfeng was clearly not satisfied with such a shallow taste, and he could no longer restrain himself, nor did he need to.

The deft tip of his tongue effortlessly pried open Tong Che's teeth, and continued pushing inward as if it was wrapped in a gust of wind and rain.

He sucked hard, plundered, and tangled their lips and tongues.

Mu Hanfeng seems to be using this passionate kiss to convey all his deep-rooted yearnings and desires...

They kissed like that for awhile until Tong Che's breathing became more and more rapid, and he couldn't help but let out a low-pitched groan. Only then did Mu Hanfeng let go of him without any intention.

It was no surprise that Tong Che's lips were already crimson, and the corners of his lips were slightly broken. Against his slightly dishevelled hair and his white, tender cheeks that still had traces of tears, there was a kind of sadistic beauty.

The alpha's destructive desire was particularly aroused. His eyes deepened, his Adam’s apple rolled up and down, his canine teeth brushed over the back of his teeth, and he closed his eyes and cursed.

It was simply not fucking enough!

Originally, before he confessed, he could barely restrain himself by reason, but now once his heart was known, Mu Hanfeng felt that his twenty-eight years of restraint had been fed to the dogs, and he wanted more, still needed more.

One kiss was not enough, nor were a hundred or thousand kisses, and he wished to consume this omega completely.

"Kitten." Mu Hanfeng smiled and sighed in a low voice, "you really can make me addicted."

Tong Che was already dazed by Mu Hanfeng's kiss and was lying softly in his arms, gasping for breath. When he suddenly heard these words, his whole body was even hotter.

But hot as it was, Tong Che looked at Mu Hanfeng's hand that seemed to be clenching up silently due to his bitter patience.  He forced back his embarrassment and said in a small whisper, "Teacher Mu, you can do it if you don't want to hold back. In fact, I actually....really, really want to be bitten by you."

The moment he heard what Tong Che said, the bottom of Mu Hanfeng's eyes seemed to be swirling, and the knuckles of his fingers turned white with force.

Fuck, how many times had he been teased to death by Tong's straight ball!

Mu Hanfeng took the little Omega, who had been teasing him to death into his arms and buried his head in the nape of his neck, breathing greedily, before saying in a low voice, "Kitten, don't tempt me. It’s late, I have to get up early tomorrow. "

He had bitten him once during the day, and now he wanted to bite him again at night? Can he still consider himself a human being?

Even if Tong Che didn't mind, Mu Hanfeng knew what kind of nature he had. He had had no desires for 28 years, but now he couldn't get enough of Tong Che.

If he indulged himself so much on the first day of expressing their feelings for each other, how would he be able to hold back in the future?

With this in mind, Mu Hanfeng reluctantly pushed down thoughts of marking the little omega and leaned back a little, trying to distract himself by changing the subject, "Kitty, let's talk?"

Tong Che nodded obediently, "Okay, you say it."

Mu Hanfeng lost his smile and raised his hand to gently pinch the tip of Tong Che's nose, "How can you use "you"? What am I to you? "

Tong Che was obviously stuck for a moment, and when he met Mu Hanfeng's narrow smile, his face turned red and his voice was as small as a mosquito's whisper, but he still answered honestly, "You’re my... my boyfriend."

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Mu Hanfeng sucked in his breath.  He had lifted a stone, no, a boulder, and smashed his own feet!

He swallowed back the words, "boyfriend wants to fuck you now" and raised his hand to rub the top of Tong Che's hair, "Okay, little boyfriend."

Tong Che was so hot that he repeated the name twice in his mind and could not help but show his little dimples.


Mr. Mu, such a great alpha, is actually his boyfriend!

Mu Hanfeng's smiled even harder, and he couldn't help but turn over and lie flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling, before he could barely calm down a bit.

"Little boyfriend," Mu Hanfeng asked again, "when did you... find out that you like me?"

In fact, Mu Hanfeng knew that it was not the right time for him to talk about this, but he really wanted to know.

When did Tong Che fall in love with him? Didn't he used to idolise him? When did he become more than just an idol?

This question immediately stumped Tong Che, as his mind recalled the first time he met Mu Hanfeng, and all the scenes of their relationship afterward, but he found that he could not find a specific time.

Was it when he found out that Ye Yu had taken an inducer to find Mu Hanfeng?

Obviously not, it must have been much earlier than that.

Maybe it was before Mu Hanfeng sang "Zealot" to him, maybe it was before they rode the carousel together and he saved their photo a hundred times, maybe it was before he realized there was only one bed in the room, but he still wanted to sleep with Mu Hanfeng.

Maybe it was earlier when Mu Hanfeng took him to that private restaurant, maybe it was earlier when he was willing to tell Mu Hanfeng all the things from his past that he had never told anyone, maybe it was earlier than the hug on the terrace of that lake view room.

Maybe it was the first time he saw Mu Hanfeng.

It seems to be just like what the book says, that love does not know where it comes from, but it is deep.

Tong Che smiled again, and after a long time, he said in a soft voice, "I guess it's just that, in the past, Teacher Mu was a vast and boundless sea to me, and I liked the sea, but I didn't expect it to be mine. But suddenly one day, I began to secretly and selfishly hope that Teacher Mu could become a little wave, a wave that could be held in my palm. "

After saying this, Tong Che felt that he was being too pretentious and buried his head in Mu Hanfeng's arms in embarrassment.

Mu Hanfeng smiled lightly and embraced him, and the last trace of anxiety in his heart was completely doused by Tong Che.

It was clear that his kitten had already made a clear distinction.

The Mu Hanfeng, who is an idol, and the Mu Hanfeng, who is a boyfriend,

"I will," Mu Hanfeng seriously responded, "I don’t want to be the sea, I’ll just be a wave for you alone."


The two of them chatted like this, until Tong Che became drowsy, and the second before he was about to drift off to sleep, he woke up abruptly and opened his eyes, " Mu Hanfeng, I haven't sung to... to you!"

It was the first time that Tong Che had changed his mouth without using honorifics, and he was still not used to it.

Mu Hanfeng looked at Tong Che, who was already sleepy, his eyelids drooping, but he was still trying to keep his spirits up to sing to him. He felt his heart was as soft as if he was soaking in coconut milk. He took the person into his arms again and said, "It’s okay, no need to sing today, my boyfriend can just sleep."

"Really?" Tong Che didn't quite believe it.

After asking, he hurriedly said, "I'll just sing one song. It'll be quick, it won't take much, don't take sleeping pills..."

At the end of his sentence, he was probably too sleepy, and his voice trailed off softly.

"Really," Mu Hanfeng kissed Tong Che's ear again and promised, "No sleeping pills, go to sleep, and your boyfriend will go to sleep too."

After hearing his promise of "no sleeping pills", Tong Che's mind was relaxed for the last time, and he vaguely replied, "good night, boyfriend," and fell into a deep sleep the next second.

Mu Hanfeng turned off the light with his hand, leaving only the small lamp on Tong Che's side, and gazed at the sleeping face for a long time through the warm yellow glow for a long time, and he kept his words. He closed his eyes without taking any sleeping pills.

It was probably because holding the soft kitten in his arms was soothing and relaxing, because after a while, Mu Hanfeng really fell asleep like this.

In his dream, Tong Che dragged Mu Hanfeng and asked a hundred times, "Mr. Mu, do you really like me?"

And Mu Hanfeng answered him a hundred and one times, "I really, really, really like you."

The extra one time was in reality, when he woke up first and said it to Tong Che, who was still buried in his arms and sleeping soundly.

After kissing Tong Che's forehead, Mu Hanfeng smiled and gently got out of bed first, going into the bathroom to wash up.

When Tong Che woke up, there was no one around the bed, but he could hear the sound of water in the bathroom.

He stretched out with his eyes half closed, but halfway through the stretch, he suddenly woke up.

All that had happened last night came back to his mind, and he could not stop himself from screaming like a groundhog.

After a good night's sleep, his excitement and joy increased, and he couldn't help but hug Mu Hanfeng's robe and roll around on the bed.

This was Mu Hanfeng's robe, and Mu Hanfeng was his boyfriend!

So, this is his boyfriend's robe!

As he rolled to the edge of the bed, before Tong Che could sit up, his ankle was suddenly gripped by a large hand.

He was stunned and raised his eyes to look, only to find that Mu Hanfeng had come out of the bathroom and walked over to the bedside at some point!

"Good morning," Mu Hanfeng smiled lowly, "little boyfriend."

Tong Che was so embarrassed that he wanted to stuff his whole head into the bed cover. He responded, with a muffled voice, "Good morning... good morning!"

Seeing that Tong Che was embarrassed, Mu Hanfeng stopped teasing him and just kissed him on the ankle before releasing him, "Go wash up when you wake up. Your boyfriend will go downstairs and cook for you."

He nodded obediently, jumped out of bed, and headed for the bathroom. After taking two steps, he suddenly stopped, turned around, and ran back, and, like a sneak attack, he quickly gave his new boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.

However, today, Mu Hanfeng did not bring the rice he had made, but asked Tong Che to go downstairs to eat it.

When he went downstairs to the dining room, he saw a sumptuous breakfast spread on the table, and Tong Che froze, "So much?"

No sooner had he said that than he heard Yin Lan's voice behind him, "It smells so good! What food smells so good? "

While speaking, he had already walked to the table, saw the various types of breakfast on the table, and was stunned. He raised his head to look at Tong Che and then at Mu Hanfeng, "Did you make this?"

Tong Che shook his head and replied, "Mr. Mu made it."

Yin Lan swallowed hard, "You made so much... do we have a share too?"

Mu Hanfeng said, "Mmm," and smiled lightly as he took Tong Che’s waist, "I'm in a good mood today."

On the following two days, the guests were an Alpha boy and a Beta girl.

The Alpha boy was familiar with Yin Lan and Xiao Yao, while the Beta girl was familiar with Ning Ran and Mi Beibei.

So the two days of recording went very smoothly, and they all had a great time together.

This week's episode on living together was successfully completed, and on the same night, Wang Qi announced a new twist to the romance episode.

"The theme of this episode is love, so instead of recording six people together and setting up the same levels as before, we've decided to record the three couples separately and give you free rein to do whatever you want for the whole day. The only purpose is to show how much you love each other. "

"However," Wang Qi said, "for the sake of the program, I've set three different requirements for each group, which I'm going to show you."

After saying that, Wang Qi gave each pair a small card.

Mu Hanfeng took the card and Tong Che hurriedly looked at it.

On the card, there were three small lines written on a fluorescent stick.

Make a gift for the other party.

Pretend that one of you is sick and the other is taking care of you.

Pretend that one of you is angry and the other one is coaxing you.

Wang Qi's voice is cheerful, "I look forward to your lovemaking!"

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