I Just Crave for Your Pheromones

Chapter 75: CH 71

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The moment he heard the words "it was me", Tong Che felt his heart tremble, and he couldn't say anything else for a while.

He didn't know how to describe his feelings at that moment. For ten years, Tong Che had hoped every day that he could meet the man who had saved him, that he could say "thank you" to him, that he could stand up straight and tell him that he had survived and was doing well.

But it was only today that he suddenly realized that this person was far away, yet close at hand, and had even become his lover, his family, his indispensable.

Tong Che had never believed in Gods or Buddhism before, but he now believes there is such a thing as fate.

After awhile, he raised his eyes slightly, looked at Mu Hanfeng, and asked in a soft voice, "Teacher Mu, did you... know about this all along?"

"Not really," Mu Hanfeng's big hand covered the top of Tong Che's hair, stroking it twice, his voice as gentle as his strength, "I found out the day we went to Love Radio."

Yes, Tong Che remembered what he said that day and also remembered Mu Hanfeng's abnormality at that time.

Tong Che whispered, "Then you didn't tell me," and "you lied to me."

"I didn't lie to you," Mu Hanfeng corrected him immediately, "I only told you half of the story. I did listen to you on the radio station."

Indeed, I was saved by you.

The latter half of the sentence, which Mu Hanfeng didn't say, seemed to be embedded in his eyes. Tong Che read it, and the tips of his ears burned again. But he still couldn't help asking, "Then why didn't you tell me at that time?"

"I didn't want you to remember the bad past," Mu Hanfeng explained warmly, "and I didn't want you to think..."

Here, he paused and chuckled before continuing, "I didn't want you to think that my pheromone indifference was because of you."

Tong Che was stunned and embarrassed, "Now that I know that it was you at the time, I don't think that it was a bad past."

Although it was really painful at the time, now he can taste a hint of sweetness in that pain.

"However," he dropped his head again, his tone laced with guilt, "your pheromone indifference is indeed caused by me."

Mu Hanfeng knew what was on Tong Che's mind and knew exactly how to solve it, so he didn't deny it. Instead, he went along and said, "Yes, it did start because of you. So kitten, are you going to take responsibility? "

Tong Che looked into Mu Hanfeng’s smiling eyes, and he relaxed. He also smiled, nodding his head and saying seriously, "Yes, I will take responsibility!"

The corners of Mu Hanfeng's lips curled up, and he advanced an inch. "Responsibility for how long?"

With a red face, Tong Che moved to Mu Hanfeng's ear and replied in a whisper, "For a lifetime."

When the kitten was being so straightforward, Mu Hanfeng couldn't help himself and simply grabbed him by the back of his head and pressed him back into the passenger seat, giving him a passionate kiss. He did not forget to take advantage, "A lifetime is too long; pay interest first."

Tong Che was dizzy from the kiss. At first, he was thinking that when he went back, he would send a message asking Dr. Qin if there was a cure for pheromone indifference. But he was kissed so much that his head went blank.

Their pheromones are both symbiotic, so there is probably nothing that can be done.

Mu Hanfeng kissed Tong Che until his breathing became unstable before he let him go. He wrapped his arms around the little omega and patted his back to smooth his breathing.

Tong Che gradually calmed down, and he remembered something. He stretched out his finger and poked Mu Hanfeng's shoulder, his tone a little aggrieved, "Teacher Mu, you sent me to the hospital at that time, and then you never..."

Halfway through his grievance, Tong Che paused.

He wanted to say that Mu Hanfeng had never visited him afterwards, but before he finished his sentence, he remembered that the day he had differentiated was exactly the 10th of November, Mu Hanfeng's birthday.

And that day, 10 years ago, happened to be Mu Hanfeng's 18th birthday.

Mu Hanfeng saved him on the day he came of age, only to learn the truth about his mother's death the day after he came of age.

Mu Hanfeng had said that he had fallen ill after that.

Tong Che couldn't help but feel sad for Mu Hanfeng again.

"I actually went," Mu Hanfeng knew what Tong Che was thinking and smiled, his tone a little disappointed, "I was sick for a week and went the day after I got well, but was told by the young nurse on duty that you had recovered and been discharged."

At that time, Mu Hanfeng was too busy taking care of himself and had no mental strength. So, after confirming that the little Omega he had saved had been discharged from the hospital in good health, he did not think to ask any more questions.

But now that he knew that this little Omega was, by mistake, his kitten, Mu Hanfeng could not help but feel some regret. He sighed and whispered, "If I hadn't been sick that one time, and had gone to see you two days earlier, or if I had spent some energy looking for you, maybe we would have met 10 years earlier."

Maybe he would have been able to participate in Tong Che's teenage years. Maybe Tong Che wouldn't have had to go to the orphanage. Maybe…they would have been able to grow up together.

What Mu Hanfeng didn't say, Tong Che could also think of. But he smiled and moved over to kiss Mu Hanfeng's chin and said, in a serious tone, "Don't they say that there are parallel worlds? Maybe it’s like that for us in another world, and that's good. But it's also good that we're like this now. "

Mu Hanfeng returned to his senses and raised a smile along with him, "Kitten is right, we are fine like this too. It's me who momentarily fell into the stink paranoia. "

With all the words out of the way, both of them were in a lighter mood. Mu Hanfeng started the car and prepared to go home, while Tong Che felt as if he had missed something.

It seemed quite important...

Tong Che thought carefully with a frown, and a second before the car was about to drive out, he suddenly called out, "Teacher Mu!"

Mu Hanfeng was startled by his call and slammed on the brakes, turning his head to look over, "What's wrong, kitten?"

Tong Che remembered the point he had missed, and that was that Dr. Qin had said that they might be dream connected!

Recalling what he had done and said in his dreams from the first day he dreamed of Mu Hanfeng to now...

Tong Che just couldn't wait to get under the car!

Holding his last faint hope, he tentatively asked Mu Hanfeng, "It's just that... Teacher Mu, have you ever dreamt about me?"

Mu Hanfeng raised his eyebrows and asked rhetorically, "What do you think?"

Tong Che: "......"

Gah! That's like four words to the soul!

What does this mean? It means that Teacher Mu had shared dreams with him. Not only did they share dreams, but Teacher Mu knew all along!

Tong Che was so embarrassed that he leaned back on the seat, raised his hands to cover his face, and asked in a muffled voice, "When did you know about this?"

Mu Hanfeng coughed lightly and replied with a smile, "It wasn’t too early. It was probably when you first had your fake-heat. "

Now Tong Che really wanted to stuff himself into the seat and not come out.

His fake-heat? That was a month ago!

Teacher Mu had known about it from the very beginning?

Wasn't that too early?

Mu Hanfeng explained his speculation and asked Tong Che if he had any medical evidence.

Tong Che remained in his original position, covering his face and not looking at Mu Hanfeng at all. In a sullen voice, he repeated what Dr. Qin had said about the pheromone symbiosis.

Mu Hanfeng was only slightly stunned after hearing this, but was not very surprised, probably because it was not very different from what he had guessed before.

Mu Hanfeng found Tong Che's appearance amusing and called out to him with a smile, "Kitten."

"Kitten is gone." Tong Che curled himself up in the seat and replied in a muffled voice, showing a bit of childishness, "You can't see him!"

Mu Hanfeng laughed and reached over, scooping the small ball that was pretending to be invisible out of the seat.

“What are you ashamed of? I, myself, am not embarrassed. After all, I marked you on the first day of my dream. "

The words had a miraculous effect, as Tong Che remembered that they were co-dreaming and not Mu Hanfeng unilaterally entering his own dreams.

In that case, all of Teacher Mu's actions in the dream were a reflection of his subconscious mind, not his own imagination!

Having figured this out, Tong Che instantly felt a lot more at ease, but Mu Hanfeng was not slow in saying the next sentence, "But Tong Tong, you're not much better than me. You touched my abs in the next dream. "

Tong Che: "!"

The little perverted kitten, who was doubly red, wanted to ball up into the seat again.

Mu Hanfeng was in a good mood and scooped him up again, laughing so hard that his chest was vibrating, "Okay, I’m just teasing you."


Tong Che arrived at Solace's headquarters early the next morning to start the week-long commercial shoot.

What made everyone's eyes drop was that the person who came with him was not his agent or assistant, but the great movie star Mu Hanfeng.

At first, everyone was confused about Mu Hanfeng's intentions and thought that he was just here to walk through the set, support Tong Che, and leave. So the Solace staff even assured Mu Hanfeng that they would take good care of Tong Che.

But who knew that when Mu Hanfeng heard this, he casually said, "You don't need to look after him."

At that moment, the staff still didn't understand what Mu Hanfeng meant by this statement, and they were all terrified.

It wasn't until the first day of filming was over that everyone really understood...

When Mu Hanfeng said "no need", he really meant no need.

Tong Che had been filming all day, and Mu Hanfeng had been standing by all day; serving food and water, wiping sweat and massaging shoulders, etc. He was even more thorough than an assistant!

Everyone present went crazy. Who would dare to say that this pairing was just hype? It was fucking real! Not even gold is that real!

This went on for two and a half days, and by the 22nd of December, after lunch, when everyone was already used to the presence of Mu-Assistant-Hanfeng, he suddenly left, and in the afternoon, Ruan Tang, Tong Che's real assistant, took over.

The photographer, who was already acquainted with Tong Che, took advantage of the break to tease him, "Why did you suddenly change assistants?"

The tips of Tong Che's ears, which were hidden under his blonde hair, reddened, and he tensed his lips to maintain his calm, "Mr. Mu... something came up."

The photographer saw that he didn't want to talk about it, so he also smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

It was Ruan Tang who was caught unaware and was stunned, asking Tong Che in a small voice, "What's up with Mr. Mu? Is it about work? "

"No," Tong Che had already told Ruan Tang about his relationship with Mu Hanfeng, so he said frankly at this point, "Today is the winter solstice, so he went home early to make dumplings."

Ruan Tang:"... "

I just hate my big mouth!

Tong Che was oblivious to Ruan Tang’s resentment and was still immersed in the joy of Teacher Mu going home to make dumplings for him.

In fact, Mu Hanfeng was still hesitant about making the dumplings himself. After all, it would take time, and in order for Tong Che to eat hot dumplings as soon as he got home, he would inevitably be unable to accompany him for half a day of filming.

But last night, the dream the two of them had made Mu Hanfeng decide that it was better to make the dumplings himself.

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In the dream, Tong Che went back to the winter solstice of his first year at the orphanage.

At that time, he had only been at the orphanage for a month, and he was not too familiar with the other children, and he was in a very bad mood himself.

On the winter solstice, while all the other children were eating dumplings in the canteen, he was hiding alone on the balcony, blowing in the cold wind.

It took a long time before he was found by the director, Zhao Li.

Zhao Li led him to the canteen, but the children had all finished eating by then, and even the cooks had taken a break. Zhao Li managed to find a plate of leftover dumplings and reheated them for him, but because he had accidentally cooked them for too long, they were all burned.

In the dream, Mu Hanfeng slipped little Tong Che out of the orphanage and went to his own home, where he recooked for him a new meal of dumplings. They were all filled with cashew nuts, which, when eaten, heralded a year of peace and prosperity.

When he woke up from his dream, Tong Che didn't say anything, but Mu Hanfeng decided right away that he would make the dumplings himself.

At the end of the day's shooting, when he returned home in the evening, Tong Che sat at the dining table, laughing and joking with Mu Hanfeng as they ate the dumplings wrapped in cashew nuts. His eyes suddenly burned.

After knowing that the two of them were connected in their dreams, and then recalling many of the things that had happened before, they all had different feelings.

It turned out that all the beautiful dreams that were thought to have come true were only the endless love from the other person.

Both of their hearts were once like a broken jigsaw puzzle with many pieces missing.

Fortunately, they met, and from then on, unknowingly made up for each of the missing pieces for each other, little by little.

The week-long commercial shoot went smoothly, but before New Year's Day, Yun Su brought a new assignment.

He negotiated a new movie script with a double male lead and a well-known director. "

"Director Wang has worked with you before," Yun Su explained to Mu Hanfeng over the phone. "He said it would be fine to cast you as one of the male leads, and he originally wanted to cast you as well, but Xiao Che was recommended by me. He said he could give him a chance, but he had to audition. With Xiao Che's current qualifications, Director Wang is willing to give him a chance, which is great. Don't lose your temper or raise your voice over this. Just give him good guidance and try to make him perform well in the audition. "

Mu Hanfeng was dumbfounded as he listened and asked in return, "Do I sound like am about to lose my temper?"

"No," Yun Su replied dryly, "I was just giving you a vaccination in advance."

"I’m really not going to lose my temper," Mu Hanfeng said helplessly, "An audition is fine. If it was set without an audition, even if Director Wang was willing, Tong Tong wouldn't be willing. "

Yun Su was startled, thought about it and smiled, "Yes, I was wrong before, Xiao Che usually looks soft-natured, but he's actually particularly arrogant when it comes to such matters."

As long as Tong Che could do what he could, he would do his best, and would not rely on anyone, including Mu Hanfeng.

"Yes," Mu Hanfeng also smiled, "it's just like a cat. When it's soft, it's really soft, when it's arrogant, it's also really arrogant. "

He thought back to the previous recording of the variety show. When Tong Che’s wrist was hurting and he wouldn't let him weave the garland anymore, but the little cat got angry with him and said he wouldn't rest for anything.

Softness and strength go hand in hand, this is probably called resilience.

This is probably what initially attracted Mu Hanfeng.

However, when he got the script, Mu Hanfeng realized that it wasn't a problem to let Tong Che audition. But the content of this play had a little problem.

This script was written by director Wang's old partner, scriptwriter Yang.

At first glance, it was very much in the style of the duo, a warm redemption literary film, but at the same time, reflecting some of the social issues.

This story, for example, is about a young Omega boy who was abandoned at the age of three and sent to an orphanage because of his gender.

When he first arrives at the orphanage, he is skinny and small and is bullied.

In such an environment, the only way to get stronger and more powerful, otherwise you will only be getting beaten up.

The boy does get stronger and stronger, and when he grows up and leaves the orphanage, he becomes a successful man with a successful career and finds a lover that loves him.

Everything seems to be going well, but the night before they are to get married, the boy suddenly commits suicide.

It is only until this point that his lover realizes he has never really been in the boy's heart.

It turned out that the boy had been suffering from severe depression for many years, and although he seemed to be getting better on the surface, his heart had long been barren, empty, and even distorted.

When the boy's lover is distraught, he is accidentally given the opportunity to travel back in time.

Without hesitation, he chooses to travel back in time to when the boy was three years old and adopts him as an adult, without taking a step beyond that, just taking care of him, raising him and growing up with him.

At the end of the film, the boy grows up, and the man returns to his original timeline and space, surprised to find that he had returned to the night before his wedding, and this time, his lover did not commit suicide.

The two time periods intersect at this moment. The man redeems the boy, and at the same time, redeems himself from the pain of losing his lover.

The tone of the whole story is full of warmth, while at the same time calling for equal rights for AO, attention to violent bullying in childhood and adolescence, and mental health.

But Mu Hanfeng's concern is precisely this.

In one respect, the life of the boy character in the story is too close to Tong Che's own.

This had both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage, of course, was that it was beneficial for Tong Che's performance, but the disadvantage was that it was easier to affect Tong Che's mind.

After hesitating, Mu Hanfeng decided to leave the choice to Tong Che.

Tong Che had also read the script and knew what Mu Hanfeng was worried about. He said seriously, "It's alright, Teacher Mu, I've already gotten better."

All the wounds had healed, and he wasn't afraid to touch similar content again.

What's more, now that Teacher Mu was there, even if he got immersed in a scene, it would be a little hard, but he wasn't afraid because he believed that Teacher Mu would pull him out and wouldn't let him sink into it.

Thinking like this, Tong Che stressed once more, "It's really okay."

He looked straight at Mu Hanfeng, with a light under his eyes, and his eyebrows were unconsciously tinted with two points of pride, "Teacher Mu, I like this script. I will work hard, and I will be able to act well. "

Looking into his bright eyes, Mu Hanfeng threw away the last trace of concern, and dropped a soft kiss on Tong Che's forehead, saying in a warm voice, "Well, I believe in you."

After it was settled, Yun Su asked and confirmed that the audition would be in two days, on the 29th of December.

Tong Che was about to start reading the script, when he suddenly remembered a question that he had forgotten for a long time.

He raised his head from the script and looked at Mu Hanfeng, "Teacher Mu, how long do you estimate that this drama will probably take to shoot?"

"If filming starts after New Year's Day," Mu Hanfeng calculated and estimated, "judging from director Wang's temperament of liking to grind the camera, it would take about four to five months to shoot such a film."

Tong Che also did some calculations and found that it was exactly one year after he signed the betting agreement...

For that previous variety show, the remuneration offered to him by the show's crew was considered very high, at 50 million yuan a month. But his old contract with the company hadn't expired yet, and the split on that was so bad for him that he would only get 20 million yuan in hand.

With the money he had earned before the variety show and the Solace commercial he had just finished filming, he would have made 80 million, which was still 20 million short of what he had agreed to in the betting agreement.

As a newcomer to the film industry, even though he is very popular now, Tong Che knows himself and knows that if this film is shot, he will be offered a salary of 10-15 million yuan, which is already a favorable offer.

In that case, if they really filmed until May, he would not be able to complete this bet no matter what.

Tong Che was silent for a moment. He would not give up this opportunity, whether it was out of his love for the script itself, his desire to act with Mr. Mu, or the need to transform himself. He would not give up this rare opportunity.

He just had to think about how he was going to make up the difference.

Seeing that he was silent, Mu Hanfeng asked, "Tong Tong, what's wrong? Where's the problem?"

Tong Che raised his eyes to look at him, hesitated for a moment, and still briefly told him about the betting agreement.

In the past, he would have struggled to figure it out on his own, and would not have wanted to tell Mu Hanfeng.

But now it's different. Now, he and Mr. Mu are a family.

If there were problems, they should have been told frankly, and they could solve them together.

Mu Hanfeng was stunned for awhile, but then smiled. He looked down at Tong Che and raised his hand to gently rub the corner of his lips. His tone was extraordinarily gentle, "Kitten, I'm very happy that you took the initiative to tell me."

Tong Che's ears turned red and he whispered, "Isn't that how a family should be?"

Mu Hanfeng's smile deepened as he responded, "That's right, a family should rely on each other."

"So," Mu Hanfeng turned to say, "Just leave this to me, my little boyfriend. Just read the script carefully in the next two days." 

When Mu Hanfeng said he would solve it, that meant he would definitely be able to solve it, and Tong Che trusted him unconditionally.

However, the way it was resolved this time was still outside of Tong Che's expectations.

The next morning, Mu Hanfeng left home, saying that he had to go to his company for something.

Tong Che didn't think much of it and was coaxed into making Mu Hanfeng’s tie with a serious expression before sending him out the door. After that, he stayed home alone and continued to work on his script.

Mu Hanfeng had not contacted him all morning, so Tong Che thought he was busy, and did not try to bother him.

It was only after lunch that Tong Che received a call from Yun Su, saying that he had to go to the company and that the upper management was looking for him.

Yun Su didn't say anything specific on the phone, so Tong Che couldn't figure it out for a while.  After thinking about it, he called Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng said that he was in a meeting and told him to go without worry and to contact him if there was anything.

He then put his mind at ease and drove himself to the company.

Yun Su led him directly to the office on the top floor. On the way, Yun Su walked very fast and his face was rarely serious, which made Tong Che a little nervous.

Only when he reached the door of the innermost office did Yun Su stop and turn his head to look at Tong Che, "The big boss has said that he is only asking for you. So I will not go and wait for you at the door. If you have something to tell me, just send me a message or come out to me directly. "

Tong Che nodded and answered, "Yes".

Tong Che watched Yun Su step back and stand to the side before withdrawing his eyes. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

A low male voice came out from inside, with one word, "Enter."

The moment he heard the voice, Tong Che felt that it sounded familiar, but he was already on edge and the person inside had only said one word.

Tong Che retracted his thoughts, took another deep breath, and, after a slight pause, twisted the door open.

When he looked up and saw the person sitting on the seat, his whole body froze in place.

No wonder he felt the voice was familiar!

The so-called big boss sitting behind the desk was none other than his boyfriend, Mu Hanfeng!

Boss Mu was wearing the tie that he had made himself this morning!

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