I Just Want to be a Wallpaper Character! (Isekai, Progression Novel)

I Just Want to be a Wallpaper Character! (Isekai, Progression Novel)

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I Just Want to be a Wallpaper Character! (Isekai, Progression Novel)

Review: 7.1/10 from 18 ratings

When Luke, who had always existed as nothing more than a wallpaper character in his own life, is abruptly thrust into the pages of a mediocre novel, he desperately seeks a way to regain the quiet existence he once knew. But danger and unknown threats lurk around every turn, making it difficult for him to find the peace he craves. And as he delves deeper into the narrative in which he's now ensnared, he begins to uncover secrets that hinted at far greater depths than he could have ever imagined.

Short Interview with Luke

Character A: What's a wallpaper character?

Luke: An unknown character, ranked lower than the side characters. Basically a nobody.

Character B: Isn't that just a background character?

Luke: It's not. There's a subtle difference between the two. At least a background character had a role but I don't.

Character A and B: If that's the case, why you're here then?

Luke: (Silence)

A novel that is inspired by isekai-trope genre but not necessarily with an OP lead character. Contains a hint of comedy but with real issues at stake for characters in the novel. There are multiple POVs in this novel but not to the point of disrupting the storyline too much (I hope).

The update schedule will be four chapters per week. 

Note: This novel is also published on Royal Road and Patreon concurrently.

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