I, Konoha's Life Mentor

Chapter 100: 99: 1 against 7 will not work, 3 against 7, OK!

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"Yakura, although the third generation wants to elect you as the fourth generation, but you are not Mizukage yet, and you have no right to order us!"

"Konoha must have only some people."

"Hmph, if you delay it step by step, it will only be more difficult in the end."

Back off again.

Most of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen couldn't bear it anymore.

Such as ghost lamp thousand blades, kuri skewer pills and so on.

So far, Konoha has been taking the initiative to attack, and they have been passively beaten except for the initial investigation of intelligence.

Although the understanding is to wait for the cloud in the north to do it.


It's so frustrating too!

"What do you want?"

Yakura glanced coldly.

Although he is short, his strength is not weak, otherwise he would not be able to suppress many Kirikin Jōnin, but this ninja sword is seven people, and the puffer ghost who is most convinced of him on the surface is not convinced.

As soon as the words came out.

Loquat Shizang said, "Among the five major ninja villages, our Wuyin Village has the strongest assassination technique. Why should we be at the mercy of the opponent? Konoha can sneak attack, and so can we!"

"I agree."

Ghost Lantern Qianren raised his hand with a smile.

Yakura was silent.

He didn't want a full-scale battle, but if he followed Konoha for a hunt...

It is not impossible.

He was thinking about it when suddenly a bird circled in the sky and landed in the base.

Yakura immediately rushed over with a flash.

The messenger bird of Wuyin Village!

After taking down the information, he looked at it carefully, and then circulated it to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

This is the information sent back by the Fire Nation.

"At present, it has been detected that the combat commander of the Eastern Realm is Kanda Jingyi, the youngest Jōnin of Konoha. He is good at Konoha Liujian, Water Dun, Earth Dun and Wind Dun, and he is very fast."

"Yunyin Village has crossed the border and headed for the border of the Fire Country, and Konoha's main force is responding in the north."

"As of the time when the information was sent back, Konoha didn't have many ninjas in the East."

The information is not detailed.

After reading it, Yakura couldn't tell whether it was good or bad for a while.

This is information from three days ago!

Three days later, the situation is not the same, and Kanda Jingyi did not give much information in the intelligence.



The most difficult thing is not dealing with Jingyi, but how to deal with the Seven Swords.

Before, he was able to stabilize them with insufficient intelligence, but now, these seven people are afraid that they will not listen to him anymore, and they want to fight back against Konoha.

"I have found the base of Konoha along the water veins below."

Ghost Lantern Thousand Blades smiled.

The words are not finished, but the meaning is obvious.

Counterattack, raid!


Yakura asked quickly.

He was very dissatisfied, such an important piece of information, Guideng Qianren actually concealed it without telling him!

Ghost Lamp Qianren sneered: "I don't dare to raid, why should I tell you?"


Yakura raised his brows, but he still held back.

"There's no need for this, Yakura-sama is also for our Wuyin Village, let's talk about it together."

The pufferfish ghost mediates in the middle.

Only then did the ghost lamp Qianren say, "Mt. Nagano."

"This place is very far from the water veins, and you can actually detect it."

Yakura glanced at the map and thought it was incredible.

He believed that this was Konoha's stronghold.

Great location!

"Hmph, the ability of our ghost lamp clan, how can it be..."

Ghost Lantern Qianren was about to say something proudly, but when he thought of the ghost Lantern Qianjing who was captured alive, he lost interest and changed the subject, "How is it, who wants to go with me?"

"It's time to let Konoha know how good we are, otherwise Konoha might think that our Kirigaze ninjas are vegetarians."

No pear and even eight bloodthirsty smile.

Momo is a double-edged sword, which may hurt the enemy or himself, and Wuli Jinba is the most lethal among the seven, and many enemies and Kirigakushi have died in his hands.

"Okay, let's go. Let's look at the situation first. If the opponent's number is not large, attack the camp directly."

The seven did not intend to care about Yagura's opinion.

They belong to the Water Shadow Force.

If Yakura is Mizukage, they may have to obey the order, but now Yakura is still quite far away from Mizukage, so the seven people naturally have a certain degree of autonomy.


They took their knives and left the camp.

Yakura was very angry, but he understood that now was not the time to be angry.

"None of the seven of you are good at perception, Qing, you go with them to help perceive and detect intelligence."


"Thank you, if we happen to kill Kanda Keichi, we will give you a credit."

Ghost Lamp Thousand Blades waved.

Ao hasn't gotten the eyeballs yet, but he's also a good reconnaissance ninja with a strong perception ability.

They left.

Yakura frowned.

He believed that there were not many people in Konoha in the east.

It seems that there is no big problem for the seven swordsmen to hunt, but Yakura feels that something is not right.

He looked at the map.

There must not have been many people in Kanda Keiichi yesterday!


From the first discovery of each other, to the second ship being attacked and the new base being bombed...

"So fast?"

Yakura snorted in his heart.

He understood what was wrong. The attack of the other party was orderly, and every attack had all aspects of consideration and response. It could be said that the plan was meticulous.


The eight people, Ghost Lantern and Thousand Blades, didn't have such a meticulous plan.

Random changes?

How can it be so simple.

"They must be brought back!"


You are reading story I, Konoha's Life Mentor at novel35.com

On the other side, Jing Yi stuck to the limit of Chakra's perception and pulled with the eight people who were advancing rapidly.

He found the other party's lair.


What Jingyi didn't expect was that not long after he arrived there, he sensed that eight people were leaving the island and coming towards him very quickly.

Found out?

Jing pondered while running.

He has tested it, and his chakra perception technique is farther than many perception abilities. It is reasonable to say that there are no people who are enough to detect him.

what's the situation?

He didn't know where he was, so after running for a while, he changed directions.

The opponent did not change direction.

"Could it be that their target is not me?"

Jingyi observed it for a while, and then he figured it out.

If not yourself.

This position...

Is it Nagano Mountain?

I hunted down four teams by myself, and they dared to take the initiative to attack, so bold!

In Wuyin Village, there are very few courageous and small-minded people.

This number is supposed to be seven swordsmen, right?

One more is unclear.

Jingyi pondered in his heart, thought for a while, accelerated his speed and walked towards the coast, and after completely getting rid of the range of the seven people, he used the psychic technique to let the living gnat go to the shadow clone to report the news.

Nagano Mountain.

Everyone was surprised when they got the news.

"Wuyin Village took the initiative to attack?"

Bai Yun was stunned for a long time in the morning, some couldn't believe it.

Is Wuyin Village crazy?

Yamanaka Haiyi was puzzled.

But soon.

Another slug clone was sent to Jing Yiying clone.

The living cockroach looked around, sighed and said, "Master Tsunade said that Yunyin Village crossed the border last night, and the outpost of Yunyin Village has been found near Tianzhiguo."

In an instant, everyone understood.

Yunyin Village has started!

"Master Jing..."

"Don't worry, there are eight people in Wuyin Village this time, and we happened to kill them. It's best that all seven of the Ninja Blades can't escape."

When Jingyi said this, he suddenly thought of the underground black market that Jiaodu often went to, "I heard that there is an underground black market in the ninja world, and there are often rewards for some ninjas. How much is the Seven Swords?"

"Cough cough."

Yamanaka Haiyi coughed lightly, and he was a little dumbfounded.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen!

Even the corpse is very valuable, how can it be sold to the underground black market.

"Master Jing, I think the key at the moment is whether you can stay?"

Eight generations is a face.

Qi Dao Zhong is not seven Chinese cabbage, and the seven people together are not much weaker than "Shadow".

According to him, apart from Jingyi's strength doubts, few other people in the camp can fight against the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and it is not certain who will win or lose in a real fight.


What makes Uchiha Yatsushiro puzzled is—

It seems that even Yamanaka Haiichi thinks that the Seven Swordsmen are not to be feared.


Even if the patriarch can arrive today, he can't say that he can eat the seven swordsmen!

He couldn't understand.

"Fog Hidden Village is good at fog concealment and assassination, and may only attack at night. If your guards are restricted at night, you can defend at the camp."

At this time, Jing Yiying said separately.

Yatsushiro and Rice Fire are stunned together.


You didn't count our guards?

As far as the people here in the camp are, you Kanda Kyoichi can beat seven or something?


The Hokage faction has grown to such an extent!

Eight generations was a little angry in his heart.

Only Uchiha has always looked down on people, but this time it was their turn to be looked down upon. Seeing Jingyi's serious face, he twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Alright, maybe the other party will make noises, then our guards Just wait for the adults to triumph."

"Okay, Mr. Hai, let's go together. If you don't keep your hands and kill him, you can dig more information while it's hot."


Yamanaka Haiichi always felt that something was wrong.

After pondering for a few seconds, he reacted.


He didn't even plan to have feelings for Kanda Kyo.

He glanced at the somewhat angry Yatsushiro Uchiha, then looked around, frowned and asked, "Who are you going to take?"

"Senior Dai, Senior Morning, plus me, three people are enough."

Jingyi thought for a while, and then added, "You can send people to form a circle to cut their way back. If they want to run, you have to stop them, especially the ghost lights and thousands of blades."

"There are currently three guards who are good at Lei Dun, and they can all cooperate with you."

Eight generations would have to see how Jingyi picked seven out of three.

Bai Yun knew it in the morning.

Matt Day...

Never heard of it.

The cowhide is blowing to the sky!

"Very well, their current route is like this. You should not stop on patrol along the way, but the patrol time is staggered. When they come over just past, let out a road."

Jing Yiying's clone was on the map and quickly drew lines.

He is not afraid that the seven knives will not come~www.novel35.com~ He is afraid that the seven cowards will go to the beach to hunt and kill a small team and then slip away, that is not worth the loss.

"Yes! I'll notify you right away."


The mouth of the urn was wide open, waiting for the seven swordsmen to enter.

Jingyi got feedback.

Afterwards, he spent a lot of time finding a place that was not detected by the Kirigakushi Ninja, but could also sense the location of the Seven Blades.

The Seven Swordsmen really went to Nagano Mountain.

What he is more curious about is-

Who is the last one?

Judging from the chakra breath, it is definitely not Yakura.

"I don't know which unlucky child it is."

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