I, Konoha's Life Mentor

Chapter 109: 108: intercolumnar cells? Not interested in

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Jingyi didn't deal with Orochimaru many times, and many times, many of them were also arranged to sit down and drink together - and he still hadn't had a drink.

Talking about friendship, they really don't count each other, and there is even an intrigue.


I have to say that at this time, the sense of security brought by Orochimaru is overwhelming.

One of the three ninjas.

With such combat power, as long as Kiriyin Village knew, he would definitely make a choice, otherwise one of the three ninjas, together with Kanda Keiichi, Maitdai and the guards, would be able to directly dispatch their nest.

When he saw Orochimaru, he and Yamanaka Haiyi were drinking tea, leisurely, as if everything was in control.

If I hadn't watched the anime, I would have thought that this guy was too smart and had no plans.

Kyungsoo laughed heartily.

As soon as Hai saw him coming back, he took the initiative to give up his seat, and said at the right time, "I still have to deal with information over there. The two of you will talk first, and you can call me at the camp if you have anything."

"Thank you, Senior Haiyi."

Kyungsoo bowed slightly in thanks.

Let him dig out the information, and he has to come out to guard the camp, and he has a position like Yamanaka Haiyi. If it is not for the third generation and Tsunade's face, how can he be an adult.

Yamanaka Haiyi smiled without saying anything in detail, and after saying hello to Orochimaru, he exited the camp.

Change Jing to sit down.

Orochimaru poured him some tea, and then said, "It's only been less than a month since you've been here, and you've been convinced by everyone. Yes, it's better than before."

"Master Orochimaru is joking, you are a disciple of the third generation of adults, who will not give you face."

"Identity is useless, what is useful is your own ability."

Orochimaru shook his head slightly.

This is also where he admires Jingyi.

Although Kanda Jingyi has the blood of the Qianshou clan, apart from knowledge and secret techniques, he hardly used the power of Qianshou, and he climbed up step by step entirely on his own merits and performances.

This is invaluable.


What's rare is that Jingyi, like him, has a strong interest in forbidden arts, so Orochimaru feels that he and he should have a common topic, but...

There seems to be some misunderstanding between the two.

Orochimaru pondered for a moment, did not directly enter the topic from there, but said the business first.

"I put the communication bird of Kirigin in the past, and now Yakura should have received a message from the Anbu of Kirigakura. You should have a better chance of winning if you want to force down Kiriyin."

"I guessed it, thank you Orochimaru for your help."

Kyungsoo is not stupid.

One of Orochimaru's intentions, he naturally understood, and when he said it just now, the bird in the sky when he left the island earlier appeared in his mind.

At that time, he thought it was strange. They fought so fiercely that the bird on this side had already flown away, but the other one couldn't circle.

When I think about it today, I know that it is Wuyin's communication tool.

Can be borrowed later.

He made a note in his mind.

The two chatted for a while about the war on the Eastern Front.

Orochimaru agrees with Jingyi's idea very much. He must take advantage of the moment to force Jiang Wuyin, otherwise it will be more difficult to deal with the war later.

And the success rate is high.

He stopped the experiment and came here, just for that.

Orochimaru naturally didn't mean to take credit, he just showed goodwill—

You and him are not enemies.

As for the Shangnin exam, neither of them mentioned it, they just thought it was a misunderstanding.

"Master Orochimaru, are you studying Ghost Lantern Qianjing?"

"Yes, I would like to thank Jingyijun. I have always been curious about the physique of the ghost lamp. You have fulfilled my wish."

Orochimaru smiled softly.

The art of hydration.

Although he couldn't live forever, his ability to be almost immortal made Orochimaru greedy for a while, so he also wanted to study one or two, but the ghost lamp clan were very slippery.

In a sense, there are many ways to deal with the ghost lamp clan, but they can't stand the opponent fast enough.

Kyungsoo is a special case.

He said this and took out a scroll.

The above records the secret techniques, physique research and conjectures of the ghost lamp clan.

"What for me?"

As soon as Jing glanced at it casually, he lost interest.


This thing has to match the physique.

For example, the pocket is transplanted with the cells of the water moon, so the effect of the hydration technique is obtained.


Transplanted cells, after all, are not as good as genuine ones.

This kind of pirated goods, it is better not to learn.

Obviously, Orochimaru thought the same way, so after researching it, he was not interested in the ghost lamp Qianjing.

"It seems that Jingyi-kun is not interested in this."

Orochimaru smiled and then said, "So, are you interested in intercolumnar cells?"

"Intercolumnar cells?"

Kyungsoo frowned.

Orochimaru is planning to come clearly?

This is not the same as before.

"Your grandmother is closer to the second-generation adults, but in the final analysis, it is still a thousand-handedness. According to my research, it should be able to fuse the intercolumnar cells well, and obtain a strong recovery ability and wood escape technique."

Orochimaru said.

"Can you get it?"

Is he planning to fool himself as a test product?

Kyungsoo pondered in his heart.

"Okay, is Kyoichi-kun interested?"

"not interested."


Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Jingyi to say that.

After a long time, he regained his indifference.

It's not good to cheat!

That's it.

Orochimaru didn't bother much, his enthusiasm for intercolumnar cells has been reduced a lot, because he found that although this thing was useful, it was difficult for him to use it.

Wanting to fool Jingyi is just out of research curiosity.


He still wants to know...

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"Kyoichi-kun, can you tell me why?"

"It's very simple. I have read the relevant records in the book. Although it is not comprehensive, I even guessed. I think that the first generation of adults' wood escape and Wuyin healing may be related to vitality."

Keiichi said.

Orochimaru was lost in thought.

Is the first generation of Mu Dun related to vitality?

Not impossible.

"Anything else? Don't worry, I'm just out of curiosity, and I can trade some of my own research for yours."

Orochimaru is serious.

He was really interested, Wood Dun, Vitality...

I didn't think about it at all.

"Simply put, the first generation of adults' wood Dun is infused with vitality, so it is very powerful. Even if ordinary people transplant cells, unless they are willing to give up their vitality, the wood Dun is the same thing. It is better to cut it with a sword."

Kyungsoo didn't hide his thoughts.

Orochimaru was lost in thought.

Wuyin Healing affects life expectancy, he thought of this.

He lost interest in intercolumnar cells, and also considered that the first generation was also short-lived. After transplantation, there may be problems of uncontrolled healing and excessive growth and phagocytosis.

As for Mu Dun, he didn't think about it.

turn out to be…

And this layer.

As for Jingyi's side, it's not that he is not interested in the cells between the columns. He simply thinks that Orochimaru's side is not right, and it is too unsafe.

If Tsunade grinds it, it may not be impossible to get it, and there is no need to take that risk.

"Jing Yi-Jun has never done any research, and he can think of so much without looking at the data or materials. I really admire it. I feel more and more that you and I are the same kind of people."

Orochimaru's eyes were bright.

He was excited.

Over the years, he has been looking for like-minded people or people with the same hobbies, but unfortunately he has never found them. Although he cooperates with Danzo, Danzo seems very low-level to him.

The means and thinking are very backward, and there is no like-mindedness at all.

Only Kanda Keiichi…

In the forbearance school, education reformation.

Become Jōnin and liberate forbidden arts.

These were also what he wanted to do, but he changed his mind later, but it did not prevent him from admiring Jingyi's behavior.

Kyungsoo feels.

Orochimaru came here to deal with Wuyin Village by the way, and more wanted to fool himself into being his assistant like Dou, but unfortunately, he had a system.

Incidentally, it is okay to study forbidden techniques, but if you do it specially, it is not necessary.

He stretched his waist and said, "There's no need for the reward. It just happened that Lord Orochimaru came to help, and the two were offset."

"It's different. I came to the east for the village. It has nothing to do with you. One yard is one yard."

Orochimaru took out two scrolls.

He introduced them one by one.

On the left is the software modification.

And the right.

"On the right is a creation that I didn't put on the table. It's a special substitute technique. It's very useful, but I'm afraid Jingyi-kun will have to study it by himself."

Orochimaru Substitute?

This is good stuff.


Although this thing is easy to use, it consumes a lot of chakra and may involve a lot of transformation.

And the software modification...

never mind.

Don't be in vain.

Jingyi stretched out his hand to get the software modification.

Orochimaru was a little disappointed.

He originally thought that Jingyi would be interested in the Orochimaru Substitute Technique, after all, it was a brand-new technique, and software transformation, as long as he studied one or two, he could come up with it.

"Master Orochimaru, I am afraid you have some misunderstandings about me. I have always been useful to research, and useless will not be too interested."

Kyungsoo explained.

Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, then nodded lightly.

"Pragmatic, not bad."

Orochimaru didn't stay any longer, and found a place to live by himself.

Jingyi opened it for a closer look.

Finally, he fell into thought, this thing...

Jingyi had to admit that his research on Orochimaru had a preconceived misunderstanding.

The software modification in the hands of Orochimaru and the snake did not look so good, but he got the scroll to take a closer look, but found that this thing was really useful.

It has two ways.

One kind of quick success, that is, genetic modification of oneself, which is Orochimaru's housekeeping skill.

The second is a yoga-like exercise.

The second is the early product of Orochimaru. After the genetic modification was developed, Orochimaru gave up continuing research and practice, but this scroll still had relevant content and notes written on it.


What Jingyi prefers is the second type.

Workout Makeover!

Of course, not only as a transformation, there is a lot of joint knowledge in it, and even joint skills can be developed, and these Yuri Hong can also learn—

If she could learn this, the damage she would do with the magic power technique would not be so great.

nice one!

Jingyi put it away, but UU reading www.uukanshu.com thought about Orochimaru.

His own appearance and Tsunade's return to succeed him made Orochimaru take a different path than before.

This is really unexpected...

That's it.

Orochimaru's needs, he somewhat knows, if the time is right, he can consider revealing some knowledge to the other party.

Right now the key is Wuyin Village.

With the help of Orochimaru, this trip may be much easier.


At that time, negotiating and wrangling will still be a hassle.

"These specific conditions, go back and discuss with Hai Yi and Orochimaru."

I hope Yunyin and Yanyin move slower.

As soon as Jing thought of this, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind - the information from Yunyin and Yanyin, Wuyin must also communicate with the birds of Anbu, and it's enough to kill them!

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