I, Konoha's Life Mentor

Chapter 119: killed?

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the other side.

Asma and the others were facing a team—or a team led by Joinin.

They are under a lot of pressure.


In the first instant, Asma took a deep breath and activated the breathing activation technique.

next moment.

"Stop the water!"

Just finished speaking, no need to say hello, a fireball spurted out, and Asma spat out a big breakthrough.

Flames cover the front.

In just a split second, they received Chakra, and then...

Swap instantly.

The next moment, the ground under their feet roared, and the entire ground exploded.

Three rock ninjas emerged from the ground.

If they hadn't run fast, they might have been covered in rock—

During this time, they have learned a lot, one of which is not to underestimate the intelligence of the enemy.

Most of the time, such as fireballs, they can't kill people.

Because it moves too much.

But this time, the purpose of the three of them is not to hurt people, but to force Yannin to use the earth escape technique.

next moment.

Zhishui instantly moved in front of them, blood red in his eyes, and the hooked jade swirled.


Asma held the fist blade in both hands, and instantly killed the three of them, of course...

They didn't forget that there was another person here.


This jounin.

Where is he at this time?

Hong Yuhi was engrossed and looked around, her perception and observation had been raised to the limit, but she couldn't find any trace of the other party at all.


The next moment, Zhishui suddenly threw a string of shuriken.

A faint breath was revealed.

Hong Yuhi stood upside down with hair all over her body, because this person was already very close to her, almost beside her.


Just now, she hadn't noticed it at all.

She didn't have time to think, because the other party's Kunai had already stabbed.

high speed!

It was almost too late for her to even wave her fists or use her feet to fight back, so she could only escape with a substitute technique—Junin's ability far exceeded her expectations, which made her original plan of using Wei Liyin to fail.

The water stop is also the cold sweat on the forehead.

If he hadn't opened the writing wheel and accidentally noticed that there was a little bit of difference between the other side and the surrounding area, he would not have found the other side at all.

When he got closer, Yuhika would be in danger.

At the moment when they were distracted to deal with Dashi, the three chunin lifted the illusion and avoided the key points in time. Under the effect of the hardening technique, they were not hit hard by Asma's Feiyan.

For them, being smothered by three little brats is also a shame.


At this time, they also noticed the situation of the other team.

All dead?

How could it be so fast!

Dashi's heart also sank, and when he turned around, he saw the ice and snow on the ground, and his heart trembled even more.

Ice escape!

Wuyin Village has even been stolen to learn this stuff?

Really Nima iron waste!

He cursed inwardly.

But at this time, it was obvious that the waste materials in Wuyin Village had little use, and the key was to run away.

He was resigned and regretful at the same time.

I knew earlier...

If you go back and ask for help, it won't be over, let's figure out what to do with the leech.

He disfigured with camouflage and fled to the camp.


"He can't run."

Jingyi made a seal with one hand, and the fog filled the surroundings.

Camouflage can deceive vision and hide breath, but it cannot avoid the fog. In the fog, his position is invisible.

Oishi understood this too.

He immediately changed ninjutsu to the technique of earth dragon concealment, but...

Just ran away not long ago.


There was a roar.

Jingyi's fist punched a big hole in front of him.

Dashi temporarily stopped for a step.

Otherwise, this punch alone could kill him.


Before he could be happy, Jingyi's left hand pulled out and drew the knife.

The big stone formed a seal, used the land and land return to block some of the power, and then shrank back to the place where it came back.

Kyungsoo sighed.

So he didn't want to come to the land of the land.

These rock ninjas are too good at hiding, and they are very professional in defense, and they are not as easy to kill as the fog hidden ninjas.


Mainly because he can't get out of the way.


Jingyi was too lazy to play hide-and-seek with him, and used Tudun Chakra to "help" maintain the passage, and the two detonating talismans turned into birds and flew in.

Dashi's face was full of horror.

The passage formed by the original native Long Hidden Technique would be buried and blocked by softened sand and stone after he withdraws, but Jingichi used ninjutsu to maintain the passage.

Two detonating talismans flew towards him from the opening there.

The cave was too narrow for him to escape.

After the detonating talisman approached, the earth and rocks were buried, followed by…


With a loud bang, the soil was directly blown up.

Under the broken sand and stone, Daishi's body was buried. He wasn't dead yet, and he seemed to plan to use ninjutsu to escape, but the next moment, Jingyi rushed over and stepped on it.

Painful feet!

The huge force made the land sink directly.

The big stone in the center, even his chest was penetrated by power, and his heart was directly shattered.

Kyungsoo is not worried.

He took out the beheading sword and gave it to him at once.

Don't worry now.

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Carrying the knife, he rushed towards Asma and the others.

There is no need to worry, because Yueguang Yimu and the others are here, otherwise Jingyi will not be in a hurry to deal with Dashi first, and he will definitely take a photo of the clone to ensure the safety of the three.

By the time he arrived, the three Chunin had already been solved by Yueguang Yimu and Zhishui.

Water stop is tiring enough.

Although there are only three chunin, but the chunin of Yanyin Village is really strong, with all kinds of life-saving and escape methods, it is easy to defeat, but extremely difficult to kill.

He took a few breaths, and when he saw Jing Yi came back, he felt a little sleepy.

Chakra consumes too much.

"Stop the water, eat Bingbing Pills first to restore some physical strength."


Shisui nodded and took the military ration pill from Yuhi Hong.

When Jingyi came back, he killed the two frozen Chunin with a beheading sword. He looked at Shisui, and he couldn't escape with fire in this state. Fortunately, Asma and Hiroki Sarutobi would both be able to escape with fire.

"Two, deal with this side, the other party's support may be coming soon, speed up."


Everyone was surprised, because this was obviously an ice escape, which belonged to the Xue Clan of the Land of Water.

How did Kyoichi learn it?


No time to surprise them, now it's all about dealing with the scene.

Kohinata Mukai rolled his eyes, checked the situation around him, and quickly reported, "Sir, the other side's support troops are here. There are three teams, do we want to fight?"


Jing took a look at the situation here.

Shishui chakra is exhausted, and Asma and Yuhika are not much better.

Yueguang Yimu and the others seem to be much better, but after several battles, they must not have enough chakra. If they continue to fight, they may be surrounded.

He doesn't want to play center bloom.


As far as their status and the position of the Konoha army are concerned, there is no flower in this center, and the work of destroying the corpses here is almost done, so they quickly evacuated.

long after they retreated.

The hunter came.

It took a while to deal with the fog, otherwise he would have arrived sooner.


Seeing the situation at the scene, he was so angry that he almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

Although I don't know the specific situation, I can see what's going on by looking at the corpse at the scene—

The "Firelight" team is so fake!

"Iwapei, is there still life?"

"My lord, they are all dead! The scene has been destroyed, and I don't quite understand it."

Iwahira replied.

Hunt took a deep breath and came to the first battlefield.

There was a scorched earth here, and most of the battle traces were destroyed by the flames. He could only observe one or two from the remaining traces. After watching it for a long time, he understood a little.

"Magic Leech and Dashi should have discovered the other party's disguise, and wanted to work together to solve this team, but they were lost... Or, they were supported by the other party until their teammates arrived."

The second half of the sentence was added during the hunt. He saw that the leech and the others were killed by one person first.

The cause of death was not apparent from the scene.

But certainly not fire escape.

Two fights one and one team is counter-killed...


Judging from the traces on the scene, he had to admit that the other party was very strong.

"Lord Hunter, Oishi Jōnin seems to have died from Tsunade's terrible power, could it be Tsunade?"

"Absolutely not, and there should only be two teams on the other side."

Hunt shook his head.

If there were three teams, he doubted that the other would dare to stay in an ambush.

Only two teams dare to go deep into the hinterland and attack their ninjas in succession.

Really art master bold!

He recalled the information about Konoha, thought about it for a long time, his face was weird—

Tsunade and Konoha's dark army commander personally led the team?


Certainly not Tsunade.

"It seems that something happened in the east that we don't know about. We must understand it clearly. In addition, send people out to find the fire, even if they are dead bodies."

Hunt said with a headache.

The Hidden Mist technique has been stolen, how badly was Hidden Mist Village beaten?

This person Wuyin Village must know!

You must get the information on the eastern battlefield from the village of fog hidden, otherwise you will be too passive to face Konoha in the future.

On the way back, everyone was silent.

Fatigue and shock.

Ice escape!

This is the bloodline limit of Wuyin Village, and Kanda Jingyi has even researched this kind of technique.


They rushed all the way, and Jing glanced at Shishui, then at Kohinata Mukai.

Mukai understands.

He opened his eyes to look around.

"No one for now."


Jing moved to Zhishui's side in an instant, and then put his hand on Zhishui's eyebrows.

The next moment, chakra slowly flowed out of the palm, into Zhishui's body, and then differentiated into physical energy and mental energy.

A minute or two passed.

Jing Yi stopped, ate a pill and said, "Let's go."


Shishui was shocked.

His mental energy actually recovered some!

Although it is not too much, at least it will not be drowsy and slow down everyone's footsteps.

Everyone set off again.

They did not go back the same way, but drilled out along the gap they tore out from the murder and returned to the country of grass.

Yanyin Village wanted to scatter people out to search. UU reading www. uukanshu.com


Konoha took the initiative to attack, and they were unable to search at all.

In only ten minutes, Jingyi and the others successfully escaped from the Land of Earth and returned to the Land of Grass, where they were far away from the rock ninja army, which was considered safe.

At this time, Yuhi Hong asked: "Teacher, what kind of medical ninjutsu did you just do? Why haven't I seen it before..."

"This is not medical ninjutsu. I reversed the chakra absorption technique, transported my chakra, and decomposed it into physical energy and spiritual energy."

Kyungsoo explained.

The current conversion rate of this technique is extremely low, and only 10% of the chakra he delivered is converted into energy, which is an unfinished ninjutsu.

"Master Jing, before... we didn't see it?"

Moonlight Ichiki asked in a low voice.

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