I, Konoha's Life Mentor

Chapter 125: 124: Tailed beast? I can do it too!

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At this time, a pile of earth escape ninjutsu rose from the ground.

They failed to protect Shou, and they also failed to keep Jingyi, watching the other party disappear, and they didn't even see the other party's appearance.

"Master Hunter!"

A group of rock ninjas are unbelievable.

Ten teams were protected, but the captain was instantly killed by the opponent, while the opponent floated away...

Who could have imagined this situation?

too terrifying!

Even hunting can't stop a sword, what can they do?

The canyon was silent.

Everyone held a group and did not dare to loose, and those who mastered the escape would sneak into the soil, for fear that Beijing would return once it was gone.

And in fact...

Jingyi really didn't plan to let them go.

Mrs. Wen is here, have you let it go?


Wen Tai smashed the top of the mountain with a knife.

More than a dozen rock ninjas appeared, and they quickly fled, not daring to hold on.

There are earth dragon concealment, and there is also the art of rock concealment.

Different means.

If you don't know this, you will use the earth to block Jiraiya and Wentai while running, but the next moment, a figure appears from behind them, followed by——

A larger "earth city wall" directly blocked the road behind them.

"Hahaha, good! I'll deal with these people."

Enjoyed watching it too.

How much damage?

Bully them and won't run away.


Really bullying.

Jingyi didn't linger and left quickly.

He walked all the way, and after a while, he rushed to a place in front, and then...

Earth Flow City Wall!

The ground rumbled.

The whole earth was shaking, the ground was raised, and in an instant, several Iwagakushi ninjas jumped out of the soil without stopping.

next moment.

The detonator that flew in the air was pasted to them.


An explosion sounded.

Not every Iwanin has mastered hardening.

Some were directly blown up and seriously injured, while some used sclerosis to resist part of the impact, only slightly injured.


it's the same!

Thor's sword is unsheathed and harvested one by one.

Those people were bombed so they couldn't see or hear, and basically died in a daze.


Most of them ran away, and those who drilled deeper, it was almost impossible to catch up.


When Jingyi used the Chakra Perception technique to investigate, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment——

A ninja with a strong chakra aura is rushing here.

This amount of chakra is not an ordinary ninja at all.

It can only be the power of the human column!

Jing Yi's face was solemn.

Oh Yemu actually dispatched the force of the people, no, Oh Yemu should not have known in advance that he would attack, so...

Just a coincidence.

He retreated back.


What Jingyi is worried about is not Renzhuli, but fighting here. If it is delayed until Onogi arrives, it will be more troublesome at that time. After all, the other party has mastered the technique of light and heavy rocks.

As for this man Zhuli, he wished the other party would follow.

The speed of Renzhuli is really fast, and Jingyi used the ability of the instant body technique to reach 80% in order to maintain a slightly slower speed than the opponent.


The other Yanren were not so fast, and under constant pursuit, Ren Zhuli was getting closer and closer to Jingyi, but they were getting farther and farther from the Yanren reinforcements.

When approaching the previous position, the other party finally caught up.

purple clothes.

Old purple?

Jing took a look and was basically certain.

Four-tailed man pillar power.

Four tails.

Then don't be afraid.

Although the other party is Rong Dun, Shui Dun also restrains him. It is the ghost shark who defeated Lao Zi in the anime, and the shark muscle himself also has...

What's more, he has a small idea.

The leaky Yin seal, the four elephant seals, the tailed beast chakra and the shark muscle, plus the technique of Baihao and his powerful chakra control ability, can the pseudo-tailed beast mode be realized?

Worth trying!


The shark muscle guy won't betray, right?

As soon as Jing thought of this guy's personality, if Sharky felt that the four-tailed chakrabi was delicious, maybe he would betray himself just like following Chirabi.

There must be a countermeasure.

He pondered for a moment, took out a scroll, and began to draw spells while running.

The technique has been drawn roughly, and only the last point has not been added.

Saying that, he threatened the shark muscle while running.

Once it shows signs of that, he will unceremoniously seal it as a layer of insurance.

Run back to the top of the mountain.

Zilai also fought and retreated with Wen Taizheng. Although the victory was not small, it was obvious that the consumption of Chakra was not low.

"Onogi is here?"

"No, but here comes the personal pillar."


As soon as he heard it, he ran away.

Human strength.

Onogi is crazy!

"Run for a while, we'll deal with him."

Kyungsoo followed.

Zilai also turned his head and asked after being sluggish for a few seconds: "Let's not say whether we can win in our current state, take away Renzhuli, and Oh Yemu still won't fight with us?"

"You stand up to other people, Renzhu will force me to come, as for Oh Yemu... It's okay to create some trouble."

Kyungsoo is pragmatic.


Does he remember that Lao Zi later defected?

Although he is definitely still loyal to Yanyin Village now, the conflict between him and Onogi is definitely not a day or two. If you fool around, maybe you can expand the conflict between Yannin and get a wave of rewards.


Lao Zi's stubbornness is also notorious.

It's not easy to fool around, and you can't force it. If you catch it, you can force Oh Yemu to retreat.

As soon as Jing thought of this, he had a plan in mind.

Arrest Lao Zi!

At this time, Lao Zi was about to catch up with Jing Yi's hard work. The difference was that Zi Lai was also doing his best.

Jirai is not weak. Compared with Minato and Jingichi, his speed is naturally not fast, but compared with Iwanin, his speed is top-notch.

As long as Ohnogi didn't arrive, he would fight if he wanted to, and run if he wanted to.


When he heard it, he was not in a hurry.

At this time, Jing Yi quietly unlocked the Yin seal.

A tailed beast chakra erupted from Lao Zi's body, catching up from behind in an instant, Jing Yi glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a fiery red chakra fist attacking him.

Tail beast mode?

Lao Zi is very skilled in the use of tailed beasts.



Jing Yi's body technique was avoided in an instant.

Lao Zi was stunned for a moment.

The opponent's speed suddenly increased!

this means……

The opponent's limit speed is far from the level of the previous escape, Lao Zi will immediately retreat, but - at this time, a huge flood spews out of the opponent's mouth.

Big water blast!

In the blink of an eye, the tide swept over.

at the same time.

Under his feet, icicles jumped out, crisscrossing each other, suppressing him underneath.


Old Zi raised his brows, and chakra erupted on his body.

In an instant.

The ice shatters.

The next moment, the water splashed down and covered him.


In an instant, a turbulent fire wave ignited inside, and the magma rolled, burning the huge water prison formed by the big explosion of water to boiling, and the boundless steam was distributed around.

"Ren Zhuli really doesn't need me here?"

He was also stunned.

When Shui Dun used this scale, Jingyi really worked hard.

"Help me stop the others."

You are reading story I, Konoha's Life Mentor at novel35.com

After Kyoichi finished speaking, his hands formed a seal.

In an instant, the surrounding was cold, and the evaporated water vaporized into raindrops and fell.

The entire "water prison" turned into a huge iceberg, and there was even magma that had frozen and turned into stone.

Zilai was also stunned.

He never knew that Jingyi also mastered the ice ninjutsu.

This is the bloodline limit!

The most feared is of course Lao Zi.

He completely understood.

This guy is not afraid of him at all, and the reason for "escape" is just to lead him here to be suitable for starting.

Come fully prepared!


He kept stimulating the tailed beast Chakra, and four tails appeared behind him.

Tail beastization deepened.

In the blink of an eye, the frozen magma turned into flames again, and then, with a roar, the water prison shattered.


The moment the water prison shatters...

A handprint covers him.

His palm is covered with ice, continuously resisting damage from lava and the tailed beast Chakra, and the other hand holds a strange great sword.

Lao Zi punched him.


With a slight slash of the great sword, he found that the chakra attached to his fist was swallowed up.

what is this?

Lao Zi panicked and struggled, but...

Icicles swept in together with the surrounding water waves, constantly suppressing the magma that he spewed out. Although there were continuous explosions of ice and fire in the middle, neither of them seemed to suffer substantial damage.

The next moment, Lao Zi found that not only the sword was absorbing his chakra, but even the opponent's hand was absorbing his chakra.

He was heartbroken.

Like to absorb, right?

I **** it for you!


Not everyone can digest the tailed beast Chakra.

At the same time, the four tails behind Lao Zi flicked, the earth trembled, and the billowing magma turned into a river and rushed forward.

Man Zhuli is really not easy to deal with!

Jingyi did not continue to entangle.

He evacuated directly, so fast that Lao Zi was ashamed and annoyed—

This guy is faster than ever!

The previous speed is still not the limit.

Every time Jingyi gets promoted, Lao Zi feels like a clown. He really thought that this guy was not fast enough to catch up with him, but now I understand...

The other party was just afraid that he would not be able to catch up if he ran too fast.

Now, it is difficult for Lao Zi to leave.

He kept releasing chakra and turning out billowing magma to prevent Jingyi from approaching again.

The unmaintained technique slowly faded away.


The next moment, Jingyi began to seal.

Immediately afterwards, the four-tailed chakra was driven into the Yin seal by him, and the chakra in the Yin seal was released by him.

Lao Zi couldn't understand what he wanted to do.


He would not be polite to Jing Yi. At this time, under the shroud of magma, he quietly condensed chakra.

A black ball came out of his mouth.

Tailed beast jade!

After Jingyi completed the seal, the tailed beast jade erupted instantly.


Almost instantly, the concentrated chakra turned into a beam of light, hitting Jingyi's previous position.


Lao Zi did not let his guard down.

The next moment, he saw the man holding an incredibly huge "knife", which had been completely deformed and turned into a "beast" he had never seen before.

What the **** is this?

He was puzzled.

Jing Yi untied the tailed beast Chakra, which was slowly swallowing the shark muscle, and drove it into the Yin seal.

With the powerful chakra control ability, he gathered all the tailed beasts chakra together without any difficulty, and then closed the seal.

The Yin seal is covered with a four-image seal that has been untied at one corner, which is as stable as Mount Tai, and at the same time, this silk-tailed beast Chakra leaks out from the inside...

"Don't do it, get rid of him quickly, I feel that Ohnogi is coming!"

Jirai was also fighting against Iwa Shinobi who came to support him in the distance, but seeing Jingyi as if he was playing, he couldn't help but feel resentful in his heart.

This is behind the enemy!

"Human force is not so easy to deal with."


After he finished speaking, his face became serious.

The infiltrated tailed beast chakra spread to the whole body. Although it is very thin, the body has almost begun to adapt.


The first activity, open!

Jing Yi took a deep breath, and the next moment, he released Chakra, waving his shark muscles and rushing towards Lao Zi.

In the active state, his strength and speed have been greatly improved, and Lao Zi found that the other side's chakra, the tailed beast chakra, began to appear, and began to show a fiery lava color.

How can it be?

He couldn't believe it in his heart, but at this time, there was no other way.

Lao Zi completely released the power of the tailed beast.

A giant beast appeared.


It growled and fisted.

Melting Escape·Huaguo Mountain.

Huge range, almost no one can hide.


The shark muscle swallowed everything, and all the chakras were swallowed by it, and a channel was eaten abruptly, and Jingyi was helped by the pseudo-tailed beast coat, and the damage of the magma was not that great.

at high speed...


A loud bang.

The "granite" covered by the four tails was smashed into a huge crack and wound by the shark muscle and the "lava vacuum sword", and the blood trickled out.


"Sun Wukong" let out a mournful howl.

A large hole had been drilled through his arm, and his tail was frantically wreaking havoc around him.

But Jingyi, who has the same tailed beast Chakra, is not too afraid of this kind of power. What's more, he has the effect of a soil spear on him. One hand touches the wound of "Monkey King" and constantly releases the ice chakra.

Sun Wukong's blood is clotting.

at the same time.

Borrowing the tailed beast Chakra, Jingyi separated another shadow clone, and he cooperated with the seal scroll prepared for the shark muscle to cast the four-image seal.

The scroll appears.

The sealing technique quickly emerged, covering the whole body of "Monkey King".

Accompanied by Jingyi's seal and the operation, the entire operation was completed in the blink of an eye and condensed into the abdomen of "Monkey King".

Later, it turned back to the old purple in unwillingness.

Lao Zi struggled with all his strength.


At this point, he couldn't even mobilize the tailed beast Chakra.


Jing punched him unconscious.

Immediately following the refining of chakra, he drew his sword and slashed again.

A vacuum sword that carries part of the four-tailed chakra!

A fiery flame storm swept across the front of Jingyi, turning the night into day.



Zilai also ran away after hearing it.

He didn't have a Yin seal, and when he wanted to leave Chakra to run away, the fight just now depended on Wen Tai, and he himself was paddling almost all the time.

The rock ninjas used earth escape to avoid the vacuum sword.


How can they catch up?

After a while, Onogi arrived.

He crossed the huge wave of flames and was about to continue chasing, when he saw a strange bird slamming into him under the cover of firelight, enough for dozens of them.


What the hell!

It's going to explode, even if he can't take it.

A cube appeared in Ohnogi's hand, and then quickly threw it out, swallowing all the "flying birds" in the space in front of him.

Dozens of detonators didn't explode ~www.novel35.com~ But.

After this moment of delay, he felt that Lao Zi had been taken away for a long distance, and even if the other party brought a person, the speed was still extremely fast, and he couldn't even catch up with the technique of light and heavy rocks.


On the way to track, he encountered more than a dozen "black" detonating charms that were deeply hidden.

Although it is not powerful, it is disgusting, especially...


Onogi's high-speed pursuit stopped——

To avoid the explosion, he dodged!


Whose technique is this, is it specifically aimed at me?

So immoral!

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