I, Konoha's Life Mentor

Chapter 133: 132: Sometimes it's good to break the lower limit

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A-level mission rewards are high and low.

Regarding the technique of black rain, it depends on how effective this technique and fire escape can be.

If it is strong, the reward will naturally be high.

As for the system...

Jingyi didn't plan to teach them one by one. There were so many Konoha ninjas that he couldn't teach them at all. The best way was to take out the scrolls and let the subordinates pass them around and teach each other.

After all, the technique of the black rain is not an advanced ninjutsu.

Jingyi didn't have to go back, and immediately wrote down the technique of the black rain and many principles and techniques in the tent, and there were also some analysis of water escape.


The oilification of the black rain technique is relatively rough, and further research is needed to achieve the level of steaming danger.

After writing the scroll, he left the tent and found Zhishui and Asma.


"It's alright, just use ninjutsu on me, Asma, you can attack me with Feng Dun first."

Jing Yi did not let the fire escape.

The last time I took the shark muscle and tail-swallowing beast chakra, the little guy was angry for several days, and he didn't make trouble after feeding the water escape chakra for a few days, but this also made Jingyi feel a lot more at ease.

Shark muscle likes his chakra very much.

If you haven't encountered some special situations, you don't have to worry about it accidentally trapping yourself.


Other chakras are fine.

Asma nodded, the seal condensed chakra, and then spit out a vacuum wave from his mouth.

Jing Yi shaved his muscles.

Feng Dun chakra was swallowed into its body, and the next moment, it was directly transferred to Jingyi without being digested.


Jingyi immediately used this part of the chakra and slashed with his left hand.


A soft sound.

A long and narrow sword mark appeared on the ground!

"It's done!"

Asma was even more excited than Jingyi.

Absorption and transformation into techniques, Wind Dun can do it, and Thunder Dun can also theoretically be possible.


Jingyi is not so idealistic.

He thought for a while, then looked at Zhi Shui and said, "Try it with Lei Dun."

"I'll just walk away."

"It's okay, it's okay to use it."

Jing nodded.

If it weren't for weakness, he wouldn't dare to let Zhishui try—

Lei Dun Chakra is very irritable, even if he is not fully sure.

The water stopped, and soon he pressed his hands to the ground, and Chakra formed a current to hit him.

The shark muscle is reabsorbed.

next moment.



Thunder and lightning were entangled on the blade, but they dissipated quickly—there are too few chakras that can be passed to this side.


This at least proves that Jingyi's concept can be done with shark muscles.


The Chakra control ability required here, and the familiarity of Huo Dun and Lei Dun Chakra is very high.

If it wasn't for the experience of Chidori and Lei Dun's changes in nature through system rewards, he would not have been able to do it so quickly and skillfully. After all, it's not easy for normal people to master the changes in their own nature.

Chakra that you don't have yourself is impossible to learn.

"Teacher, how did you do it?"

The water stop is incredible.

The nature of Lei Dun changed, and it took him a long time to just touch the doorway—

Lei Dun · Ground Walk is the simplest technique in Lei Dun.

If Jingyi had the Lei Dun attribute, he would not be too surprised. After all, the teacher's talent is well known, and it is not surprising to master Lei Dun. The problem is that he doesn't...

"I can't count this as mastering, it's just a superficial transfer application."

Kyungsoo shook his head.

The nature change of Chidori's Thunder Escape is piercing, but in fact, his knife is useless at all, it's just a simple Thunder Escape Chakra.


Not because it won't, but because Shishui provides too little chakra.

It seems that just relying on "eating" chakra is not limited.

Jingyi temporarily put aside the test.

This method is feasible and difficult, but it is not unbearable, but after thinking about it, it can only be used as a temporary method, and cannot be used as a routine—

Except for sucking teammates.

This is also a way, but you can't always let your teammates charge yourself all the time.

It seems that we have to find a way from the Yin seal.

Tail Beast Chakra...

Can it be sealed elsewhere?

While that may not be readily available, it should be able to be temporarily stored.

it should be OK!

If this plan is feasible, maybe one day I will be able to play with a fake ten tails.

Kyungsoo thought to himself.


This goal is currently very difficult.

After all, the chakra of the nine-tailed beast cannot be simply mixed to become the ten-tailed chakra, and Jingyi just thinks about it, and he will not rush to take action for this.

"Teacher, what's the name of our technique today?"

"Lei Dun Qilin."

Jingyi didn't plagiarize to the end——

At least the name should respect Sasuke's naming rights.

Shishui sighed regretfully.

Everyone can see it.

This technique is not actually a strict combination technique, it has the possibility of single-person guided release.

It's a pity that his Thunder Dun is not excellent compared to Fire Dun, Wind Dun and Illusion, otherwise he really wants to work hard to see if he can use it alone.

"There's no need to force something you're not good at."

Jingyi is afraid that he can't think about it.

Kakashi has many attributes, but the only ones he focuses on are Earth Dun and Thunder Dun.

Unless you "work hard" like yourself, it's not realistic to be proficient in everything.

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Shishui nodded.

He naturally understands this, but he just looks envious.

The effect of Lei Dun · Kirin made Oh Yemu intimidated. At least in a short period of time, he did not dare to advance step by step. Otherwise, if he encountered a cloudy day and was hacked, wouldn't all his efforts be turned into nothing?

Yunyin Village is best at onslaught.

According to Ohnogi's calculations, the pressure on the east of Konoha is absolutely huge now, and maybe Konoha may also recruit people from the west, as long as they wait until then, their chance will really come.


Onogi didn't think so at first.

His first thought was to have a head-to-head fight with Konoha.


After encountering this operation, he put out his mind.

Under normal circumstances, there is no problem with the stabilization strategy.

But Ohnogi never dreamed that at this time, Konoha was recruiting ninjas from the east, forming an elite team to circle around and flank them behind.

After Jingyi finished the test, he took Asma and the others on a patrol and returned to the main camp. He was instructing them to exercise and practice, and the result...


He sensed several familiar Chakra breaths.

Matt Dai, Obito, Lin, and Matt Kay are three of them.

What's the situation?

Bringing home...

Jing Yi was puzzled for a while, and then thought of a possibility.

Watergate and the others formed an elite team, shouldn't they throw all the remaining children who have graduated within a year of their graduation to the Western Front?

This Nima.

When they are here professionally with children?

He didn't wait long when he saw a familiar figure appearing outside the camp--Junin vest and green tights. There are currently only two of this configuration in the entire Ninja village.

One is Mateday and the other is Matekai.


When everyone came into view, Jingyi knew he was wrong.

Not just the two of them.

Obito also put on tights.

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on it, Obito's face suddenly turned red, and he wanted to dig into the soil. He took a deep breath and kept telling himself—

It's all worth it to get stronger!

"Kyoichi Joinin..."

"I didn't expect Senior Dai to deliver it yourself, ahem, Hokage-sama is over there, please send the things in first, they will be taken by me for the time being."

Kyungsoo didn't know what to say.

The second is contagious.

It turned out that he didn't believe it, but when he saw Obito, he believed it a little bit.


Matty obeyed the order and went inside.

According to his position, he is only a super-nin, but also a level lower than Beijing, not to mention...

Before in the east, Jingyi was still the operational commander.

After Dai left, Obito saw Zhishui and the others' strange eyes, so he couldn't help covering his face, and then he blushed and said, "I...I, this suit is very suitable for physical combat, I think it's pretty good!"

The atmosphere was silent for a while.

A few seconds later, Hong Yuhi said in a low voice, "Obito, no one said it's bad."

"Be confident, young man, wearing this suit, you can also practice the eight-door Dunjia!"

Mattkay gave a thumbs up and showed his white teeth.

Looking at his expression, Obito suddenly realized that he might have made a mistake wearing this suit, although it was indeed breathable and easy to exercise.

"It's good to have such courage, at least to prove that you have thrown away a lot of useless things."

Kyungsoo patted him on the shoulder.

Then, he greeted these people to come in.

five children.

Was only Kakashi taken away by Minato?

He understood in his heart.

No wonder Obito threw away the lower limit of face, and it was probably stimulated by Minato's actions.


Watergate really did nothing wrong.

That kind of elite team is really inappropriate, even Kakashi reckons it will barely meet the standard with Lei Dun.

"Mr. Jingyi, what's the situation now, what will we do next when we get here?"

Bring soil in, was arranged to live.

He couldn't stand his curiosity.


Others were just as curious, but they just held back their temper and didn't ask.

"It's natural to fight the rock ninja here, and then you will all be dispatched by me, and then attack the rock ninja. You can't leave me too far, do you understand?"


A group of people are in high spirits, and they look like they will be able to hit Iwa Ninja right away.

Kyungsoo has a headache.

If it weren't for the lack of arrangements, he really wanted to dump these children to others.


At present, the camp here, the most suitable person to bring them is yourself.

Experienced and capable.

Others have their own subordinates to bring, how can they bring more children?

Not so much in the east.

The elites were taken away. Facing the onslaught of Yunyin Village, they must maintain a certain combat effectiveness. It is not uncommon for them to suffer from battle damage. That is why they were sent to the west.

It's relatively safe here.


This situation won't last long~www.novel35.com~ If the plan is successful, they can deal a heavy blow to Iwanin in a short period of time, forcing Ohnogi to negotiate a concession.

At that time, the initiative will be in the hands of Konoha.

So, just take it for a while, it's time to be a ninja school.

Jing took a look at them.

"There will be no battles for the past few days. What are you cultivating recently?"


"Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique."


"Uh, how to open a writing wheel?"

With a serious face.

Shishui looked at his expression and was embarrassed to say it—he was so frightened that he accidentally opened his eyes some time ago.

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