I, Konoha's Life Mentor

Chapter 135: 134: 1 grand show!

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"At this position, is Minato planning to cut behind Onogi along the border of the country of grass?"

Kyungsoo was thoughtful.

I didn't go through Taki Ninja Village.

Because Taki Ninja Village is the only country with the power of the people besides the five major foreign countries, borrowing from them at this time will not get permission at all, but may leak secrets.

He just thought for a while, and then he understood Minato's consideration.

After thinking for a while...

He said: "Can we go sneak attack on Kusanagi Village, attract their attention, and cover for Minato and their transfer?"


The three generations were silent for a moment, and then said, "You just want to endure a meal, right?"

"I know that as wise as you, you can see through my thoughts at a glance."

Kyungsoo smiled.

Three generations always feel that something is not right.

But he didn't think much of it.

After thinking for a while, the third generation nodded and said, "But you are right, fighting grass and forbearance is the best way to attract attention."

"We have a reason to fight Kusanagi, Onogi will not doubt it, of course, we have to find the right time... Kosuke, go back and tell Minato, we will launch an attack on a cloudy day, and let them dormant and wait for a while."

Kyungsoo didn't think for long.

Toad Kosuke looked at Jingyi, then looked at the three generations, and seemed to be deciding which person to listen to. He thought about it and asked one more question: "Why wait for a cloudy day?"

"Because we can release a very powerful Thunder Ninjutsu on a cloudy day, Oh Yemu didn't dare to come out to fight."

Kyungsoo explained it briefly.

He believed that when Minato heard this, he would immediately understand his intentions.

It has returned to Miaomu Mountain.

The third generation didn't have time to make a decision, but he had already stated that he wanted to fight the grass ninja, so...

At this time, of course, there will be no objection.

Everything is ready!

Only one cloudy day left.


Eastern Grassland.

Namikaze Minato took eleven people dormant in the forest.

Counting Minato, there were exactly 12 people, forming three elite teams—in this team, the worst were elite chunin like Kakashi, and the most powerful were elite chunin such as Baiyun Zamoran and Younv Zhiwei.

"Minato Jounin, can the psychic toad come over to ask about the situation?"

"hold on."

Minato was afraid that the explanation was halfway there, and the toad was channeled back by him.

For such a thing to happen, the result is even more troublesome.

If only there was someone else who knew how to fly Thor...

he thought to himself.

After a long time, he used spiritualism to channel Kosuke Toad back again.

"How about it?"

"A silver-haired man said that you need to wait for a cloudy day, and then he will be able to launch a powerful thunder ninjutsu, so that Onogi does not dare to attack."

Toad Kosuke said.

cloudy day?

Minato was thoughtful, and immediately said: "Did he still say that he wants to attack the grass ninja village?"

"That's right! I was just about to say..."

Toad Kosuke nodded again and again.

Minato ignored the second half of his sentence, said "hard work", and then turned him back to Miaomu Mountain.

Aside, Kakashi was thoughtful.

"Kakashi, what did you think of?"

"I'm thinking about the powerful thunder ninjutsu it says. If it needs cloudy weather, then this technique may be the type that creates and guides thunder and lightning..."

In order to practice ninja swordsmanship, Kakashi has recently devoted all his energy to studying Lei Dun, so Lei Dun's understanding has improved rapidly.

He quickly thought of some of the possibilities.


The upper ninjas also thought about it.

"Lord Hokage and the others have already fought Onogi once, and they used this technique to shock Yan Ninja, and even Kusanagi will know, so as long as it is cloudy, everyone's attention will be on the west side of the camp!"

Watergate's eyes lit up.

No wonder!

It's cloudy, that's why.

He took a deep breath, looked at the others, and said, "Do you have any questions?"


"Daily difference, I hope you can help me when I look back."

"I joined the team, and naturally I will do my best."

Sun Yat-sen nods.

Although there is an oil girl Zhiwei, the bug needs to come back in order to send back the detected information, and the white eye can see it directly and immediately tell the other party's location.


He is the strongest "eye" of the squad.

Knowing Jingyi's plan, everyone felt a lot more at ease, because the large-scale weather such as cloudy days does not need to pass information transmission at all, just look at the sky to know——

This is the best flare.

Time passes day by day.

Waiting for a bad weather is a very bad feeling. Fortunately, ninjas are a patient profession, and everyone knows how to suppress their inner irritability.


A week later, the needed weather arrived.

It was a rainy day.

There is no need for Jingyi's magic to guide, there are already twisted thunder and lightning in the sky.

"This weather..."

Onogi looked at the sky and frowned.

It was morning, but the thunder was rolling in, making him recall a lot of embarrassing memories—the technique a few days ago, he has yet to come up with a solution to it.


"Loess, let everyone be on guard and be careful of Konoha's ninja attack."

"Yes, I told you just now that all ninjas who are good at perception will become the eyes of Iwagakushi and monitor the Konoha ninja army."


Onogi nodded.

He was about to go back to continue thinking about countermeasures, but at this moment, a figure emerged from the ground.

Iwagakuin Chunin.

"Lord Tsuchikage! Konoha's people are dispatched, but they don't seem to plan to deal with us, but to deal with Kusanagi Village."

"Grass Ninja Village?"

Onogi frowned slightly.

Konoha is going to deal with Kusanagi, this is...


"Father, what are they going to do? I remember you said that Hiruzen Sarutobi is usually an indecisive and kind person. He probably wouldn't make such a decision."

Loess doesn't understand.

This does not match the image of the three generations of Hokage that Ohnogi told him.

Oh Yemu frowned, and then said angrily: "Stinky boy, I also said that that guy can take responsibility at critical moments, so this is definitely not his decision, he is just taking responsibility for others."


"Young man of Konoha..."

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Onogi already understood.

The current Konoha, I am afraid that it is not the third generation in command, but a young man who is in charge of controlling the rudder - that young Jounin named Kanda Keiichi.


On the side of Iwa Shinobi, there is still no successor.

He sighed, quite helpless, but then smiled and said: "Young people don't know how to suppress emotions. Although the grass on the wall is very annoying, if you pull it, it will definitely cause other grasses to be dissatisfied."

"Then we..."

"Go and see, but only from a distance, and the two of us just go."

Onogi guessed that Konoha's technique could not accurately control the enemy.

If it weren't for this, the second thunderbolt that day should have fallen on his head, which would be in Konoha's best interests, and he could just verify his conjecture today.


"Will Onogi come?"

"It will definitely come, that old guy, he won't let this opportunity go."

Sarutobi Hizan agrees with Kyoichi's judgment very much.

Ohnogi will definitely come!

Because he would not miss the opportunity to observe the Thunder Dun Qilin.

And this time.

Jingyi walked far ahead, and the physical and mental energy in his body was being refined into chakra, making him faster and faster.

Not long after, he arrived at the border of the Country of Grass.

The grass ninja leader got the news long ago.

"Lord Asano, Konoha's people are here, run away."

"Any options?"

Asano Shiraki sighed.

Kusanagi Village did not agree with the plan with Konoha, so they lost Konoha as an ally.

And now.

If they choose to escape, they will not only lose the "ally" of Iwa Shinobi, but also their own home.

He was bewildered.

Because the means of survival of the grass ninja village in the past, it seems that it is no longer useful. Perhaps, the grass ninja needs a new way, but he has not found it yet.

A figure emerged from the woods.

He is very familiar.

The opponent is Konoha's Joinin, Kanda Keiichi.

"Shiroki Asano? If I remember correctly, it should be this name."

Jing Yi looked at the two of them, and some didn't know what to say.


There were only two people in the grass ninja village, and they held weapons and regarded death as home.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the ruler of the new generation of Konoha could remember my name. Should I say honored?"

He smiled wryly.

"I didn't expect that there were so many people in Cao Ren Village that only two were bloody, and the others only dared to stand behind and watch their leader die."

Kyungsoo's eyes turned to the distance behind him.

The woods are empty.


He knew that there were quite a few Kusanagi hiding far and wide out of sight, and some had even escaped.

"There's no point in sending the extra to death, Kusanagi's fault is all my fault..."

Asano Naruki said calmly.

"Then what are you doing? Hope to exchange your own death for Konoha's forgiveness for you? You are looking too high on yourself."

Kyungsoo said lightly.

With that said, he raised his hand and threw a flare.

The flare was released and flew far ahead.

Asano Seiki was stunned. The next moment, he saw dozens of figures appearing in the forest behind Jingyi.

There are also many Konoha Thunder Ninjas in Hiuzhan Sarutobi.

At this moment, Hiizan Sarutobi was holding two swords in his hands, and the blazing white thunder light was intertwined and shot into the sky.

In thunderstorms, even fire escapes are omitted.


A thunderbolt pierced the sky and fell from the sky. Before it landed, the Thunder Ninjas headed by Sarutobi Hidden all instilled Thunder Chakra onto the Thunder Blade.

next moment.

The third generation used the thunder knife to guide the thunder and lightning, and slashed forward——


The grass ninjas were fortunate to see the powerful thunderbolt that made Yannin retreat.

The thunder light that destroyed everything fell diagonally and slammed into the woods that were not too far away.

Asano Seki's eyes widened, looking back at the lightning strike.

There is not too close to the grass ninja army.


It's raining.

The conduction of rain makes the destructive power of thunder and lightning even more terrifying. Even his position has silver-white currents jumping, not to mention the distance that is closer to thunder and lightning.

He was stunned, then turned back and saw the indifferent face.

"These people are not worth your sacrifice, and cultivate a group of more **** people, maybe that is the answer to the grass ninja."

Kyungsoo turned around and left.

He had no intention of killing Asano Naruki.

Not for scouring the wool.


At present, Konoha, Iwanin, Yuyin Village, or Taki Ninja Village are not able to eat the meat of the country of grass.

After killing Asano Seiki, the headless Kusanagi will completely fall to Iwanin and be used by Ohnogi.

The result will only be worse.

Keep him, after the war, the grass ninja leader will understand how to choose.


The premise is that Yahiko did exactly what he said.

A not weak alliance of small nations lies between the land of fire and the land of earth, and the friction between the two countries will be much smaller in the future.

As for the League of Small Nations...

This kind of combination has its own flaws——

Once their core body fails, the entire alliance can easily fall apart.

And Asano Seiki.

He looked back at the ruined woods~www.novel35.com~ and the survivors screaming and fleeing, and he had lost the courage to fight against Konoha.

Such a terrible technique...

Konoha wants to obliterate them as easy as the palm of his hand, and it is simply not something they can calculate and rival.

He really regretted it.

Deviating from Konoha is the worst choice he has made since he took office. If he had stood firmly on the same front with Konoha, perhaps now Kushinin Village has received some care and benefits from Konoha——

The third Hokage was not harsh on allies.

The premise is.

Helping Konoha wholeheartedly.


It was just an illusion, because he knew very well what virtue Kusanagi was.

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