I, Konoha's Life Mentor

Chapter 144: 143: 1 sentence = 1 million?

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The latest website: "Sir, we have already seen the coast of the Land of Thunder."

"Okay, wait here a minute."

Onogi ordered to go.

At present, Yan Ninja has not all arrived, and only a small part has arrived first. This strength is not enough to cut off the way back to Yunyin Village, but will be surrounded and eaten by the back.

Raikage is not a fool.

Onogi didn't go all out, how could he send all the ninjas to the front line, what if Onogi stole his house?

There is no covenant between them.

Simply thinking that the opportunity is right now, the two villages discussed attacking Konoha together.


Even if there is a covenant, it may not be useful.

There is not much integrity between countries. As long as the interests are sufficient, there are often cases of tearing his face. Even if Onogi said that he had formed an alliance with him, he would not be relieved.

The same is true for Mist.


It is probably impossible for the three generations of Raikage to think that he would choose this time to attack the country of thunder with all his strength.

Who would have thought?

A few days ago, they were fine, and they even occupied the country of grass. It didn't take long for them to be beaten by Konoha, and they could only choose to surrender in shame...

Onogi sighed.

Jingyi walked out of the cabin and looked at the sparkling sea and the land in the distance, feeling a little more relaxed.

He looked at Ohnogi and said, "Lord Tuying, I think your priority is not to invade and occupy much land, but to find a way to cultivate a suitable fourth generation, and it is too miserable to be still Tuying when you are in your seventies or eighties. already."


Can you say something unsettling?

Onogi was speechless.

Does he not know that he wants to cultivate a fourth generation?

The issue is.


I couldn't find a suitable candidate, and after a while, there were a few who fit in, and you killed him!

Onogi held back his anger.

five million...

Can't be angry!

"There are no successors. There must be a problem with the training method. I am an expert in Konoha education. Although Konoha's secrets can't be said, it's okay to customize a set for you."

"How much?"

"Talking about money hurting feelings, I'm more curious about your flying ninjutsu..."

"Just talk about ninjutsu."

Onogi's face darkened.

Light and heavy rock and weighted rock are classified ninjutsu in Yanyin Village. Only those he approves can have the opportunity to learn it. Does this guy want to learn it as an outsider?


"Then money, five million!"

Kyungsoo sighed.


He is just trying to do it casually, but it is impossible to really get to the "earth shadow level" ninjutsu with a few words.

"Two million, don't talk about pulling it down, and if you want to say a few words, the old man won't recognize it."

Onogi snorted coldly.

"Okay, then I'll talk."

Keiichi said.

With loess and Laozi in hand, I'm not afraid of Oh Yemu's refusal.

At this time, Minato also heard the two chatting and walked out to the deck.

"Didn't you find out? There is a big problem with your rock ninja education! Your earth escape ninjutsu is very strong, but other aspects are too bad."


Onogi was lost in thought.

Of course, Yanyin Village does not insist that students must master Tudun, but Tudun is the strongest, so most people choose Tudun.


Not diverse enough, but true.

If there are enough wind and thunder ninjas in Yanyin Village, how can they be afraid of the thunder and unicorns?

He started to get serious.

"Do you have a solution?"

"In this situation, I think your education must be rigid, so I think you should encourage your children's ability to explore, and understand that the cultivation of thinking ability is more important than simply teaching ninjutsu."

"You're right."

Onogi sighed, but said nothing.

Understand the reason.


Can't do it!

The reserves of other types of ninjutsu in Yanyin Village are too small, and the change of thinking that Jingyi said is too imaginary and unrealistic at all.

Kyungsoo understands naturally.


After listening to it, he saw that Onogi didn't follow up, so he continued: "For many people, the curriculum of the Ninja School is actually not full enough, Minato, right?"

"Ah? Well, yes! But it depends on the person, not everyone can grasp it quickly."

Minato was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Jingyi to mention himself, but it was the truth. He was in the ninja school and felt that there was not enough teaching in the class.


He is very clear that his talent is not low, so his situation cannot apply to everyone.

Keiichi was speechless.

Minato was too sincere, but fortunately he didn't want to "pit" Onogi.

"That's why we need elite education. We set up a juvenile ninja class, which is specially aimed at gifted children, giving them more courses, teaching more knowledge, cultivating their thinking ability, etc."

"Genius class?"

Onogi muttered to himself.

Iwanin's ninja school is taught together. There is no genius class, but after listening to Jingyi's words, he vaguely feels that this can really be done, because Iwanin does not lack middle and lower ninjas, but what is lacking is precisely strong and comprehensive. Onin.

Elite Education…

True to its name.

Just for teaching elites!

He thought about it carefully, but didn't find the problem. After pondering for a while, he asked with some incomprehension: "Why did you tell me this, so you won't be afraid that my rock ninja will become stronger?"

"Konoha is the strongest, and is not afraid of any challenge from Ninja Village. Haven't your three village siege been broken by us one by one? Only competition can lead to progress!"

Jing Yi has both hands behind his back, with a confident and arrogant look on his face.

You are reading story I, Konoha's Life Mentor at novel35.com

Onogi's mood is complicated.

The other party is only in his teens, but he understands many things and even surpasses them.

Such talent is naturally qualified to be proud.

And these words...

It really touched him.

"Competition makes progress?"

Watergate was lost in thought.

This may sound wrong at first, but if you think about it carefully, as far as the countries in the ninja world are concerned, the peak period of research and development of ninjutsu is during the "second generation" of each country.


Because at that time, the names of Senju Hasuma, Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Madara and other names were enough to make everyone full of danger of destruction, so they did not dare to stop, thinking day and night to become stronger.

And now...

Konoha is indeed a lot weaker than before.

In addition to Yunyin Village, other countries seem to be starting to eat their own way, and fewer and fewer new ninjutsu are being developed. On the contrary, their Konoha side is still innovating.

The reason is very simple. Although Konoha is strong, he has to face the prying eyes of many countries.

Konoha is under pressure!

Onogi apparently thought of this too.

Therefore, he felt that his previous decision was fine.

Iwanin's children must go out and communicate with Konoha, Sandyin and other countries, and can no longer study and ponder on their own in the country.

Thinking of this, he sighed, took out a scroll, and asked the guard to bring a pen.


brush brush...

A very formal IOU was written.

four million!

Not only that, when Oh Yemu finished writing, he said sincerely: "Competition only makes progress. This sentence touched me deeply. The extra one million is the money of this sentence, and I will send it back together."

Kyungsoo smiled.

A million words.


Onogi began to think about the follow-up. Naturally, it was impossible for him to communicate with Jingyi, but what Jingyi wanted had already been obtained—not only money, but also rewards from the system.

[Complete the 'Education Mode' guide]

[Evaluation: Excellent]

[Reward: Tu Dun·Gangli-style technique]

just excellent?

Without excellent, it is too difficult to get the rewards of light and heavy rocks and heavy rocks.


This technique is also worthy of this value, but I don't need it that much.

Jingyi understood that the plan he gave was not very good.

The so-called elite education...

In fact, it is the ninja version of the fast and slow class.

Of course there will be many elites, but this model will also cause some problems within Iwa Ninja, and Konoha really does not need to be afraid or afraid of Iwayin Village.

If you need to make others fall behind, Konoha can maintain a strong and first position...

Don't you hide yourself in a group?

He is standing on the shoulders of giants, no better than Taizu and other powerhouses, but he still has to be better than Danzo.

Go big.

Kyoichi looked out the window to the land in the distance.

"Is that all right?"

Watergate obviously did not understand.

From his point of view, it seemed that Jingyi was indeed helping Yannin, but he vaguely felt that something was not right.

"There's no problem, the set that was given to him is out of date."


Minato guessed that Jingyi might have other purposes, and he believed that Jingyi was not a mess.

Iwanin's ships arrive one by one.

After a while.

All the ships started heading towards the coast. This is not a pier. There may be rocks and undercurrents underneath, but for the ninja, these are nothing.


They approached the shore.


At the same time, the Yun Ninjas also discovered their traces—

Thousands of rock ninjas are pressing down on many ships, and it is impossible to hide Yunnin. In fact, Oh Yemu and Jingyi have no intention of hiding, because the Yunyin army at this time is in the land of fire.

Even if you can get the news right away, it will take half a day to get back here.

This is still unstoppable.

No matter how much Konoha made the trip, he wouldn't be able to come back for more than a day. During this time, it was enough for them to deal with Yun Ren here and build a strong enough line of defense.


Facing Yunyin Village, the defense line constructed by Tu Dun is not so useful, but it is better than nothing.

And now...

A bunch of rock ninjas rushed from the boat to the shore.

Jing glanced at it, but did not choose to shoot.

It's not his job.

Onogi sighed.

If Kyoichi and Minato were willing to make a move, the battle would be much easier, but...

The two of them couldn't help easily.

Ten million, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is only enough to hire them against three Raikage.


If you can really kill the three generations of Raikage, then the money is worth it. Compared with other Yun Ren, it is not important.

He narrowed his eyes, thinking about Yun Ren's situation at the moment.

It will take at least half a day for the three Raikage and the others to get the news, and it will take more time to withdraw here...

It is completely possible to set traps in advance.

Onogi has experienced many wars and has dealt with Yun Yin many times, so he knows how to deal with those guys who can all be thunderous.

After seizing the defense line, he quickly ordered the arrangement.

Jingyi and Minato watched on, without any intention of making a move or speaking.

The two of them wished Iwa Shinobi would kill more people.

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