I, Konoha's Life Mentor

Chapter 184: the transformation of the ninja world!

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The three generations frowned.

He naturally knew the value of this tactic and model, and had discussed it with Tsunade before, but Tsunade's support for Kanda Keiichi was nothing.


In the end, he still didn't mention it to Jing.

To talk about the benefits, it may be only the nobles of the country of fire, who have stronger confidence in Konoha, and shock other Ninja villages, and the rest do not seem to be too much.

To this day, he still doesn't understand it.


If you don't understand, you don't understand, but...

"Rizhan, how could you agree to such a stupid decision?"

"Old man, in terms of effect, Kyoichi's several decisions are fine. Konoha is growing stronger and stronger under his and Tsunade's governance, while we and Mitomen Yan have been in decline for many years."

The third generation said earnestly, "Don't worry about these things. Recently, there has been less trouble over there. When Tsunade takes over, I really don't care."


Danzang had a stern look on his face, but he didn't say anything, just glanced at him, and then left silently.

He did come to test.

When he thought about it, the third generation said that he was retiring, but he should also serve as a consultant to participate in the governance of the village in the future.


His strategy is indeed about to change.

Danzo left silently.

He didn't intend to take care of the Chunin exam, otherwise, instead of coming to find the third generation now, he would go directly to Tsunade.

Sandai smoked a cigarette in the back while maintaining his telescope technique.

Every now and then he looked to the next door.

In fact, he didn't understand what Jingyi was thinking, but he vaguely felt that it had something to do with the whole plan, and...

What Danzo opposes, just support it.

It turns out.

His thoughts with Danzo were all wrong.

Having ruled out one wrong answer, isn't it simple what to do?


This is the end of the matter, even if it is against it is useless.

He thought to himself.


I have to admit that this guy, Jingyi, is really good at bringing the ninjas. Although most of them only know one type of ninjutsu, this one is very useful and flexible.

For example, Kunai cooperates with steel wire to realize the technique of three-line dragon fire.

Many chunin can't do it.


I have to say that Que's melee combat is really strenuous, and it is very difficult to face a sub-ninja who is not very good in Shayin Village.

As for Asma.

Three generations can only say that Jingyi taught well!

This vacuum blade is really nice.

He looked a little happy and couldn't help but watch it for a while.

"Three generations of adults, you like Asma so much, but you should communicate with him more, hide in the dark and peek at it? Anyway, switch to another channel, and change to another place, he has finished playing here!"

Jing Yi came and knocked on the door.

The three generations came back to their senses, quite a bit embarrassed.


He noticed that Jing Yi was a shadow clone.


He didn't just come here to remind him of this. After all, he had already taught Orochimaru the technique of binoculars. Now Orochimaru, he and Jingyi are using it, only he has little influence on fishing.

"Just now……"

"Danzo is here, isn't it, that old boy, I just want to point and point when I seize the opportunity."

Jingyi couldn't help but complain.

He just sensed Danzo's aura, so he separated a shadow clone and came over to take a look.

"Don't worry, I persuaded him to leave."

"Persuade? Don't make fun of him. If you can persuade Danzo, Konoha can still be like this? I think he's stupid when he fights, his vision is too low."

"Cough cough!"

Three generations of coughing.

good boy!

Are you scolding Tuanzang or secretly scolding me?


He really didn't respond well.

After all, Konoha was in his hands, and he was almost besieged by all directions. The situation was so miserable that he almost made batches of children graduate early again. Fortunately, Jingyi stood up.


Until now, Konoha may still be fighting against other Shinobi villages.

"Lord Hokage, I just sent a report from the research institute, so now, I'm going to explain my plan to you."

Jing handed over the scrolls one by one.

This is the results report of the Institute.

Three generations took over.

After taking a few glances, he immediately stood up in surprise, almost losing control of his telescope technique.


"Calm down, calm down... At present, it's only mastered by one person, this is just the beginning, and it turns out that the wood tunnel mastered by ordinary people really has no fighting ability."

Jing Yi comforted the old man.

The third generation shook his head and sighed: "Jingyi, you didn't go through that era. In our era, Mudun used to be a symbol of invincibility. We were crazy enough to do taboo experiments to try to reproduce Mudun, but all of them failed."


Jingyi didn't do experiments, just researched, analyzed, and continued to cross-discuss and try, and finally came up with Mu Dun. Although it was only an extremely weakened version, its meaning was completely different.

The first step to success!

Holding the scroll, he was very excited.

"At the moment, it's just Fengji Junshu, others haven't mastered it yet, and the Fengji family is the descendant of Qianshou like my Kanda, and it can't prove anything."

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Kyungsoo shook his head.

He is not satisfied with this level, because he suspects that Feng Ji Junshu is Feng Ji Menghuang's father, and his hair color and hobby of weird hairstyles are in the same line.

After the three generations had passed the initial excitement, he nodded again and again and regarded this report as a treasure.

Several seconds passed.

Then he said, "You continue, I have already recovered."

"Yes, the change in the nature of learning is not without cost. During this period, our village's expenditure on military food pills was several times higher than before, and it was provided free of charge."

"Bing Grain Pills... Green Sprout Project?"

The three generations were thoughtful after hearing this.

Jingyi mentioned that the ultimate goal of the Green Sprout Project is to use Mudun Chakra to ripen those medicinal materials to produce mass-produced military grain pills.


These ration pills?

He kind of got it.

Jingyi's spectator stadium is not only to make money now, but more to make money in the future, and even to destroy the enemy's internal system with mass-produced military ration pills.


I didn't expect it.

He was stunned for a long time, and said solemnly: "Please continue!"

"Yes, they can also choose not to buy it, but if everyone else buys it, they will fall behind if they don't buy it, so let's keep this chunin exam going."

Keiichi said.

In this exam, he basically did most of the fairness, and he didn't move too much in the rules.

It's just not fair...

They practiced ahead of time.

"I understand. You feel like a team competition. If you don't practice like this, you will fall and you will not be able to maintain your current status, so you have to compete together?"

Three generations understand.

The premise of this is that Konoha can always maintain the lead. Once it is surpassed by others, the rules will be determined by the outer village, and their set will not work.

Jing nodded, but shook his head lightly and said, "Not only that, other villages are strong, and future generations have pressure, so they won't lie on the credits of their predecessors and be self-satisfied."

Catfish effect!

The other villages are catfish, keeping the people of Konoha always enterprising.


If caught up, swallowed...

That's right!

"Think about it, if the first generation of adults left all the tailed beasts in Konoha, we can have pigs, deer and butterflies in our village now, can we have Anbu and guards?"

"War is always bad, but I have to admit you're right."

Three generations sighed.

War is bad, but war, too, stimulates creativity in everyone.

Are pigs, deer and butterflies together in the first place?


They are in the war, the generation of running, training, and gradually cooperate to form a tacit understanding, so now basically the three clans will deliberately cultivate the cooperation of the clansmen.

There are also the five-dun consecutive bullets of the Sarutobi clan, and many ninjutsu creations of the second generation.

These techniques were developed to solve problems.

If the tailed beasts are all in Konoha, Konoha can't bloom like it is now, and even looks strong but is actually weak - because their strength is based on the strength of people, not their own strength.

What if the people column force go wild?


This is the saying of a thousand hands.

The tailed beast is unreliable, and so is the strength of the human column.

Jingyi's words reminded Sandai again of the teacher's words, he couldn't help falling into silence, and then heaved a long sigh.

This kid has never seen Senju Tobama, but he seems to be more like the heir of Senju Tobama and Senju Hakuma than himself. This feeling is really...

Reassuring and **** up.

Because he couldn't help but wonder, what did he learn from the second generation for so many years?

Not as good as reading books to know more.


The mentality of the third generation collapsed, and he waved his hand to signal that Jingyi could leave.

He didn't want to explain too much.

Because returning to the village from the battlefield, the three generations seldom asked about Kyoichi and Tsunade, and even if they asked, they were only "interrogation" rather than questioning and changing the results.

Same thing this time.

Jingyi didn't say it, and he didn't want to be held accountable anymore. After all, after the Chunin exam, he planned to step down and completely hand over the village to Tsunade.

So, he thought about it and added another sentence.

"You don't have to think too much. Of course I will think differently from you, but it doesn't mean that I will oppose you. If I don't even have this trust, how can I pass Hokage to Tsunade?"

"Yes, that's why I hope you understand what I mean."

Jing Yi bowed slightly and disappeared.

The three generations were silent for a moment, and then sighed in disappointment.

Just now, he had a sincere feeling.

Time has passed!

Their set of rules may no longer be useful in the new era - what will happen to Konoha and even the ninja world under the promotion of Jingyi?

Three generations do not know.

With his knowledge alone, such a future could no longer be deduced.

But he really wanted to witness~www.novel35.com~ His attention returned to the exam, the chaos of the circle shrinking has subsided, but the battles continued one after another, the scope narrowed, and everyone's collision was inevitable.

But obviously.

Everyone gradually understood how to play——

This is a different kind of war!

The ninja teams from each village began to assemble and sweep out those small ninja teams. Of course, this was the practice of most ninja villages.

Yunyin Village is different.

They're just fighting for their breath, so...

Even if they knew that someone was impersonating Yun Ren, but now, they are still very hot with the Yanyin team, and they don't care about the results at all.

And it was Samui who played a key role.

She allocated a bunch of resources to other teams to make Yun Ren's strength a lot stronger, otherwise they would definitely be weak or even partially eliminated after the second lap.

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