I, Konoha's Life Mentor

Chapter 365: 364: The best way to fix...

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"Well, it's all ready, just wait for you to come. Are you okay with Chakra?"

Tsunade sees it.

Jingyi is not the main body, but a shadow clone.

This kid's body is now close to the immortal body of her grandfather back then. Even the shadow clone is very powerful and terrifying. She is not worried about Jingyi's ability.


The problem with shadow clones is chakra, and Jingyi's clone is obviously left before leaving Konoha, in case the chakra is insufficient during the operation...

That's going to be a big deal.

"No problem. Although there are not too many chakras, it is not a problem to cope with an operation. What's more, I mainly help, not the chief surgeon. I will confirm if there is a spell later."

Keiichi said.

His chakra is not too much, but he has to compare with whom. Compared with his main body and his heyday, it is naturally far inferior, but compared with others, the chakra of this shadow clone is enough to crush many jounin.


This Chakra alone is enough to complete an operation.

not to mention.

It's really not good, he still has the fairy Chakra.

Although Immortal Chakra is not omnipotent, it is not difficult for the upper ranks to replace ordinary Chakra.

Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and nodded lightly.

She hadn't presided over an operation for a long time.


When facing the operating table, Tsunade quickly calmed down.

Nagato was lying on the operating table, not under anesthesia, but he was surprisingly calm, without a trace of panic.

"I don't need medicine."

Nagato said, "I want to see the surgery with my own eyes to see if I have the spell."


Everyone looked at each other.

Not to mention that there is no precedent for this, even the terrifying pain when the belly is opened is enough to make people faint, and when they are trembling, it will inevitably affect everyone's operation.

"I'll cover you up with illusions."


Everyone is puzzled.

But Tsunade understood a little, and Jingyi's yin escape seems to have made greater progress, and now he can control the nature of yin escape at will to achieve the level he wants.

Nagato also knew that he was asking too much.


He really wanted to see it with his own eyes.

Kyoichi used illusion and medical ninjutsu to disturb and deceive Nagato's nervous system, making him temporarily unable to feel any pain or touch.

Tsunade narrowed his eyes.

This is the category of five sense manipulation. Before, only the pommel horse family could do this kind of illusion, but Jingyi's five sense manipulation was different from that of the pommel horse family.

The kind of pommel horses...

It is pure illusion combined with the change in the nature of Yin Escape to achieve the level of manipulating the five senses, and Jingyi now relies more on medical ninjutsu to achieve such a goal.

In terms of results, the effect is definitely not as good as the five senses manipulation.


This is not necessarily a bad thing.


Even if Kyoichi can really reproduce and realize the phantom art of the Kurama family, it is not too strange for Tsunade, but there is no possibility of "learning" that kind of art.

Different now.

Jingyi's method is easier to be mastered by medical ninjas.

As long as it is a medical ninja at the Shangnin level, it is possible to master the technique of Jingyi, because its foundation is not actually an illusion, but a medical ninjutsu that attacks the nervous system like oneself.

It's surgery time, Tsunade didn't say much, just nodded lightly, and quickly started the operation.

The chakra scalpel opens the chest cavity.

Nagato didn't feel anything, but he could see Tsunade and the others moving, while Kyoichi seemed to close his eyes as he stood aside, and the potted plants in the research department seemed to be swaying.

he knows.

Jing Yi performed a certain technique, and at this moment, the perception was brought to the extreme.

Any strange chakra cannot escape the perception of the other party.

Nagato sighed in relief.

With Kyoichi in...

Should be foolproof.

Opening a small opening, Tsunade sensed the situation in the chest cavity, and at the same time carefully used chakra to probe the internal situation. After confirming that it was correct, the wound was slightly enlarged, and then he was ready to put the instrument in.

"Wait, Nagato, try to bring Chakra to the heart."

"Is that so? Good."

Nagato did what he said.

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This is also the advantage of his sobriety. If he is in a coma, he will not be able to cooperate like this.

He concentrates the chakra to the heart.

This is something that has never been done before, after all...

Who will focus Chakra on the fragile heart, if something happens, it will be fatal.

That's how dare you do it in the lab.

Nagato didn't know what would happen, but he soon found that after he concentrated the chakra to his heart, he felt a moment of weakness, and the chakra in his heart quickly collapsed.

This is?

He froze for a moment.


Kyungsoo breathed a sigh of relief.

Before, when Tsunade used chakra to investigate, he felt slight fluctuations.

An aura that doesn't belong to Tsunade.


This chakra disappeared very quickly, almost in the blink of an eye, and then Tsunade's chakra exploration failed to stimulate that chakra.

Kyungsoo makes a bold guess...

That might be Madara's spell, so Nagato used the method of concentrating chakra to the heart to stimulate the stress response of the spell, and it really succeeded.

Tsunade immediately looked closer.

"There is an art on his heart that looks like some kind of talisman! Madara has mastered the art of manipulating others!"

"But why do I..."

"It should have some properties that don't have to be manipulated by Madara, such as preventing you from committing suicide."

Jingyi "guessed" said.

Nagato was silent.

The heart is fragile.

Ordinary people highly concentrate chakra to the heart, which will indeed lead to damage to the heart, and eventually there will be a certain danger.

Think so...

There's really no problem.

"Now the question is how to solve it?"

Tsunade frowned.

The location of the spell is very deep, it is easy to break the heart, and it is difficult to guarantee that it does not have a self-destructing mechanism.

"I'll take a look first. If it really doesn't work, I can only choose the best option."

He checked.

Madara's technique is very deep, and there are also Uchiha's unique techniques and pupil power, which is very difficult to crack.

"I'll try it first, if it doesn't work, let's cut it a little."

The best way to fix something is to replace it.

Jingyi didn't want to choose this method until it was a last resort, but now, he couldn't give up halfway.

He tried to decipher.


The spell disappeared, and soon changed its position.

It also has a transfer effect.

Kyungsoo frowned.

The next moment, he used the properties of chakra and yin escape to simulate the invisible hand and fix it directly.

Nagato turned pale.

Although he couldn't feel the pain, the movement of the spell caused his body to react unconsciously.

The chakra of the spell was forced to a place by Jingyi, but it was very stubborn, and the quality of the chakra was very high, even if he used the immortal chakra, he could not destroy it.

Kyungsoo frowned.

It seems that direct removal is unlikely.

"I'm going to start."


Tsunade's hands were imprinted, and the palm chakra began to be instilled into Nagato's body, and the rest of the people on the side also prepared cells and tissues. Once Nagato's operation went wrong, the filing method would be used as soon as possible.

Jingyi quickly shot ~www.novel35.com~ with a flick of his finger, and a tiny chakra scalpel formed from his fingertips, gently scraping the surface of Nagato's heart, and a piece of flesh and blood was cut off along with the spell.

The blood was about to shoot out from the inside.


An invisible wall seemed to block the gap.

"seal up!"


Everyone quickly cooperated, Tsunade used medical ninjutsu for the first time, while the others filled the gap with the white absolute cells prepared in advance.

In the blink of an eye, the wound healed.

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