I Level Up To Fight The Gods

Chapter 6: VS GOD Tutorial

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[ 12th Timeline ]

[ Universal Year: 40XXXX ]

[ Earth Year: 2033 ]

[ 22:34 p.m. ]

My name is Ragna Orion Mamoru Kent, the grandfather of the Divine Holy Hero Carla Ranggina Hikari Kent, a self-learner sorcerer taught by the remnant relics of the ancient Manahumans from this Timeline, the 12th Timeline if I was right.

This time, with this newly acquired power that comes from the Giant Core, I now fly and face the gods no ... the Diviners, the very beings that govern us all as the Diviner Marticorax then flies and face me.

" You've changed, old Ragna. " Marticorax says as he then unleashes his Divine Crimson Aura as the skies was engulfed with his Aura that looks like the Crimson Flame.

" It seems your falling gave you a power boost. "

" Did you acquire some power there? " Marticorax asks me as his body slowly turns into his Second Form which reveals more of his lion-like features as wings also come out from his back, which means that he now thinks of me as a threat.

" Seriously Marty, you immediately used your second form to this mortal? " Indura asks as she wonders why a strong Diviner like Marticorax would unleash parts of his Divine Form in front of a mortal like me I then respond by preparing my newly upgraded armor as the power of the Core which I learned comes from Carla, ChronoAxis and many more fills me as I then summon my new shield.

< Shield Upgraded, Chrono Strong Shield >

< Suit Upgraded, Chrono Star Armor >

As I prepare myself by imbuing the Armor with Water Magic as the magic increases the Armor's coolness in the case for overheat, I then stare at Marticorax as the two of us unleash our auras, especially me as I increase my aura that looks like computer glitch to battle Marticorax's fire aura.

" Oh my, you've really powered up, old Rangga? "

" Too bad your granddaughter won't be joining us on seeing your evolution. "

" I feel sad, old Rangga. "

" SHUT UP! "

" First, stop calling me an old man if you yourself have lived for many decades no ... millennia ...!!!! "

" Besides, even though my granddaughter die in your hands, her fight will not end as the chance she gave me to give me an opportunity to fight you...!!! " I say to myself as my armor's mask closes and my slowly upgrading Magi Nano System then tells me that the System is upgrading and begins to give me instructions as it gives me another Quest.

< Quest (!): >

< Tutorial, Fight Marticorax (01:20) >

As the System gives that quest I then prepare my stance I use my usual punching stance while putting my shield on the back since I usually used it for a hard attack.

Seeing that, Marticorax grins as he also prepares his Divine Blade again which shocks both Jadus and Indura as they then question Marticorax if he is serious about using that to fight me.

" Marty ... what are you? "

" SILENCE !!!! ... this one is my prey... "

" Hey Ragna, you are really confident aren't you? " he says while pointing his sword.

" Challenging me, just after you received that power out of nowhere? " he asks me.

" Hmph, aren't you also like that ... Diviner? " I say that as it shocks the Diviners present as they wonder how did I even know their race's real name as they then immediately realize.

" Haha ... I see why? " he says while looking at my dead granddaughter.

" You persistent over-confident old brat !!! " he says while attacking me, which I then blocked it using my shield as I use it to hit the blade by punching it, as my hand was covered by my shield.

" You blocked it, interesting !!!! "

" How did you even do it? "

" Who knows? ... " I tell him.

" If you Diviners are that all-knowing like you always brag yourselves, then shouldn't you able to figure it out with those 'Divine Knowledge of yours? "

" Or ... those Divine Status blinds you from the infinite possibilities !!!? " I ask him as I hit him with my shielded hand, knocking him hard with my magic power imbuing it, empowering it hard.


< Marticorax Health: -23.000.000 >

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As I punched him in the face, I let myself see my deceased granddaughter on the ground for a second and then look at Marticorax again as I managed to give him the most Divine accomplishment of the time.

"( Look now, it seems I achieve the achievement of making the most Divinely Powerful and Holy Nosebleed. )" I say to myself since I think that if I survive and take his blood for at least a sample source, then not only it would empower me but also enrich me as people will give a high price for it.

As it happens, Marticorax wipes it as he then attacks me again, the both of us battle for thirty minutes as we unleash our powers fully, destroying the landscapes below as the other Diviners also had to fly since I also see Indura is taking Carla's corpse away.

" We'll be back to the Flagship first, have fun, Marty! " Indura says as she and Jadus leave our scene and return to their flagship as they both see that the Reboot's light is coming.

" Don't forget to return to the ship Marticorax ... "

" Even though the reboot won't fully affect you, your powers, and memories."

" But it is still able to relocate you to many places in the galaxy, based on the location that you've gone back on the Second Holy War days. " Jadus reminds Marticorax while leaving as the Diviner himself is busy fighting me as I continuously react to his attacks by using my shield and magic.

" It's useless, old brat !!!! "

" Even though your magic element is water, it will never work against my Divine Flame," he says while attacking me.

" For this flame is the flame that dries ocean, drains the clouds, and destroys the skies !!! "

" For your Mana Imbued Water will be evaporated with ease and my fire will surely burn your body until toast !!!! "

< Divine Solar Blade >,

The Divine Blade created a ball, and the ball then blast the Divine Flame in my direction.

While he used that, the System then tells me to use my new power and imbue it into my Water Magic.

" Ooo Sea from cosmos, allow me to mix you with my earthly water. "

< Giant Core Power + Water Element Magic >

<  Cosmic Hydraulic Gate >

With that, I used the magic to absorb and teleport the blast elsewhere I then used to teleport it right on top of him which directly hits me as he now burns with his own fire.

" Grrrhhhh... "

" I must confess that you really got me ... "

" But don't be happy just yet! " he says as the Reboot's light is getting closer.

< Tutorial, Fight Marticorax *(00:35) >

< *Time before the Reboot >

" For this time, the playtime is over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Marticorax roars as he increases the unleash of his Divine Power which I had to respond seriously.

< Tutorial Completed >

< BZZT .. BZZZTT ... >

< New Quest (!) >

< Escape from Marticorax >

"( Agreed .. his powers are going and my Mana and my Core Powers won't be enough to fight him and escape the Reboot... )"

"( I must choose ... )" I say to myself as the System then gives me an option.

< Actions >

< Your fate will be determined by your choice >

< 1) Stay and fight Marticorax. >

< 2) Escape and Chrono Jump into the Primordial Past >


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