I Lost My Memory Before the Divorce Was Agreed

Chapter 43: 43

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Chapter 43

Haven't seen it this way for a few days

Translated by Flo
Edited by Flo


Chapter 43: Haven’t seen it this way for a few days


Lu Yuanbai added the grass one by one and nodded.


He said vaguely, “Lin Mu said that I have gained a little weight recently, and now I’m going to lose some weight before I go to work.”


Duan Yu lowered his eyes and looked at Lu Yuanbai’s bowl full of green vegetables. frowned.


There wasn’t much in that bowl of vegetable salad.


“Is it enough?”


Lu Yuanbai actually knew in his heart that only this bowl of vegetable salad was not enough, but losing weight couldn’t be uncomfortable. Besides, he should have done it for work.


Ms. Lu Wanfang has taught him to be trustworthy since he was a child, and he must do what he promises to others.


But he has the ability to lose weight now, and if he doesn’t act, the movie will be shelved. That’s the hard work of many people.


Lu Yuanbai didn’t want Duan Yu to worry about him, so he nodded bravely, “Enough to eat, I’ve been eating less recently.”


Duan Yu, who also witnessed Lu Yuanbai eating three bowls of rice at night a few days ago: “… ” 


After the two of them had dinner, Lu Yuanbai took Duan Yu for a walk, and then he turned on the TV to find his previous movies to watch.


But because he ate less, his stomach couldn’t help but feel a little hungry.


Lu Yuanbai watched it very seriously, trying to learn something from it.


Aunt Li brought the cut fruit, and Duan Yu glanced at Lu Yuanbai.


Lu Yuanbai’s expression was very focused, as if he was stuck in it. Duan Yu looked at him, thinking of the small bowl of green grass that Lu Yuanbai ate tonight.


Then Duan Yu stretched out a piece of cut peach and fed it to Lu Yuanbai’s mouth.


His movements were a little stiff, and Duan Yu had never fed anyone anything except feeding Lu Yuanbai once before.


After making this move, he regained his senses and frowned because of his own abnormality.


But the head that handed out the fruit was not taken back.


When Lu Yuanbai accompanies him to dinner at night, his eyes are straight when he looks at the other dishes on the table, but he can only eat vegetable salad, which feel like being tortured.


Lu Yuanbai could have left with his own bowl in his arms. It would be better if he couldn’t see it, but Lu Yuanbai felt that as a husband, he should accompany his wife to eat every day when he was at home.


So dinner was extremely painful.


Duan Yu handed over the fruit, and sure enough, the next moment, Lu Yuanbai opened his mouth and took a bite, but his eyes still fell on the TV.


Lu Yuanbai was very immersed in watching the movie, and he couldn’t care about the interference of the outside world.


But the sweet fragrance of peach lingered on the tip of his nose, Lu Yuanbai acted faster than his brain, and he got a bite without thinking much.


Duan Yu saw that Lu Yuanbai ate it, as if he was dazed, and took the fruits in the fruit bowl in different shapes and fed them to Lu Yuanbai.


Since Lu Yuanbai ate less for dinner, his stomach was a little hungry for a while, and he was still watching movies to study, so he couldn’t think about anything else at all.


When Duan Yu fed him the fruit, he opened his mouth to eat it.


Some fruits were slightly sour, and he couldn’t help squinting.


When Lu Yuanbai was fed something he didn’t like, Lu Yuanbai raised his face and ducked back and forth when he smelled it.


When Duan Yu saw it, he put it aside for another time.


He saw Lu Yuanbai staring at himself in the film with a pair of peach blossom eyes, his cheeks bulging and chewing the peach in his mouth.


The next moment he saw the round cheeks, and then looked down in shock, only to see Duan Yushouli holding a half-bitten strawberry.


Before that, he didn’t know how many fruits with high sugar content he ate.


Lu Yuanbai looked at Duan Yu holding the fruit’s head, and was stunned.


Then his brows drooped and he looked at Duan Yu pitifully, “Wife…”


This voice came with an accusation.


Duan Yu handed half a strawberry from the bowl to Lu Yuanbai’s mouth again.


Lu Yuanbai tactically leaned back with a wrinkled face.


Rejected written all over his face.


Duan Yu: “You can’t waste food.”


After hearing this, Lu Yuanbai opened his mouth obediently and ate the remaining half of the strawberry.


Then he glanced at the fruit plate, and most of it had been eaten.


Some fruits are high in sugar, and Lu Yuan ate more than half of the fruit plate, which means that today’s grass is eaten in vain.


He looked at Duan Yu, and as if nothing happened, he wiped his slender fingers with a tissue. Lu Yuanbai didn’t know if he should lose his temper.


After all, even though Duan Yu was the one who fed the fruit, it was he who opened his mouth to eat it.


“Wife, can’t you stop doing this in the future?”


Duan Yu raised his eyes to look at him, “Why?”


Lu Yuanbai touched his white belly through his clothes, and remembered his mermaid line in Lin Mu’s first plane today, seriously: “You are helping in abuse.”


Duan Yu: “…”


Then Lu Yuanbai stood up and continued to watch TV.


Duan Yu: “Why stand up?”


Lu Yuanbai: “It digests quickly.”


Duan Yu: “…”


When he was about to return to his room on the second floor, Lu Yuanbai walked around the living room, and only then did he plan to go back to sleep.




When the next morning came, he had boiled eggs and boiled vegetables.


Lu Yuanbai ate the tasteless green vegetables without a soul, looked at Duan Yu’s breakfast eagerly, and pursed his lips.


Duan Yu looked up at him, and Lu Yuanbai stopped immediately when he saw it, for fear that the scene from last night would happen again, otherwise the meal would be eaten in vain.


He hugged Duan Yu at the entrance and sent each other out to work.


Not long after Duan Yu left, his agent Lin Mu also drove over to pick up Lu Yuanbai to go to the gym for personal training.


As the longest time given is only half a month, and he will join the group after half a month. During this period, Lu Yuanbai not only has to watch movies while learning, but also does a lot of exercise every day.


Lu Yuanbai walked into the private classroom in the gym where he did a good job of keeping secrets.


The coach was a muscular man.


Looking at the dumbbells, extension equipment, and various sports equipment in this room, Lu Yuanbai swallowed.


A bad premonition came over him.


Subconsciously, he wanted to go back, but he forcibly held back when he thought about working.


After seeing Lu Yuanbai, the macho coach said hello, “Brother Yuan, you are here, it’s been a long time!” 


After speaking, he stretched out his head and patted Lu Yuanbai’s back very enthusiastically. The two seemed to know each other for a long time.


However, this palm landed on the back, and Haoxuan didn’t send Lu Yuanbai away.


Lu Yuanbai staggered forward a few steps.


The macho coach saw it, and said unexpectedly: “Brother Yuan, your fundamentals are not as stable as before, you haven’t been exercising recently.”


Thinking about it, Lu Yuanbai really doesn’t have time to do anything else at this stage of recuperation.


Lu Yuanbai looked at the dumbbells in the room and said weakly, “My head is not ready yet, so I can’t lift these.” 


He tried to escape.


The coach of the macho coach smiled and said, “Brother Yuan, don’t worry, we don’t practice arm strength today.” 


After hearing this, Lu Yuanbai raised his left head and patted his chest.


He breathed a sigh of relief, but not completely.


The macho coach looked at Lu Yuanbai and suddenly felt a little familiar.


He knew Lu Yuanbai when he was a teenager, but it may be because he changed too much. When we met again a few years ago, Lu Yuanbai obviously didn’t recognize him. 


The coach of the macho man also saw that Lu Yuanbai was very resistant to recalling the past. So I didn’t mention to the other party that the two knew each other before.


He has cooperated with Lu Yuanbai for three or four years, and Lu Yuanbai’s private training is always guided by him.


Lu Yuanbai can also endure hardships, and he has never seen him shouting tired during high-intensity training every day.


Losing weight is not a difficult problem, as long as you do it well with your diet, it is not a problem to lose 8 to 12 pounds in a week.


Hearing the macho man across from him call him brother, Lu Yuanbai felt guilty.




Then he watched the macho coach take out a pink bookmark with a Hello Kitty style pen on it.


Lu Yuanbai saw it and swallowed his words.


I didn’t expect that such a big and three rough guy would have a girlish heart.


In order to quickly bring the distance between the two, so as not to cause an embarrassing situation for both sides, Lu Yuanbai was ready to tout the other side.


He saw Lu Yuanbai was silent for a while, and then said dryly: “Your pen is so beautiful.” 




The coach of the macho man turned to look at him, and Lu Yuanbai froze at this sight.


Compared with the coach of the macho man, Lu Yuanbai is like the little chicken that has no power to tie the chicken.


One punch to the other!


Eighteen-year-old Lu Yuanbai was originally very timid, and his legs trembled for a while when he was looked at by such a muscular guy. 


The next moment, I saw the macho coach holding a pen and smiled at Lu Yuanbai with a big smile, “Yeah, I like it very much. Brother Yuan, you bought it for me at a specialty store when you went abroad on a business trip!”


Speaking of which, the macho coach held a Hello Kitty pen, and in front of Lu Yuanbai, he showed Lu Yuanbai the pink girl’s heart pen that he personally bought for him when he went abroad.


Lu Yuanbai: “…”


Seeing that the macho coach couldn’t let go of his head, Lu Yuanbai bit his head and said, “If you like it.” 


The macho coach patted Lu Yuanbai’s back very boldly, “Brother Yuan, Why are you being so polite when you come back this time, we are good sisters!”


Lu Yuanbai:! ! !


It’s obvious that a macho coach has the same sexual orientation as gender, which is no shock in today’s society where same-sex marriages are acceptable.


The shock is that the other party calls him brothers on the surface, but secretly wants to be sisters with him!


Lu Yuanbai was slapped by the the fierce instructor, so he didn’t vomit blood.


He thought to himself,


This sister’s head is really strong.


The same-sex marriage system was only passed completely a few years ago, and it has only been seven or eight years since the legalization of same-sex marriage.


In the past, even if the society was open-minded and felt that homosexuality was normal, before it was legal, there were still many people with prejudice.

You are reading story I Lost My Memory Before the Divorce Was Agreed at novel35.com


His masculinity was not as strong as it is now, because he was thin and small in junior high school and high school, he talked like a mosquito, and because of his sexuality, he was ridiculed as a sissy and bullied.


The desk was full of ugly and humiliating words written in black marker, and people often made him a topic of conversation.


In the end, he couldn’t be angry enough to ask questions, but someone else said that you really can’t make a joke.


However, the jokes in their mouths were doubly humiliating and shadowing him.


He likes pink, likes little cute things but is called a pervert, a sissy because of his appearance and demeanor.


Even if he is simply himself, those inexplicable hostility come from all directions, around his life, his class.


But he obviously did not provoke anyone, but he was targeted.


 He spent five years in those dark days, from junior high school to high school sophomore.


His family is a small business. Although the money is not big, his daily life is very rich. The school he attends is also a famous private aristocratic middle school.


In order to go to this school, his father took off a lot of ties.


In junior high school, he was timid and did not dare to resist when he was bullied. The teacher would also help him, but the teacher was not always by his side, and he did not dare to tell his parents at that time, so he endured the school violence for three years.


He thought that after graduating from junior high school, he could escape the nightmare, but human prejudice and targeting are ubiquitous, and school violence is also everywhere.


After he went to high school, he also reacted to the bullying and humiliation of others to him after the teacher, but his father had a lot of connections to make the students of the noble school he attended either rich or expensive, and the teacher was also open to their vicious behavior but closed one eye.


He ignored it at all. He had approached the teacher many times and begged him to help him. 


At first, the teacher would verbally agree but did nothing in private. However, after more and more times, the teacher began to feel impatient.


They found him troublesome.


Those words he will never forget in his life.


“They’re just playing with you, why are you being so serious?” 


“School violence? How could there be school violence in our class? Don’t smear the class because of you alone!”


“Doing seamless eggs, you see why they don’t bully others but bully you?!”


“You said that they have bullied you since the first year of high school. Everyone is a new classmate who has just met. What are they bullying you for no reason? 


Why don’t you think about your own reasons and come to sue you every day? You know what other people do at home. Do you? Do you know how much your parents earn a year?”


He stood in the office with his head lowered, tears filling his eyes.


He didn’t do anything, he just liked what he liked and lived every day carefully.


But the days of bullying have not been far from him.


They all knew, the students knew, and the teacher knew that he was the one who was isolated and bullied.


However, he was clearly wronged, and when he stood up for the first time and tried to resist, the humiliation he ushered in really intensified.


It was as if a basin of cold water had been poured over his head, and his spine was shaking.


When he was in the second grade of high school, he deliberately chose the liberal arts class with more girls, trying to escape from the previous predicament, even if his science grades were better at that time.


But the school violence did not leave. They threw his schoolbag into the toilet, emptied the trash can, and hung it on a tree.


When he was not pleasing to the eye, they pulled him to the point of inconspicuousness, punched and kicked him in the corners that had no CCTV monitoring, and there was not a day without bruises on his body.


He shivered with pain, the swelling on his cheeks was visible to the naked eye, and the blood from his nose could not stop flowing out, dripping onto the school uniform.


He was sitting in the last row of the classroom, lying on the desk full of slanderous words written with black marker, wiping his nosebleed with the sleeve of his school uniform in embarrassment.


The teacher standing on the podium turned a blind eye, and the students laughed at him.


He is a pervert in the mouths of others, a sissy who is hated and made fun of, but also a victim of school violence.


Finally he felt that he would die if he went on like this, and he told his parents.


Parents are often away from home because of business reasons. They don’t pay much attention to him but they love him very much. 


When they found out that he had suffered this, they were very angry. When they heard the child being treated like this, they clenched their fists tightly, their body trembling from anger.


They started to get justice for him, going to the teacher to find the director.


He thought his light had come, but waited for the crueler truth.


There are all kinds of people in this world, and there is never a shortage of powerful people.


All roads lead to Rome, but some people were born in Rome.


The father pulled his head in remorse, and said in a heavy voice, “Son, I’m sorry.”


This sentence of sorry was like a knife stabbed into his heart.


Because of the power and power of his family, the bully can destroy his family’s business with a single finger, and his parents have worked hard for a lifetime.


Because of this, there is no price to pay for their evil deeds.


At that time, he watched his father hold his head in silence, and said nothing, but slowly walked back to the room and threw away all the things he liked.


Pink objects, small cute stuffed dolls.


In that moment he was a victim of guilt.


He threw away everything he liked and tried to shake off the shadows.


He couldn’t transfer to another school. This school was achieved by his father’s endless nodding, bowing and smiling.


He could only endure.


Until one time he couldn’t hold on any longer, feeling that he would be beaten to death if he continued like this, and he raised his head to resist.


But this resistance was met with more violent beatings, one of his teeth was knocked out.


He was speechless, and he didn’t even dare to look at his swollen face like a pig’s head.


At that moment he didn’t want to live anymore.


Such thoughts have occurred many times in the past few years, but every time he told him that he would pass, and it would pass over time.


But this time he couldn’t stand it.


The last straw that broke the camel’s back remained in front of him like a death leaflet from the god of death.


He was timid, but if he lived in such pain every day, he would suddenly feel as if death was nothing.


Death was not a fear for him but a relief.


He stood on the rooftop on the top floor of the school, looking at the void under his feet, fearful and worried that he would continue to live in such pain.


He wants to die in front of this group of perpetrators, and let the society let people know their crimes.


They are tormenting devils, and what they destroy is a living being.


It was a self-aware homicide.


Just jump from here and he’s free.


However, just as he was about to jump down, a clear voice sounded behind him, “What are you doing?”


He looked back and saw that it was a very beautiful young man, his school uniform was upright, but he has long hair from head to shoulders, and a pair of peach blossom eyes were staring at him without blinking.


“I’m going to die,” was his answer.


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the young man showing a very surprised expression.


The next moment, he rushed towards him with his heels on his feet. He was like a little wild boar, and he suddenly came back.


“No, this can’t be done!” 


The young man dragged his head firmly, “Why did you commit suicide, haven’t you eaten the custard buns at the school gate?” 


Without waiting for him to refuse, the young man pulled. He walked off the roof, very tough.


He walked all the way to the school gate, but he was about to play truant soon. The boy looked a little cautious, looked at the security room quietly, and muttered, “It’s okay, I have all my hair left, I’m a bad student. It is justified.”


Then he took him out of the school swaggering… hunched over like a thief.


The boy bought him two custard and white, and smiled brightly, “Eat it, this custard bun is delicious.”


This was the only kindness he received in the dark days.


The boy also took one and patted him on the back while eating, “Don’t forget, there are still many beautiful things in this world.” 


The boy frowned at the wound on his face, and ran to the pharmacy to buy him some medicine.


Seeing that it was inconvenient for him to hold a custard bag, he began to give him medicine awkwardly.


“Did someone bully you at school?” 


“They’re so bad, they beat you like this!”


“If someone bullies you again in the future, come to me!”


He looked up at the boy after hearing this.


The young man smiled at him and said, “I won’t let others bully you!”


It was just a simple sentence, but he waited too long.


He was eating custard buns, tears streaming down uncontrollably, and even his whole body was shaking.


The boy stayed with him for a long time, and finally sent him home.


“If someone bullies you in the future, you will come to see me in the first class of the sophomore year.” Facing the golden light of the sunset, the boy said, “My name is Lu Yuanbai.”


In the days that followed, the boy named Lu Yuanbai would indeed be bullied by him. appears when .


But it doesn’t seem to be as cool as he imagined.


The young man was in front of him, his frightened calf trembling slightly, to refute other people’s slanderous words, and to snatch him a school bag.


But because of the family, none of the people who bullied him dared to move far away.


In this way, every time others trouble him, the boy will appear.


Obviously, teachers and parents have not done these things for him.


When he was a teenager, Lu Yuanbai pulled him out of the dark valley, but he suddenly disappeared when he was about to take the college entrance examination in his third year of high school.


No one knew where Lu Yuanbai went, and heard from others that something was wrong at home.


After that, he never saw Lu Yuanbai again, and he also said goodbye to his thin and small body in order not to let people continue to bully him and start exercising.


It was not until a few years ago that Lu Yuanbai came to private education because he wanted to maintain his body, and the two met again. 


He had changed a lot, and he no longer had the smile of his youth, nor did he recognize him.


But he didn’t care.


Even if the other party doesn’t remember him, Lu Yuanbai will always be the light in his life.


In that dark world that never sees the light of day, Lu Yuanbai is the only ray of light that shines in.


Bright and dazzling.


But now, looking at the light in his life, he lifted the weight-bearing bar upwards with his waist and abdomen in great pain, and the bones cracking repeatedly.


The macho instructor: “…”


Song Zhao heard that Lu Yuanbai came to take a private training course and also came over to take a look.


After all, during this period of time, he was busy with workout and neither of them saw each other.


As soon as he walked in, he heard a squawk.


“Yo! Isn’t this a long way to go?” Song Zhao: “I haven’t seen you for a few days, and you’re already pulling like this?”

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