I Lost My Memory Before the Divorce Was Agreed

Chapter 47: 48

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Chapter 48: Kiss


“I will leave the day after tomorrow, and I will not go out today and tomorrow. Then I will plant seeds in the garden and glass greenhouse at home. The old lady of the flower shop said that if the flowers planted in the glass greenhouse are well maintained, they can bloom in a month. The ones that are planted in the garden outside are also selected according to the season, and they will bloom in autumn in three months.”


“Wait for the flowers to bloom” Lu Yuanbai smiled brightly, “I will be back.”


In fact, Lu Yuanbai was very reluctant to leave Duan Yu in his heart. 


If he was placed in the same environment as before, no matter how rascal he was, he would not live in a closed and strange place for more than three months.


But when he woke up after the car accident, he was an adult and someone else’s husband, and he had many responsibilities that he didn’t have when he was a teenager.


He could not go to work in the group, and his agent Lin Mu also said that if he really didn’t want to go, he could quit, but Lu Yuanbai didn’t want to.


In fact, he doesn’t need to think about it, he also knows that the twenty-five-year-old Lu Yuanbai must have suffered a lot to get to where he is today, a dazzling, popular and sought after star.


But before that, he knew that the twenty-five-year-old Lu Yuanbai had suffered a lot, suffered a lot of grievances, and his mother must have suffered a lot.


He has been watching the scenes filmed before Lu Yuanbai, 25, in the past few days, and his eyes have also changed a lot.


They are the same person, and the achievements made by Lu Yuanbai at the age of twenty-five cannot be undone because of his willfulness at the age of eighteen.


Although he was reluctant, he had to go. In the end, he held the two little guys and said in a muffled voice,


“I’ll be back soon.”


Duan Yu’s lifestyle has been different from others since he was a child. There is almost no people involved.


Even parents, relatives of the family, and Duan Yu followed them with a layer of estrangement.


But Aunt Li and the housekeeper looked at Lu Yuanbai, who was holding two little guys in front of him and smiled, saying that he wanted to plant flowers for Duan Yu, but their hearts were very sad.


Lu Yuanbai is sincere to his husband, and Lu Yuanbai has a certain reputation in his heart.


Before, the two met less often and spent more time together, and neither Lu Yuanbai nor Duan Yu seldom went home.


One is running around in the field, either for filming or there is a notice to catch up, and he travels to several cities a day. The other is a well-known workaholic.


Lu Yuanbai didn’t go home many times, and he only stayed for a week at most each time he came back, but in this short week, Duan Yu didn’t go home much.


The two spent almost no time together at home. At that time, the housekeeper and Aunt Li were still worried about whether their relationship was in trouble.


Since the two got married suddenly and Lu Yuanbai had nothing to say at home, and it was not easy for them to ask questions.


It wasn’t until Lu Yuanbai’s car accident that he went home for treatment and began to make them feel at ease.


During the three months that Lu Yuanbai was recovering from his injury, Duan Yu would go home on time after work every day. 


If there was entertainment, he would call back in advance. Lu Yuanbai would leave a light for him at the door and wait for him to get home at night.


In front of Lu Yuanbai, Duan Yu seemed to have also become an ordinary person. He went out every morning and returned home as a man running around the family. 


When he returned home in the middle of the night, someone left a lamp for him to wait for him to come back.


You will have a warm and sincere hug when you go to work and when you come back from get off work, and will send messages that you have never sent before, eat on time every day, eat vegetables fed by your partner that he doesn’t like to eat, say good night to each other every day, and get up the next day. You can still see each other’s smiling faces.


In the past three months, Duan Yu has also changed. He will allow others to enter his neighborhood when he is working. The other party will sit on the sofa with the script and will not disturb him.


He likes Lu Yuanbai’s coquettish reliance on him. He likes to see someone waiting for him with a smiling face every day when he goes home and opens the door. 


For the past three months, Lu Yuanbai and Duan Yu were simple ordinary people in this world. They live the lives that other loving families lead.


Ordinary is beautiful.


The housekeeper looked at the bag of flower seeds, “Does Mr. Lu need help?”


Lu Yuanbai shook his head with his two cubs in his arms, “I can do it myself, do I have a water pipe and a small shovel at home?” 


The housekeeper nodded, “Yes, they are all in the back warehouse. I will ask someone to fetch them for Mr. Lu in a while.” 


Lu Yuanbai: “I’ll be troubling you.” 


The housekeeper looked at Lu Yuanbai, “Mr. Lu is very kind.” 


After all the preparation tools were ready, Lu Yuanbai took a big straw hat and planned to go to the garden to plant flowers.


Pipi and Mimi were just a little scared and unable to adapt to the unfamiliar environment. 


Seeing that Lu Yuanbai was leaving to go to the garden, the two little guys also hurriedly followed, for fear that Lu Yuanbai was going to go to the garden without them.


When Lu Yuanbai felt that the tools in his hand were a little heavy and wanted to quickly carry it to the destination for a while, he walked fast and big, and seeing the distance getting farther and farther, the two little guys in the back were anxious.


“Ow! Ow!” The little milk cat was okay, although the legs are a little short, but it can run.


But Pipi is different. Pipi is still only a clumsy corgi cub, who only twists his butt and walks. 


The more he hurries up, the further you go, the farther you go, it is about to disappear, not to mention the fear and anxiety in your heart.


Thinking that Lu Yuanbai walked so fast and didn’t look back, he didn’t want him anymore.


He was basically exercising in a hurry with his short four calves, but his butt was very clumsy when he walked.


But every time after turning somersaults, he quickly stood up and continued chasing, for fear that if he slowed down, Lu Yuanbai would disappear.


However, when he reached a corner, Lu Yuanbai walked fast and disappeared instantly, his brown eyes widened like glass beads and the little guy suddenly became anxious.


The very pitiful screamed, and the little milk cat stopped and looked at the little corgi.


The little guy was too tired, his grievances and fears broke out completely after Lu Yuanbai disappeared, he sat down on the ground and cried out very sadly.


“Ow! Ow! Ow…” 


The cry was very pitiful, and the little tongue was sticking out happily and retracted, and the little ears that were slightly raised also drooped down, and there was a constant little cry in the mouth. 


It’s like saying that Lu Yuanbai doesn’t want them anymore. The little milk cat spins around Pi Pi, and from time to time he goes up and nudges the little corgi, but the little guy is now immersed in the process of extreme sadness, and he couldn’t care about his good friend’s comfort.


Lu Yuanbai hummed and carried a large bucket, a water pipe, some fodder for planting flowers, a small shovel and other tools. 


The Duan family was very big. The location of the flower house is not far from the house, but compared with other places in the Duan family, although it is close, it takes three or four minutes to walk.


These three or four minutes seem to be short, but Lu Yuanbai is holding something too heavy in his hand, and instantly feels that a minute has passed, especially long.


Lu Yuanbai walked hummingly, carrying something, but just halfway there, he heard a very pitiful cry.


Could it be that the two little guys also came out?


At that time, Lu Yuanbai took something and walked out without eyes on the back of his head. He naturally didn’t know that the two little guys followed him out.


After hearing that small, extremely pitiful cry, he hurriedly looked back.


Sure enough, the two little guys were at the corner of the wall, Pi Pi with his ears dropped, crying pitifully.


However, when Lu Yuanbai’s figure reappeared, his mouth ready to cry instantly closed, and a pair of big eyes stared at Lu Yuanbai.


“Ow!” Seeing Lu Yuanbai coming out again, the little Pi Pi that was sitting on the ground hurriedly lifted up, walking around Lu Yuanbai happily with his short legs.


“What’s wrong with you?”


Lu Yuanbai put the things aside, picked up Pi Pi and asked. But in the end, there is a difference between people and dogs, even if Lu Yuanbai asked Pi Pi, he wouldn’t understand.


Then Lu Yuanbai stretched out his hand and took Mimi over. The little milk cat looked at him and didn’t meow, but patted Lu Yuanbai’s hand with its little meat pad.


Lu Yuanbai looked at the short legs of the two little guys, it was too short and cute. Lu Yuanbai couldn’t help laughing.


Lu Yuanbai reached out and squeezed the paws of the two little guys, then took off the big straw hat on his head and put the two little guys in, then hung the rope under the straw hat around his neck.


The two little guys sat in the straw hats and immediately rose into the air. Since the straw hat rope was hanging around their necks, the two little guys also stayed directly in front of Lu Yuanbai’s chest and were afraid to move. 


After all, Lu Yuanbai was more than 1.8 meters tall, and the disparity between the two little guys who were only a few tens of centimeters above sea level was indeed big.


Not long after that, the two little guys, who were still a little scared, sat in the straw hats with their fluffy heads stretched out, stared at him with big round eyes, and looked out with their straw hats in a very novel way.


“Pi Pi, Mimi!”


Seeing that the two little guys became more and more excited, not only their fluffy little heads, but their bodies also climbed up and leaned forward slightly. 


Lu Yuanbai saw them getting ready to jump out and called out for the little guys twice.


After hearing Lu Yuanbai calling them, Pi Pi and Mimi raised their heads to look at Lu Yuanbai, as if they knew that Lu Yuanbai was about to murder them because they were messing around. 


They looked out curiously, but this time their little body didn’t move.


Lu Yuanbai picked up the big water bucket and flower planting tools again, and strode towards the garden with his family and family.


The old woman told him to loosen the soil before planting flowers. After arriving at the place, Lu Yuanbai decided to plant flowers in the garden outside first, and then go to the glass greenhouse to plant roses that his wife likes tomorrow.


Lu Yuanbai put the two little guys on the ground, then put on a big straw hat, took out rose seeds and some autumn flowers, and planned to loosen the soil first.


The two little guys have lived in a pet store since birth, and in their world, the whole world seems to be the size of a pet store.


The first time it landed on the grass, it was very novel to slap the grass with its paws, and then their animal instinct was stimulated at this moment, and even the little guy was playing happily in the garden.


They excitedly shouted a few times.


Lu Yuanbai looked at the two little guys and found it interesting, so he took out his mobile phone and recorded it for the two little guys, and then he started his flower-growing career without being idle.


Since it was the first time trying to plant something and the time was only two days, Lu Yuanbai’s every step was very serious and careful. For fear that Duan Yu would not be able to plant flowers, the soil loosened for nearly an hour.


After an hour, the two little guys were also a little tired from playing. They sat obediently next to Lu Yuanbai and watched him loosen the soil with a small shovel.


Pi Pi looked more and more energetic, then raised his butt and walked to Lu Yuanbai’s side, tentatively digging out the soil with his claws, and then looked at Lu Yuanbai.


Lu Yuanbai also happened to see Pi Pi’s move, and praised without hesitation, “Not bad.”


After that, Pi Pi started to clumsily dig soil with small paws on one side. Mimi is a clean kitten. He didn’t want to get my claws dirty, but seeing Pi Pi digging in the dirt stupidly, he finally chose to join it.


The Duan family’s garden is large, and when the soil is loosened, it is already twelve o’clock at noon, when the sun is at its best.


Lu Yuanbai returned to the house with a straw hat and two little guys in his arms, planning to have lunch and sow seeds when the sun went down and it wasn’t so hot.


Maybe because of the recent exercise that loosened the soil all morning, and Lu Yuanbai didn’t feel tired. Instead, the two little guys started to lie on the floor and sleep with their stomachs paralyzed after eating.


You are reading story I Lost My Memory Before the Divorce Was Agreed at novel35.com

Maybe it was because of the crazy play in the morning, the two little guys slept very soundly.


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When Lu Yuanbai saw it, he waited and watched, wondering if Duan Yu would like these two little guys.


Mimi is very humanlike and very beautiful, with big blue crystal clear eyes and snow-white hair all over his body. The owner said that before he came, many people wanted to buy Mimi back, but they were all unsuccessful, so there was a long way to go. Yuanbai feels that he and Mimi have a lot of fate.


Not to mention Pi Pi, it was the puppy he wanted to bring home the first time he entered the pet store. 


Even if his companions bullied him and robbed him of food, the little guy didn’t attack his companions. Although he sometimes acted clumsy and a little slow, but in fact, butt is still very smart in addition to being stupid.


The two little guys were probably really tired and didn’t wake up until two o’clock in the afternoon.


When Lu Yuanbai saw it, he put on his big straw hat and planned to go out to plant flowers. The housekeeper hurried forward and said, “Mr. Lu, I’ll go with you. By the way, I’ll call some helpers.”


Lu Yuanbai shook his head after hearing this. He said with a smile: “No need, I want to grow flowers for my wife by myself, it makes more sense.”


Lu Yuanbai’s beautiful fantasy about love contains a lot of romance in his bones. Eighteen-year-old Lu Yuanbai wants to leave something to his lover at the best age. The flowers he planted by himself will also be Duan Yu’s sustenance for missing him in the future.


Those are the flowers he planted for his lover. In the eyes of the innocent young master, flowers are also love, and their love will be as beautiful and bright as blooming flowers.


He has him in his heart.


Lu Yuanbai has Duan Yu in his heart.


Lu Yuanbai’s thin body walked to the garden, he was going to plant flowers, and when the whole season bloomed, it was his love for Duan Yu, and it was also Duan Yu’s expectation of his return.


When he comes back and the flowers will be blooming, he and Duan Yu walk in the garden holding hands, and finally play a swing, two people, and weeding together when they are free on weekends.


Lu Yuanbai began to sow seeds with his enthusiasm for love, and what he planted was flowers and love.


Lu Yuanbai kept planting the seeds until four or five in the afternoon, and then he stood up and stretched out to find a long water pipe. 


He went to the sprinkler device that sprayed the lawn green area of ​​Duan’s family around, and put the water pipe and the water pipe next to him. The faucet is connected, planning to go to the garden for watering.


However, as soon as Lu Yuanbai connected the water pipe, he found that the long water pipe seemed to move on its own again. Lu Yuanbai looked around in surprise, and the next moment he was suddenly slapped with water.


Lu Yuanbai: “!!!”


What happened? 


Lu Yuanbai wiped his face and looked around.


He didn’t know when the two little guys ran out of the house.


Pi Pi felt that it was fun and was happily stepping on the soft water pipe, and then began to jump around with the water pipe in its mouth.


The little milk cat, whl was pulling the grass by the side, was also drenched.


Lu Yuanbai’s brows twitched and he was busy chasing after him, but because he had been squatting for a long time, his legs were numb for a while, and the taste of walking with a limp was very unusual, and he couldn’t catch up with his ass at all.


In this way, he watched Pi Pi jumping around with the water pipe in its mouth, and the last one was loaded into the small dirt pit that Lu Yuanbai had just thrown from the practice of loosening the soil.


Duan Yu saw Lu Yuanbai’s figure as soon as he got out of the car, and saw Lu Yuanbai hurriedly walking to a place.


He yelled out, “Duan Pi Pi!”


Duan Yu: ? ? ?


The next moment, Lu Yuanbai took out a… muddy dog from the pit.


Duan Yu: “…”


 Before Duan Yu took a few steps in, he ran into a snow-white kitten head-on. For a while, one person and one cat looked at each other. For some reason, they were silent for a while.


Mimi: …


Duan Yu: …


Pi Pi was covered in soil and water from the pit, and it is muddy. Lu Yuanbai picks it up, like a mud dog.


“Duan Pi Pi!”


Lu Yuanbai called Pi Pi’s full name very seriously.


But Pi Pi didn’t know the danger at all. Instead, he had a good time just now, and cried very excitedly: “Ow!” 


The next moment, Duan Yu saw Pi Pi flicking the mud on his body and the little mud on Lu Yuanbai’s face.




Looking at the naive look of the mud dog, Lu Yuanbai also laughed for a while, unable to get angry.


Then he planned to take Pipi to wash, and when he turned around, he saw Duan Yu standing not far away.


Lu Yuanbai raised Pipi to Duan Yu, “Wife, you’re back!”


Pipi: “Ow!”


Looking at the person and dog in the distance, Duan Yu felt inexplicably at ease. Yesterday, he went upstairs because of the awkward atmosphere. When he went out in the morning, his mood was not good, and he was a little indifferent to Lu Yuanbai.


But the other party didn’t take it to heart, and still greeted him like every day.


Duan Yu stepped forward, and Lu Yuanbai stood there holding the muddy dog.


“Wife, I have mud on my body now, wait…”


Because of the mud that he just dumped on his body, Lu Yuanbai planned to postpone the hug at home every day, and Duan Yu’s suit and shoes would be dirty, and He knew that his wife was a little clean.


However, as soon as he finished speaking, Duan Yu came forward and hugged him and Pipi into his arms.


A sudden double-sided hug.


Pipi: ? ? ?


Lu Yuanbai obviously didn’t expect Duan Yu to come forward and hug him when there was mud on his body, and he was still a little dirty.




The two didn’t let go until the mud dog in their arms finally wanted to let go and howl in a low voice.


Lu Yuanbai introduced Duan Yu with the mud dog, “Wife, this is Duan Pipi.”


Then he pointed to the little milk cat squatting on the side, “It’s called Lu Mimi.”


After hearing the names, he was speechless for a while, but he didn’t show his dislike for the two little guys. Lu Yuanbai was relieved when he saw it.


Duan Yu looked at a lot of things in the garden, Lu Yuanbai followed his wife’s gaze, and said a little embarrassedly: “I want to plant some flowers for you before I leave.”


After observing the garden for a long time without saying a word, Duan Yu then said: “What time is the plane the day after tomorrow?”


Lu Yuanbai said dully: “Five o’clock in the morning.”


Then he looked at the water pipe on the ground: “Is it going to be watered?”


Lu Yuanbai nodded. Nodding, he saw Duan Yu holding the water pipe.


Lu Yuanbai hurriedly said: “Wife, let me do it.”


Duan Yu glanced at him, “No need.”


Lu Yuanbai hugged the dog, “Wife, do you know how much to pour?”


Duan Yu unwillingly lowered with his hand holding the water pipe.




Then came the weekend. On Saturday morning, Duan Yu did not go to deal with the documents after having breakfast, but went to plant flowers in the glass greenhouse with Lu Yuanbai.


But the pampered big boss planting flowers, caused a lot of trouble with his clumsiness, and was finally sent to tend the children.


Looking at the little milk cat and the fat corgi in front of him, Duan Yu fell into contemplation.


A day later, when Lu Yuanbai was about to leave, it was bright at five o’clock in the summer morning, and the car waiting for Lu Yuanbai had already parked at the gate of Duan’s house.


“I’ll drive you.”


Duan Yu sent Lu Yuanbai to the door, and opened his mouth just as Lu Yuanbai was about to get into the car.


Lu Yuanbai felt sour in his heart, but shook his head.


Duan Yu was a little surprised, and there was a rare feeling of loss in his heart.


Before he could ask, he heard Lu Yuanbai say: “Wife, if you send me there, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to part with you in the future, and I won’t be able to leave.” 


The two little guys were also circling around Lu Yuanbai, Lu Yuanbai picked them up and handed them to Duan Yu’s arms.


“Take care of your mother at home.”


Male mother Duan Yu: “…”


Lu Yuanbai pursed his lips, not to mention how reluctant he was in his heart. Looking at Duan Yu, he felt like tears were about to fall in the next second.


Duan Yu looked at the expression on Lu Yuanbai’s face, and stared at him with eyes that were usually not emotionally fluctuating.


Lu Yuanbai pursed his lips, not wanting to give Duan Yu heavy emotions, he forced a smile and said, “I’ll be back when the flowers bloom.”


“Then we’ll walk in the garden holding hands.”


When I went to see Duan Yu, I was afraid that he would be reluctant and would not be able to leave.


Then came a very soft voice, “I’ll wait for you to come back.”


Lu Yuanbai couldn’t help looking back at Duan Yu, and Duan Yu also looked at him.


The next moment, Duan Yu only felt a heat on his cheeks, and a soft touch came from his skin.


He saw Lu Yuanbai turn around and leave a clumsy and light kiss on Duan Yu’s cheek.

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