I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot

Chapter 764: 9.41 Second Blue Star - (Past) Eternal Soul Destiny Marriage

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A person was born within the abyss. The Abyss had cared for him, catered to his needs, and served him as their king. The darkness was all under his control. This is the power the Origin had given to him. The shadows are under his command, at the time when there is no sun, he is the strongest. All unclean and evil things would fear and revere him. Because he was created to control them and held the reins to the chains connected to their necks. It was because of this that he was called the God of Void. He doesn't know any happiness. He had no emotion at birth. He had nothing but his own.

So when he comes out of the abyss meeting the other existence made him uncomfortable. He is like a clean slate. He knows nothing, like an innocent person he has no idea of what is happening in the world. He roams around. World to world. As the embodiment of Darkness, only negative things are attracted to him and the rest hate him. He had seen lots of things. Bad things, Evil ways, and Cruelty. He had seen all of it and at the same time experienced it. Just as when he thought he would finally go crazy with all those adverse things, Shen Siwang finally appeared.

He helped in purifying his soul. Shen Siwang is the light that helped him clear up his mind. He also instinctively knew that this person is his alter ego but they were not the same person. They were separate beings that were created by the Origin. They are like twins but unlike him who had lived in the abyss, this person was created in light.

Because Shen Siwang is the only person he could understand, he got attached to this person. It is the same feeling as if one of the twins had a brother complex to the other twin. That kind of feeling, there is no love between them. But each other's existence balances the others. To him, Shen Siwang is the only light in his world, not because he adores him or anything because as long as he exists he would as well. They are a unique existence that will never die. Even if they did, they would reincarnate as the same person no matter what they do.

But unfortunately, unlike him, Shen Siwang had lots of people around him. He is a loved God. As the Light God that was created by the Origin, he is the source of all life in this world. He had the power of creation. He is someone that the others couldn't be helped but revere as that was rightfully his place. There is no place for him in that lighted world, he chose to keep his distance from Shen Siwang and just watched him from far away. 

Until they had discovered another existence that is unique like theirs. This time it's a family. A couple with two sons and a daughter. The one found out that this family is like them when the Origin had spoken to Shen Siwang and him after tons of millennia had already passed. Eventually, Shen Siwang had fallen to one of the sons of the couple. The Origin had forbidden them from killing off each other as unique beings are rare in this world.

Watching the interaction between Shen Siwang and that person, the God of Void finally felt that the only person on his side was being stolen from him. This made him fearful. The suffocating loneliness, the feeling of the misery of almost going crazy. Xia Jieye had feared it all. That's why he tried all ways to make sure Shen Siwang would never be with that man named Mo Baojun. Unlike him and Shen Siwang, the other unique had a fatal weakness.

Though they couldn't die no matter what, there is an existence that can end their immortality. The Mo Family can only be killed by their own kind or their chosen other half. He made plans and made others to let Shen Siwang misperceive Mo Baojun and these misunderstandings would create a gap between the two. Ultimately at least at that moment, he was the most important existence for Shen Siwang as they treated each other as brothers.

As he successfully made Shen Siwang hate Mo Baojun enough to kill him and what he wanted was achieved Shen Siwang learned everything he had done behind that person's back. Making him kill the person he loves most became the heaviest sin that Xia Jieye had done. It was because of this that their relationship became strange. Shen Siwang avoided him and would always glare at him as he wanted to kill every time they met each other.

He watched as his alter ego went to all worlds looking for something that could revive his beloved. Even watch him beg the Origin to bring back the person alive. For the first time, even someone emotionless like Xia Jieye had felt guilty the first time as he watched the events unfold within the darkness. But unfortunately, the origin says that a rare being cannot be reborn after dying with true death.

Especially for Mo Baojun who died under the hands of his sole weakness, which was Shen Siwang. Just when he was about to give up and do the forbidden means to bring back his lover to life, Xia Jieye had appeared before the origin while Shen Siwang was talking to it. As expected, the latter had glared at him as if he wanted to take his life but sadly he cannot do so. Because like him, their life is eternal without any means of death,

Shen Siwang said with a voice that was a bit hoarse and full of fatigue yelled at Xia Jieye, "What are you doing here? Is killing my lover, not enough!? You still want to interfere with me trying to revive him!"

With an apathetic face, Xia Jieye glanced at Shen Siwang callously, "I gave the hints but... it was your choice to take his life. Do not blame me for it, idiot." he said.

Shen Siwang's rage flared almost instantly as he grabbed Xia Jieye's collar and punched him, one after another. He could only stop when he saw his brother look at him expressionlessly. He pressed him on the ground and continued to hit him but regardless of what he did or how many times he hit him, Xia Jieye still looked at him straight. There are no emotions on his face. He should have known. No, he already knew but turned a blind eye over it.

As the God of Void, Xia Jieye had no emotions. He had nothing. The only reason this person is attached to him is that he had saved him once and because they are each other's alter egos. Like a person without any feeling, he would do anything he thought was right and wanted. There is no other element involved. It is just that this person could not understand him or anyone. He is after all a person no different from a doll.

Thinking about this Shen Siwang felt that blaming him had no use. Then the only way for this person to listen to him is to make him want or think of something. As long as he could get him to move, Xia Jieye would help him. Tears could help but fall from Shen Siwang's eyes to Xia Jieye's face. Even with that warmness falling on his face Xia Jieye remained cold and indifferent as he couldn't understand the feeling of Shen Siwang at this moment.

Shen Siwang said, "Help me. Help me find a way to bring Baobao alive. As long as you help me I will create emotions for you to have. You've always wanted this right? You wanted to have feelings like any other being. Then I will create some emotions and allow you to have it but I warned you your emotions aren't toys. Unless you want to regret it in the end, don't take it lightly."

Xia Jieye nods his head stiffly from pain but nothing shows on his face. Siwang had taught him how to control light elements. Though the light hated him with the blessing from Shen Siwang he could at least use it to heal himself.

"It not there isn't a way. There is one that I know that may bring him back to life and give the Mo Family you like the most away to avoid true death. But regardless, their weakness can never be removed," said Xia Jieye.

Hearing this the fade-out light within his eyes had glowed once more. "What is it? What should be done? Tell me!"

"Calm down. To do it we need the permission of the Origin," said Xia Jieye who moved his gaze on Shen Siwang to the Origin and then asked. "Origin. I and Siwang had no path for true death. In short, our lives are eternally eternal. We couldn't die and couldn't be replaced. If we exchange this to give the Mo Clan a way of escaping the true death would you agree?"

{By asking this, doth thee knoweth yond thee can beest be replaced? coequal then doth thee still wanteth to exchange?}

Translation: [By asking this, do you know that you can be replaced? Even then do you still want to exchange?]

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Xia Jieye, asked by this question, moved his gaze to Shen Siwang once more. The latter had agreed without hesitation, just this action shows how important Mo Baojun is to him.

"Agreed! I agreed to anything just let me bring Mo Baojun back to life!" said Shen Siwang.

Xia Jieye nonchalantly agreed to it as well, "Then I will follow after my brother as well."

{Thee hadst madeth thy choice.  This cannot beest taken backeth.  The mo can beest given a chance to escapeth true death only at which hour the p'rson those gents hadst chosen as their oth'r half continues to liveth.  To bringeth those folk backeth alive, aft'r their deaths their soul wouldst beest fragment'd and liveth in oth'r w'rlds base'r than vearth. 

Collecteth these soul fragments.  The destiny of life and death wouldst beest did share between the two souls.  Utilizeth the oth'r w'rld's en'rgy to nourish only at which hour ev'rything becomes whole again yond one can waketh up once again. 

This is an opp'rtunity the 'rigin wouldst gift to the unique.  Ch'rish thy bond and thee wouldst beest et'rnal f'rev'r}

Translation: [You had made your choice. This cannot be taken back. The Mo can be given a chance to escape true death only when the person they had chosen as their other half continues to live. To bring them back alive, after their deaths their soul would be fragmented and live in other worlds lower than Vearth.

Collect these soul fragments. The destiny of life and death would be shared between the two souls. Utilize the other world's energy to nourish only when everything becomes whole again that one can wake up once again.

This is an opportunity the origin would gift to the unique. Cherish your bond and you would be eternal forever.]

The Origin had taken something from Shen Siwang and Xia Jieye's body. The invincibility that was unique to them was taken away. There were now the permanent Gods of Origin and Void. Once they die, another unique existence can replace them. But with this exchange, Mo Baojun who died lately had his soul fragments scattered all over the created world of Shen Siwang. He needs to visit countless worlds to bring him back as a whole.

{Requirements f'r et'rnal soul destiny feather-bed: 

First, the couple might not but beest both a unique existence. 

  Second, completeth three imp'rtant rituals: mateship c'remony, soul feather-bed, and dao partn'rship. 

  Third, completeth the trials.  Each individual might not but collecteth each oth'r's fragments.  24 w'rlds in total.  12 w'rlds f'r the groom and 12 f'r the bride.  All soul fragments might not but beest did collect at all costs. 

Once ev'rything above is did achieve, the couple wouldst et'rnally beest did bind to each oth'r. Sharing the life and teen. Togeth'r until the endeth of timeth.}

Translation: [Requirements for eternal soul destiny marriage: 

First, the couple must be both a unique existence.

Second, complete three important rituals: Mateship Ceremony, Soul Marriage, and Dao Partnership.

Third, complete the trials. Each individual must collect each other's fragments. 24 worlds in total. 12 worlds for the groom and 12 for the bride. All soul fragments must be collected at all costs.

Once everything above is achieved, the couple would eternally be bound to each other. Sharing life and pain. Together until the end of time.]

In the end, Mo Baojun and Shen Siwang completed all the trials and passed all tribulation which allowed the two of them to return to Vearth and finally get married for real. As promised Shen Siwang had created emotions and inputted them into Xia Jieye's body. Learning what guilt and regret are, Xia Jieye accepted Mo Baojun reluctantly though he still hated him as much.

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