I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My Child

Chapter 25: CH 74

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The mishandling of the hitmen caused everyone to fall to the ground collectively.

The owner of the wonton shop downstairs looked up blankly and saw countless figures falling from the sky like meteors, falling on the stone desk in front of the door. They then rolled into a ball with people stacked on top of each other and tumbled into a huge curb.

Boss, “……”

On the roof, the person who takes orders looked at Gu Yixin while forcing himself to calm down and suppressing his trembling.

Gu Yixin said, “You see.”

The person who takes orders smiled and said, “Young hero, young hero’s bravery really surpasses others. I, I, my humble self1He is trying to be as humble as he can. is really not your opponent. I should not, must not have never, never come to you to provoke…”

As he said this, he turned around and wanted to slip away.

When Gu Yixin wants to catch someone, he would definitely not let anyone escape.

So he rushed up with a brisk step, picked up the back of the thin high schooler’s shirt collar, and lifted him high like a chicken.

The person who takes orders can be considered as experienced and knowledgeable too. When he was young, he used to follow his elder brothers to collect debts and has often seen great experts lift others like this. When he supervised his hitmen to complete the registration, he saw plenty of torture methods of all kinds. But he had never experienced it personally.

He became so scared immediately that his speech became incoherent and he cried with his tongue wide open, “Big, big brother, I have something to say……”

Gu Yixin became impatient, “Cut the crap. Who wants to kill me? Tell me now.”

It was a terrible thing to have an opponent who you can neither see nor touch but wanted your life.

Although, in fact, no one in this world can make Gu Yixin feel “frightened”. But “feeling edgy” was also quite annoying.

Gu Yixin said sincerely: “Quickly tell me the name, reason, and identity. Tell me as much as you know, or I will throw you down.”

The person who takes orders was not as thick-skinned and meaty as those hitmen. If he falls down from here, he is 96.92% likely to become paraplegic and will not be able to take care of himself for life.

The person who takes orders miserably wiped away tears, “Hey, I will say. I will say.”

One minute later.

Gu Yixin squatted next to the eaves, raising one hand of the person who takes orders with his left hand. His left arm was hanging horizontally in the air like this and his chin was resting on his right hand while he pondered.

As it turned out, the one who wanted to take his life was none other than the Comrade Gambling King.

Just because he won against him several times at the full moon banquet last time?

This Gambling King was too vindictive and really petty.

He still hadn’t settled the score with him for that unlucky killer who pushed his wife.

The more Gu Yixin thought about it, the more he felt that it won’t do.

I have to settle this score with him.

The face of the person who takes orders turned purplish red, and the whole person was already on the point of death. He was begging for mercy with a final mosquito-like voice.

Only then did Gu Yixin come back to his senses. He mercifully withdrew his hand and put the middle-aged man on the surface of the roof.

Just when the person who takes orders took a few breaths and regained his consciousness with great difficulty, he heard Gu Yixin say:

“When you go back, tell him that the task has been completed. Just tell him that the target has been hospitalized with serious injuries and is only hanging on by his last breath.”

The person who takes orders hurriedly nodded.

“As for the remuneration he pays you……”

“It’s all yours. It’s all yours. ”

The person who takes orders no longer dared to beep. Knowing what he should say, he hurriedly kissed up to him and said.

Gu Yixin surprisingly said, “You speak very well now. But it’s not necessary. I will give you half of it. Count it as my psychological compensation. And the remaining half……”

Gu Yixin glanced at the bottom of the building with good intentions. The hitmen were stacked one by one. Hitman Z set his dislocated elbow before getting up and when he looked he came into contact with the line of sight of Gu Yixin. he was so scared that he sat back on the ground again.

“Let’s give this remaining half to your brothers to see a doctor.” Gu Yixin said sympathetically, “If there is still something left, divide it into retirement pay according to the number of people. Anyway, after today’s event, they probably won’t have the confidence to continue in this business.”

The person who takes orders looked at him, feeling moved, “You are such a nice person!”

Gu Yixin accepted this good person card and continued to walk home leisurely on the roof at a speed of 160 mph while pondering how to deal with the Gambling King.

As soon as Gu Yixin entered the door, he smelled a strong bitter smell.

This bitterness was both familiar and unfamiliar to him. Compared with the familiar bitterness of tea mixed with coffee, chocolate, and mint. Today’s bitterness was also mixed with strong fatigue and sadness.

As if with a sniff, he entered into the hopeless inner world of the body that exuded this bitter taste.

Oh my god, how could it be so strong?

Gu Yixin was going crazy with the bitter smell. He walked around the living room but didn’t see a trace of anyone.

When he went upstairs, the taste became more mellow and richer like a bitter coffee that was brewed for a thousand years and it kept drilling into people’s noses.

Gu Yixin searched every room. But there was no one and finally climbed up the roof following the smell.

At a glance, he saw Lu Mingshi standing on the edge of the eaves, opening his arms towards the sunset and the evening breeze. With a look as if he wanted to ride the wind back to the world that you will see later, which spooked him out of his mind.

While the person wasn’t paying attention, Gu Yixin went over like a cat walking quietly on tiptoe, until he finally stood behind the person and hugged him firmly. Only then did he relax his tight heart.

“Mr. Lu.” Gu Yixin said sorrowfully, “You can’t be so pessimistic. No matter what happens, you can’t leave me and the child behind!”

Lu Mingshi looked back blankly and his eyes full of question marks, “?”

Gu Yixin, “……”

Gu Yixin dragged the person back a few steps without changing his face. Dragging him away from the dangerous eaves, he said with a stern expression, “Don’t stand on the edge, it’s very dangerous.”

Lu Mingshi nodded, still in a daze, “It’s okay…… I’m just not in a good mood. So I came up to take a break.”

It took him a long time to realize that Gu Yixin was afraid that he was attempting suicide and he couldn’t help but be between laughing and crying, “That’s impossible. My cub hasn’t been weaned yet, and I don’t have postpartum depression. Why would I jump off the building when I am perfectly all right?”

Gu Yixin still stared at him anxiously and slowly eased his expression a bit. He comforted, “Tell me if you run into something. Maybe I can help.”

Lu Mingshi sighed and said in his heart that you wouldn’t be able to help.

But he didn’t want to lie. So he finally told the truth.

“Lack of capital.”

As soon as he said this, his emotions that had just relaxed a little bit became twisted again, and Gu Yixin could only smell the bitterness in the air that was getting stronger and stronger.

While Gu Yixin’s expression got increasingly enigmatic, Lu Mingshi whispered, “The capital gap exceeds my estimation by 500%. I want to use my personal assets to get to underwrite it. But I am hesitating.”

Gu Yixin looked at him. Somehow, he could foresee a little bit why Lu Mingshi said that.

“I think.” Lu Mingshi continued to say in a mood so low that it almost touched the ground, “I think, what if I lose? Then we won’t have anything at all. But I can’t let the child and…… let the child live a miserable life. That money must be divided and set aside for you guys.”

Gu Yixin looked at him and asked, “So, how do you plan to do this?”

Lu Mingshi swallowed his saliva and looked at Gu Yixin without speaking for a long time.

You are reading story I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My Child at novel35.com

Some conversations were more difficult than he thought.

Gu Yixin guessed what he was thinking and asked bluntly, “Do you want to divorce me?”

Lu Mingshi looked at him in shock, “No…… it’s not that you must……”

His mind was blank, and in a blink of an eye, the risk of bankruptcy, the major term of hideous mess, and the determination to cut off his means of retreat were all far away from him.

Lu Mingshi watched Gu Yixin’s good-looking lips open and close, slowly spitting out the word “divorce”.

Although it cannot be ruled out that he really, had a flash of thought and had a similar idea that,

he wanted to do a property division. At least it will not let the assets and liabilities of the Lu clan affect the lives of family members.

Even if he bet everything for the Lu clan, whether it’s the elderly parents, his little baby, or the guy in front of them, they shouldn’t be implicated.

But this word came out of Gu Yixin’s mouth like this, even though it was in a questioning tone.

He was like dynamite that had its fuse ignited and like a tabby cat who got stepped on its tail. The whole person was not well.

“No way!” Lu Mingshi said angrily, “Were you thinking about this all day long? Let me tell you, the moment you enter the door of my Lu house, you are from my Lu family! You are my man and my soul in life and death! Divorce? You can divorce a dead man!”

As he said this, he was about to rush to the eaves again as if to threaten him.

“All right, all right.” With a smile on his face, Gu Yixin held back with both his hands, “Why should I leave? My wife loves me so much. So why should I leave? Hmm?”

Lu Mingshi, “……”

His brain crashed with a thump. The motherboard was emitting white smoke, the CPU exploded with a bang, and the entire person was out of service.

Half an hour later.

Lu Mingshi, whose cheeks still carried the strange heat, sat upright on the sofa in the study room with a pile of documents on the small table in front of him.

“50% of the property is under my name.” Lu Mingshi repeated, “It is not much. Probably over just three hundred ……” His unit was a billion.

Gu Yixin looked at Lu Mingshi’s face behind the pile of documents.

“You know, I can’t understand.” Gu Yixin said seriously, “Do what you want to do. Your money is your money. The company is the heart and soul of the ancestors. Of course, if you can save it, you must do your best to save it.”

Lu Mingshi lowered his head uncomfortably and looked at the pattern on the carpet. He said in a deep voice, “But I can’t watch your lives being not safeguarded.”

He could eat grain bran and swallow vegetables2Enduring poverty and hardship of life.. But his parents can’t, his child can’t, and Gu Yixin can’t too.

“You forgot two points.” Gu Yixin pondered, “First of all, I also have a sum of money.”

Lu Mingshi smiled.

He knew that Gu Yixin would say this. The money Gu Yixin saved by himself was more than 10 million and for an ordinary family, it was considered a huge amount of money.

However, for the company, it is not even a cup of water on a burning cart of firewood3an utterly inadequate measure. It was better to say that it was a mud ox that entered the sea4to disappear with no hope of returning.

“Keep your money for your own use.” Lu Mingshi rubbed his face, raised his eyes to look at Gu Yixin’s appearance, and said softly.

Gu Yixin took out his mobile phone.

It was a text message from the person who takes orders, saying that the money had been credited to him and it would arrive soon.

Oh, that’s right. In addition to the ones that he saved, he had earned a bit recently.

Gu Yixin held his mobile phone and waited for text messages. He couldn’t help but be a little curious. He wondered how much it costed the Gambling King to buy this life of his.

Five seconds later, he received a notice of remittance from the bank.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight…… eight?

Gu Yixin counted the following zeros again.

He was a little confused.

It was only half of the balance, which was two hundred million.

“My dear.” Gu Yixin was dumbfounded, muttering in disbelief, “How much do you think I’m worth?”

Lu Mingshi, “?”

“It’s nothing.” Gu Yixin breathed a sigh of relief, his expression solemn, “I suddenly thought of a good method.”

After combining the previous “How much do you think I’m worth” and the sentence ”I suddenly thought of a good method”, Lu Mingshi immediately had a not-very-wonderful association.

“You are a priceless treasure.” Lu Mingshi said firmly, “I will not agree with you to sell your beauty. Whoever else, men, women, or any living animals, they cannot have even obscene emotions towards you. I will not allow it.”

Gu Yixin said helplessly, “Mr. Lu, where is your mind going?”

Lu Mingshi looked at him in a daze.

“You are my family…” Lu Mingshi slowly said, “You all…… I should protect you all.”

“It is conversely true too.” Gu Yixin said, “You should remember this point too.”

Gu Yixin’s idea was actually very simple.

First of all, it could be seen from the amount of this balance that the Gambling King was even richer than he had imagined.

Secondly, the Gambling King hated him even more than he had perceived.

In short.

The Gambling King was a huge hidden danger. It was necessary to get rid of the Gambling King and it was best to make him send money over obediently in passing.

So how could we get the Gambling King’s money and leave him not able to say anything?

Of course, it was by gambling with him.

However, the Gambling King must be very wary of him. If he know that he was sitting opposite him, he would definitely not dare to go to the gambling table.

But he had an ultimate buff: two lumps of black ash.

Therefore, it was not a problem to make the Gambling King unable to recognize him!

Okay. So far, the plan is complete and perfect…… Pooh, there is still a big loophole.

To get on a gambling ship, you must have enough status.

And since he wants to be in incognito and wants to board the gambling ship, he has to——

Pack himself.

Translator’s corner

Thank you so much for reading the chapter. If you liked my translation and wanna support me, you can comment down your thoughts about the chap or send me a Kofi.


Don’t feel shy to let me know in the comment section or in the discord of Knoxt if you find any mistakes~

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