I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My Child

Chapter 5: CH 57

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Editor: Rin

Gu Yixin told him that he went to the city sports school according to a certain elementary school admissions criteria.

Lu Mingshi was elated when he heard this.

How can my boyfriend be such an angel?

Lu Mingshi decided to continue supporting his career.

But he still had a question to ask.

“Are you still gonna work in the construction site?”

Gu Yixin nodded affirmatively.

“It is important for me to go.”

He only needs to train for two hours a day anyway.

It was the training to slow down his speed.

The rest of the time, he can still carry on his own affairs.

But Gu Yixin recalled An Qiao’s medical advice.

Lu Mingshi and the baby still need his company, so ……

“But I shouldn’t go now.”

As Lu Mingshi followed his gaze to his belly, he understood what he meant.

“It’s okay.” Lu Mingshi explained, “ An Qiao wants us to stay together for the whole day only if we are just kissing and touching without doing anything much……”

Lu’s face became a bit red when he said this.

“ So… “

“ You get what I meant, right?”

Gu Yixin came to a sudden realization.

So, does that mean that it will be better if we do it a few more times?

What’s so hard about it?

From that day onwards he trained in the sports school every morning and moved bricks in the evening in the newly started fourth stage. He was energetic every day.

So energetic that it reflected in his nightly affairs too. [ he he he ]

After a week, Gu Yixin had to go to a faraway province to participate in the provincial games.

On this trip, the first three days are for training, then seven days of competition, and then the medical examination and registration. It would take up nearly two weeks for the whole trip.

Lu Mingshi didn’t look much different on hearing this news.

“Go ahead.”

“It’ll be the end of March when I get back.” Gu Yixin said.

“It’s okay.”

Lu Mingshi thought for a moment and said: “Theoretically speaking, athletes have to be completely abstinent during the competition, so it is good that you are not at home during this period. It will be beneficial in improving your performance.”

Gu Yixin paused for a moment. He was surprised that Lu Mingshi was so natural about it.

“Actually, it’s not necessary.” Gu Yixin tried saying, “Coach has been telling me to run as slow as possible in the race.”

Even now Gu Yixin suspects that there was a problem with the sports school’s detector.

He has always felt that the most suitable event for him was weightlifting.

But I wonder how I gave an outstanding performance in athletics.

The coach told him with brimming emotions that our nation’s weightlifters are already outstanding enough.

” Athletics need talents like you the most!”

Lu Mingshi thought for a while about what he said.

“ So that means you don’t need to suppress your desires?”

Gu Yixin nodded.

Lu Mingshi then dominantly patted his bed.

“Then let’s make up for the 2 weeks’ worth of activities first.”

So they fought 300 rounds.

It took till the *fourth shift of the night for the troops to retreat.

*1:00 to 3:00 in the morning

This time the battle was too intense.

The two of them were sweating and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Lu Mingshi’s legs became jelly and he was not even able to sit still on the toilet. He almost fainted in the toilet.

Gu Yixin was not much better, their battle had made him so excited that his pituitary gland was still secreting hormones.

Finally, Gu Yixin assisted Lu Mingshi to their room as his legs were still wobbly.

Both of them fell into silence as they couldn’t even bear to look at their bed.

At this point, they could only change the sheets themselves.

Even after rummaging through the closet, Gu Yixin wasn’t able to find where the blankets were placed.

Finally, he wrapped his coat around him and went to the rooftop on the top floor to take down a sheet that was still drying out in the wind.

Luckily it had already dried.

Gu Yixin shook the bedsheet and while holding the four corners of the bedsheet two of them made the bed together.

Then they sat side by side at the bed’s head and pulled up the quilt.

Then it was time for them to have a chat.

Gu Yixin started the conversation.

“Speaking of which, I’ve been hearing Chen Ma talking to herself a lot lately.”

“Chen Ma said that the young master has been changing the sheets a little too often lately and that he sweats so much every day too, is there really no problem?”

Lu Mingshi thought to himself, no wonder Chen ma has indirectly asked me if I wanted to go to the hospital for a checkup.

Both of them were guilty when they thought about the reason for sweating.

Lu Mingshi murmured, “ Even though mom and dad came back to China permanently, they didn’t agree on staying here. So I suppose………”

Both of them looked at each other and the same idea came into their minds simultaneously.

Are we causing disturbances?

After a long time, Gu Yixin pulled the quilt up to cover Lu Mingshi’s chest.

“Although it’s March and it’s not too cold in the house, you still need to keep yourself warm.”

Then he paused for a minute.

Gu Yixin looked at Lu Mingshi’s belly and sank deep into his thoughts.

“Um…” Gu Yixin suddenly said, “Why do I feel ……”

“That it has grown a lot recently?”

Actually, Lu Mingshi didn’t think much about it but when Gu Yixin said this he also looked down at his belly and felt the same.

“It seems like that to me too. I’ll go find An Qiao tomorrow.”

Gu Yixin took a nap for three or four hours and woke up at nine in the morning.

Today he has to set off.

Gu Yixin slowly sat up. The thin quilt slipped off his body, revealing his bare upper body.

He shook his head to become clear-headed after his sleep.

The scent of last night’s madness still remained in the air.

Lu Mingshi was lying next to him with his back facing Gu Yixin.

The man’s tall body was curled into a ball in the posture of a newborn baby. This self-protective gesture looked like he was also protecting their unborn baby.

Gu Yixin’s sight fell on Lu Mingshi. He spent five minutes gazing at the man’s back, narrowing his eyes as if he was thinking about something, but it also looked as if he wasn’t thinking much too.

The clock ticked nine.

Gu Yixin gently hopped down from his bed and then went to wash his face and dress up. The suitcase was well prepared and was placed downstairs yesterday itself.

Before leaving, he turned back and returned to his bedroom. He squatted on the edge of the bed, and he watched Lu Mingshi’s face while holding his breath so as to not disturb his sleep.

Are you really not awake yet?

Gu Yixin whispered, “I’m leaving ah.”

Lu Mingshi with closed eyes gave a low “hmm”, indicating that he understood.

Looking really tired.

If it was before, it won’t be like this.

Gu Yixin was a bit puzzled. He naturally shifted his gaze to the belly that was covered.

He wanted to touch it again, but he restrained himself.

“Stay obedient.”

Gu Yixin said to the baby.

Then after playing with a handful of Lu Mingshi’s hair, he went downstairs.

You are reading story I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My Child at novel35.com

When Lu Mingshi woke up, Gu Yixin was gone again.

But this time there was actually a good goodbye.

But he didn’t understand one thing.

It was a good thing that the baby is not very fussy these days. It should have entered a stable period.

Lu Mingshi looked at his waist and felt that his belly had indeed become bigger again, so he thought that it was time to find An Qiao for a check-up.

But he wondered why he was more tired after doing it this time.

Lu Mingshi went to the hospital.

Since he had offended Lu Mingshi by encouraging Gu Yixin to run off, he had kept a low profile.

So when he saw him now, he tried to flatter him as much as possible.

Lu Mingshi ignored him and came straight to the point.

When An Qiao looked at the test results, his eyes widened in disbelief.

“ Bo… Boss”

An Qiao stammered.

When Lu Mingshi saw him acting in this way he got some ominous feeling.

There can’t be something wrong with the child, right?

He started to feel uncomfortable by just thinking like this.

Lu Mingshi became a little restless.

“You just say it. I can handle it all.”

An Qiao carefully said, “Boss, actually your baby ……”

Even by hearing just this much, Lu Mingshi was unable to take any more words from An Qiao.

So, is there really a problem with the baby?

Lu Mingshi’s heart started to ache.

My cub. My baby, who has been accompanying me for the past eight months…..

He placed his hand on his abdomen and he looked absent-minded.

No matter how much it costs or what it costs, I’m going to save my baby!

“An Qiao.” Lu Mingshi interrupted him, “Just get straight to the point. How can I solve the problem?”

An Qiao’s face twitched.

How come the boss became so serious suddenly? And why did the atmosphere become so gloomy?

It looked as if it was a life or death situation.

When An Qiao looked at Lu Mingshi, he didn’t even dare to take any big movement and he repeated.

“Boss, your baby is …… over-nourished.”


Lu Mingshi, ????

“Didn’t you always say that we need to supplement extra nutrition to him?” He asked incredulously, “Then how can he …… be …… over-nourished?”

An Qiao said, “ Sorry if I am being a bit rude but you and Mister Gu have been doing ahem intimate actions a bit too frequently lately.”

That’s complete nonsense. You can’t call it being frequent. We just do it every day and night.

Lu Mingshi stared at An Qiao and said after a while, “…… We just follow your medical advice.”

Boss, please don’t put the blame on me.

An Qiao thought.

But he had to take that blame.

Nervousness leaked out from the paralyzed face of his boss.

Clearly exposing his true face which was different from the strict one.

An Qiao conjured up a whiteboard from behind him and wrote a few simple calculations based on what happened for the boss.

“It is well known that the amount of energy replenishment is inversely proportional to the distance of contact and equally proportional to the duration of contact.”

“So let’s assume that the unit energy of replenishment required by the baby at a contact distance of 0 is X and the duration is a, and the unit energy at a further shortening of the contact distance, which will be a negative distance is Y and the duration is b.”

“Assume that the value of the energy required by the fetus is δ.”

“It is known that δ = aX, and Y = absolute value of negative contact distance X.”

“If we want δ = bY, then b = δ/Y to get b = aX/(absolute value of negative contact distance of X) = a/ absolute value of negative contact distance.”

Lu Mingshi got a rough idea on hearing these calculations.

An Qiao continued, “So my medical advice for you is that the best duration should be 24h*10 that is 240 hours for the contact x. If converted to the length of negative contact, then you should divide this value by the ‘absolute value of negative contact distance’.“

But at this point, the usually * thick-faced An Qiao couldn’t help being a bit embarrassed.


But he was a doctor. Explaining the correct medical condition of the patient to him/her is the responsibility of a doctor. So he couldn’t shy back.

So An Qiao had to ask one more question, which was necessary for understanding the effectiveness of the treatment.

“So boss, what is the specific absolute value of your ‘negative contact distance’ with Gu Yixin is ……”

For the first time in his life, Lu Mingshi looked flustered in front of An Qiao.

What should I do? I should be honest ah?

“Should …. Should it be accurate?”

An Qiao patted his shoulder in understanding.

“Boss, I know that it may be a bit of a psychological burden for you to say it directly to others. So it’s okay for you to pick up a calculator and convert the length of negative contact distance by yourself.”

Lu Mingshi absent-mindedly said, “No, that’s not it.”

The problem was not a psychological one, but it was completely a mathematical and physical problem.

An Qiao had a puzzled look on her face.

The boss is not such a thin-faced person, so why is he so tense now?


In this whole world, only Wei Junshan can understand his deeply stricken face.

At first, the Wei Junshan who had the power to guess with just one glance wasn’t able to measure Gu Yixin’s xx.

Later on a whim, he tried to measure Gu Yixin’s thing with a soft ruler.

But as soon as the soft ruler comes close to the xx, the numbers on it will all become blurred!

Lu Mingshi didn’t back off from his plan. He tried to use a tape ruler, a straight ruler, and even a dial caliper to measure his xx.

But he didn’t succeed all the time.

At last, he could only give up his plan.

Now as An Qiao asked him, this was the only thing that came into his mind was this huge *bug.

*errors as in a computer system

What should I do?

Lu Mingshi didn’t have any other method, so he could only take out his mobile phone with trembling hands and dial Gu Yixin’s number.

At this time, Gu Yixin had just gotten off the plane at the capital of the province.

Yes, the sports school is rich enough to buy economy class tickets for the athletes.

Gu Yixin was very satisfied with it.

The principal’s nephew as well as the coach accompanied him. The three of them got into the organizer’s car that came to pick them up, and right after they exchanged some pleasantries, Gu Yixin’s phone rang.

Both the coach and the nephew thought at the same time that it must be Gu’s clingy little lover again.

Gu Yixin said sorry and picked up the phone.

He didn’t notice that he had turned on the loudspeaker.

Anyways, right after he took the call, the eager voice of Lu Mingshi rang out through the phone.

“Hubby, there is something that I need to ask you directly. Tell me quickly what exactly is your xx’s length.? I want the exact number and it is urgent.”

Gu Yixin held the phone in his hands, dumbfounded.

The phone was silent for a while, only the sound of the air conditioner working was crystal clear.

The nephew gaped.

“ Sister in law, this…..”


The faces of the people there revealed astonishment, admiration, understanding, envy, and many other extremely complex emotions.

Translator’s corner

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