i realized i am powerful after 50 years of seclusion

Chapter 11: new tasks

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"what am I gonna do not that yi rong hast that strong of a foundation, many masters of the world will try to take her in as their disciple?" zhao ning asked himself

*Well, you can always take in disciples and when they get more powerful they can protect you.*

"yeah I should but where am I gonna get the disciples I don't know anybody who can help me with that," zhao ning thought about who he knew could help him ah how could I not have thought of that he is right in front is me hey yi cheng "I have a question I am looking to recruit some disciples and I need your help with finding the people I need"

"Of course, I will help you, what kind of disciples do you need?" Yi Chang asked

"well, I only need 10 disciples but can you get me about 1000 people that way I can jug them based on their qualifications and get the most talented people you can find if you can do this yi rong might forgive you seeing that you are trying to help people do things that they want." zhao ning said with a sly face

"How will I be able to spread the news around the city without telling them his identity" yi chang thought, then told zhao ning "I will do it." 

"ok, when will you be able to get it done?" zhao ning asked

"I should be able to get it done within the next 20 days." Yi Chang answered


"system I will take those tasks to take in disciples and make a sect." zhao ning told the system

*ok, hold on, I will get the tasks for you*

*here they are*

*~take in 10 disciples with excellent talent or above

task progression 0/10


tier 1 shop box (in this box there are any 10 things from the shop and it is completely random)

1,000,000 shop points

1 Reality realm pill manual~*


*make a sect that has at least 1 building 1 elder above the harmony realm and 100 disciples

building 0/1

elders 0/1

disciples 0/100


tier 3 shop box (you can only use this box when you unlock the tier 3 shop)

1,000,000 shop points

10 reality realm scriptures~*

"Why are you giving me Reality realm scriptures aren't that one of the most powerful scriptures that I can get" zhao ning said dumbfounded.

*yes, but to teach your disciples so you need to have the knowledge to support that*

"oh that makes sense well that should be that should we wait until yi rong is done" zhao ning said.

--2 hours later--

"how am I at the spiritual realm I broke through the profound realm and got to the 1 stage of the spiritual realm" yi rong said in complete shock.

"wow that is impressive you are not going to be bullied anymore but don't let the power go to your head you have to be humble with your power there will always be someone more powerful than you," zhao ning said as he started to stroke his invisible beard. 

"yeah I know I have never had a power like this but I will use this power for good, not evil" yi rong said with a softened voice.

"now that you are done let's look at what is in those space rings"

"ok let me open them" zhao ning said to yi rong

"let's see what is in here system can you list the things that are in the ring" zhao ning said under his breath.

*ok hold on host*

*~space ring 1 content

  1. 500 million gold
  2. incomplete Heavenly Secret Origin Technique
  3. 1500 spirit stones
  4. 15 imperial scriptures
  5. 45 reality scriptures
  6. 25 million books on random subjects (I would recommend reading all of these; it has some things that will help you in the future. 
  7. 15000 True Pills
  8. 120 million other items

space ring 1 content

  1. 1 billion gold
  2. complete Heavenly Secret Origin Technique (it would not be recommended for yi rong to learn this until she enters the emperor realm)
  3. 15000 spirit stones
  4. 100 imperial scriptures
  5. 300 reality scriptures
  6. 120 million books on random subjects (I would recommend reading all of these; it has some things that will help you in the future. 
  7. Emperor Pills
  8. 1 note to yi rong
  9. 500 million other items~*

"hey, yi rong I have something to give it is from your mom" zhao ning said.

"oh, then can everybody leave the room for a little bit," yi rong said in a saddened voice.

"Yes, we will give you, your space" everyone said at the same time.

You are reading story i realized i am powerful after 50 years of seclusion at novel35.com

thank you, yi rong said to everybody

as zhao ning was walking out, he told yi rong that if she needs him after she reads the letter,


what does she want to say to me, yi rong thought?

hello my beautiful child

I hope you can forgive me for leaving so early in your life but the thing is I don't belong to this world I come from the higher realm it is called the Small Chaos in contrast to its name it is a beautiful place to live but when I came to the smaller realm I had a mission and I did not have much time before I had to leave when I had you I could only be in your life for a little bit I hope I can see you again and don't think I won't come to the lower realm it is cause I can't after the Emperor path was cut off it made it impossible for people to ascend to the higher realm but it also does the same for us with it cut off we can't go into the lower realm sorry I am getting sidetracked what I am trying to say I hope that in your life even if it is a little chance I hope you can ascend and meet me and my family you would love them I hope I can see you soon

-Feng Xia

P.S. This paper will help me find you when you get into Small Chaos, all you have to do is burn it and I will be able to track you done.

at the end of the paper, yi rong was in tears, thinking that she wants to see her mom so much and that she misses her so much.


hey zhao ning, can you come here? Yi rong said through the tears.

"Yes, I am right here," Zhao ning said

"I want to train harder," yi rong said with determination. 

"ok well I will have to get your items ready to cultivate it will not be an easy path"

Yes, I know that is why I am going to do anything to make myself stronger. I swear yi rong said with determination

"what was in that letter to make her so determined to cultivate" zhao ning thought.

"can I see that letter real quick if it is okay with you," Zhao ning asked?

"yes here you are," yi rong said 

zhao ning reads the letter and asks the system about the fact of the ascending problem.

*well, the reason is because one of the emperors of old was too powerful and when he ascended he broke the ascender path one can still go into the emperor's realm but it is way harder to do so with the fact that there is no path to control it*

"so what you are telling me none of my disciples will be able to ascend to the higher realm" zhao ning asked

*no that is not what I was saying the path should be fixed in at least 10 years so that gives you enough time to train your disciples up to the emperor realm but it will be hard to do so cause of the rare chances to go into the emperor realm*

"what are the items that They would need to into the emperor realm," Zhao ning asked.

*they would need emperors luck*

"can I buy it from the shop," Zhao ning asked

*yes you are, but there are different tiers of emperor's luck*

"What are they" zhao ning asks

*Well it goes by

novice tier emperor's luck

shop price 100,000

masters tier emperor's luck

  • shop price 1,000,000

grandmasters emperor's luck

  • shop price 10,000,000

heavenly tier emperor's luck

  • shop price 100,000,000

godly tier emperor's luck

  • shop price 1,000,000,000

and that's it; it does not go past that*

"so you am going to have to get a tier 4 shop to buy godly emperor's luck," zhao ning said. 

*yes you will*

"that is too troublesome I don't want to think of what I am gonna have to do to get that money" zhao ning thought.

*well, you can always get that money from yi rong*

"no I won't take others' money that is left to her by her mother I will only take the money if she gives it to me and that is the end of the dissgusition" Zhao ning said.



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