I Refuse To Be Maidenless But At What Cost

Chapter 5: The beautiful embodiment of rage

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It's been over an hour, and since then I have been practicing how to shoot with these twin monstrosities of a pistol.


Since then, I have fired twenty shots, I wish I could shoot more, but the bullets I use are rather special, and if the knowledge about the Miasma pistol skill is true, then each shot I fire using my gun, is [-1] hp off from my life for every shot, I take.


So for my quick training on how to use these babies better, I tried different stances, to get used to the recoil, which is very powerful, however, after practicing a few stances and experimenting with the different ways I can hold it.


I found out the best way, for me to use these guns for beginners like me, is simply using one instead of two, while I shoot with both hands as I have better control over it this way.


But as I spend my hour practicing shooting, I almost shoot myself, as it recoils back into my face, talk about a near-death experience so early on.


But it was because of this, that I began experimenting with the way I hold it in the first place, I even went ahead to give my two partners names, as I feel like this might be my go-to weapon from here on out, as im not talented with a sword, a spear, much less a shield or another weapon.


As a herbalist im more of a support type of character, as I can make healing potions and also poison, but seeing that using a gun is much more convenient than an actual sword, I feel like these two babies of mine are the way to go.


I even gave them names, the red one is called Lilith, and the black one is called Eve, and what I notice about my two babies is the fact the way they were created as if the bullets were in a thick coffin chamber or something else.


As these guns were never meant or made to reload, instead If I have the blood to spare I could spam these two beauties to my heart's content.


And while I was also practicing manipulating my shadow, and it was easier than I thought, it was as simple as giving form to what is in my mind, however, the form it takes isn't affected enough to be used as a weapon.


If anything I did find a useful enough use for it, well two actually, and this is rather convenient seeing my current situation.

And how I manage to utilize my shadow manipulation despite it being at level one, well if you were to look at me, then you would notice, that I was no longer naked, instead, I now wear black military pants made from shadows, along with the full black boots as well that was also made from shadows.

On my hands were a pair of black gloves, and to finish my current outfit I had going on at this moment, then I would say that around my face was a black blindfold, of course, I could see through it, despite it being made from nothing but shadows, and I know you must be wondering what the purpose of these blindfold is.


Well after thinking long and hard, If im going to kill Jada, I can't let them see my face, I already have the entire murder plan out, if im correct there still raiding my house to find any treasure the legendary sir Joshua my grandfather left behind.

Of course, my grandfather left a will for me, but it's not in the house, no he said he left his greatest treasure in the Virgin kingdom, at Madam Eteria whore house, which is located in the most dangerous kingdom of all, a country that commits atrociousness in the name of God, or pure pleasure and selfishness.

It is also the place where the deadliest organization, and assassin organization resided, C.R.O.S.S, house of the sadistic order, an assignation group compiled of nothing but different women called maidens.

I have heard any who cross path with C.R.O.S.S die horrible and painful death that define agony perfectly.

But yeah apart from making clothes from the shadow around me I also learn this trick using my shadows.

Right after I gaze at another giant stone about the same size as me, with that said I back up about ten meters, and from there I look at my shadow, as it began to transform into multiple dark black chains.

I then will the chains made from my shadow to wrap around the rock, and right after the rock was properly tied by my shadow chain, which I created for the sole purposes of keeping the enemy in one place.

I tighten the grip and pull it towards me.

"Haaa.... this is good, with this I don't have to worry about the target getting away."

"However I think this is enough, I should make my way to the corner of the Gangbang woods if I remember correctly it should be somewhere near the creampie waterfalls, which should be a thirty-minute walk from here, and after I reach I should have about thirty minutes to play with before the target arrives."

"Ok let's get going that should also be in a safe zone, so I don't have to worry about monsters or wild animals, as the chance of running into one would be low."

With that said, I walk towards the creampie waterfall, the objective or the plan is to immobilize the target either by restraining him with shadow chains, but if push comes to shove I will probably have to blow off a limb.

My problem with this plan, however, is that let's say I blow off a leg, he will die of blood loss, if I don't stop the bleeding, I don't want him to die, the mission is to make him suffer as long as possible and also to save a little girl.

But the village Pedo, if I remember correctly that is... agh fuck me.

"Wasn't the village Pedo, Maxwell the Orc hunter, shit he one of the village strongest, wait doesn't he has the annoying ability as well, fuck this is going to be harder than I thought."

"Fuck he is also one of that bastard men, Goddammit why is the world so fuck up, little children are the last things anyone should ever target for their sexual desires, awwww... I swear to you Cake Pussy, I hate killing, but you, that muscular pig, the bitch, and all your lackey are the sole exception because any of you dying an easy death will just leave a bad taste in my mouth."


"Fuck it, I have decided, if the world is too lazy to send you to the Goddess door, let me be your guide, and send you personally to her, I need to follow in grandpa's example and clean up where it's dirty, however, though what happens after I killed all my targets."


At that question, I went silent, as I began to think seriously to myself, because if I killed the bitch and the queer, what will happen next, where will I go next because I can't stay in the village.

"Maybe, I should go to the Virgin kingdom, it has the highest crime rates, and seeing that the system says that it attracts beautiful women through criminal activities, it's the best place for growth."

"Although in the Virgin Kingdom, they don't have mercenary guilds, which is an organization, that deal with monsters is the most useful term for them are misfits, instead they have slayer organization, assassination campaigns, drug lords, and local gang members, so my new life as a criminal will have to be something that fit the standards of Virgin kingdom, hmmm.... with alchemy I could become a drug lord, however, my understanding of firearms, and also bomb creation, are useful, maybe I could sell weapons, it would make a lot of money, see that place is filled with some the most dangerous people in the world.... yeah let's just take thing one step at a time though."


"Well, then it's time to kill a Pedo."

From there I began running towards the creampie waterfalls, the plan was simple the place is large and the probability of me finding two people there is kind of unlikely, so my only option is to maintain the high ground, as I observed from the skies.

That way I could find the target, and cease its existence.

So after about twenty-five minutes of running and climbing, I found a high spot, near the slop of the waterfall, I have to be careful because if I slip from there its game over, and don't want to die either, which is kind of ironic since I wanted to kill myself about two and half hours back.

But life is a funny thing when at the very lowest we think negative thoughts, but when we are given a second chance that can change our life for the better, and we are sure it's certain, we tend to think that we are hot shit, despite being at the very bottom moments ago.

Well, I'm different, I can accept the fact that I am nothing without this power I received, I don't know why but grandpa has thought me never to depend on anyone much less people.

But I don't have anything else, so with this power that was not mine originally, I shall walk the path of a Gangster chad, that dreams to be spoiled by bountiful and beautiful Yandere women of all flavors and sizes.

(A/N): Remember he still doesn't know what a Yandere is.

But as I was thinking this, I began to hear screaming coming from the North, I carefully make my way to the edge, slowly trying to get to the other side to get a better view.

"Awww... unhand me... you filthy mongrel.... how dare you touch me... in such a way, I swear as soon as my maid finds your ass, your ass is dog food, you hear me."


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"Hahah.... just shut up kid, what will your maid do, throw a dish at me, ohhhh let me guess, she going to sweep the floor with my ass...pff....hahaha don't let me laugh kid, well anyways, I like it when they put up a fight... you will be crying my name in no time, especially with this luscious ass of yours."

"Awwww.... fuckkkk!!!.. someone helps me from this mongrel... he going to R.ape me, Damit can't a fucking a maiden, a cute rose as myself..... go one day without being fucking kidnap."

Spoke an angry girl, with a toxic voice, which was ringing in my ears, of course, the voice of a familiar person could also be heard.

"Shit I'm almost there, if I could get close to him, I could bind him with shadow chains."

As I get closer, I manage to get a glimpse of the girl and the man in front of me.

All I could say was that the girl was extremely beautiful.

She had an angry facial expression, and her profound and toxic language makes me wonder if she really is a little kid, although her body size or height is really that of a child, or maybe a young girl entering her pre-teen years.

Although her features are something else, she was at least 4'3 in height, and she wears a goth-like fashion appearance because on her was what I believed to be a dress I guess, only the dress was black and had red roses design pattern on it.

Meanwhile, the dress was made in a way where her underwear could be seen, and what was more messed up was the fact that she was wearing a lace black thong, where her cameltoe could clearly be seen, who dresses children in such a way.

The dress matched her red lace stockings, she had a giant spike bracelet on both her hands, and her skin was also fair and beautiful white, meanwhile, she had a red rose eye patch on her right eye, and a choker around her neck.

But her features were cough, cough not that of a child, instead, her face was beautiful despite it being a child-like and angry as fuck, she had a perfect thigh, and also a nice pair of E-cup boobs, she had a lot of fancy jewelry on her as well, her hair had a pair of fancy big giant black drills reaching her back, while she also had purple lipstick plaster upon her lips.

"Fucking small dick, oversize cartwheel... I will have your ball for this you hear me."

"Hahaha.... I find myself a juicy prey today, to think someone would let their noble child get away from their manor and actually make them come to the Pussy festival, it's my lucky day, you're the most beautiful child I have ever seen so far, yummy-yummy."

"Agh get away from me, you phimosis Creep."

"Hahaha.... oh these are so soft, I can't hold back."

"Fuck you.... do you even see yourself, you look more like a half malnutrition orc that cross with roach... aww disgusting, your breath smell worse than ass and vomit, and get your disgusting hands away from tits you creep."


I could definitely see, that Maxwell didn't take well to that offense, because right after he began bitch slapping her face while saying.

"Shut up you cunt, you are nothing but a toy."




"A stupid thick and luscious toy, now shut up like a good bitch, and let me plow that soil real go... AWww Aghhhh Ahhh, fucking bitch my fINGERS!!!"

But as I was watching this shit play out, something crazy was happening, because, at this point, Maxwell was slapping her with munch vigor but was he doing that, shawty went crazy as hell.

It was as if she was just waiting for an opportunity because right after, she bit Maxwell right pinky, ring, and middle finger clean off with her teeth and spit out right out.


But Maxwell didn't pay her mind, as his screen echoes throughout the Gangbang woods.

"Fuckkkk....ehaaaa.... I going to fuUcKing kill Y...You... aGhh this hURTs!!"

But shawty wasn't done, no she literally did a back flip while her hands were tied, behind her back, to get some distance between herself and the pig.


But she felt a sudden pain coming from her finger and when she look, one fingernail was on the ground, at that moment I knew Maxwell fuck up.

"Fucking mongrel look what you made me do, you made me break a nail."

At those words her face converted into one of pure anger, I could feel her rage from her, but was a nail more important than the fact that she was almost R.ape.

Well, whatever it even got me trembling despite being from a safe distance.

"Im taking an eye for that."


Said Maxwell in painful shock.

"Say what?"

I respond to that painful threat.

But as I ask this question, I really and truly could only ask, who needs the saving this short beautiful embodiment of rage and bad-mouthing, or that disgusting scum to society.

Because honestly, right after, the beautiful embodiment of rage, suddenly raised her feet taking a martial arts pose, as if ready to kill this thing with her legs alone, and right after both of her shoes back and front popped out knives from under the heels, and then she did a beautiful side kick to his face, which in turn take out his left eye.


"AWWW AHHH... UGHH.... you bitch!"


I said in pure shock, but right after, the man suddenly laughed.

As he said.

"Well, well, Aghh it hurts.... but hahaha my lower erotic force ability should be activating.....Aggh...Awhhh.... ugh...hahahahaaHaAhahaha... I will enjoy fucking you to death, as it will be my greatest nut ever"

And when I look closer Maxwell's signature skill, [Son of the Orcs] starts to kick in, because his fingers and even his eye she stabs out, began to regenerate all his missing limbs, including his damaged eye, but you could tell he looks tired from just that.

But the beautiful embodiment of rage didn't give up as she said.

"So what you grow back more limbs to cut off, come then... pig hen."

"Your feisty, but lucky for me, I brought a few friends with me, who wanted to fuck new holes in you, after I was finished, why don't you introduce yourself to the lovely lady, boys."




With that said tree figures emerge from the bushes, laughing with a sick expression, it honestly disgusts me, but never the less this is getting worse.

Shit, I have to act now so with that said I aim at the head of one of the men that came, my finger shake a little, as I never killed a person before, but I had to man up, it's either me or them and with that said.


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